《The Big Red Button》Chapter One- The Mighty God Named George


Author’s Note: As this series is just starting and the views haven’t even reached 100 as of the writing of this chapter, I feel it needs to be said that I have no prior experience in story telling/writing. Any criticism is not just wanted, but needed desperately. I’m also just pulling everything out of my ass for now so sloppiness is unavoidable. To those of you who are reading this, please try to enjoy this, despite its blatant lack of quality. I will try to not fuck this up, but I won’t make promises.

Being crushed to death was surprisingly painless.

You don’t die as quickly as you think you would while being squished under tons of dirt, concrete, and metal. After being crushed I just lost all feeling in my body. Besides my thoughts I was basically alone in darkness for a few minutes before I just slipped away. During that time, I chose to think about my life till now, because I didn’t get to relieve it in one of those stereotypical life flashing before my eyes moments; just darkness and regret.

I grew up in a poor family of four with not many friends. Sure, I had a friend here and there, but we eventually drifted away naturally. We always did, every single time. I never had a friend for more than a few years at most, and those I did manage to stick with for more than one year can be counted on 2 fingers.

The spaces in between when I had friends was when I would just stay by myself, not bothering to speak with other my age unless spoken to. And nobody talked to me that much besides my family, and I still didn’t talk to them as much as I really should have. It’s because of my tendency to glare. It’s not like I do it on purpose, I just have eyes that do that. It didn’t help that I usually had bags under my eyes from staying up late, which made me looked like an annoyed depressed emo kid.


I usually had my hair semi-long as I didn’t like haircuts, always made me uncomfortable having a bladed object that close to my head.

Back to the topic on hand- my family. There was my mother my father and my sister. All of us had dark brown hair, me and my father having a darker shade of brown though; same with our eyes, all of us had brown eyes.

Besides being poor, we your run of the mill family, nothing special about us, you wouldn’t be able to distinguish us from any other family on the block. Despite that, I wouldn’t trade them for anything on the Earth. Not even the planet itself would be enough for me to give away my family, and I’d be damn sure to beat the shit out of anyone who tried to take them.

Anyways, I’m sure that you’re bored listening to me talk about my family, let’s continue on with the important stuff, like where in the hell I am right now. I looked around and all I could see was endless white, nothing more. It could stretch on for miles or just last for ten feet and end, I wouldn’t know. The whole place being the same color made it impossible for me to tell.

I looked down to see if my body was alright, seeing as how it was crushed just a few moments ago. What I saw couldn’t be my body, as it was much thinner and lean than mine. Yet it was attached to me, and I could move it fine, though it was a bit awkward feeling.

After a sudden thought, I quickly looked to check if my precious member was still there and was glad to see that it was. With that out of the way I was out of ideas on what to do so I just floated there for a bit, did I mention that I was floating? I don’t think I did, but it doesn’t really matter.

Getting bored after just a couple seconds, I decided to try and spin myself. I started flailing my arms in an attempt at moving, and failing miserably. I persisted at this for what I think to be about 3-4 minutes before a noise interrupted me.



The noise startled me, and I quickly spun around to face the direction of the noise, even though I failed all my other attempts at moving. What I saw was a man, about 6 foot, wearing a t-shirt, a denim jacket and… jogging pants. His hair was a light bluish green, and came mid-way down his back. The strange combination of clothing baffled me for a second.

I raised my arm in a still waving form and said,


The man seemed amused for some reason.

“Never seen someone react so nonchalantly in your situation before.”

“I do feel oddly calm for being naked and floating in an endless white void.”

I don’t why I feel so calm, I just do. I don’t think the man has an explanation for me, as he seemed so not know why either. I decided to ask the most important question I could think of, “Can I at least get some pants? And of a different variety than yours?”

The man replied, “If you so wish, but I prefer going clothing free, though nobody seemed to like it when I met them with no clothes on, so the other gods have made me wear clothes at least when I meet them or other people.” That explains his bad choice in clothing.

A pair of blue jeans appeared on me as if by magic. Glad to finally be in some clothing, I decided to talk to George.

“So you’re a god?”

“You could call us that. We only refer to ourselves as that because that’s what you seem to call us.”

“Do you have a name?”


That sounded like a very weird name for a god, but this god was pretty weird already. Just imagine it though, people praying to the mighty and all-powerful god George. The thought made me chuckle slightly. Seeing as the god was so nice as to give me his name, I decided to return the pleasure.

“Nice to meet you, I’m #@$%^....”



Why can’t I say my name, speaking of, what was it again? I know I had one, but whenever I try to think of it, it feels like I’m getting farther and farther away from remembering it. George answered my question as if he could read my mind, and he probably could, seeing as how he’s a god.

“Sorry, I nearly forgot to tell you, you seemed so interesting. You’ve forgotten your name because you’ve died. As your name was associated with your body and not your soul, your name has been revoked from you and will be replaced after you are given another one.”

“Oh,” was the only reply I could give as I had yet to regain my ability to panic. Losing my name didn’t seem so bad, as long as I could remember my family’s names. My mother Sarah, my father Jack, and my sister Janice.

“So when will I get a new name?”

“Usually, you would be given one by your parents after your born.”


“Yes usually, as there can be many circumstances that lead to a child not being named, let’s not go through them as they tend to be rather sad.”

I would have stopped him if he had tried to go through them, I’ve always hated sad things.

“But fret not, as this risk will not apply to you, as I will name you myself!”

“Why would you do that?”

“I find you interesting, something hard to come by if you’ve lived for billions of years!”

“Okay, go for it.”

The god smirked and a glint of childlike mischievousness in his eyes.

“I hereby name thee….!”

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