《Secret of the world》Chapter 17: Resolve part 2
“Ahhh” My gaze fell to the ground where I saw droplets of blood gathering. T
This was an uphill battle.
I wipe the blood out of my mouth and walked forward once more. Only to realize my left arm was cracked and bleeding. Skin fell away like paint from a wall. My legs begged to fall down.
I wasn’t used to my body. My longer arm and legs lead to awkward strikes and less than normal walking. Like a deer standing for the first time, i walked on.
My control of my powers wasn’t great. The wrapping around my hands helped with the precise control necessary for flight, but now one arm was down. The other would be able to support his weight or fly properly.
The magic in the air was gone. Even if I drew from the earth, the monster before me blasted me with his wicked miasma.
“What are you bored?” I yelled at the bones standing before me. Samuel power was getting stronger by the minute, and his slayer form kept me at a distance.
He hadn’t responded at all to me, he was in a world too far for my voice to reach. The black bones only filled me with more anxiety. Of course, I keep my face as calm as I could.
I didn’t…..no I couldn’t afford to lose here. Maybe it was just some random vigor, or something else, but no matter the damage, I stood firm in my march toward the bastard. I was blasted relentlessly, but my gaze never wavered or moved from Samuel.
I had no idea if it was working, but he did seem to be slightly unsettled by it. But even if not, I would go forward.
Because the reason I was able to get up and even hope to beat him.
The single fact that made the odds shift in my favor.The fact that I didn't fight alone.
It is said that it takes three kings to subdue or even kill a king in slayer mode.
“All the better,” I gripped my quaking hands “A good fight is hard to find.”.
I moved forward.
Samuel was far more than unsettled.
Why? How?
All of his attacks hit home. All of them, he even had disabled one of his arms, but the look in his eyes, the damn radiant amber, burned alive and well.
Fear and despair were creeping their way through the skeleton instead.
“All the better, A good fight is hard to find.” Dynames took slow steps forward and it happened again. It was a reflex...No more his instant reaction.
Where does He get it? That absolute confidence.
Why don't my attacks work?
He had step back away from Dynames. The look in his eyes could have paralyzed a veteran warrior. It could have made an army of hundred stop and reconsider their efforts.
His eyes were filled with a light, an unyielding confidence that frankly was terrifying and pissing him off at the same time. He wanted so badly to shut out the light, but his attempted were all in vain, it wouldn't die.
Whether aware or not, Samuel in his current form was controlled by instinct as were all slayers in this mode. It did give great power, but the drawback was the lack of senses or more accurately the lack of reason. Consumed by power would be a good way to put it.
All that remained was a beast.
“You know it sad” The ghoul looked up. “I was so worried about my kingdom, but you never took the mantle from me. I was on edge the second I took back my body...but this is all you have. I’m disappointed.”
Dynames keep his slow march through the miasma. No magic energy was flowing into him, yet still…
It overrided him like a plague.
“Here. Taste some.”He felt a soft tap on his face. A fist now touched his face. It almost failed to even register.
He dares mock me!
The ghoul smacked the sender away, his feet stayed planted as he was pushed. Yet he stood firm still.
“So just one wasn’t enough” His legs once again started forward.
Again and again, this cycle repeated, yet every time, he never fell, nor died. It was a pathetic show of a man clearly outmatched. Each punch was too light for pain to even register. It would make a man laugh and wonder why someone would even try.
Here he comes again.
Go ahead.
Throw your pathetic punch.
The odds were in his favor. Even if he wasn't hurting him. The limit had been reached. The victory was his.
His opponent couldn’t hurt him.
And yet….
Pain. It shot through his body. The sensation which he shouldn’t have been able to feel smacked him hard. He felt the ground leave under foot. Once he stopped. He moved his bone hand to his cheekbone.
He witnesses pieces of bone crumble away under his touch. A small amount. Barely enough to call a wound, much less a scratch.
