《Secret of the world》Chapter 6: The Fight
I've had some rough days before but this one took the cake. Having being beaten by three people, hit by a car, and cut by shadow, I thought I had done it all. Until a club hit me in the head. I remember flying through the air, but not hitting the ground.
I couldn't feel my body except for a coldness. My body could have shivered a storm. My head felt like a ball bouncing everywhere. It was tough to turn my head to watch the fights. My friends were being hurt but my morals would not allow me to fight.
I wondered why thoughts of fighting other humans bothered me so much? The more I thought about it, the dumber it seemed. Like the thing that made the thoughts had vanished. New thoughts popped it into my head.
When did I grow so weak? Why do I just watch? I am stronger than them, I could fight. My heart seemed to beat loud in my ears.The fire burned. It was a feeling of grief, and yet it flowed with power. My muscles were moving as if testing themselves all on their own.
I felt my mind expand. It was if my mind and instincts all been locked away. I heard something, so I searched for the source. It was impossible to find, as my own blood kept getting in my eyes.
Someone was complaining. I felt the need to sleep and rest. I realized these were Rick's thoughts. I heard complaints about me taking so long. I got angry, and Rick seems to shift uneasily for a second.
Did my thoughts reach him? No, Rick didn’t look at me. He appears to be searching, though.
I turned my attention back to Erica, who seemed to be in trouble. She had been injured in the arm, and her magic was slowly. She was in deep trouble. I tried to read her mind.
I was overcome with...fear. Sweat sudden came, and my legs trembled. I got thoughts of dishonor. Was I experiencing her fear and sadness? But he felt something deeper in her heart. It was a need to win.
Her thoughts were clear, but I tried to get deeper to see if that would help. I only found regret and apologizes her personality had never let out. It may as well have been raining apologizes in his head. She was sorry for so much. I felt her think one, in particular. It kept repeating
Why can’t I say thank you to him? Her thoughts said. He's had done so much and helped me move forward. I only wish I could have said it once. I wondered who she had to apologize to. But more that I was concerned.
Was she prepared to lose? Why? She has so much power left. I will, at least, lose facing my enemy. I struggled to move, but only to fall from my standing position. Someone needed to stop her. She was letting herself lose. I only got angry as my body refused to move an inch. The dirt in my mouth tasted bitter.
My thoughts pulsated. My heart speed faster. A feeling of strength and power surged. I needed to move. I need... My thoughts were interrupted. A single word was on replay
FIGHT! Fight! Fight!
“I need to...protect her!!!" I yelled. My body went into action. I got up and stomped the ground sending me forward. I wasn’t thinking, and yet my body moved on its own. I crushed the distance between us.
They next thing I knew I had broken the arrows. I spun around in front Erica. I redirect the grunt’s punch. His face wore complete astonishment. It was replaced with pain seconds later.
I struck his leg sending him off balance. I then placed my hand behind the grunts head and pushed down.
I couldn’t believe it. Everyone shared my surprise. All eyes were on me. I felt something deep inside resonate. It was as if it was normal to be in the spotlight. It felt...good
I realized there this was no time to just stand still. I ran back toward the archers, they were the imitate threats. I was moving faster than I realized as they were so close to me within a few steps.
I swept the feet of the first archery and planted my fist into his face. The second archer had activated a speed spell and moved back to his group of friends. I moved back to the middle of the field. I looked to my friends to make sure they were okay. There faces full of surprise, but they seem to be better than before.
Rick was on one knee covered in blood. Erica was sitting and trying her best to stand up. They both were watching with wide open eyes. They were both covered in injuries. I felt my anger spike. I faced all five of the remaining enemies. Being human or not didn’t matter in this situation. I pointed at all of them.
“You have hurt my friends!” Rage ran forth within my voice. "You will not get away with this! I can take you beating me, but to hurt my friends is something I WILL NOT ACCEPT!"
Daniel's face went from confused to anger. He seemed to be boiling with it.
