《Secret of the world》Chapter 17: Resolve part 1
The townspeople were already scared. Most were at their wit's end. They all hoped for a swift end. Their hopes dashed when Samuel smashed in the town's bell tower.
Throughout the city, the long clang of the bell rang out deafening those nearby. To those far away, it was a warning for the disasters to come.
“RUN!!!” No one needed any motivation to do just that.
Debris rained down like hail and the civilians ducked and ran for cover. Samuel, however, came toward the ground far faster than they could run.
The impact launched a few unlucky people off their feet. Their fear only intensified when they saw him. It was as if the devil himself had appeared, and he might as well had.
As Samuel’s limp body bounced up off the ground, Dynames appeared like a blur and field goal kicked him down the road, caused him to smash into another building. Weathering and rust left the building less than stable, it collapsed almost instantly at the sudden loss of support.
Gael had returned to town, in hopes of healing injured, only to find the people running away from the city. Gael ran toward the battle, the sound of rubble and destruction filled the air. It may as well have been a war zone.
“Didn't he move the battle far away for here!” A soldier behind him yelled over the destruction.
“He must be pissed, ” Gael gazed off in the direction of the battle. “Very pissed.” Gael could only imagine the repairs it would take if Dynames continued this assault. When his king got like this...Hell broke free. From what he could see half the town was already near broken down, should his rage-fuelled assault go on, the city would be reduced to ash.
He rounded a corner. There two kings were standing face to face. One clearly more beat up than the other. Dynames standing with a frown on his face. While Samuel was bending his knee to stop from falling.
“Is this all Samuel?” His words on their own exerted enough pressure to make a man falls to his knees, but with the power gushed out of him, Gale legs wouldn't move.
“Shut it you damned ghost!”
The pressure coming from them was incredible. Enough so it was hard to breathe just being near the mashing of two large powers. It was so dense and thick it made his legs give way without his consent.
The two closed the distance and close range battle began....but it was over just as quick.
Samuel threw a straight punch at him, with miasma pouring out behind him. Gael couldn’t imagine even stand firm with such a thing coming for him. That thing had killed most of his comrades just for ma single touch. But-
“Pathetic.” An amber flame engulfed Dynames’s hand. With a swipe of it, the miasma caught fire. Samuel, however, still bounded forward. Bursting through the sea of fire.
-His king never was daunted by such things.
Dynames, not leaving him time to utter words, swatted Samuel launching him, out of the city, toward the baron region behind the castle.
The ground beneath Gael cracked. When he looked for the cause….all he found was a single footprint etched into the ground.
What raw power!
A sting of fear went down his spine. It was clear there attempt at a rebellion would have failed. Samuel had surely never used his full power against them. But even more so, he was drawn to the man currently beating Samuel face into the ground.
“That’s gotta hurt.” His king, no more than a blur, began dragging Samuel across the ground. As he dragged him they went out of sight, dust and earth clouded it further.
They could only try and squint to see the battle. Even then it was a just blurred image. There was no way to tell who was winning. Just that they were both doing a lot of collateral damage.
Rocks and stone were blasted into the air, but soon were either burned to ash or evaporated into nothing. No mortal man could step closer to the two and hope to come back alive.
I can't see anything from here! Ashley complaint filled the black realm. The sounds of battle had reached her tent, but the lack of any sight lead to her own frustration.
As if to silence her, several small screens appeared in front of the people running and those trying to watch the fight. The images or a live feed of the battle was being shown on the small screen.
“I see the broadcast system is still working” Gael moved up to it. He had thought it would be the first to go under a new king's rule, but it looked better than when he last saw it. Ashley, at the time of installing, said it was a waste of money, but low and behold she was being proved wrong, well only slightly.
Gael noticed Samuel had dug himself out of the ground which he had been planted in. He launched forward. Purple energy and flame danced in the field. It would have been a more interesting battle if Dynames wasn't dressed like a beggar.
