《The Tree-Man and His Wife》OK, Opinions needed


It seems at the moment there are many people who are confused as to what is going on in the novel. I want to make sure I can make the novel the best it can be. There are some things in it that I am purposefully leaving confusing, it is not meant to be explained until the next two chapters, so I can't exactly explain those to make it less confusing. Now, I am posting a poll that has four options.

What do you guys think will be good? Would a summary at the end of every chapter be good? Or should I stop leaving certain things unclear? Do I need to give more descriptions? Or should I just word things differently?

If the issue for some of you isn't what I am putting in the poll, please comment! I really want to make this novel the best it can be while working on two other novels as well(what have I done to myself). So please comment and tell me what you think can help!

^-^ I am glad that it seems you all are liking it though, this has more followers than either of my other novels combined! Excited to see what you all think should change!

;-; royalroadl likes to make laptop wack out if I stay on the site too long so it made me think it didn't post so sorry for the double posting!

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