“Enough of this.” He gestured his men surround him. He faced the archer. “You stay here!” The archer flinched and nodded his agreement.
All of the men were armed with weapons. One man held a spear. Another was wielding a curved sword while the third was the one who hit me with the club. He must have gotten up after Erica sent him flying and rejoined the group. Daniel pulled out a small hammer. It was dual sided, and it had a small spike on the top were a small sphere rested.
I relaxed my body and let out a little snicker. I felt stupid for being afraid of him for so long.
“That little thing is your weapon?" I laughed harder. It was just too funny I couldn’t control it.
My laughter was cut short by a massive metal spiked ball barely missing me. It collided with a tree leaving only a stump where it had been.
The small hammer was now bigger, with a chain leading to the spiked sphere.
I really gotta stop laughing, before I fight people. I needed to come up with a plan.
I would need more than just me now. The other three had close range weapons, but now that Daniel had a longer range the difficulty went up. I was lucky the archer was staying out of this.
My vision was still a little blurry from the club to the face, and my body still hurt from the other fight. I would have to repay the ten-fold for sure. I lower my stance to one knee.
I needed to find support, but Erica was out of steam and need to rest. That left Rick, who looked like he came out a horror movie.
Rick’s sound magic would be useful, but could he use it in his current state? They would need a form of communication. I needed to think.
How could we do it? The voices in the back of my head came back. I really didn't need others voices to my right now when I needed…...That was it! What if I could make it go both ways with Rick.
But how? I would need some kind of way to get him to hear. My head hurt and my thoughts were unclear.
Why can't things be as simple as touching to make it work? A sensation went through his body. It was like my body agreed. I guess it can be.
If that's the answer, I would need to get over to him and do it secretly. I got an idea and hated it, but it was my best shot at secrecy.
I stood up and pointed at the guy with the club. I shifted and got myself ready.
“Do you even have a role here? I bet you're just some goon who follows him out of fear and isn't even need here!” I yelled at him full of mockery
That did the job. The grunt charged forward swinging the club like a madman.
I leaned in and placed myself in front of Rick. I let the club hit me and sent me toward Rick. I had braced but the sudden impact was too much. I tried to cushion the blow but failed. I landed right in his lap sending both of us into a tree.
Now I had to hope my plan worked. Rick was pissed at me. Rage filled his face, and he scowled at me.
“Can't you, at least, try to dodge the attack!” Rick shouted at me.
My head swam. As my head calmed, I remembered my plan. I grabbed onto Rick(Much to his protest). I sent my thoughts in and hope there were being received.
The process was cut short by an arrow nearly hitting me. I released my grip and put distance between Rick and me. God dammit! I really hate that archer. I'm taking him out first.
I could hear Rick's thought’s loud and clear. Most of them were just threats of what he was going to do to me. I tried desperately to send my idea to him, But the hit to the face was making it hard. I only had a little time before Daniel regrouped.
I used the rest of my focus to send one last thought. Rick, you wannabe gangster get the message already!
Suddenly Rick looked my direction and started to yell at him. He was livid with rage. I think he got it
Rick, can you hear me now? I thought
Yeah, I can hear you loud and clear jerk.
Good because I have a plan to beat these bastards.
Well, are you going to tell me?
Alright, you wannabe gangster.
After this is over, I am going to punch you. Very hard.
Erica had been too stunned by what happened. Her body wouldn’t listen to her. As her mind calmed, her senses came back and she refocused on the fight.
She found it hard to believe Dynames was the one fighting. The little cry baby she talks to before was gone. The sadness and fear in his eyes were gone. Now only a fire burned in them.
He moved way too fast for them to reach him. He seemed to be lost in thought. She couldn’t imagine how he could be doing it.
After a while, an attack finally connected with him sending him right into Rick. She cringed at the sight. Feeling glad it was not her. The two were fighting. That was not good. She wanted to yell a warning, but the look in Dynames's eyes stopped her. It was like everything was going according to his plan.