But his attire didn't seem to halt his battle capabilities. His moves quick and agile, but each strikes sent Samuel flying. Be it a punch or a kick, any move he dished out was filled with destructive force usually only given to a tank or a bomb.
The engaged in another close quarter fight only to have Dynames deliver a devastating uppercut to Samuel jaw. He seemed to recover in mid-air and the long range magic battle started.
Blasts of energy were scattered across the field. Both moving to dodge the magic barrages landing on the ground. The barrages missed but scared an onlooker who thought of what would happen should one be launched at them. Dirt and rock exploded. But in never halted the two fighters. They only got faster.
Soon the distance between was closed. Dynames fist aiming for the stomach, while Samuel hovered above with a fist aiming for his head.
In the next instant, both vanished.
“Where!?” All eyes searched but were soon blinded. Two streaks of color clashed sending a flash of light out.
The streaks, one made of amber while the other purple, began to clash in the air. The air sent off from each collision was felt all the way to where Gael was standing. He near fell over from the sudden wall of wind hitting him.
Gael felt his arms fall to his side. He wasn't losing hope. No, he couldn't with such a spectacle before him. He knew under the cover of the flame his king was smiling. Enjoying his first battle in ages.
The streaks ruthlessly clashed against one another. The both were like dogs gunning for the other tail, never give an inch of space. Circling each other and still finding time to send sparks as they slammed into each other
The moved up toward the sky and continued to clash.
Holy crap. All eyes were focused on the battle in the sky. But Gael’s eyes found something far more interesting in the live feed then the fight.
As they roared across the sky, the black barrier was captured in the shot. His eyes only widen when it became clear it was cracking. Streaks of blue light were breaking through.
“One more push…!!”
As if to finish his sentence, they smashed into each other. They only grew in strength and size. Gael eyes never left the barrier, as light poured out of it.
Then it happened. A large section of the barrier shattered. Almost as if it had been pushed out by a hammer.
“He kept his promise.” Gael turned to see a little girl rather ecstatic about the sky being revealed. He felt tears stream down his face.
He really did it.
AHHHHHH! His voice vibrated through the black world. As did his emotions. Excitement. Rage. Even some specked of fear, but overall his joy was louder and clearer.
The streaks only grew bigger as the collision went on. Heat singed the ground around it and the ground of the other side rotted into non-existence. The power struggled end with down rushing toward the ground like falling stars.
“Everyone hold on to something!” Gael hoped his voice reached everyone in the black world as he clutched the stone railing near the edge of the city.
The both landed on the ground. But instead of their legs breaking upon impact the earth below them broke apart, but it was ignored by the two causes. They wasted no time in gunning forward.
“Dragon art: Hammer!!”
“Ghoul art: Claw!!”
The spells rushed on ahead of their casters. A torrent of flame and a slash of miasma collided. A ball of explosive death grew as the blast went for the sky. It looked like it was just testing its flight as it slowly grew into a dome of light and fire reaching for the sky. Which only dealt further damage to the barrier.
The mere blast could have reduced a kingdom to dust or at least a good portation. Gael felt even worse after the smoke cleared. A crater the size of a lake was formed. its depth at least thirty feet below. But to the two fighting, it wasn't even worth raising an eyebrow over.
They continued to fight. Diving straight ahead right into the newly formed crater still glowing from the blast. Dynames, with a sea of fire at his back, and Samuel, with a purple mist at his.
To them such destruction was normal. They hadn't done anything at all. He had forgotten, but now it was clear once more.
This was a battle between kings.
A battle waged by two but made any waged by armies pale in comparison. The realm at which they fought was so far above Gael’s or anyone near the town. He got flustered at that. Here he was, the leader of the rebellion, leaving it all to his king.
He gritted his teeth. It was disgraceful as a man and as a leader. He would need to be better. He needed to let his king know he would do more than before. He never turned from the battle. He let his desires play as the battle to decide the kingdom played on.
