《Gallanor (On hiatus)》Chapter 1: A Nice Chat


Third Prince Tal'gor Felloron of the High Elves was currently investigating a large mana burst on the outskirts of Oberroth. His group consisted of himself and his mount. Although the prince was dressed in a bright red robe and had a ridiculously ornate staff strapped to his back his mount was more likely to catch attention. Most elves use Troas Large tetra-pedal birds as their mounts. Tal'gor's however was a gorger a large bipedal lizard with an insatiable apatite. As he sped toward his destination he couldn't help but feel childishly excited for what he may find.

(Earlier this same day)

Tal'gor sat silent reading a newer edition of spell theory. The work was published weekly by the Consortium. A multi-racial organization of mages, shamans, and warlocks. The current issue was a special on fire magic.

The door to his chambers suddenly flew open.

"My Prince, the mana-burst outside Oberroth you told us to investigate. Another occurred in the exact same spot."

The soldier looked at Tal'gor as if asking for permission to continue. With a curt nod from the prince the soldier took another deep breath and continued.

"Something came out. A few locals claim it to have been a person. Of what race is uncertain."

"Thank you for the information, however should you ever barge into my chambers again you may find yourself screaming in pain after I set you ablaze. I mean seriously can you not knock. I have a hard time believing you would have forgotten information that important in the amount of time it takes you to knock on the damn door."

The prince made a shooing gesture with his hand and the soldier made a quick bow before departing.

Alone again the Prince's thoughts immediately went to the manaburst. What made it odd is that manaburst never happen in the same place twice. However manaburst have occurred in this spot not twice but three times.


A manaburst most often occurs when a large amount of ambient mana is suddenly displaced by an external force. Two way portals are usually the cause of these burst, but considering how exceedingly rare and expensive they are to cast the Tal'gor was skeptical of that being the cause.

Unable to think about anything else the prince resolved to investigate the matter himself. Grabbing a bright red feathered quill pen and a parchment the prince began to write a message.

Darren stood in the darkness unable to make out anything.

"Hello?" (Darren)

There was no echo. He reached down to touch the floor but his hand kept going farther and farther down. He jumped up but he never came down as if a plat form would come up to meet him.

"Oh a new comer." (???) said a feminine voice.

Darren raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Haven't had one of those in ages. Or ever to be frank." (???)

Darren remembered he had his smart phone. Taking it out he switched on the flash light. All around him was the same unfathomable darkness. However 10 feet in front of him an enormous white wolf stretched out. "Howdy" she said.

"What an interesting device." Said the wolf as she stood up. Taking a few steps forward she sniffed him.

"You don't smell like Hilden. Nor does your outfit match any I've seen on Gallanor."

"Gallanor? Is that what that place is called? So are we in Gallanor right now?"

At his sudden question the wolf's eyes widened with surprise and amusement. "Are you not afraid, most humans regardless of linage, cannot bring themselves to utter a word in my presence."

"Well if you wanted to kill me you would have no trouble doing so. Seeing as you choose to have a conversation instead I figured you had no ill intentions, yet." Adding the last word with bit of caution.


"Yet? Pfft haha. Little one you amuse me greatly. I have nothing to gain from your death. Please sit it has been centuries since I have had the pleasure of a nice chat."

After hearing the joyful tone in her voice Darren nodded and sat down. Motioning for her to continue the wolf nodded.

"O pardon my rudeness, in my joy I've forgotten my manners. My name is Lycan. And yours?"(Lycan)

"Darren, Darren Tower." (Darren)

"So tell me, Darren, how have you come to this wretched place."(Lycan)

"Wretched? I'd describe it more as bleak or dreary."(Darren)

"When you've been here alone for 400 years your outlook tends to change." said Lycan with none of the prior amusement in her voice.

Opening his mouth to question how she could be her for that long he caught himself. Am I really going to question a giant talking wolf on the honesty of her words? Going with his better judgement he decided against it.

"I came from a gateway I built. Perhaps you can show me a way out of this place?"(Darren)

"Why would I do that? I've been stuck her for years and I've finally got company. So tell me how has Gallanor changed in the past 400 years?"(Lycan)

"Your guess is as good as mine." (Darren)

"What do you mean by that?" (Lycan) the annoyance in her voice apparent.

"Never been. The whole reason I built that portal was to leave my old world. Didn't really care were it sent me. But seeing as Gallanor apparently has giant talking wolves I figure it's as good of place as any." (Darren)

"You aren't from Gallanor." (Lycan) Her ears fully perked up upon hearing this information. "In that case perhaps I will help you leave. If you make a deal with me."

"Well seeing as we have plenty of time to discuss the details. I'm all ears."(Darren)

"All I ask is for your body." (Lycan) Impossibly the wolf seemed to be grinning.

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