《Gallanor (On hiatus)》Prologue: Ejection


"Mr. Tower you stand accused of the destruction of private property, breaking and entering, and the murder of Micheal Landry. How do you plead?" (Judge Tomas)

The cameras panned to a very plain looking man. He had rough unkempt hair would probably be the first thing one noticed about the man. Next would be the obvious bags under his eyes. Oddly the man didn't look tired instead he bore a confident smile. After noticing the smile ones attention would probably be drawn to his clean shaven face. Perhaps the most out of place thing was his outfit. Instead of being nicely dressed he instead wore his work clothes. A lab coat, khakis, and some sneakers.

"I plead guilty to all charges except the false accusation of murder." (Darren Tower)

Those were words no one wanted to hear. The man said to be the new Einstein or the next Tesla pleaded guilty to murder. Families across the nation sat devastated in front of their televisions. However halfway across the world one man had a smile on his face, David Colt. He simply picked up the phone next to him and made a single phone call.

Publicly David was given the death penalty. However David currently sat in a room across from a group of 5 men. "Darren the way I see it you have a choice. You can either work for the government for the rest of your life. Never receiving credit for what you create. Or you can be ejected." (Middle Man)

"Ahh so you did read my notes. I assume you know why I killed Landry then. I have to ask why let me go? Why give me a choice." (Darren)

"You think after all you've done for the world we would force you to waste away for the murder of some scum. We found enough evidence to convict every member of his immediate family for years. They had a kill list. A kill list. With the locations of the bodies and how each person was killed. That was all we needed to confirm your reasons. Though we aren't doing this strictly for you." (Man farthest to the left)


"You plan to use my death for political gain then?" (Darren)

"Haha, exactly. You see we plan to convict all of Landry's family and present the list in a public trial. This will redeem your public image and raise you to almost martyrdom in the eyes of the other families who suffered at thier hands. This will cause a public backlash against those currently in power. Allowing us to effectively rearrange the playing field in our favor.(Middle Man)

The middle man held a self satisfied smile. Darren simply closed his eyes and leaned back going over his options.

"It's really more than I could ever hope for." Darren thought to himself. After sititng quietly for what seemed like an eternity.

"I choose ejection. On the condition the gateway is destroyed behind me." (Darren)

"We accept." (All five men)

The response was instant and unanimous. A hulking brute of a man then stepped into the room and motioned for Darren to follow. He was lead to a car outside the building and hurridly ushered in.

After riding for about an hour he was brought to the research facility he used to work. As Darren walked in her heard the doors being bolted behind him. There was no turning back. All the windows were barred and any devices that could have helped escape were removed before his arrival. Not that he even stopped to check. He simply walked towards a device in the middle of the facility.

There it stood. The ejector. A device that could bridge Universes. The theory was first proposed in 2021. However it failed to gain traction until 2030 when the existence of parallel universes was discovered. In merely six years Darren had build this device. He left no instructions on its use however it was a fairly straightforward device. There was only one button on the entire machine. He made it that way. An on and off button. Darren stepped forward and pressed it. The machine then emitted a soft hum. the empty hole in the middle of the circular gateway turned into what appeared to be filled with a colorless opaque liquid. Taking a deep breath Darren stepped forward.

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