《Secret of the world》Chapter 7: The Game Changer
Erica was still a little shaken from what had happened. Even after watching, she couldn’t believe it. She was speechless. Was that really Dynames? He was an entirely different person. His eyes were so calm as if doing it all was normal.
Before she realized, she had been put in a circle of healing next to Rick. She realized she had taken her fair share of damage. She felt the tingle of the magic doing its work on her injured shoulder and her aching muscles. She closed her eyes and let it do its job.
After the magic had done a good amount to her wounds, she moved around trying to find Dynames. Rick was no longer next to her, and Dynames was nowhere in sight.
She could only think of one place they would go. She got up and went out the back of the training area. Going out the doors she was outside of the school.
The side of the school she was on was just an open field, but her destination was farther back. She followed the small trail toward the back. There was a large hill and on the top of the hill was a tree. It was relatively large, and its branches were very long.
The best part of the tree was its leaves. Well, they were more blossoms than anything. The tree's pink leaves flowed in the wind. Causing colors to fly through the wind. She always felt amazed and a sense wonder of the little petals dancing in the wind.
She climbed the hill and found Dynames laying on his back near the trunk of the tree. She looked up and found Rick sitting on a branch good ways up the tree. She knew this was their spot to rest and skip class. Most people don't know about this tree. It was too far back from the school for a student to venture. Well, usual at least
Dynames had brought her here once to get away from the harsh students. She shook off the memories. She sat next to him and let the boy rest.
Most of his injuries had healed, but his clothes were still torn were his took damage. She saw the amulet sitting on his chest. She felt her curiosity peek. She had to touch it to confirm her suspicions.
She bit her thumb till it bled. The blood rolled down her hand. He cautiously reached over to touch it. She felt a surge.The wound closed with miraculous speed. She nodded her head in victory for being right.
“So are you going to hold me down forever?” his voice cut through the silence. Shocked and a little embarrassed she pulled her hand back and jumped back a few meters.
She glared at him for a few seconds.
“How long have you been awake?” she said with a lot of anger in her voice. He turned to face her. His eyes were filled with amusement.
“Oh, the whole time. I wanted to see what you found so interesting, but I needed to move so I interrupted your moment.” She felt a pang of anger. She picked up a pebble next to her hand. She placed it between her point finger and her thumb and flicked it hard at his face.
He fell back. He was down for a second. He shot back up with an evil little grin.
“Damn that hurt! Just because I heal fast doesn’t mean you can abuse me.” Blood ran down his head. She had broken the skin, but it was already healing. She couldn’t help but laugh at his face
“So this amulet is the cause of the cure huh,” Dynames said with a more composed look. He wiped the blood from his head. He had a troubled look came over his face.
“What is it?” she asked. She rarely ever saw him get worried.
“It's about the fight. I don't understand what happened.” He moved his hand to his chin and started to think. “I don’t remember it all just bits and pieces of it, but I felt the sensation of hurting all of them.”
She had completely forgotten to ask about it. Now that she thought about. When he lost the necklace, the power to heal was gone. Does it have another purpose? She dismissed this thought when Dynames started saying something.
“I think this necklace is blocking my ability to fight humans. I believe it is preventing all action against humans.” He said a little skeptically.
“So you think the necklace is the key to a door that harbors your ability to kill someone?" She said. “I agree it is blocking something but to keep just your capacity to kill people doesn't that sound dumb.”
“It does but with the fight we just watched I believe it makes sense.” Rick’s voice rained down from above. “He showed huge skips in skill and showed more composure while fighting. He was like a machine.”
“When you say it like that it makes it sound like I was a monster,” Dynames said a little saddened.
“You kind of were, you took them out one by one as if that was nothing. “ Said Erica with joy. She may have enjoyed the beat down a little too much.
“Okay please stop double teaming me. It's clear this necklace is preventing me from fighting people,” he said as a matter of fact.
Erica found this whole thing just too strange. She had to admit Dynames was not normal, but this was a little extreme. She knew far too little about him. It had bothered her before, but now it was just too apparent
The only sure thing was something was wrong. Before she could think deeper, an announcement came on the intercoms.
“All students, please come to the gym there has been a significant discovery. We wish for all students to see it.”
The three exchange looks and all ran (with a lot of compliments from Rick) to the gym.
How little did we know of the events that would follow would scar us for years to come.
We wandered through the halls being pushed by the advancing horde of students. After the crowd, they found the right path that flooded into the gym.
The gymnasium was in the back of the school near the hidden tree. It was a massive part of the building. The inside was beautiful and cold from the air conditioning. It had two levels. The first level was the stand at which the principal or the speaker at the time. Then the second level, which at best was only a few extra feet up from the first. If anything it was kind of like a lecture hall expect the students were literally all looking down at the professor. Erica though it was more for in case the experiment at the time went wrong.
Of course in the student section, there were hundreds of desk.There were for the student who took notes on the new finding and would add them to their own research.
The desks were split into columns of thirteen, luckily we found open ones in the middle. Then after a few minutes, all the student found a seat or a place to watch from. There were about 400 students and 300 teachers here at the school. All we're here to research new things. Erica couldn’t deny the excitement she felt for it. The new discovery could be useful to her.
