《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 29 starting school


Ling Yue POV

Well that went well, I trained Lydia a little bit in the private training room after Luna said ok to my request. Then I knocked out on the bed after entering the room. I also gave a note on who to avoid to Remelia and their description. Well except for a certain girl named Silvia who I told her about that massacred everyone in the gym. I’m surprised by aunt Celen who’s sleeping with a sword. She’s sitting there leaning on the sword sleeping. You know how a person leans on a chair but this is with a sword.

We both jolted fully awake when we heard a knock on the door. Meaning it was grandmother behind the door. Aunt Celen looks like she might murder someone. That’s the vibe she’s giving, I’m guessing she’s not a morning person, or she just hates grandmother too much. Even if her face and doesn’t show much emotions I’m guessing her eyes and aura is.

Which remind me one little detail I nearly forgot about Remelia, she has the Heavenly eyes which can see pretty much everything. Skills, seals, spells, techniques, souls, artifacts, and artes are all easily seen through by her. I’m glad I left her a note telling her I’m actually a soul from another time I was joking about being a persona. Though she did nod to trying to protect Lydia when I’m not there. At least she knows I’m not trying to lie to her about myself anymore. That girl is more mature than her age.

But when the door opened and grandmother walked in we both tensed up a lot more than yesterday. Sure she was lodging the freshman uniform for the school but that creepy evil smile isn’t helping at all. It looks like the black vest with a red ribbon. Well it is summer here. Damn thinking of it is so annoying. Hopefully it isn’t too hot here. Look even Aunt Celen has that look like she wants to rip it to shreds.

‘Ling Yue you do know she’s sending us there so she can monitor us right.’ (Celen)

Oh, that’s the real reason for this. Ugh aunty can’t you use that telepathy of yours yesterday to inform me. Plus I didn’t expect this at all. I massage my forehead but I nodded and put on my uniform. Surprisingly the skirt is blue. Grey, white and blue is the colors so far with a red ribbon. I blink at my grandmother as she offered us breakfast which made aunt Celen cringe. That’s right, she cringed at the food. When I used observe on it I got this, poisonous food that can kill a house of dragons in two bites. Meaning eating that is a danger for even us. I can see why aunty doesn’t want to eat it.

I’ll look at the skills I got from my unplanned sleep dream (sarcasm) later. Well I’ll skip the small detail of who drove us to school. But here we are at the school gates. Aunt Celen don’t roll your eye at the sight, it’s at least a school. Now that I see aunt like this I feel like asking what does she mean by saying what she said about grandmother. She gave me a knowing look at me.


“Oh that’s easy, I tried killing her directly and indirectly for some reason that bitch doesn’t die. It’s like a roach that is unkillable. Actually it’s even worst due to the fact that she can’t even die from a god killing weapon or by a immortal killing weapon. Makes me wonder how is she even made.” (Celen)

I nodded in understanding, aunty no need to say more. Your hate towards her is now understandable. But nonetheless this makes meuneasy, I’ve never been in a place with so many girls at once. Well then no killing each other off. Point being this is a first even for me. Well at least we got the class schedule and room numbers. Though we have to go the headmaster first, so she can assign us to our home room and dorm room.

“Ling Yue remember you have to call me Celen on campus now. Also if they refer to my last name it’s Mist.”

Right I nearly forgot aunty didn’t take grandmother or grandfather’s last name. She took her master’s last name. Aunt Celen lived in a all female sect that cultivates. So it’s understandable that she’s cold towards others. The strongest eat the weak in that place, that’s what I heard from Luna anyway. Though it would explain why aunty is so emotionless otherwise.

“Did you know the gods’ graveyard is also a treasure field as well as a suicide place. Things there is above divine class items.” (Celen)

Aunty please don’t mention about that scary place. I do not wish to be thrown into the past myself. So I’ll refrain from going there, even I’m not that insane. Only person I know that can go in and out unharmed is Luna. So did not want to know why Celen is so at odds with grandmother since it might also drag me in. As I said it’s not my problem, it’s the older generation’s issues. But I slowly followed aunt Celen to the office.

Celen POV

I swear I’m gonna kill that bitch if she so much as tries to get my little brother on her side. She acts like she’s a mother now. But what kind of person only does so for reputation and face value. That’s not kindness and sincerity at all. Hey, it’s no wonder I’m trying to rid of us of a bug. Sure she’s my birth mother but she and father abandoned me to the maids once I was born. And then after that I met my master who took me in at age 1. Why wouldn’t I be pissed now that she’s trying to act motherly towards us. Younger sister was raised by father, little brother was raised by aunty.

