《The Big Red Button》Prolouge: I guess I shouldn't have done that?


I have no clue where I am, and no clue how I got here...

Scratch that. I have a bit of an idea, but explaining it might take a while.


I was at work, working hard at my job, which wasn't very hard to begin with. All I had to do was sit in a room and guard a button. I was never told what the button did, just not to let anyone touch it.

Not that anyone would ever find the god damn thing anyways.

The thing was inside a 10 by 10 foot empty room that no one goes to. To get into the room you need to get through the door that requires a specific keycard that only 3 other people have. Before you even get to this door, you need to make it through the whole bulding to get to the staircase, as they had no elevator. A working one at least. Once you make it to the stairs, you have to go to the 30th floor. And when I say the 30th floor, I mean down.

'30 f*cking floors and we have no working elevator! This is why my legs are so beautiful! But I would trade them without a second thought if I could get the elevator fixed!'

The thing had been broken before he even got hired for god's sake! If the pay wasn't as good as it was, he would have quit the same week he was hired.

The amount of money he earned from this wasn't really all that much, but for what his job was, it might as well had been the lottery. All he had to do was sit in a chair and make sure no one came in the room. He'd wake up at 11 AM, do his morning routines, makes his way over to the room and switch out with the other security guard, and then just sit and watch the button for 12 hours.


As you can imagine, watching a button for 12 straight hours can be very boring, so sometimes the man would imagine what it was the button did. They never told him what it did, and everytime he saw the button he had a small desire to push it to find out. Of course he never did, fearing to lose such a great job, but after 5 months of working at the company, his curiosity was reaching it's limits.

So one day, after he had switched with his companion in boredom and curiosity, he had finally lost to the temptation, and decided to push it.

He rose from his wooden chair( quite a weird thing to have in such a modern and well profiting company), and began walking towards the button. Each step he took seemed to just make the 5 months of curiosity become even more unbearable. After taking a few large and slightly fast steps, he had reached the red button.

The button was 5 inches in diameter and protruding from a 3 foot talk metallic gray pedestal. The pedestal was the only thing in the room and was directily connected to the floor, as if it had always been there. No seams of any kind except for around the button.

As the man examined the button and pedestal like he has for the past 5 months. Looking at the button caused a moment of hesitation from the man, but he continued of a few seconds.

As he pressed the button, he felt something akin to electricity flow through his body, and felt his right arm, the one he had pressed the button with, go numb from the shoulder down. The man, no panicing, began to back away unsteadily and fell over after a few steps.

He just sat there for a few minutes breathing heavily whole trying to come out of shock before he actually succeded. It was then he noticed that the whole room had begun flashing with red emergency lights and was filled with the ear-splitting noise of alarms.


It was then that the man knew he was scrwed, and would be fired as soon as his superiors made it to him, as he had no doubt they knew he had pressed the button. He decided to make a run for it and hope they thought someone had broken in while he was off slacking somewhere else.

Unfortunately for him, he never got the chance. Before he could even make it to the door, the blearing alarms were replaced by a loud explosion. This was followed by shaking, enough to knock him on his ass for the second time.


The room began to fill with cracks, staining the perfect smoothness of it's walls, floor and ceiling. small pieces of rubble began to fall from above. Some hit the man, though none of them were big enough to injure him.

Before the man could beg God for mercy, the rumbling and shaking stopped. The man stared blankly at the ceiling, half expecting it to just collapse on him. Seeing that it wasn't, he just laid down and after some time, he came to a conclusion.

"I am so fired, aren't I?"

It was then he was crushed from the ceiling collapsing on him.

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