An arrow silenced the two and separated them. She kept watching Dynames. He never dropped the stare. He seemed a little shaken by the attacks.
Suddenly Rick started to yell at Dynames for no reason. She was clueless how he functioned. They began to nod at each other as if the knew what the other was thinking.
Before she knew it, Dynames was up on the attack. He rushed the group and split them up. He began to go on defensive again. The group of bullies gains the advantage quickly
What was he thinking? He can’t beat all of them alone with no weapons. He began to lose ground to them. She saw something in the corner of her eye. The bully with the club was coming in from behind.
She needed to warn him he was closing fast. As if reading her mind he turned to meet him. He wore the biggest smile. His eyes told her this was what he wanted.
The bully swung the club in a downward strike going for the kill. Dynames pulled back his left arm and waited for it. Did he plan on punching it? No matter how strong he was, he couldn’t break the metal club!
The club was on him now and closing in quick. Dynames’s left foot was planted firm in the ground and his arm was launched forward. Her heart seems to slow. She waited to see his arm break. A loud sound filled the forest. She couldn't believe her eyes.
When the fist and metal collided, the metal had been the first to give. Its sturdy shape was reduced to two pieces. Dynames had shattered the metal club planting his fist right in the enemy’s face. Knocking him off his feet, sending him back. Dynames wasn’t done. He pounced forward. He was already next to the grunt. He brought up his elbow and slammed it into the grunt's chest.
Erica was stunned again and full of surprise. Daniel's followers shared her feelings. No matter of physical strength could have done that. It could only be one thing.
He must be using it, but how did he do it? He can't use magic so how?!
Dynames jumped back doing a long arc backflip and brought his heel right down on the archer's face. Dynames's face glowed with pleasure, Like a goal had just been reached, as he knocked him out in an instant. He dropped like a sack of potatoes. Dynames jumped back away from the limp body of the archer.
This was not sitting well with Erica. She was glad he was winning, but how he was doing I?. she was upset by no matter how she racked her brain no answer was coming. She couldn't figure it out until she looked at Rick.
He had a lot of blood on him. He was beaten and bruised. But more than that he was drenched in sweat. He had been sitting still this whole time. She finally knew what was going on.
Rick must be using his sound magic in some way. But how could he be his magic is more for speed and direct attacks? It dawned on her. Sound Magic is used for support. It can boost other main strengths. The idea flopped immediately. He hadn’t been snapping or moving his arms.
Arms? “DUH!” she said out loud. She places her face in her hand. Rick must be listening to the muscles in Dynames joints. As he pulls and builds energy, his muscles moved causing sound. Rick must be amplifying the sounds at the apex of the swing. Giving them more power and speed.
It was an ingenious plan. It applied Rick's magic from a distance giving Dynames an ability boost. Drawing in the enemy making them forget the others, letting Dynames become the center of attention. The only flaw was the user and caster bodies must be under immense pressure. The caster had to focus all his attention of the user. The user body must push past its normal limits.
With all their injuries how were they fighting like this? Then she thought about it. Both are stubborn fools, but there one thing she is sure of. Neither of them likes to lose.
If their goals are one, they were unstoppable. A perfect mix of pure physical power and a magic genius. Even if she wasn't proud to admit it. If Rick ever really tired he would blow her out of the water.
She felt a little sympathy for the grunts but only a little. Her mind filled with dread as Rick fell down. His face planted in the dirt and was limp for a second. He moved his head so he could see the fight.
She tried to think. How was Dynames going to win now? It was still three to one. No amount of training could prepare anyone to face three weapon users at once. If she added on the idea of being dead tired and under an immense amount of strain. The future only looked more bleak.
Dynames wasted no time in switching gears. He made a mad dash toward the other side of the field. Near a tree, left untouched by the battle, his sword stuck out of the ground. He had gotten to his weapon before the Daniel realized what he was doing.
He went to grab the hilt of the sword, but he stopped. He began to shake. All he did was stare at his hands. He staggered and placed his hands on the tree.