Samuel had long forgotten the thrill of a fight. Even more so the sense of defeat. He figured angering the man would of at least made him wild like before, but the moves and action in a rage were precise and unwavering. Each blow rattled his spine.
Samuel patted his arm. A good section of it was burned. He couldn't control his joy and smiled nice and big. The fire was…..hotter than before. My miasma can't smother it to death any longer.
“Damn it” Winded and for the first time, he saw the man before him as something more than just a ghost. Something deeper to him. A worthy adversary.
“Enough with the games, ” Dynames shouted. “Let's kick it up a notch!” This fight…. Samuel didn't even know where they were. We can’t stop here. The fight deserved his full and undivided attention, he couldn’t afford to waver.
We needed more!
“Ghoul art: Smolder!” Purple miasma enveloped his hand and he shot forth and launched his attack. He missed by a hair as Dynames jumped back.
“Dragon art: Axe blade!” Samuel leaned back as fast as he could. He felt the immense heat burn his nose. The heel of the kick smashed the ground like a jackhammer.
He spread bone wings and took off in time to avoid Dynames's flow up. He had the advantage in the air. The First was good at close range nothing more.
Or so Samiel thought before he vanished. He suddenly recalled the haze of flame left behind when he vanished. So that is it.
He gritted his teeth and swung back. Samuel barely dodged the missile that shot past him. Dynames was propelling himself forward with bursts of flame from his hands.
This just got more exciting. Their ariel play began. Samuel was on defense and Dynames, with his speed attacks, lead his offensive assault. He was like a heat seeking missile.
He had to wait for him to go in the for the kill. He made a sign of weakness and the fool shot at it like a hungry dog.
“Ghoul Art: Impaler!" He fired his miasma like a lance toward Dynames. It was a sure hit, on any normal person.
Dynames moved an inch altering his course. Without slowing down connected his charge even as the attack barely missed his ear and took some of hs golden hair with it. Yet His eyes never left Samuel.
“Dragon art: Hammer” Truly terrifying. Samuel froze and could only watch with horror as the raging blast came too fast to dodge.
He put up his arm in an attempt to block. A darkness enveloped him. A pleasant sensation filled him.
He forced open his eyes. Gasping he willed his wings to open. He flung himself to the side. He moved just in time to avoid the pillar of fire that involved his former flight path.
He launched a whirlwind of miasma. He connected that time. Dynames finally backed off. However, his success was overshadowed by a sudden smell.
Burned flesh.
He moved his hand but soon realized his arm was broken and bending in the wrong direction. He bit his lip and suppressed the scream in his throat.
He moved his other hand to his face. He didn't feel the usual smoothness. Instead, he felt something sticky and rough. When he brought his hand back a piece of black flesh hung from his fingers. Anger and frustration long pent up broke forth.
“Hfjlhfodshfujf” unable to form a word to describe his hate he spoke and yelled gibberish. This was met with laughter.
“Haha, I think that an improvement to your terrible look"
“You think this is funny!” Samuel shouted back. His face burned. Now...he sweated profusely. He looked like a monster
Old voices came clawing into his mind. Ones he swore long ago he had buried.
Who would follow a ghoul?
Gods the smell!
More monster than a king.
The word echoed and cut through him. They were right. He’d forced the entire kingdom to follow him. He paid them no mind and alone set down his own path. He was utterly alone. No one would follow the disgusting man that he was.
“Who cares.”
Maybe it's time to prove them right. He removed his gloves.He hands were pale. So pale the moon itself would have been jealous.
He placed it to the burnt side of his face. The miasma did its work.It dug its way straight to his skull. The flesh melted off as did the pain. Ripe with madness he began to rip the skin off his burnt arm.
Sounds of ripping paper filled the air. His mind smothered in rage, His miasma roared and swung out like raging winds. Skin continued to fall.
