《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 28 Lydia’s eventful encounter


Lydia POV (Ling Yue)

It’s been two weeks since I’ve been here. Ok a week to heal completely and the past few weeks of torture. Mental torture that is due to this insane place. It allows you to have 2 hours or less by sleeping and feel like you slept 10 hours. I know for a fact it’s due to the rich energy environment on this land. Though it doesn’t help me mentally with all the stress. Seriously those dragons are insane on chasing me when I’m trying to feed them. Hiding inside a cave is helpless too, blending in with the grass isn’t an option. Their sense of smell is so damn annoying. Idiot Lydia who attacked Luna because she tried telling a baby 3 year old the truth.

Damn this schedule is more hellish than my training with the assassin squads my bastard of father made. Well more gross than the part where we as kids have to kill each other. Why do you ask because they the other priestesses decided to push dragon feedingtime onto me. Sure it bugs me that my sprinting, running, sneakingand dodging skills is leveling up from this. I will not say how my cursed schedule is now. But after I take a bath in the host springs here I like just drop on my bed. That’s how I feel every day here for the past week or so. Then there’s the fact that I’m having muscle pains from all the running. I mean the other classes are ok but my brain feels crammed with information and learning all the concepts.

It’s like human summer camp but 800 x worst. That’s how I feel, heck the feeding dragons is wearing me down more than anything else. How the heck does she even keep a wind and lightning dragons as pets. I’m glad they have free time once a month. Because today is the 31st of September here. Yes it’s always the end of the month, bad news is that the girls here either spar or they’re busy with that. By that I mean there’s no guys here and only girls so you can expect some annoying romance here. (She’s not into any romance yet here because she’s in a different body and has zero wish to interfere with Lydia’s choice later on.)

So here I am in the training grounds with the 15 older girls than me fighting. Well there’s 30 of them older than me that I saw here so far. But I didn’t expect one of them to pull me into the arena. It was some black haired girl who looked 30 years old. Well in formal priestess outfit.

“I Terri Media will challenge you to a duel.”

“Why the heck are you glaring at me with those purple eyes.”

“Why the heck does Luna think you’re so special.”

I dodged her punch towards my face, then side stepped her kick. Wow, running away from dragons actually helped my speed.

“Flying Empress kick.” (Terri)

The flying kicks stunned me, I can’t believe she’s the inheritor of that person. This series of move was made by one person we know about even in our era. Snow Empress, she isn’t a ice immortal but she’s a celestial race. But she wasn’t the ruler of the celestial race. Their world is separated from this world, where the celestial emperor or empress rule over the fairies, immortals and other celestials. Though I got kicked in the face when I was in shock from her kicks. Seriously the one who created the moves can put a human to shame.


Her series of kicks made her so famous due to her subduing dragons and Phoenixes with nothing but her kicks. The Snow Empress has many nicknames Snow White, kickboxing master, illusion empress, dragon tamer, demonic princess, and shadow. There were more titles but it was lost over the time. But I nearly forgot she lived in this same era as the gods era. Meaning Luna knew her true identity and somehow one of her priestess knows her moves.

I wiped the blood off my lips, my eyes turned cold when I looked at the other girl. I maybe younger than you in this current body. But don’t underestimate my experience as a assassin. Instead I tilted my head when she shouted her next skill.

“Ice prism kick.”

“Seriously you should say the skill after you attack instead.” (Lydia)

That way I don’t know how you’re gonna move next. That last kick though I’ve seen it often in our era. Most modern seen skill that spread out from the Snow Empress that’s still in use now. I ducked low and bent my body forward in a lunge towards her as she tried to do the ice lotus spinning kick. Which needed one leg to be stable so I took her down with me. I will make her regret underestimating me for my age. Instead of saying anything I grabbed her with my tail (technically Lydia’s tail) to pin her down on the ground as I preceded to toss her out of the ring since she was still in shock.

I maybe 3 years old here but my physical strength is as strong as a devil demon type. Meaning carrying a large gas truck at this age is no problem. She screamed when she was thrown out, which made me eye roll at her. I almost felt pity for her when she landed in the tree upside down. As for the reason why this training arena is next to the dragons’ den. I decided to grab lunch since I was tired from all the glares I’m getting from that stupid duel. Just great, (sarcasm) I can hear someone making out next door to the dinning hall.