What was he doing? Did his morals suddenly turn back on? Now was not the time to get wet feet!
Daniels man took advantage and surrounded him. Daniel to the left. The guy with the spear behind him and the one with the sword was on the right. He was surrounded.
I know, I’m repeating myself here, but I have had a lot of rough days before, but this one takes the cake! First, I get hit by a car, then bullied, struck by a club, and now my plan was failing. I needed to do something about my life.
I searched the field to spotted my sword on the other side of the field next to a tree. I was going to need a weapon if I wanted to stand a chance.
I ran as fast as my legs would go. My body was stiff. I ached with every move. I was just glad my wound had stopped bleeding for now. Wasting no time, I reached for the hilt, but my hand wouldn’t grasp it.
Fear shot through my body. Flashbacks filled my vision. I looked at my hands. They were dirty from mud, but time slipped, and the were covered in blood. I stood over a sword driven into a woman.
A puddle of blood covered the floor. My heart kept beating faster. I stepped away and placed my hands on the tree. I had a panic attack. I felt pain and grieve too much for me. I didn't know that woman, and yet I did, well, at least I seem too.
It hurts. It hurts to breathe.
I couldn't calm down. I was gasping. Fear was taking hold. Dangerous and foreign thoughts filled my head. Why did I kill her? Why was she here?! What have I done? These ideas just kept repeating. My mind couldn’t take it. I felt something inside me shatter. I felt myself fall into darkness. As I fell deeper, something went up. Even wrapped in guilt in knew one thing to be clear.
I had lost.
Cross just found his way back the halls ways when he felt it. An ominous feeling swept through the campus. He let his Leguar senses kick in. With his eyes closed, he followed the disturbance through the lye lines. It lead straight to the gym.
He sensed something. It was something angry, and it made a cold sweat goes down his body. He was nowhere close to the incident, but the bloodlust was still reaching him. He had not felt anything like it before. He was terrified
He had no time to think; he needed to move. He rushed into the nearest classroom and ran to the window and opened a window.
He turned to the class and stared.
“Don't repeat what you're about to see." He said pointing at all of the kids. Then he jumped from the second story window down toward the field.
In hindsight, jumping from the window may not have been the best solution. Cross was lucky enough to have trees below to land on. He landed on a branch(nearly falling off) and began moving toward the fight.
He reached the area in no time. His long strides helped cover the distance. What he saw was not something he wished to see again. On the field, Rick, the boy from before, was unconscious or nearly there and gravely injured. A girl with similar injuries was in the middle holding her arm. She was staring intently at something. He followed her stare.
He was paralyzed for a second. On the other side of him was Dynames. He was standing still surrounded by three armed students. His back to a tree. He was not in good shape. He had a big bruise on his forehead. His shirt was covering in cuts. Same for his pants.
What made him freeze... was the look in his eyes. Anyone in the same situation would have the same look. Fear. The one Dynames was wearing was something only an old trained veteran would have.
Pure concentration. Unbroken focus.
Those eyes did not belong to a high school student. His eyes were dead calm. There was no fear or anger. Cross didn't dare move, no he couldn't move. Behind the stare, Cross saw great power. They were the eyes of a predator ready to take its prey. It was hunger and didn't care who it feed on.
The three boys couldn't see it. Their adrenaline blocking their fear They all charged one after another. The one with the spear went first using a speed boost spell. The one with the sword came from the right while the one threw his giant metal ball from the left.
The second the spearman was in range, he shot his spear forward. Only to get caught by Dynames hand. What could only be explained as pure shock filled Cross's body. He used the Leguar to show greater detail.
Dynames's eyes had not changed nor moved from their place on the one of the left side of the field. With his right hand, He pulled the spear farther from the spearmen. He then pushed down making the butt of the spear hit the spearman’s chin and make his body rise off the ground.
Mr. Cross saw the several jaw bones break. He couldn't believe it. Was this the same kid he met not even an hour ago?
