《Secret of the world》Chapter 16: Dragon vs Ghoul part 2
The boy had been torn from his family for an uncountable amount of time. Stuck in the classroom with all the other children. All bearing the same story.
The boy and the other small children grew impatient and started to cry Their cries were only meet by the shouting of guards and final their cries were answered, with a flaming torch.
Down below the two-story building, that Ashley had run past, the mercenaries readied to burn down the school. Making sure there was a large crowd to watch it.
The boy and all the other were connected to the black world and had heard of their fates. They did what all kids did, cried for her parents, but the boy did something else. He placed his hands together and made a silent wish.
His father was in the arena and his mother was hidden somewhere. He made a wish.
Please save my parents! He internally screamed with all his might. Sobbing harder with each word uttered.
Save my wife!
Save my son!
Please! someone stop this!
These cries echoed after his. Followed by even more cries for help.
The world was filled with despair. He and everyone needed hope.
He opened his tightly such eyes to see nothing had changed, except the glowing light that would set his world on fire get closer.
A stone struck the mercenary. A small girl stood in front of the crowd.
The boy couldn't hear her, but he felt a hope for her shouts. The fire bearer moved forward, with his sword drawn.
The normal guardsmen left untouched by the 8th, couldn’t move for fear of death. Left with no options, they too wished.
Please stop this.
The little girl stared death in the face many times and this time was no different. She looked determined and spoke loud and clear.
“A man promised me the sky. I believe in him to bring it to me.” The mercenary paid no mind to her shout and ready to kill her. However...
His desire to kill the kid and maybe a few more resounded loudly. Everyone could tell his intent but could do nothing,
….A wish had been granted.
He found himself a few feet in the air along with the other mercenaries. As his senses caught up, pain erupted from his chest. He never even saw it, but everyone else had.
As he went in for the killing strike a yellow flash dashed out of the crowd. Before anyone had time to react, the mercenaries were airborne.
The normals guardl fell on their buts as they stared to the sky. Everyone else just stared wide eyed as the bodies fell, but something else soon drew their attention.
All eyes were glued to the person that appeared out of nowhere.
Time seemed to freeze for everyone, as the Person smiled.
And before their very eyes vanished.
The mothers were held in the dungeon on the far side of the kingdom. They had been captured and chained to the wall. Left with the insurance their children would be returned.
In the dark cramped room, they could feel the black world scream in terror.
She had made her wish and hoped her child was safe. Her gaze fell on the gas sweeping into the room. She couldn't run. Only watch as the gas crept toward her and the others.
None of them screamed.
A guard with a gas mask watched in silence. He didn’t enjoy this, he would of like them all of them to have a quick death but he was in no position to be picky.
Then the wall exploded.
A man stood in the middle of the vacant room and with a snap of his fingers
All the chain on the woman's legs and arm shattered like glass. The boy's mother locked eyes with him. The amber color conquered her despair instantly.
But a new fear soon gripped her. SHe turned to look at the gas. Only to not see it. Before her eyes, the guard had been smashed into the ground, while the rubble had sealed off the gas.
“Thank you”
“Save you words for when this is over.”
Then like the wind, the man vanished. Leaving behind a small burning flame of hope.
The men were fighting for dear life. Most given swords, left untrained, were sent to the field. The boy;s father had the unfortunate fate to battle his best friend.
Grief-stricken and the fear of losing their family, they fought. Steeling their heart and tried their best to kill their friends and neighbors.
The boy’s father didn’t want that. His son’s safety was all he need. His grip loosened and he was knocked down. His friend placed a foot on his chest keeping him pinned. The blade point aimed at his neck.
“Please forgive me. I can’t let my children starve anymore!” His reason rang hollow to any man nearby.
But a reason enough for them all to kill. The reason they all defended their lives.
He made his wish for his wife’s safety and laid his worries to rest.
He offered his life to his friend. In hopes, at least one family would be spared.
His wish fell on listening ears. A yellow flashed responded by shooting across the city. With great speed shot through the crowd defeating guard and ghosts as it went.
Blasting thru streets at speeds unimaginable. To any onlooker who caught a glimpse. A blur. But one that left hope in its wake. As well as a footprint etched deeply into stone.
Feet were planted in the ground, stopping the rush for only a moment as amber eyes found the target.
His friend, about to finish the blow, had stopped. The man looked around to see everyone had done the same.
The audible crunching sound echoed breaking the very air.
Before anyone could breathe, The great wooden doors, that kept them from leaving, burst open….no were broken. Wood shattered, making all the listening ears ache.