I’ll ignore that, but when I walked into the hall I nearly cursed out loud. Why you ask because there’s 5 - 7 year olds here eating their lunch. It’s inappropriate for some idiot people to even do anything next door. If I was older and more powerful in this body I’d at least half kill them. I ate quickly and went to check their so called gym, I am curious since I haven’t been there before.

But what greeted me left me stunned the moment I opened the door. A arm flew towards me, which I ducked from. It was a bloody massacre happening here. There goes a flying head to my left. Is that an eyeball flying towards me. It’s like hell let loose some sort of beast in human skin here and she’s ripping people apart with her hands and mouth.

When I used observe on her I got the dragon princess Silvia Lin.What is with so many historical figures and their students ending up here. This one is the student of the mad scientist Rei. Also known for his annoying post apocalypticzombies that can evolve, has acid like poison blood and can exhaust even gods and immortal in a fight. I shudder when I remembered being stuck in one city with those zombies. They adapt and evolve so fast in one fight and always goes in groups and when they’re about to lose the damn things calls for back ups.


Though seeing his student here made me cringe. I hope this is before he went all nuts completely and created those things in one of the modern city. Which spread to quite a few cities and town in his time era. Right I never did explain the crazy common sense here,cities, villages and towns that are modernized are connected for those that live there. It’s only in special cases they end up in that grass plain in between. Same rules applies to the specific time zone unless it’s family like mine, those from the demon world and special family like Hina’s descendants.

But my eyes went to the other 15 year old girl and I froze seeing her here. No, rather how the hell is this person alive in my era. Ermina Velvet from the royal Phoenix. I mean I thought she was just kidding back then when she said she’s too old to count her age. It was impossible for Phoenixes to live more than 10,000 years old. So this stunned even me seeing her young self before me. This gods era is older than that so seeing her here is surprising for even me. I ducked when I saw half the upper body flying towards me.

“Ermina, you will never be able to win me.” (Silvia)

I can’t tell her hair color due to it being covered in blood and she’s now holding a half dead girl.

“Even if I know that they revive back in their room, this is foul play Silvia. Who are you to decide who’s the most powerful at this camp this way by challenging everyone and massacring them when they least expect it. Doesn’t a dragon knight like you have at least some pride and honor as a knight.” (Ermina)

“Oh please Ermina don’t play that damn game on me. See I still won in the end didn’t I.” (Silvia)

“At the price of killing those on your teams as well.”

“Well they don’t call me the unpredictable queen of death for no reason right. It’s also because to me it doesn’t matter who’s side you’re on. Because once your dead you’re nothing more than parts.”

“These girls have more choice and more respect than you will ever have.”

“Oh please this coming from the greatest historian and walking encyclopedia ever known.”

“Don’t mock me Silvia.”

Now I’m scared for Lydia if she challenges her when I’m not here and she kills baby Lydia. Even if they can revive perfectly fine in their room, she will be traumatized for life. Damn I’ll try to get as much sleep in as I can on my end as well hopefully there won’t be 3 hour gap like Luna suggested from her tone when she sent me here. But my eyes went to Ermina who had her light purple hair without a speck of blood. I was left stunned when they both looked at me in surprise. I’m still stunned at the door at these two. One of them is without any blood on her and the other is in middle of the gym on top of body parts.

So not thinking of pissing these two scary people. I slowly backed away when I noticed Silvia smile at me. Ermina glared at her which made me sigh. I know for a fact this body is not up for the challenge when it comes to these two. One looks unstable, the other is a calm collected person but scary when she’s pissed off. I know due to her being one of my teachers my mom hired for both me and my other child friend who’s also a Phoenix. Whom of which I’m forgetting about due to any annoying spell.

“Clearly I want nothing to do with you two. I just came to have a look at the place. Not participate in some sort of stupid massacre challenge.” (Lydia)

Well I walked away since I noticed at least the door had a barrier so that also means I won’t get killed longest I don’t walk inside. Damn, I should build up some muscle memory and reflexes just in case for Lydia. I have zero clue when I might pop back into her life. I might as well train her body reflexes as much as I can in this week or month before I wake up to my other life. It doesn’t sit well with me if I left a 3 year old with these kind of people here.