The one with the sword came next second after the spearman. Without hesitation, a Dynames, spun with force, driving the side of the spear's shaft into the boy's side. The hit made contact. The force drove it straight and true breaking the boy's ribs on his left side. The boy was sent into a nearby tree.
The chain ball was last. Dynames had not stopped his rotation. He spun a one eighty while ducking slightly under the ball to dodge it. As he went, he flipped the spear so the point was toward the sky. He slid his feet causing dust to fill the air.
The ball made contact with something, but the smoke covered the scene. The Milliseconds passed with complete silence. It was broken by the chain starting to sway. Out of the cloud of dust came Dynames running on the chain toward the boy. The boy pulled, but his weapon didn't come back to him. Fear filled his face. Dynames was on him. Dynames threw a punch from his right. The boy put up his right arm to block. The fist made contact, but that didn’t stop its forward motion. It kept coming slowly breaking the bone and finding its way passed it land hard it the boy’s face. The boy was sent back losing the grip on his weapon. He flew back, but he was brought right back. In mere seconds the chain from his weapon had been wrapped around his arm. Dynames held chain with his left drawing him in. Like a fish being brought to the surface, the hunter got the prize. Dynames firmly placed his right fist deep in the boy's stomach.
The boy's face reflect pain, fear, and astonishment. The fight..No this was no fight. This one-sided massacre was over in less than a minute. The boy’s body flew a few inches and then fell limp on the ground. He was unconsciousness far before he hit the ground.
Cross was completely shocked. This boy was not just a boy. He did all that with a calm look on his face. It took a few second for Cross to snap to his senses. Cross scanned the boy. He sighed with relief, The boy's heart was still beating.
Dynames placed his foot on the boy's chest and began to press down. Was he trying to kill him!? He needed to move in now. He noticed something on wrong with Dynames. He was still bleeding from the bruise on his forehead. Usual the boy healed remarkably fast.
He noticed the necklace was gone. His mind went to thinking. A key to the situation was made. He spotted it not too far from the girl. He focused magic into his legs and boosted and grabbed it in an instant. He boosted toward Dynames.
He knocked the boy back. In the air, Cross started a restoration spell to fix the necklace. He tried to concentrate, but a hand was around his throat trying to suffocate him. He needed more time. He was losing too much air.
Just as he was about to lose all air. The boy's hand was shot away by a wave of sound. He took his chance. He reformed the chain around his neck, just as they hit the tree.
Dynames was unconscious, but he was stable and not trying to kill him now at least. Cross, after catching his breath, walked around gathering all the immobile boys and placing them in line. He moved the boy and girl farther from them. He looked at the Rick. He must have saved me. Gods it sucks have to be helped by kids. He made a quick glance to Dynames. So these are the kind of people he gets himself surrounded by? He placed a healing circle around them. He moved back to the last boy.
This one must have been the leader. He was in the worst shape. A severely broken arm and several broken ribs. He took the chain off his arm and waited, but it didn’t vanish. The weapon was magical feed so it should have vanished after it ran out or the user was out cold.He followed the chain leading him to the tree. A link in the chain had been pinned to the tree with a spear.
A chill ran done his spine. He looked back at Dynames. He couldn’t believe the boy had such strength or how smart he really was. One thing was for sure, though. Something was waking up in him. Whether it was good or bad was beyond him. Cross smile for a bit, but he needed to focus on healing the wounded.
As he was repairing the last of the boys, he noticed Dynames had gone missing and so had the boy and girl.
These kids are far too active nowadays Cross thought bitterly.
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nsb stories
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Vento Aureo || Her Muse ||
No words can describe what she felt when she travels with Bruno Bucciarati and his team. In fact, she is silent - a mute. Even if she doesn't utter a word, she is a tricky young lady. Protecting the young Trish Una is her top mission but she doesn't mind interacting with the team. Let's hope they can understand her well. -- I don't own any of the characters, only my original characters.
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