《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 27 aunt Celen


Ling Yue POV

“By the way you two will be staying in the same room tonight. Tomorrow you two will start school in the same dorm room.” (Telmina)

Why don’t you just say you’re putting me there to have me hacked to pieces. That’s how it felt, yep I can tell that’s why aunty is playing dead on the couch. She doesn’t know how to react to me or to be exact interact with the family. As for her interactions to others I don’t know and mother never mentioned it. She just says Née San is odd in that way. Grandmother just dumped me and aunty into a room together which was awkward.

“Now that she’s gone. I must say it’s so hard to do. I mean pleasing her that is.”

Hearing her had me shocked, my aunt was trying to interact and converse with me. This person known to have a communication disorder.

“My mother tries too hard to connect with the family at a personal level. But it was too late by then. Father kinda raised sister himself. As for me it was me out in the world on my own. We do have a little brother too but he dislikes mother more than anything in the world. In fact all three of us hates mother due to her trying to get us to be one big happy family. Can you believe such a person who acts on her own for her own gains, reputation, and own self desires after 3,000 years.” (Celen)

Seems aunty now seems to have a outburst with such a emotionless face and tone it’s unbelievable but it’s possible due to her special titles that says abandoned child, forgotten by her parents. Although the 2nd one is for a certain amount of time on it that they forgot she existed and the 3rd title she has is in question marks. Well now we knew what happened in between some of the blanks of my mother’s childhood with aunt Celen. It’s mostly because aunt Celen was out in the world more than with mother.

“Why does your eyes show anger when the rest of you doesn’t show much emotions.” (Ling Yue)

“Ah right that. I guess the only times I truly feel emotions is around my mother. She angers me or irritates me.” (Celen)

Someone help those eyes are burning with flames of hatred almost as if she’s going to disassemble and dismember her own mother. Which is my own grandmother, which scares me. This is so not how I want to get to know her at all. Grandmother, you just left me with a nuclear bomb ready to explode at your face. Rather what the hell did you do to gather so much hate in your own kids. I mean my own mom is like uncomfortable around you. And aunty is like emotionless every other time yet this is a first for me. Yet this one is the one that scares the heck out of me the most. Did I mention I had Isana look at her level once it was scary as if someone threw a Gaia bomb into a small world. Her level is through the roof. It’s in the millions from what Isana’s magic artifact can see. That’s what makes her more scary than Yami.


I mean what kinda of person is higher level than even the oldest goddess Luna. Actually I don’t want to know how the goddess tried to raise the three of them after wanting to act like a mother again. Seeming that aunty is angry I can say the feeling was uncomfortable. It also might be why mother was so overprotective of me and wanted me close. I’m certain it’s also why she refused to allow me to be raised by grandmother when she asked mother.

Seems that not all is how it seems, also I don’t feel like investigating this mystery of how my mother was raise by her family. At least this nuke isn’t targeted towards me. As to how aunt Celen has such high level amongst all of us it might have to do with her age being so....let’s say complicated though she’s supposed to be only a few years older than my mother. How did that happen I think some of that answer lies in the gods’ graveyard. That place is the most unstable for timeframe so it would explain her age being so high. At least it’s not a question mark like Luna’s age. Aunt Celen’s platinum hair doesn’t really matter it somehow manages to make her blend in better. Well except in a crowd, she sticks out like a artifact being on display in the museum.

“QAQ.” (Ling Yue)

“Don’t make that face at me, especially faking it won’t help either of us in this stupid situation. Ah damn I so want to kill that bitch so much. Can’t seem to die like a normal person either.”

The hell is this aunty, don’t tell me you’ve been trying to kill her. Just how sour is your guys relationship problems. Oh wait don’t tell me I’m now in the cross fire in between these two. I don’t want to be in a war between these two crazy goddesses. Right I never mentioned Aunt Celen’s the goddess of chaos. Her specialty is in destruction and chaos magic which only the gods could use. Yes that’s only if they have the affinity to it though. Why the heck do I have such a scary person for a aunt. It’s as if I’m before the empress and her evil official mother in law inside the cold palace waging war silent war with their men.

Yet here we are are in modern city night time, how am I supposed to sleep with her being like this. She’s more tense than me out on father’s stupid steal artifact missions. I mean I’m no saint so I’ll take my sleep since I don’t want to stress overnight due to my aunt being weird.

Lydia POV (Luna’s temple)

“I see you’re a wake. That was something you didn’t need to see me doing. No one has seen me truly angry nor in grief.” (Luna)

No kidding, Luna your blue green hair doesn’t bug me. It’s just that I’m inside Lydia’s body right now and my whole body is sore. As to why I have none of her memories of when she’s in possession at the moment. But something tells me I’ll be able to later on. This does not bode well with me seeing this body in this situation.