“What the hell?” Dynames put his hand to his mouth and tried not to vomit from the horrid smell filling the air.
“Huh?” He stepped forward only to falter a bit. So it does more than just smell bad?
He felt his body go stiff. The miasma was thick in the air. He gave ground as he jumped back.
The miasma would only weaken him if he stayed so close. It smothered Samuel and made it impossible to see him any longer. An eerie silence filled the area. Dynames could feel the little magic left in the air dying abruptly.
“I am he who walks the path abandoned by god, " A shiver shot down his spine. This single sentence was the start of something Dynames need to stop
“ Samuel don’t!" He yell at the miasma
“Basked in light and dark, where no path is certain" The chant continued no matter how much he yelled
“Nonetheless, I will blaze the trail, through battlefield or hell”
“Dragon art: roar” He blasted as much energy as he could. Much to his dismay it rotted and dispersed far before it could reach its target.
“For I am he who guides the souls to the grave. For I am......King” The chant was completed.
The miasma burst upward and the magic power increased and became larger than anything Dynames had felt so far in his short travels. His mouth went up in a half smirk
This only gets more exciting.
The miasma cleared, what was revealed almost made Dynames vomit. The figure of Samuel was so different...no he had changed completely. There were still bits of Samuel’s skins stuck to the black skeleton that stood in the field.
Most of the clothes he had been worn were gone. The empty eyes socks were like dark pools of emptiness.
“You fool!” Dynames yelled threw the hand that covered his mouth. Samuel had done the one taboo among the kings.
“Why did you activate your slayer mode!?” he shouted at the skeleton who gave no response. He rushed forth blazing a trail through the miasma
“Dragon art: Heat dome” He trapped the skeleton between two walls of fire as he slammed his hands together.
A wasted effort. The walls of flame dispersed all too quickly. He moved to retreat, but his body grew stiff and even moving a step grew difficult as if ice had clung to his joints.
Samuel's skeleton, now right next to Dynames, to deliver a bone punch to his face. He felt the skin peel as it made contact. He was launched into the debris from their early collisions.
Samuel began a slow march toward Dynames. “I just can’t catch a break.” His reservoir of magic was low and only going down.
He peeled himself out of the debris. It was all kinds of bad. Even a king would have trouble fighting someone in the heightened state of slayer mode.
“In that form, it would take at least three kings to stop you much less kill you.”
Any sane man would turn tail and start a long range battle. Or just flee.
But a fool was the challenger. A half smirk lit his face.
“This just keeps getting more fun. I don't even remember how long since my blood is pumped this fast.” He took firm steps forward. Rage and excitement propelled his limbs forward.
Erica , you’d better hurry! “Hahhhhh!!” He roared forth.
He hoped his backup plan was going well.
At first, Erica was having an easy time get around the castle. However, it was slow as she was still in a foreign place and the vague directions she was given could only get her so far.
She found a big passageway under the castle. It was the only one she found she figured it had to be it. The ceiling was at least three feet from her head and the wide enough was at least two trolls could have easily fit through. The lighting in the tunnels was less than great. Torchlight was all she had to go on.
She kept close to the wall as she feared getting too close to the middle. Alone in the darkness, her thoughts broke free of their cage.
Can I do this?
Should he have sent someone else instead?
He could have at least told me what to look for!
So little made sense to her. She was in a foreign land. Not that she would ever admit it, but Dynames’s change into someone she didn’t know bothered her greatly. She was losing too much.
What exactly was I doing? She was of no help to the guard as they were battling the mercenaries. Sure she got some good hits in, but she lost herself in fear and kept going after it was all said and done. The cold walls only seem to amplify her feelings. She stared at the ground. Lost in the uselessness that gripped her.
Bruises lined her legs, and she was surprised she was standing up. Would I be enough to get the thing I was sent for? Her magical stamina was okay, but any large class spells were beyond her. She was at least not breaking down a wall or fighting a king. At least this was a simple compared to that.