Oh fuck it all why does my room mate have to be her of all people. One infamous person even known by my father’s clan, Remelia Hearts. She massacred our clans 5 generations straight. Starting with this era it’s actually her first one, that she first started her killing spree on my family. It was like she had a grudge with the elders. Now I know why. Her golden hair is still the same as ever as the picture back in my ancestor’s diary. Only she looked 6 years old right now. Natural born genius and fast learner, she puts even those ninja geniuses to shame. If she saw you do it once she can do it after two tries.

“I-I’m Remelia H-Hearts. N-nice to m-meet you.” (Remelia)

This is so not the cool, yet cold beauty. Ancestors diaries describes her as a person full of hate towards the Azual elders and towards those like my father personality wise. Meaning the current her isn’t like that yet, wonder if Lydia is the fuse to lit that hatred. Guess I’ll have her take care of Lydia if I’m not here. I know this person is the responsible kind too.

“I’m Lydia Azual. Well you can say I’m like a second persona (half white lie) for the current her. So do take care when the original is out. She’s more of a child than I am after all she’s 3 years old only. Right I wanted to know if you know how to develop another persona.” (Lydia)

“O-Ok, I’ll take care of her. But what do you mean creating another persona.”

“Right they never taught you girls that. Well it’s common sense to the outside world but traumatizing events can also lead to it but the 2nd option is create one of your free will. Then it’ll combine with you when you’re older. Just that you have to create a background and race setting for it. Then later when you’re older it fuses with you but it’ll be like being in two places at once. Just different personalities, hobbies and habits as well as skills.” (Lydia)

“Are you also one.” (Remelia)

See now she’s no longer timid this does interest her in a way. But yes it’s normal here due to the different time eras existing all at once inside this world.

“No, but an example is say you want change or certain intelligence. An example would be to create a persona with high intelligence in engineering and technology building. Or if you want to be a assassin you have to create a background story or customize the family setting for your 2nd persona before sending her out to the world. It’s also because we have so many time eras out there that we can do this.”

“Oh how do you customize then.”

“I don’t know about that part since I’ve never done so. I have heard a few times from Luna (present era one) and my mother (decease) about it. Though I’m sure the teachers here might know more about that information.” (Lydia)

Seems like she knows this will help more by integrating information from outside and learning more skills from outside. As well as learning inside here. If she did and combined a little later, she gets both memories and skills it’s a win win situation for her and anyone else in same situation. Well not for Lydia since I know she’s not developed enough to go that much into details on the background and settings for the persona to develop.

See Remelia is nodding as if she just realized the speed she can speed up learning things. Takes a genius to know better than anyone else how to learn skills and collect information on the outside world. Well I’ll take my needed time to learn how to fight in the private training room we each have. Haven’t used that thing since I came here. Since it might cause me more strain on this body if I put it on hard mode. Yes there’s a difficulty mode in there. But I’ll just train with the wooden golems there on my skills.

To get some muscle memories in and I’ll ask Luna to change my schedule up so I have some free time to make her have some reflexes to certain situations. I just need to contact her first, though for that I need a magic scroll. Maybe I’ll ask her to cram it in on weekends. Instead of using those days for such things as her crazy schedule though it’s effective.

Especially so since there’s special inscriptions written into the textbooks. Then practical lessons hands on and lectures. Let’s see I see a teacher up a head to my left. Which is in front of the training room which has my name on it. She’s the old lady I saw back when Luna dropped me off the rough way. White hair, a priestess outfit and wrinkly as ever. No offense but she seems cranky as ever.

“Bachan do you have a magic scroll. One which isn’t used so I can contact someone.” (Lydia)

And she’s glaring at me for calling her Bachan, which also means grandma. Hey who can judge me, she looks old too. Not my fault she does I think I’ll ask her name later. She did give me the scroll though she went away murmuring something. All I could hear is she’s too tired to argue with kids.

So my message went something like this too Luna:

“Hey Luna this is Yue (using her middle part of her name) who’s inside Lydia,

My request is can you change her weekend schedule to be inside the training room. Can you also get her some teachers to learn from so she becomes used to every type of situation as soon as possible. To help her build memory muscles, reflexes, and help her develop her intelligence quicker. I can’t always be there for her so can you make due so she’s learning as fast as she can when I’m also not here.”

Though I know Lydia might be confused as to why but this is also for her own good since I saw so many dangerous individuals so far. All in one place too, this feels like a giant bomb about to explode in my face. Oh well I head inside the private training room to face the wooden golems.

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