Something shot out of the dust cloud. The man blinked and had missed it, but he noticed something more important. The blade in his friend's hands was gone.
The sound of metal hitting stone filled the silence. The men looked and jaws fell open. The blades were raining down outside of the arena. Every man in this stadium was no unarmed.
All eyes seeing the blades fall like rain into the streets, no vacant as most people were by the school or trying to leave.
“It all over.” Her voice echoed as she had closed her eyes long ago to the tragedy playing out before her.
“It too soon to be giving up Carol, "
She looked up from her despair, to see a man staying above her.
Her name...no her nickname.
Something she had not heard forever. Only one person dared call her that in public.
He held up his finger toward the sky. She then noticed, as did the other, flags flapping in the wind. Like kites they rained down, The symbols on them inspired hate. The mark of the 8th king
As if there hate took form, a large flame burst forth and engulfed the flags, reducing them to ash. Black snow fell on the city, all eyes in the city had seen it.
The crowd of men looked in awe. As did the entire city they witnessed the large flame suddenly burst into the sky.
No one said it but the thought filled the city.
He was back.
What took the place of fear was a small, yet furious burn flame in the heart of the citizens.
“Time to make the grand appearance”
He vanished. Going toward the place he called home. The castle doors didn’t resist his entry.
He found his castle more or less the same except the decor was abolished with a large amount of purple everywhere.
He wanted to vomit. He hated the color, but more than that he hate the fact that someone had the guts to change it all.
He passed the door like the wind. He passed Samuel easily and pick up Ashley. He picked up her arm and control the urge to end it right there.
Before he went a small favor was done. He left the room in the same fashion
Now I stood atop the sky above the man who ruined everything. I was more worried about the girl in my arms then the man below me.
I realized, looking at her sleeping face, how weak she was. It was paler than he remembered but still held beauty to it.
I could only think such things as she was asleep and less moody.
She shifted suddenly and I froze. She mumbled a bit and then went back to sleep. a silent thank you left my lips.
I shock of my fear. I held her tighter and looked at Samuel. I felt my blood boil, the need for a rematch was there, but for now, I was busy.
“Samuel, let us do battle, but not here." I flinched at the sound of my own voice. it was deeper and more clear than before. It was strange. Like hearing a recording of a different voice. Samuel, having flinched himself, didn't see me do it. But his voice erupted out of nowhere
“What right do you have to order me around!?” He shouted back. this was getting us nowhere. The distance between us shrank and I deliver a swift kick to Samuel side. Sending him away for the city.
“Well, that’s one bother down, ” I spoke mostly to myself. I looked down at my city. It was a husk of its former self and I found no joy in looking, but my purpose for staring was not to take in the view.
I soon found my target. Gael’s rebels. I need to get her medical attention. I had reattached her arm and removed the curse, but they were temporary fixes. Her arm would need to be reattached properly and she would need rest.
In a flash, I shot down to the ground. The rebels and Samuel's pathetic excuse of a guard were battling it out. I wanted to blast them all with my magic, but the magic available in the air was thin and to scattered. I couldn't do it.
I sensed the lye lines. Their reach was far from the city. The barrier seemed to block them from entering the city.
I, without a second thought, moved through the crowd of violence. I played a few kicks and soon found my back to Gael’s. He made no attempt to look at me.
“Where is your medic tent?” I asked over the cries of battle.
He seemed to flinched horribly at my voice. If that is going to become a thing, maybe I should stop it now or turn my voice it a weapon. I over course didn't voice this. The man had his king at his back for the first time in years. One flinch wasn’t going to make me hate him.
“We need to clear the enemies before I can't tell you, ” He word were filled with a sadness and he looked like he was crying.
“Fine” I spoke quickly. “Men!” I shouted and all those within my range stopped in the middle of their swings. I moved Ashley to the ground or well tried to. Her grip on my rags of clothing still held strong. Growing low on patience, I yanked them free of her grip. Gael moved it to hold her up. I gave him a look and then moved away.
“Your king now joins the field!” I spoke over the commotion of battle. The former guards, knowing what was coming, threw themselves to the ground.
The mercenaries caught off guard, never saw me move. They never felt their feet leave the ground. The only way to tell that they been hit was their visions blurring. They flew like birds but crashed like rocks to the ground. It was a repeat of what had happened in front of the school.
In a matter of seconds, the battle ended. Erica, for the most part, was dazed. she was still ready to fight. I needn't read her thoughts to know. Her posture was shaky but the magic she was emanating was proof of her fighting will.