Had the small hits been doing something!
“Come on! Is this all the man who stole my kingdom can do?” Dynames shouted angrily at him. Even covered in wounds and bleed profusely he held his ground. Samuel was being taunted. No, he was in awe.
“You are a king! A being of absolute power and authority, yet you stand there shaking from a single man...ah!”
“...:” the skeleton responded by blasted him yet again with miasma.
And yet his eyes never wavered after each impact.
The ghoul responded by landed a punch square in Dynames’s face. It was a solid hit and yet he didn’t move. His eyes still didn't leave him.
A pain shot up his ribs. When he looked down, a fist was firmly planted there. Dynames’s hand was surely hurt by punching solid bone, yet the power behind them was solid.
The rib bone was cracking under the pressure. Yet Samuel didn't back off. He swung again.
I won’t lose!
The crossing of blow went on, each not giving ground. Samuel aimed for his head, bone hands striking perfectly with each attack. Flesh melted away under each blow.
But he sacrificed his ribs. Each blow was hurting Dynames more so that the ghoul. His hand more spurted blood on him then inflict pain.
Each fist did nothing, but shake him mentally
That was all.
He can't hurt me!
But then an eerie thought entered his instincts. It gave rise to Samuel consciousness.
The ghoul broke off, narrowly dodging an uppercut. Why am I following his paces? The ghoul was not aware that, instead of a distance fight, he had been drawn in. For how long had he been doing it? The unconscious action of going into his strike zone.
He was drawn in to punch him. To clash fists. To feel the skin break under each contact.
Enough of this foolish display of patheticness.
The ghoul raised his bony black hand. The ground shattered and was sent flying. Dynames was taking for a ride.
Then the miasma formed into a giant fog, that began to converge and swallow up dynames whole. He had no time to dodge so he tried to block.
“Dragon art: Heat dome” Fire burst free from his hand. A sphere of fire encased him, but the flame was doing very little to stop the miasma from closing in. His one hand couldn’t keep up with the mass of miasma coming in from all sides.
The flames were too wild, for him to control with only one hand. Slowly the sphere grew smaller and as did the light that shone off. Soon all that was left a was giant ball of black, that made the very air seem to melt away.
A ball of condensed Miasma.
There was no sound. Not even a scream was launched by the prisoner in the shell of black. Even as his skin was slowly decaying.
Dynames’s eyes didn't waver.
The orb closed.
Gael was sick to his stomach just watching. He was useless in the situation. This was a fight of kings, and no normal mage or soldier could do anything to assist.
“Didn’t he use a move like that before! Why didn’t he speak a chant or name the spell?” a soldier behind him called.
Gael turned his eyes away, with much reluctance. “Once in slayer mode, they no longer need to activate the magic, through voice command.” he gritted his teeth. Another example of why kings were terrifying was on full display.
“Their mind warp or become hot wired for fighting. Drawing out the Contract’s full power and knowledge, thus mobile casting and no-chant spells are made a reality." He spoke clearly wishing he could be of use.
Both spell kinds were hard to use. Even quick spell users had difficult move at high speeds and casting simultaneously. And no-chanting spells are almost impossible. It was all in natural talent and mental fortitude of the user.
No amount of physical training would open that door for anyone, but the chosen few.
“Wait what’s that?” A surge of power filled the air. A beam of light soon shot out of the castle. With blinding speed, it pierced the sphere of darkness. It fixed the hole, sealing of the tiniest bits of light, within immediately.
But Gael’s attention went for the sphere to the ground. For some reason, Erica stood before the ghoul. And she looked to be shaking quite badly.
“Why the hell did he drop me right here!” She screamed at the sphere, but then she felt the slight pain on her skin. “He could've at least dropped me softly. And not near this thing.”
Her hand went to her mouth and she tried only to take in small breaths. It placed a heavy strain on her lungs and her visions suffered.
