《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 51


Third person POV

Kira held up the arm of the immobile Griffith and looked over it, as though examining a delicate piece of artwork.

"Starting from the arm, we shall go with the upper arm and the forearm first, then the hand."

He snapped the man's arm. Ignoring his screams, Kira continued.

"There's one bone, called the humorous,in the upper arm. The forearm is composed of two bones."

The man kept screaming in pain, yet Kira was only just starting.

"The bone is broke earlier on the pinky finger side is called the Ulna. The one on the thumb side that I'm going to break is called the radus."

He savagely hit the bone, breaking it. The man's screams rose in volume, yet the only one not shocked by them was Kira.

"The hand bones are split into three different parts: The carpus, metacarpus and the phalanges."

"There are eight bones making up the 'carpal' group: The pisiform, the triquetrum, lunate, scaphoid, hamate, capitate, trapezoid and the trapezium."

He snapped them all.

"These bone are clustered together so they can all be broken together too." That was 10 bones so far.

"The 'metacarpals' are five bones numbered one to five." Kira finished the sentence by breaking said bones, making Griffith flail and scream in pain, and that was just fifteen bones.

"There are three kinds of bone making up the 'phalanges': The proximalis, distalis and the media. The thumb is the only bone without a distal bone." As each bone was named, so was it snapped, making 29 bones.

"There are a total of fourteen bones making up the phalanges in one hand." The pain was so great the man began to froth, making several people faint in horror. Esdeath had awkwardly put away her food and instead began recording, even though there were probably countless others doing the same thing.


"If we 'finish breaking' the humorous," With a snap of the said bone, he continued "Then we have gotten all thirty bones of the arm."

Kira paused for a second, and Griffith started screaming profanities at the man who held his life in his hands.

"Next, let's do the leg." Kira stared with angry eyes as he stood up.

"If we count the femur, then there are thirty bones just like in the arm. But if we include the sesamoid bones... then there are thirty two bones."

As his hands reached out to start breaking the bones, Griffith suddenly disappeared in a flash of light.

'There ends autonomy 101 with a future doctor...' Esdeath grimly thought. Her head was still looping the unfortunate man's screams.

'Was that a forced log out, or did he die from pain?' Kira looked around, yet there were no suspicious people who could have been GMs.

He stood up and breathed out. Once he had calmed down, he faced Esdeath. "Sorry for the delay, but I hope you enjoyed my biology class today."

Esdeath stood there frozen for a second before laughing. "Not as amusing as your so called information I hope." She looked at him.

"Right then, I will honour my promise. What do you wish to know? There are certain things I can tell you, others... Not so."

"Does he have an Endless online account?" Esdeath asked.

Kira sighed. It was troublesome to have her out of all people, to find out. He closed his eyes.

He slowly reached up to his face and took off his mask. "How does this help me?" Esdeath impatiently asked.

"Does this answer then?" Kira asked, opening his eyes. His heterochromatic eyes, one gold and one blue, stared directly into Esdeath's shocked face.

He grinned, lightly spreading his arms. "Wanna fight?"

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