Or so she thought until the guards showed up. Left completely unaware of the state of the outside, they knew not of Dynames’s return or her’s for that matter.
“Stop! Who goes there!?” they had yelled at her. She, of course, responded in kind with.
“Out of the way you damned pigs!” it was an impulsive kind of thing for her to shout. She was incredibly embarrassed by it. She still stuck with it, for explaining the situation would be time-consuming and she couldn't afford to waste anymore.
Well, of course, they chased after her yelling things like “wait or stop” But she had pressed on ignoring them to her heart's content until she tripped the alarm system. The torches grew bigger and sudden the ground lurched below her.
One of Dynames favorite activities while in charge was finding and adding strange things to the castle. One of which was now rampaging through the rather large walkway she was in.
A large golem was throwing it stone arms around randomly like a child throwing a tantrum. Thought it was a well-aimed tantrum as it kept the attack toward her and launched loose rock and broken pieces of the floor at her.
It arms made a tree trunk seem small. Its body looked me made of tiles as there were lines etched into the bulky chest area. She was glad it had no face. Just more tiles where a face should have been.
Dodging and running were not her area’s of expertise. She fell and tripped over her own feet more times than humanly possible. She was exhausted. The battles had taken more than just a physical toll. Her mind was lagging behind. The magic in the air was too scarce for her to summon any sand.
Her foot decided she needed to see the ground up close and took out her balance one last time. A groan was launched from her exhausted body.
“!!’ her teeth were clenched and her fist was tight.
I needed to get up. I can't be shown up by him forever.
She was angry. Pissed even, but that didn't change anything. She put all her effort into gathering magic in the air. It was thin and not coming as rapidly as she had hoped.
She had avoided the problem her whole life, even thinking about it never crossed her mind. She was gifted and could do anything with it. But-
-Without magic what could she actually do?
The magic burst away from her. A look of despair plastered on her face. Her mouth was dry and she couldn't think.
Only one thing was certain. She had failed to do the most basic thing of mages. To control their emotion when using magic.
Magic was sensitive to the user emotions. Its form and usability always depending on the state of mind.
When she was anger it responded with a passion, but with no clear idea, it would disperse every time. She needed it for something but was too afraid to think.
A change in the still air told her to move. She rolled just in time as the golem smashed the area she was laying down on. She gritted her teeth. She couldn’t stop the shaking. Brogg had left her something. It was something black and vile, but it was there/
The idea that she was weak.
No matter what counter she could raise in her defense it was true. She was little help to anyone. She had betrayed the trust of Dynames but more so she lost her place. It became clear. She had justified her not changing. She used him as an excuse to not get better and be satisfied with where she was.
She wanted to stop and lay down. This was too much for her. She felt tears roll down her face. This was not the time, but her mind was set on self-hate mode.
Do you want to switch?
The voice penetrated her thoughts. She looked around, but no speaker was there. It wasn't the guard as they were hidden back so the golem didn't target them.
You need to choose. Fight or switch
The voice was demanding and only one person filled her mind. Ashley.
“How am I hearing your voice.” She asked the thin air around her.
No time for questions. You need to pick. Will your weak self fight here or do you want to switch places?
Erica could only grit her teeth. Her weakness had caused this. Her pride was wounded deeply, but in the end, she had to give in. She couldn't do anything here.
Erica couldn’t help anyone the way she was now.
“Fine, but how do we switch?” Is she even okay to battle after the wounds she suffered?
Hold on. It risky and I’m not sure it will work but trust me.
Her body shook violently. It felt like a hand was entering her body. It wasn't pain, but an uncomfortable experience.
With a gust of wind and a large array of colors, her vision shifted. She felt the ground move under her feet, and like a heap of clothes, she was dropped down.
Her impact was softened. She lay on her back. Staring at familiar tent roof.