Yet now she tries to jump into the picture so forcefully. Where were you those past thousands of years ago. Flirting with father left and right, then your boy toys. Why would you care about a fake reputation that you yourself broke already. Don’t get close to us for that. Now this school nonsense so you can monitor me and my niece. I’ll kill all the spies you send my way. Give me people, I shall vanquish your people, give me storm, I shall destroy it before it arrives, hurt my cute little niece I shall massacre even your temples and palace.


Ling Yue POV

Aunty has been kinda weird since we arrived here. Like no emotions at all even in her eyes which just led me to think she went back to creepy mood. It’s like an emotionless robot standing in front of me. Now I’m scared to think what she’s planning. Well I’ll skip meeting the weird old lady headmaster of the school.

She said our homeroom class is room 1-5 B. As for our dorm room I’m sharing with aunt Celen. So that’s in the north side in the back. Yet why does something about this place feel off to me. Once I stepped into the building I felt some sort of invisible barrier. That’s odd for a normal human made school. Especially one on such a high level with so much divine energy on it.

A human can’t use that unless they’re a divine reincarnated or if they have god as a parent or grandparent. Which reminds me Phoenixes have a special sight to tell souls apart since it’s also how they can tell their own kind apart from us. I yawned, seriously I’m tired from all that extra stuff. Trying to keep Lydia sane and safe was stressful enough. It leaves anyone a nasty taste in their mouth knowing a 3 year old has to suffer through some psychopaths in that camp. I blame Luna for that last one though.

If it weren’t for her Lydia wouldn’t be sent there in the first place. An unstable moon goddess who loves information and the oldest goddess. It makes me shudder when I think of how powerful she can be considering we have no level caps here. Well except for some humans who have to break that by evolving or changing their race. After all their body has to be burdened with that after all, that’s the reason for the level cap on them even though this world doesn’t have a level cap. It’s more of their body making a level cap so that they don’t break.

When we reached homeroom they had me and aunt Celen introduce ourselves. Aunt Celen’s was simple and formal. Just her name and that she was my relative. My introduction was simple, just my name and I sat down in the back. Sure they started school 2 days ago judging from what the teacher said on the way here. I was in a dazed state thinking about the Ulsra sisters: Fiona, Niana and Hitomi. Or as the fully spelled name in angel was Ulsara but they never used it. The name they use is differently spelled too. I was nudged by my aunt when I noticed the glare at me by the teacher. Seems we’re in English lessons right now. I can hear other classmates snickering around me.

‘If you’re going to think about a crush or get distracted while in class at least look the part.’ (Celen)

Seriously you read my mind and now you use telepathy as a way to communicate. Aunty make up your mind already. Talk normally or decide if it’s telepathy since were in class with other students. Or she could’ve done notes in class it’s simple. Definitely can’t have me pulling out a magic scroll from my inventory. That’d look funny because it makes it look like I pulled it out of thin air. Oh why do we have to attend a all girls school with humans just to learn etiquette and how to be girly.

‘Because all I do is cultivate in my sect and you grew up among assassins.’ (Celen)

‘Point taken Aunt Celen.’

‘That reminds me I’ve been researching about the past of how to use Aura made by the infamous ancestors of the Phoenixes, the destruction Phoenix. It’s interesting how if the correct amount and knowledge you can bring back a person perfectly without any backlash. And that’s only if they, the souls themselves haven’t reincarnated yet.’ (Celen)

Please don’t do this lecture while I’m trying to keep a straight face. Aunty can’t we like talk this after the lessons when the male teacher isn’t glaring at me with some sort of death glint. I don’t fear him but I don’t want to ruin my impression for other teachers due to this. Plus Aura is one energy source that Phoenixes are born with they have two though. An example would be chi or ki as their other energy. But that only depends on their lineage for that to happen. They can also have other types of energy besides those two. I didn’t say anything back as aunty was looking bored by the 4th period which was biology. Unfortunately it went like a normal school day which was boring until lunch time. It stunned me when I saw the person rumored to be known as Theresa. Because her title was a dead give away she was a former goddess. The goddess of love Aphrodite. Yet when I saw the race on the screen I choked on my drink. Because that in itself is degrading for the prideful goddess of love, she’s no way reborn as a soul weapon.

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