I stopped behind her and did the only thing I knew. I clapped my hands together, the effect was less than expected. The sand shifted from whips of black sand to spears which aimed at me. A bead of sweat fell and splattered on the back tip inches from my neck. I felt fear but made sure not to let it show.
“The battle is over, Erica” I spoke calmly. She looked at me as a stranger. I then remembered I looked nothing like the Dynames she knew. This is going to add to my problems.
Her eyes spoke many words, but mostly aggression. I need to disarm her swiftly. So I thought for a moment and an idea was found.
I made an evil smile. “Oh is the mighty erica, stuck in battle mode?" I said mockingly. I turned my back to her. “Did losing your battle virginity make you go insane?” I prepared my hands up in a defeated gesture but was spun around and held by the collar. She may have tried to pick me up, but the height difference was too great for her to try.
“Where do you get off telling me such things?” Her voice was mad, but her face was a deep red. It was a cute sight, though her eyes burned with anger. I was glad my attempt at a joke went so far south it turned to this.
I sighed heavily. This is going nowhere. I decided to stop teasing her. “I'm glad you have calmed down some, ” I said smiling
“You didn’t answer my question?” I was dumbfounded. I wore a look of pure shock and disbelief.
“Didn’t you hear me before?” Her eyes didn't change so I assumed she was trying to act tough again. She must have failed to hear it. That irked me a little
“Gods, I hate repeating myself! Gael, you answer her!” I told him. I was too busy for this. He pointed a finger at himself. I nodded.
He wore a mask of disbelief. His face seemed to say why me?! Like a man on his way to disarm a bomb, he moved slowly up to Erica.
“Well, to put it simply, the man you currently are trying...kill?” He spoke confused unsure of her purpose at this point. His eyes rapidly moving from them to me. “Would be are king. I recommend lowering the spears. The soldiers aren’t taking too kindly to it." He pleaded more than anything.
I could suddenly feel the eyes on us. Everyone had their swords drawn ready to strike. I waved my hand. Most made a half attempt to sheath or lower their attack stances. They looked to have calmed down a little.
Erica, however, refused to release her grip “There is no way this perverted freak is a king!” She shook me, and the guard once more drew steel.
“The First king, ” I spoke under my breath. She had heard me and glared daggers once more. Even begin a king, the stare scared me.
“What’s you name?” She asked fury boiling in her eyes.
“Dynames Valmuras” I answered with all the confidence I could muster in the strange situation I was in. Erica was caught off guard, but her grip never faded.
“Dynames....” She spoke hesitantly.
“The one and only.” I playfully reasoned. Her shock filled eyes soon turned to disbelief.
“No way, ” she responded strongly. Her face reflected how she clearly didn’t believe it was me.
Of all the times to be stubborn. I couldn't believe this. I was wasting time. I broke free of her grip and walked away. Erica shocked moved back and her spears were ready to lung forth.
“Gael take me to the tent!” A refined tone was all it took for the soldier to fall in line.
“Yes, sir!” He stepped quickly and all the men began to file in behind him. I felt the old surge of authority in me. I took a peak in erica's mind
This can't be Dynames
He is too confident
Dynames is too cowardly to be like this.
I felt like I could cry. Was I really that unreliable? I held off the urge and beckoned her to come with me.
We all the reached the tent in a matter of minutes. It was ragged, but it would support Ashley just fine.
I took the chance to explain things to Erica. Not in the most detailed way, but enough to get my point across. She still had doubt.
“I ask that you understand”
I placed my hand on her head. The motion, unaware to myself, was becoming a habit.
“I am still the man you knew. Just a little more…...kingly I suppose.” I spoke so casually about it, but Erica kept her guard up. The black sand was ready to kill.
“I guess changing so suddenly may be too much for you, ” Removing the hand as quickly as I had placed it. “I’m sorry I came on so strong just now.”
“That’s not the problem!” She yelled scaring me. It was one of her rare moments of being honest.
“It just hard to accept th..” she seemed to realize something “that a mere beast would dare stand above me. Gods I hate you. I hate you so much!”
“Well this is going as expected it seems.” I shrugged. Why was her face burning? It felt like she was trying not to convey something. But trying to read a maiden heart was impossible for me. However, I could take a guess.
“By hate, do you mean...”
“My king!!”
The conversation with her ended abruptly as Cross shouts soon filled the tense air around us. The atmosphere shattered. Erica returned to her defensive self.
“Tch” I clicked my tongue. One of my rare advantages gone. I am getting Cross back for this.