Her emotion took over. Tears streamed down her eyes.
“Damn it” it squeezed its way through her gritted teeth.
Ashley transition was not easy. A bed didn't soften her landing. Only the cold hands of the ground, and a golem who looked ready to rampage through the hallway.
With nothing for armor, other than some clothes she had grabbed it replace the rags she had worn, She was in a bad spot, to say the least.
She needed a weapon and a good one. She then realized there was a weapon she could use, but….
It was one she had sworn never to wield again.
She let the weapon rest deep in the belly on the castle where it would gather dust or at least never be seen by the light of day again.
To wield it again meant having to see the sights again…..!!
The golem swung it large arm toward her. She moved just barely dodging it, but it slammed into the wall sending a piece straight into her temple. She vision went black and she awoke face down. She struggled to get up again.
Her body heavy and her mind wandering. Maybe it would be good to sleep? Her eyes closed and she fell into her fatigue. Then….the sight of blond hair filled her vision.
A sudden surge of energy. “What am I doing?!” She yelled at herself. Now was not the time to worry about herself. He was waiting for her. She needed her be strong and get to him. Her fear was nothing compared to the pain he must be going through.
“My pride comes second to him safety”
She got up, and nearly fell back down. Her pain was light years away. She was high on adrenaline. Using the wall as support, she wobbled her way toward the last room on the way. She made it to the entrance then a blast wave for the golem launched her rolling into the middle of the room.
The room was gorgeous compared to the rest of the tunnel lead int to it. Most of the walls were clad in drapes of red. The floor even had some red carpets on it.
The cold floor stirred her. The thing she need was so close yet…
The golem smashed through the entrance with its arms raised and a murderous aura consumed the room. It was entirely made of stone. The one and only way she could win was to smash the core inside its chest.
Usual Golems had EMETH etched into their heads, make the easy way to win just changing the word. But Dynames had chosen to remove the clear weakness in hopes of having a stranger intruder get to the vault.
“Damn his need to fight.” she uttered as she moved forward. Making only small moves away. Her arm, still barely stitched to her body, was of little help in crawling.
She crawled with all her strength. The blood coming from her had blocked her vision, but her destination was right in front of her.
Just a little more
I can almost feel it
Her silent struggle went unnoticed as the golem continued its march. In two steps it's was upon her. It threw its arm down.
“AHHHHHH” a blood-curdling cry filled the room. The two guard covered their ears. Ashley didn't need to look back to know her leg was crushed. She quickly bit into her arm to keep from blacking out.
Her mind was jumbled. Pain blinded her.
She felt the need to reach, but what for?
A shiver of cold went up from her legs. Her vision already halved was shirking.Death was holding her down.
Not yet! Her strength of resolve was all she had left.
But She made a promise and she had to finish it before she could die. The golem removed its arm and back away readying for the second attack. Ashley continued her crawl the best she could.
The golem ready the second attack, clearly aiming for her upper body to end it now.
The arm swung down.
-Her goal had been reached.
The golem may have been unable to feel, but it did still had one thing
A need of self-preservation.
The arm stopped dead and it backed up. The stone limbs creaking in protest at the unfamiliar movement.
The girl it had been chasing, was now armed with a large black scythe, but that was not what made it stop.
An apparition of a grim reaper floated behind her. It menacing black form sent chills throughout the castle. Even chilling an inanimate object like the golem.
“Do you wish to reinstate the contract?” the reaper asked
“Yes, I, Ashley Walker accept your deal once more, ” She answered without hesitation.
“I see, you must have finally found your resolve then? Let us began.” The guards, having finally gotten the nerve to chase after her, ran it the room to stop dead in their tracks upon sight of it.
The arm that gripped the weapon changed. In a second the arm was decomposed and all the remained was white bone. The left side of her face broke down as well, but a glowing yellow eye held them still.