“Who….are….you?” the cracking voice shocked her more so than the skeleton talking to her. What kind of monster is that? What the hell happened while I was freeing that damn statue!
“...!!” The black figure made no further comments as she less that gracefully flipped her shit at the sight of him.
“What kind of graveyard spit you out?” her habit broke through their fear. But her legs on couldn’t resist. The air was purged and her lungs ached as she took in the air.
But then she realized the black figure was readying to attack.
Left with little option she did the one thing she could think of. One she would never use had she known she was live on a video feed.
“Dynames, Hurry The hell up and help me! I can’t fight that damn monster!
Samuel consciousness surfaced a little more. “No man can break free of that-
“RELEASE!!” A pilot flame burst through the black sphere.
The sphere of black shattered. But more to anyone’s awe was the thing that emerged. Miasma was set ablaze, the air was purified with each passing second, as the orange flames spread out.
“A bird?” A bird made of fire filled the empty space left by the sphere. Orange flames erupted from its wings with every flap, It eyes a lava red. It mere stare seem to melt the ground.
It body massive, near the size of a building, but the detail more impressive. Instead of feathers, the flame burned along its body. The beak seemed to be made of solid obsidian. It shone a dark light against the raging flame of the body.
“I can’t tell if he is just showing off now,” On it blazing head, stood Dynames. His gaze could compare or even surpassed the birds.
“It is time to end this.” With a silent nod, The bird descended from the sky and landed with a grace so profound it took everyone's breath away.
Three gold tails curled around the ground. The head lowered and Dynames stepped onto solid ground as if the show was normal.
Dynames stood in front or Erica, who kept stealing glances at the large bird. It looked a like a bully had just called their bigger friend for help. Erica was very glad to be on the allies side.
I hope it doesn't hold grudges.
“Thanks, partner” The words flowed to the bird without a single look back. The bird pecked the back of his head.
It does!
“Oww!! The hell is wrong with you?” He swung to face while holding his head. A low sound came from the beak, and Dynames froze, then took a stance. A fight seemed to be breaking.
“I swear I’m turning you into soup!”
The bird for its part just made large screeching sounds which could have easily shattered glass.
“They hell you mean replace!” he dodged the second-peck attack. Erca felt a sudden pang of guilt.
She was unable to speak as the miasma and fire were raging in the air making her lightheaded.
A massive headache was consuming her thoughts faster than she could voice them. It was more than just the pressure. Seeing the fight only added to her pain.
“Kaaaaa!” The fight threw everyone watching off. It was hard to believe just moments ago death was close at hand, and much less that two kings had been battling it out.
A chill rushed down Dynames spine. A smashing sound filled his ears, he spun to see a feather wall between him and Samuel.
“Kaaaaa” The bird, already pissed, was not having anyone interrupt and batted Samuel away. He was not launched far as he never left the ground, but a power struggle between the bird and the ghoul was now breaking out.
Fire and miasma filled area between and clashed a few times before a balance was meet. Both holding each other at bay.
“Did that thing just hold off a king?” Erica 's voice went unheard as Dynames went on to talk.
“Alright, enough of this replacement talk! I swear there is no replacement you.” he was waved his hands at it. “Lend me your power already.”
To Erica, it was weird to see a king asking a bird for help, but then again she had seen weird become the norm lately.
The bird locked eyes with Dynames. It could've been a staring contest for all anyone knew. For that was how long that had their gazes.
One of the watchers grew angry. A whip of sand shattered the contest.
“Will you two just make up already!!” Eric yelled at them. She turned her gaze to the bird. “I lied about him replacing you, Okay? Get over yourself you giant chicken!”
“Erica isn’t that a little..”
You don't get to speak! You are going to face hell after this. One of your fun innovative ideas found me in the dungeon and gave me a hard time. Ashley's voice filled the void.
Erica wasn’t smiling, but Dynames knew Ashley was.