“Well I guess explaining this twice will make it easier for both of you. At least you’ll make the idiotic girl come into terms with the truth.” (Luna)

“Like hell it is tell me why is my whole body sore.” (Lydia)

“Oh that. Let’s just say I had to teach the one whom you possess that attacking me due to me being in a unstable state doesn’t make me feel any better.” (Luna)

“Fine explain what you wanted to say earlier.”

“Right, so soul from another timeline. I’ll say this, her father died due to her clan members plotting against her mother. Which is they assassinated her father while her mother was away on her other duties.” (Luna)

No you don’t just dump information on a young baby like this. Of course she’d attack you after you explain that to her out of no where. Even if you want her to know how you feel for me discovering you are frustrated for some sort of complex plot against some annoying jerk who exists in almost all timelines we have.

“Don’t just glare at me. Fine I’ll throw you in with my priestesses in training.” (Luna)

You’re telling me you’re throwing me in that chaotic mess of a schedule you have for them. Even now people are scared to be chosen to be trained there. I mean look at the damn schedule damn it.

Ages 5:

1 am - 3am running

3am - 5am trap mastery

5am - 7am archery

7am - 9 am time obstacle course

9am - 9:10 am break feast

9:10 - 12:00pm alchemy

12pm - 12:10 lunch

12:10 - 2pm blacksmithing

2pm - 4pm lock smith

4pm - 6pm magic class

6pm - 7pm dinner and break time

7pm - 8 pm spear

8pm - 10 pm geography

10pm - 11 pm bath

11 pm - 12 sleep

Well that’s all we know about that and it’s because her priestesses have to be a jack of all trade due to her being the information loving goddess. As for those older priestess schedule I don’t know their schedule. But one thing is for sure I’m scared of that schedule I’m about to have.

“Oh so you do know about my 5 year old priestesses who starts out. Well except Lydia is what 2, 3 or is it 4 years old only.”

She’s 3 years old, damn this old lady is crazy. But the most scary thing is how efficient she is on the environment they have to train in so that’s why they don’t seem tired. Yet the mental stress at first is what makes it more draining for me. All of the above is something I don’t want to learn. Well except lock picking in the lock smith class. This will probably kill me mentally even if I know these skills will be learned and kept in my other body as well. That’s the feeling I’m getting right now though.

“Don’t worry it’s just cramming a bit of extra information into your mind after all kids can absorb it like a sponge.”

“No I will escape this madness.”

“Fine you call that schedule madness I’ll make one instead of having my secretary fairy do it.”

My eyes felt like they’d fall from seeing the schedule in front of me she laid down in front of me. As it read something like:

Lydia’s schedule at age 3

3 am - 6 am obstacle course

6am - 7am breakfast and break time

7am - 12pm feed the dragons

12 pm - 3 pm archery

3 pm - 6 pm sword

6pm - 6:30 dinner

6:30 - 8 pm blacksmithing

8pm - 10 pm spear

10pm - 12 am bath

12 am - 3 am sleep

Age 6

3 am - 6 am geography


6:30 - 8 blacksmithing

8am - 10 am survival training

10 am - 12 pm tailoring


12:30 - 2 pm locksmith

2pm - 4 pm magic and seals

4 pm - 6 pm interrogation

6pm - 10 pm arrays


11pm - 3 am sleep

9 years old

2 am - 5 am communication

5 am - 7 am acting


7:30 - 9 am business class

9 - 12pm engineering

12 - 3 pm taming

3 pm - 6 pm carpentry

6 pm - 9 pm illusions

9 pm - 11 pm cooking


12 - 2 am Sleep

Is it me or she seems to be pointing out she’s cutting Tien to eat more. Also why does it bother me so much that she seems like she’s trying to cram it all into me. The one that bugs me the most is the feed her pet dragons part. Which I know I’ll probably be running for dear life. Survival training, heard about that one. We’re practicing living moving targets for huntresses under one of the goddess’s during the gods era here. She’s the goddess of nature that’s all I remember about here. So me glaring at Luna has just made Lydia’s life harsher.

Also the fact that Luna’s unstable, she never did mention why to me. I bet the harsh training I’m going to get out of this is lack of sleep and hiding from some hungry dragons and running for dear life. Heck she just threw me there through a teleportation. How do I know it’s because the big sign board in front of me with some sort of old lady. On the board read Priestess Training academy. Just maybe I’m safer here than with Luna at the moment.

“I see Luna personally made your schedule.”

Old lady with wrinkles and I dont know your age that thing is filled with malice from a childish unstable goddess. I’m brought to the dorm room to rest until my bruises are all healed. Then it’s crazy training after that. I’ll need the rest while I can on this body. For now I’ll get my needed sleep here since I’m worn out from both Luna and my aunt.

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