The golem surged forward to crush her. Ashley fell to the side, she had lost balance, she fell just enough to dodge it. It whizzed by inches from her head. She used the scythe as a means to get up
Now, what to do? She had zero ideas, she was armed, but one of her legs was out a commission and her opponent was far bigger than her.
“Allow me” Her leg soon joined the same state as her arm. Pale white bone replaced a broken leg.
Let’s begin the lesson.
An idea...or more of a memory found her. Her words filled head.
The golem swung again and she dodged.
The memory still played. There are only a few things to do when fighting a bigger foe. One: wear it down.
She used her scythe as a cane to move forward and be a somewhat moving target.
The golem swung at the wall in front of her. She fell back on her butt.
Two: keep the fight in close quarters, There bigger so that can’t move well in close quarters.
She got up and leaned on the scythe once more. Her right eye, vision cleared. Her iris slit like that of a snake.
She saw the red lines once more. A small terror swept through her, but she threw it to the wind. The golem moved back to ready it next attack
And three, if you're backed into a corner-….The golem rushed forward.
It only made one step before…
“!!” The guard stared in complete silence.
The sound of sliding stone filled the silence.
Put all your strength into one attack- the memory whispered, but now she herself spoke of it with it
-And end it with one strike!
“And end it with one strike!” Her voice was lower than the one in her mind. She changed her stance in seconds. Placing her weight on the blade as she swung from the floor up to the ceiling. She dug her now bone foot into the ground and had swung with everything she could muster..
Her eyes never left the line, running down from the head to the separation between the legs. She traced it perfectly. Her blade felt no resistance. Of course, nothing could stop it once she began swinging it.
The guard looked in awe, as the golem was now split into two halves, and the supposed to be harder than steel core was shattered into a million pieces.
They snapped out of their shock. They made no move toward her for fear the reaper would come out again and steal their souls.
Ashley made slow progress to the next gate near the end of the room. Her’s had been left on a wall and easy to get access to, but the one Erica had been sent for was locked behind steel bars and many chains.
Her target was right in front of her, She would apologize for destroying everything later. She focused her eye. Red lines appeared all around.
With clean slice she made hard steel look like butter, after how easily she cut through all of it. She traced every line perfectly.
“That’s Fortune’s Obsidian” The guard whispered. They thought the scythe had been removed from service all with all the other weapon they guarded. As the 8th king had said “None could be wielded by anyone except their owners.”
“The Eternal Reaper, Ashley walker.” The looked in awe. “2nd general to the...First...king.”
She moved through the new opening stopped short of the goal. She kept her head down.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t free you until now.” She whispered her regret. The scythe vanished into thin air. “But it is not my job to get you, ” Her vision went to the ceiling. “Another will replace me. Treat her well”
Ashley fell back without resistance. “I leave the rest to you.”
Erica found herself back in the underground hallway. All she saw was a statue of a fox with three tails. “What do I do now?”
Just….Taunt him. Bring up Dynames finding a new partner. That will do the trick.
“Alright” she said completely unsure of even where to begin.
“Hello..Mr.Statue. I'm here to free you…..” Erica felt dumb. Very dumb What the hell am I doing? Ashley words played in the back of her mind.
“Guess I have no choice.” She bit back her doubts and let her twisted personality do its work. “God why do I have to do this? It just a dumb statue! Dynames has a freakin dragon! Who need this piece of crap?” She let the insults fly. She let more than she had intended fly, but she hoped it worked.
The statue roared to life.The stone that encased it, shattered revealing three tails of blazing red fire. Orange fur shone brightly even in the dark room. It black paws touch the ground and put itself right next to her. It grew in size, its head right up to her neck.
Erica felt the wall of bars at her back. Sha dared not move, for fear of upseting the rows of teeth that were inches from her neck.
She gulped.
“....” It moved back and gave her a stare of complete hate. Was that a warning? It looked ready to sleep after realizing the girl wasn't worth the effort.