She may have been smiling, but to Dynames and the bird, who were in a cold sweat, it was the smile of a reaper. More than likely they would have faced hell more willingly than her.
The threat was very real.
But Erica was present and with a giant headache lead the charge on yelling at them.
Hate flowed out of her mouth as she yelled. It was hard to believe a fight for a kingdom was going on.
For Dyanmes part, he was just kneeling with a look of pure fear on his face. The bird just looked down, more confused than anyone else. Its head went from her to him.
It had written her off as not a threat. It was changing that opinion fast.
“Seriously, why!? This is a fight for the kingdom get you head straight and fight already.” Her hand covered her face and she looked to the heavens for answers. She went to her knees.
“Like come on. I get beaten and bloody and you have a FUCKING argument with a bird.” She looked up to Dynames and bird, while hate burned in her eyes “You better hope I don't end! YOU DAMN WORM!” Her habit found the spotlight even full of rage.
At some point, she lost all purpose and kept yelling at them for random things. Once a small tenth of her anger was released she stopped.
“So finish this quickly so I can rest for gods sake.” She turned and wobbled away. Even as she did nobody dared move. Once at a decent size rock, she rested her back on it.
“We got scolded! The hell!
Both equally confused could only confirm their anger at being yelled to each other. The sideshow comedy was interpreted by a sudden explosion at their feet. The duo looked at Samuel.
“Oh right…..We were fighting. Shit, we better end this soon or the punishment waiting will only grow worse.” They both visibly shuddered at the thought.
Dynames breathed in and out. He looked to his damaged arm. But withdrew his stare and focused on Samuel.
“Alright partner! We have made our foe wait long enough” He extended the now his right arm. The fool from before was nowhere to be seen. His expression could have been joy or seriousness no one could tell.
The ghoul raced forward. Every step it took made the ground turn to sand and the air smoldered. Heavy waves of miasma went on ahead of it shattered the balance of power.
“Let's go, Last dawn!!” The bird took flight and the Dynamics surged forward Blazing his own path forward.
Why must I be tormented by this freak!
Just die!
He won the first blow. A miasma filled hand reached for its goal. The heart. A sure fire way to kill him. The distance dissipated and the goal was inches away.
Yes! Now die!
In the next moment, bone meet steel.
Nothing Samuel thought of made sense. He was sure there had been nothing in his hand as he closed in.
Where did he get that spear!
He force grew, but all it accomplished was a small power struggle with a slight movement of the weapon, but nothing else.
“Now….I’d say the odds are about even.”
The collision was brushed off and Dynames with saw an opening.
“First step.” His leg slid back. His wounded arm went up like a barrier as the spear’s point rested next to it.
A mirror-like reflection of the stance he had done at the school against brogg.
Defend!!! His instincts roared to life. Samuel didn't even realize the instincts changed from slaughter to defense. The miasma thickened in an instant-
He vanished.
-but it didn’t stop the thrust.
Samuel's mouth opened and closed, but no cry came.
He posed no throat to scream with. Instead, all the bones rattled as he struggled to stand.
What the hell!
It was more like a bullet had been fired. Dynames now stood a few feet behind him. A gaping hole was left in the barrier, but even that was overshadowed, but the large dent he had left in his rushed forward.
A small crater was left in the place.
Where did that power come from! He turned in time to see the follow-up attack. He flung back in time to dodge the side slash aimed at his chest.
Dynames was like a whirlwind. He may have been using one arm, but the array of attacks made it look like two men were attacking at once. Each thrust seemed to have a second coming right after it.
Even in slayer mode, propelled by pure instincts, Samuel couldn't keep up.
Need distance! He tried to jump back.
Dynames cover the distance all too easily. He brought the spear into a uppercut tearing through the ground as he went for him.
Samuel dodged it, but Dynames didn't stop his motion. He spun around and went to a downward strike. It struck home on Samuel skull sending him into the ground.