Cross dashed as fast as he could to reach me. He took a knee and bowed to me. I wanted to stop him, but I felt this was his right so to speak.
“Raise your head.” Crossed looked up and I witnessed a grown man crying tears of joy. It was a sight to behold. I was left a little uncomfortable but didn't show it.
“I thank you for all your hard work till now. Taking care of me must have been a heavy burden.” I placed my hand on his shoulder. Making sure not place it on his head.
“No sir!” He responded through his tears. “I am just glad you are back to normal.” He was sincere and I felt bad making him do so much for me. It was selfish, but I need him for one more thing.
“Cross you are going back to Kurgas academy.” Cross and erica stared at me for a long time. Cross in disbelief. Then ugly wails escaped his once proud figure.
“But sir...I can’t..Have I angered you in any way?" Well ,you did but that is not the point. He frantically tried to avoid his new duty. I then realized I hadn’t clarified.
“Cross, ” I silenced him and continued. “You are going to be my messenger. You are to bring the people from Kurgas to the kingdom."
Cross eyes shone brighter than ever before. I must have really pleased him. He lowered his head once more and stayed in his kneeling pose longer than required.
“Thank you sir!' he shouted. “With great honor shall I bring in new citizens.” It was almost scary how he glowed with joy.
Awkwardly I motioned to erica. “Erica I need you to leave us for a moment." She was shocked at her name being called, but she reluctantly did so.
After she left, I looked back to Cross. He was waiting like a dog for a bone.
“Danzeth” I had lost track of him after the forest, but I knew he was close by. The silver dragon, in his smaller form, appeared next to me.
“You will be Cross’s ride. Take him to there for me” Danzeth was not in favor of my decision. He lunged to bite me, which I dodged easily, but the play of dodges soon came to an end.
“Danzeth” He stopped mid-bite aimed at my face. I ignored by burning nostrils and kept going. “I need you to do this. You did keep it a secret about who I was” Danzeth closed his open mouth and seemed to ponder it.
“Think of it as a favor. Meaning I will owe you” I spoke hastily avoiding another round of biting.
“Fine, but I expect proper compensation.” With his agreement, I feed him enough magic to get there and back. I kept a little reserve for my fight with the 8th.
Worry ate at me like a plague. This plan of mine needs to work. For all our sakes.
“One more thing before you go” but as king, I was never without backup plans.
As Cross flew off for Kurgas. I found Erica once more. She was next to Ashley in the tent. I was saddened by how many times I had put her in such a state.
“Loyal to a fault it would see.”
Guilt wrapped my heart. It was my fault she ended up like that. I moved to her side. I inspected the arm and it was now properly reattached.
A clean white bandage covered the area. A little blood stained it, but for the most part, it was clean.
I gripped her hand. I looked up to see Erica with a pained look on her face. Like she was fighting something. I wonder what it was? I could just check, but where is the fun in that?
“Erica I need you to do something for me, ” Her pained expression changed immediately to a serious one.
“What does the bug needed?”
“I am a king you know.” My curt comment went unnoticed.
I got up to move, but the grip on my hand stayed after and let go.
A half awake Ashley held my hand. With one eye open, she looked at me. The eye filled with wonder and a strange saddened to it.
As quiet as a mouse, she spoke. “Kick his ass for me.” She managed a weak smile and feel back asleep,
I carefully placed her hand back in a more comfortable spot. “No need to say that. It was the plan since coming here.” I laughed a little. A sigh escaped my smile.
Back for less than an hour, but already huge amounts of responsibility laid on my shoulders.
Erica and I left the tent for a while walked silently. I decided we had gone far enough. “Erica, I need you to go into the castle and get me something.” She turned to face me.
“You want me to go into that death trap!”
“To be fair that death trap is my house!” I shot back at her.
Silence ensued and neither of us talked for a while. I decide to break the silence.
“I’m placing my trust in you for this. You're the only one I can ask to do this. Not only because you are the only one available, but because I believe you are the only one you can do it” I spoke honestly.
Erica got red in the face and without a word nodded in agreement. I wasted no time grabbed her and brought her into my embrace. A small sound left her mouth.
Did the embrace anger so badly she made odd sounds?
I kicked off the ground sending us to the castle entrance once more. I released her and she wobbled for a bit, but she adjusted quickly and settled on her two feet.
“Alright, past the throne is a corridor leading to a chamber deep below the castle. I want you to get the thing sleeping there.”
“What exactly is it?” I thought about telling her but decided it would be more fun to not tell her.
“You will know when you get there, ” I answer vaguely. Which got me a kick to the shin.