“Hey!! Are you sure you can take it easy?” She only had one lead. She had to play it to her full advantage. “He has a new partner and might no need for you anymore.” The fox growled with long sharp fangs bearing in the dark. Their pale white sheen like a phantom in the dark.
For a minute, she thought she could read its expression. Keep talking and your throat will get ripped out. Get on
It was daring her to get on. So she did. She swallowed the fear, she had done her best to piss it off. She had to hope it was going to the right spot.
It gave a quick glance back, and for a horrible moment, the bearing fangs were in a shape of a smile. Time for payback!
“Oh,”She had been tricked. It was going alright, but she would be in for a not so fun ride.“Crap”
The fox flexed its leg muscles. Erica clung to any available fur. She nestled her face deep into it. On another occasion she would've swooned in it the soft fur, but fear was too present for the possibility.
What felt like an earthquake erupted below her. Air shoot out of her throat. The ceiling closed in, but the fox was unphased. It didn't seem to care about the rock ceiling preventing them from reaching the sky above.
Once the crashing and breaking stopped, all that was left, was two very confused guard. Who decide they need a drink and left the problem to someone else. They walked away from the new gaping hole in the ceiling.
- In Serial222 Chapters
The Beauty Inside: Stealing The First Kiss, Get a Wife
A tragedy struck Wenceslas family 22 years ago. A noble family no one would fail to recognise throughout the country. They owned wealth which would not run out to be inherited through generations.
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The Survivor
Trillion Biggs was your average 26 year old, she couldn't afford college, and when her grandmother passed away, she was denied any of the inheritance; worse, she was legally disowned and required to change her name to not be associated with the affluent family that refused to help her. when told that her accounts would be frozen the next day, she decided to board a week long cruise to give herself the much needed break from all the stress. Little did she know; events were already taking place to ensure the ship never reentered port. ~Image of Elisabeth Fern Image found using Google Images, original Copyright unkown.
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Imperial Academy
Higher than a commoner and lower than most nobles, Morgan Kiath is unable to fit in amongst the other students and even after a few dull months at the Imperial Academy he has not made a single friend. Yet his monotone life is about to change when he meets Marith Sian a thoughtless foreigner with little regard for Imperial traditions and hierarchy. In no time at all Morgan’s rather bleak existence is given colour by Marith and the friends that are inexplicably drawn in around the foreigner. Soon Morgan even meets his future master, the enigmatic Archmage Aspartos Mudreth and once more his life shifts in direction.Follow Morgan on his rather unexpected journey as he attends the Imperial Academy, fights an incurable disease and is apprenticed to an Archmage who is more than a little out of the ordinary.
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World Guardian: Book Zero (Final Remastered Edition)
When the fate of the planet is put into the hands of a 15 year old boy, Baku must come to terms with his newfound destiny and take on the burdens of everyone in his home kingdom of Xeria. However, before he can save the world, he must train in order to master the power of the universe, win a tournament full of the fiercest warriors in all the kingdom, and save his failing grades in time for Mid-Terms. Remastered once again for the last time in December 2021.
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Her Final High [C.Cullen]
The air is filled with death.Black filling her lungs.She had nothing keeping her here.Except the smooth smoke blowing from her throat.It forever burned her thoat and gave her a temporary happiness.----He sat in a white coat doing a service to humanityThe fading ember in her eyes called to him.He answered.But is he too late to save her?----Rated M with sex scenes and profanity.[C.Cullen]
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He's Mine (Ayato Sakamaki x OC)
Sabrina (my oc) lived a horrible life with her family. She was forced to cause she was addressed as the Sakamaki's fiance. Sabrina was never interested in them but she then met them in person and she instantly changed her mind. After a few months of spending her time with them, she developed feelings for Ayato. He too has feelings for her but it all changed when Sabrina stopped visiting the Sakamaki household. Years past and they finally met again face to face. What will happen next?
8 136