Damn it!
Samuel desperately fired a dark beam at the ground to blast him away.
Out of the dust came Dynames, with the eyes of a predator.
-He stuck like glue.
Samuel tried to fight back but was countered every time. Every dodged scored him a strike from the end of the spear, and every hit cracked his skeletal form.
He reached forward. Just needed to touch him. Dynames seeing it, put pressure on the shaft and it struck the hand away.
Samuel attempted to jump back, but the ground gave under his weight. A lighting fast thrust was fired. Samuel instinctive raise his hand but failed to raise a barrier.
The sound of shattering bones filled the air. Samuel’s arm was reduced to nothing more that ash in the wind. Along with the left side of his head.
“Not enough.”
Dynames drew back, once again taking his strange offensive stance.
The spear had struck his left eye socket, but didn't even seem to feel resistance. His bones should’ve been harder the diamonds.
Yet the spear shattered them like bark under an ax. His bones rattled as he struggled with pain.
Need to defend. He will come!
Samuel was wide open for an attack, but it one never came.
“Shit…!!” Instead, an exhausted Dynames broke his stance and coughed up blood. It all suddenly came to Samuel.
I was hurting him!
He’d been hiding his injuries so well lit seemed Samuel hadn't hurt him at all.
But no man could stay strong with such wounds. Blood was at Dynames feet.
His limit!
My chance! His bones creaked as he readied his ascent.
The battle was coming to a close. It favored Samuel.
He's skeletal wings burst to life, and launched it into the sky. Though one of his bones legs fell apart after liftoff.
It was the best move he could make.
His opponent could only make ground attacks, he had no aerial firepower. His reach was longer, but that would make no difference.
And the bird of fire was gone!
Now it was just a man swing a stick at god.
He laid down a barrage from up high.
It had become the worst case scenario for any ground fighter. Samuel was relentless. His miasmas filled projectiles struck without end.
Dynames raised the spear up and used the triangle spearhead to block his upper body. All he could do was grit his teeth.
But it didn't seem to help. Soon the area was covered in miasma and smoke.
Samuel ceased his attack.
The magic power was gone.
He must be!!
But the smoke cleared.
A batter Dynames stood firm in the crater. Blooded as a rag.
“Stubborn…..Fool” magic, like before, projected his thought out as words.
Samuel consciousness was coming back. His time limit was reaching its end.
He needed to end it. Open plan struck him.
Crash the barrier down on the city.
He couldn’t let the battle end in Dynames favor. His chances of winning were slim. If by some miracle he did win, the city would still crumble. It was all good.
They will still have some survivors so I still uphold the deal.
He couldn’t his inner curiosity, though.
“Why!? Why don't you just fall already?” Numerous times he had swatted the fly, but his back near touched the dirt. No knee bent to the ground. No eyes filled with despair look to him.
“Why?” His eyes didn't even look up from the ground. Samuel doubted he would still fight on, but he couldn't help but be cautious.
“Yes. What keeps you standing? Is it pride or mere stubbornness?”
“I made a promise.” Blood fell from his mouth and he coughed before continuing. “To a little girl that I would bring her the sky.” He said as blood flowed from his wounds.
He was a mess. No miracle would fall to him.
“Such a stupid thing to stay up for. A dumb promise made to some nobody”
“Don't you dare call it dumb” A piercing glare found Samuel. His gaze would not move from his.
“I’ll admit I don't like losing, so that too is playing a small part in this, but overall.” he stumbled but still found the will to stand straight up. “I’m enjoying this fight and no one one is going to stop me!” A joyful smile appeared on his face. Even as blood rolled down his mouth, the pressure only seems to double with it.
What the hell is he?
Is he enjoying this?
He is nearly dead!
“The kingdom rides on this. So…” A shaky arm lifted the spear up to where the spear aimed at Samuel. “I'm going to fulfill my promise and take you down!”
