《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 50


Tohka POV


The man in front of me was a troublesome opponent. His sword was both his attack and his shield; my broadsword was far too short and slow to land an attack anywhere meaningful. He was far stronger than me, and his sword had a longer reach than mine.

'If I can't reach him with my normal weapon, then halvanhelev should cut him and his sword apart.


Which was what I was doing now. I had summoned halvanhelev and swung it at my opponent. He shouted something and also swung his sword. Our swords met at the the middle.

I will prove to Kira I am the best teammate!

Third person POV

The crowd watched in baited breath as the two heavy warriors clashed swords. Every time they did, the audience let out gasps of shock and awe.

However, this clash was special. The girl clearly summoned her trump card and swung it.


The brittle, metallic sound of sword on sword pummelled the ears of everyone listening. Such was the power. Yet, through squinted eyes, they watched what would happen next.

They locked in stalemate but for a second. Then, the girl's new weapon cut through her opponent's sword!

"I TOLD YOU WOULD KILL YOU!" With an almighty scream, she sliced the man's head clean off.

A moment's shock, the experience yet to hit the audience and then...




Shouts and screams, all directed at Tohka. However, the shout that was most important to her, was lost in the midst of her praise.


She finally heard it. Turning round, she was pierced by a man with flowing with hair and his saber. He smiled and pulled his saber out.


The audience gasped, never had they seen such a spectacle. Coughing up blood, Tohka Yatogami fell.

Kira snapped.

Esdeath POV

That fucker with the white hair ran away from me! He even stabbed the purple haired girl whilst he was at it!

I take a step forward when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. 'I didn't even hear him approach!'

"May I?" Kira pointed to the saber guy, who was smirking. The person who had his hand on my shoulder was obviously looking to kill him.

"Sure." I step to the side before I notice something is wrong.

He doesn't have any bloodlust.

'That is bad- it shows he is trained and experienced.' I grin at the thought of the final. 'He has already won.'

He takes a deep breath and lets it out. 'Oh. He is going to release his bloodlust.' Some fighters who have a lot of bloodlust go through a ritual. They seal all of their feelings and once the time is right, they release it.

I prepare myself to feel his bloodlust.

Then, I feel it.

Rage, sadness and hatred. Bloodlust so pure yet refined and-and terrifying that I take a couple of steps back. My legs turned to jelly and give way, forcing me to fall on the ground. My hands start shaking, mostly in fear, but also in anticipation.

Forcing myself to calm down, I breathed deeply in and out, yet the pressure Kira emitted was still slightly suffocating.

I look up and see the white haired man crawling away from the slowly approaching Kira. He screamed, none of his earlier confidence showing.

A throwing knife pinned his arm down, slicing through tendons. His other arm followed. 'He is going to torture him, not just kill him. Let's see what techniques he uses.'


The white haired man had already thrown away his saber as a sign of defeat. Kira stamped on the blade and broke it.

'Oh this will be good.' I took out some food from my inventory as I start to watch the show.

Third person POV

"Let me tell you something." Kira spoke to the crying and immobile man. "I can handle you attacking me, Griffith. I can handle you running away from Esdeath. What I cannot stand, IS YOU STABBING TOHKA."

He stood over the quivering Griffith. With his thumb, he cracked his index finger.

"I want to be a doctor in the future. I have spent several months learning the names of the human body. How does this relate to our current situation I hear ask. Well, I will leave you half dead."

He cracked his other index finger.

"But what does half dead mean? If I chop you in half, you will not be able to function for the rest of your life. Slicing you from head to toe is out of the question; you'll die. So, after some time, I decided on the bones."

He sliced both of the man's tendons at the ankles. The man was now powerless before him.

The man screamed in pain, yet his screams fell on deaf, angry ears. Kira held up the man's arm.

"There are 206 bones in the human body. I shall break 103 of them."

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