I rubbed my leg and off she went, but she stopped short of the door. She turned to face me. “Don't you dare lose. I can't have my servant dying before me." Still a servant to her huh? Some things never changed.
I felt odd after hearing so much faith in me. I stopped for a moment. I took it all in the: the city I had lost, the people I had let down, and even the friends I left lost and alone. I close my eyes and sighed to my regret.
And the life I had stolen. I will do my best with the life you have given me.
My emotions welled in my chest and I felt heavier. Which honestly I was with my new body.
“Well, I have kept him waiting for six years” I opened my eyes and breathed out once more. “Time to meet him head on”
I kicked off the ground with renewed vigor. I wasn’t flying per say more having a longer stride that covered a large amount of land.
Clearing building with one stride was child's play. After hopping a few more building and a wall I came to a not so graceful stop outside of the city.
I looked at my arms and legs. Both of which were longer and more muscular than before. The rags I was wearing before were big on me, but now they barely held together. Thankfully the cloak I had picked up from before covered them.
I tore a few pieces off the ends of it and wrapped them around my hands. I tested the knots. They would hold for a long time. I did a few stretches and ready myself.
“Shall we start the fight?” I turned a cheeky smile to Samuel. Having just freed himself for the ground he had been launched into. His expression was one of pure hate. He really did not seem to like me taking my time. I just responded with an amused smile.
He started to release an enormous amount of power. It manifested as bone wings, which Samuel used to propel him up in the air. How bone wings work I will never understand.
An eerie purple energy swirled around him, nearly engulfed the space he flew in. His hold body spoke anger and the readiness to fight
“Now let are match start” Samuel boasted to high heaven.
“Actually it would be a rematch, ” I told him of the boy he had fought earlier. After remembering, his fear of me seemed to shrink. He was doubting me. His fighting spirit was on high.
“This will be easier than I thought!”
My body responded in kind. I was eager for a fight and a rematch would only excite me more. I was still having a hard time understanding them emotion I was feeling, but I liked it. But I would need to wait.
I quelled my excitement and look at the Samuel once more. “I have some questions I would like to have answered before we fight, ” Samuel flinched a little. Maybe I was very imposing? I dropped the thought
I took his silence and ask away, so I did. “What is your end goal?” I was met by laughter.
“Goal?!" He laughed “I guess if I had to say it is to acquire money and have my fun as a king should.” His response was brief, but I got what I wanted. Along with a ping of anger.
“”What is the point of selling the people?” My expression hardened. “Your answer will decide how far in the ground I bury you” I spoke clearly and I felt a little bit of hate fly with my words.
“As I said it is all to further my amusement. People's lives are toys to us. We chose to have followers! What is wrong with giving them a new direction?!” He yelled filled with joy.
“Who cares what I do with my people. The world will go on and I will have all the fun I want….!!!!” His laughter was cut short, but the pressure I was exerting.
My anger was boiling hot and it was eager to boil over. “What are you mad?” You were gone and I see no problem with handling MY country this way.”
He snapped his fingers and I was immediately surrounded by undead warriors. The bone figures rose for the ground. The armor and weapon mere imitations of the real swords and spears used by soldiers.
“It seems six years wasn’t too long enough, ” I eyed him. “It seems all that came of it was a child bragging about power!” My skin burned with heat.
This is not what I had wanted.
“I will be ending you now.”
Samuel was sure he would have an easy victory. Now that he knew it was the kid from early. The undead soldiers would be enough. He hadn’t even bothered to hear the claim.
His senses screamed danger
He focused returned to the First. A large amount of magic was roaring up from his body. Which soon erupted, covering the entire area around him. Eradicating all the bones soldiers surrounding him.
“Trying to hide….!!” But then he saw it.
A silhouette appeared. It lacked any detailed features, but the raw power in the stare chilled his blood. The cloak he wore had been shot up by the rush of power looked like wings.
“A demon?” His mouth gap in a mix of awe and fear.
Samuel saw his undead soldier began to disappear and the ground near the release was full of green and the blackness was fading.
Just when he regained his composure-
-He felt a tinge of pain.
He looked up. Fear filled his body. He was scared stiff. His barrier was breaking just from the release of power. Beams of light were breaking through.
“Samuel.” The sound of his name drew his attention to the demon before him. “I’m tired of your words”
How could he draw this much energy!
Before he could respond, the eruption stopped. The first gone in the blink of an eye. Milliseconds went by.
What felt like a wall smashed into Samuel’s face and launched him like a missile soaring thru the skies.
And so the battle between a dragon and ghoul began
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