“You take me down? I already beat you twice! You think a this will change the result!?” His bravado played over his fear. He didn’t want to lose. He couldn’t. He had to prove those people wrong. He had too.
“Gets the blood going doesn’t it?” His smile never faded. He meant every word.
Just a little more.
He would win in just mere seconds.
“You are a dog backed into a corner,” Samuel Shouted down at him.
“I prefer a phoenix or hell I am a king after all.”
“What?” Unter confusion left his voice. But it did connect a to in his head. The phoenix must have become his spear.
“Don't you know the legend of the phoenix." Samuel dumbfounded gaze must have given him the answer.
“Lived here for six years and you don’t know. What are they teaching kids these days.” HIs face was distorted into disappointment.”
I doubt you're older than me!
Samuel kept silence. Count the seconds til the end.
“A great phoenix once fought a long hard battle, its great wings could cause hurricanes and its mighty claws could crush mountains. But in this legend, the mighty bird losses both of the things and was cornered,”
If Samuel took his words and applied them. The wings meant his magic and the claws must have meant his spear.
“So you’re out of options then.” it was the final conclusion.
Good keep barking. This ends in my win!
“But it didn’t give up. It had fought long and hard for its goal to reach the heaven. So it launched forward piercing right through hundred of enemies with its razor-sharp beak,”
Beak? What could he mean? He doesn't have anything left. He was not a bird, and certainly, the phoenix wouldn't change back. “Enough with your bravado. I'm ending it all.” He looked out the sky.
The end!
His victorious end never came.
It may have been a glance, but for a moment eyes saw it.
A Phoenix shooting toward him.
“AHAAHAH!!” he shouted in resistance-
-But a hole was dug through his chest.
“And breaking right through toward the heavens”
The sound of millions of mirrors crashing filled the air as the barrier dissolved into nothing. His losing end had come instead.
Samuel looked up and wondered what was going on. Above him, the bearer was slowly cracking a falling. He has no beak….So how? There was no transformation.
He looked at Dynames and then he realized it. It had been too fast for him to see. The battle had ended for him.
It was his own fault for not seeing it.
Damn. I hate the color of his flame.
It looks so….warm.
Dynames stood firm and held his position. Save the spear arm. Extended forward. In the moments before Samuel called the end.
Dynames pooled ever little power he could into his arm.
The motion, with a twist of his arm, unleashed the hidden ability in the spear and just like the legend it had pierced heaven.
The spear length was beyond measure. It had two points. The start point: Dynames, and the end point: somewhere beyond his barrier.
So the spear is not one thing...But two parts.
The spearhead must've broken off, and then a surge of magic propelled it forward.
So that’s the beak. What a farce.
It more like a talon.
His barrier fell, along with his dreams. If he could feel the pain he might have felt the utter despair gripping his body. Or the gaping hole in his chest.
Samuel looked at his chest where the beam of light stabbed through him.
Right in the heart.
I wonder if I have one?
He could only recall all the times he had done it to others.
How……“Ironic.” it was all he had left to say.
“I win” The voice barely reached him before the beam twisted and render Samuel into two pieces with a quick side slash. He didn’t even feel the pain.
All he saw was the massive lance reduce the falling pieces to oblivion.
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my brothers best friend
IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING THE BOOK SO PLEASE EXCUSE ANY MESSUPS THEY ARE BEING FIXED!!****Sarah just moved from the city to the country and she's not that happy. But she cheers up when she finds out that her brothers best friend Samuel is staying with them till her brother sobers up. And with him staying there her feelings from long ago start coming back up and does he have feelings for Sarah back even tho he 21 and she's 16 read to find out if Sarah and Samuel can become something.-------------I've gotten a lot of comments saying this book went to fast but you have to understand that sarah and samuel have known each other their whole lives and Samuel's been waiting for this so no it not going to fast I started it off at the beginning of their love story not before. Thank you and enjoy!
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