The headmaster was standing next to all the other teacher. He was an old man near his eighties. He moved around in a wheelchair, but he was not to be trifled with. He skin was a dark brown. His eyes were a lush green. His hair white was tied back in a ponytail.
He rolled his way past a few teachers to a podium in the middle of the circle. He awkwardly reached for the mic. He grabbed it after a few moments of trying. He coughed a few time to stop the snickering and talking amongst the students.
He looked through as if he was taking a headcount of us. Satisfied he turned to face the middle of the circle.
“My young students and facility, I have a most interesting find today.” He said with a deep rich voice. “A few day ago a team of searcher brought back this strange box." He gestured toward the front of the circle just a few feet in front of him. The box was a medium size silver box. It was the size of a full-size cabinet.
Erica was excited maybe it was some kind of new staff or new grimoires of the old magic. She looked to her side seeing the same expression on other students. Except for Rick, who had fallen asleep and was quietly snoring. She didn’t want to wake him he had been through a lot. She looked at Dynames, but he was different. His eyes were glued to the box, but his expression was one of confusion and deep thinking. She snapped out of it and returned her attention to the speech.
“Inside this box, we have found a fossil.” He spoke. This was met with many sighs. Fossils were only good for certain magic. So a lot of students were out Erica included. The headmaster raised his hand for silence.
“Don't give in just yet my young ones. This fossil is indeed a rare find. We believe the fossil to be an ancient lizard of some kind. Its identity and species have yet to be specified.” A kid in the front had his raised. “Go ahead young one.”
“So does it have anything on it or any new knowledge and can we see it?” Said the senior.
“Yes it does, but the language is old or some new kind we have never seen before. Further experimentation will need to be done. As for seeing it, I see no harm.” He spoke some words of power and lines formed on the box, and the side started to fall away. The rock was the size of a large desk, and it was at least 3 feet tall. It was made of black rock, but the creature was something of a white line. Erica could see the outline of the body, but she couldn't see the writing.
She was now bored by this whole thing. She looked at Dynames whose expression was so focused it scared her. His lips were moving as if he was talking. He seemed like he was in a trace.
A teacher rushed into the gym from behind all the students. He jumped down over their heads and reached the president. He leaned in, and the Headmaster's face went from shocked to a dark one.
“ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS!!” he yelled. Everyone went dead silent. He rolled his chair back a little and waved his hand in the air. A large blue window appeared. Images of the town of fire and monster were flooding the city. She couldn’t suppress her surprise or fear. Everyone was in shock. Some were crying and almost trying to run. Nearby teachers calmed them and had them stay seated.
“Now, this is no time for fear young ones. I will need all facility to go out and stop the fires. Senior class I will need you to go and evacuate the civilians and kill the invading monsters! Juniors will place a barrier around the escape route! Freshman and sophomores will stay here and hold the school. They will also provide support fire.”
The Seniors began to move. First, they left the gym and went ahead toward the town. Cross stop Erica and the others two before they could leave.
“I will need you three to stay your extra defense for the freshman and sophomores” He pulled them to the side as the juniors went next and then the remaining teachers.
The headmaster was still in the middle of the gym. He was giving instructions and formations to the younger kids. He closed the box with the fossil in it. He then placed Cross in charge and teleported away.
Cross began ordering kids to form groups, but as things were going well then, the wall near the back exploded. Many kids knocked back were severely injured. A dust cloud filled the room only adding to the fear and confusion. Erica's ears were ringing, she thought she heard shouts of cross's voice. Still ruffled by the explosion, she looked up to see two tall figures were standing there in the aftermath of the blast. With two smaller ones right next to them.
A man walked through the smoke. He was a tall man with long black hair. He was wearing a black suit. His skin was pale, and he didn't look like much. He had purple eyes, which gave Erica a big chill. She felt like nothing more than livestock before them. Erica thought he seemed like some aggressive businessman.
In one hand he had a chain. And with his other hand, he threw a small white ball. It released a large white light that consumed the whole area.
Erica was stunned. She heard Cross yelling orders, but her body refused to move She heard attack so she tried to summon magic in defense but to avail. Erica had no idea what was going on. She had had plenty of time to recover her magic. Looking to the sides, she soon realized no one was able to use magic. If no one could use magic, it only meant one thing. That ball the man had thrown before had disabled their magic.
The man started to laugh. “Ah, those faces I never get tired of the looks of despair. "Brogg come here I need some help." A giant man emerged from the cloud. He had a bald head and a massive chin. He was wearing nothing but rags for a shirt with some worn leather shorts. On his back, he carried a giant gourd. He had the eyes of a killer. Even paralyzed by fear, her mind was still searching for the name. She had sworn she knew it. Then it hit her as well as the sense of defeat.
This was Brogg the walking wall. His cold black eyes had her frozen in place. This man had killed hundreds of people for the eighth king. She was terrified. With no magic how were they going to win?
Then from the smoke, two little kids emerged with a tall blonde girl with the chain around her neck. The kids were none other than the hurricane children. They had a kill count that rivaled or nearly surpassed Broggs. They were twins both with dark hair and hazel eyes. They were both relatively small. Maybe the size of a small tree. They were dress in high-class clothing apparently only available to a select few. The girl was wearing a little pink dress with sparkles. The boy was wearing a red shirt with “Win or Die” on it. He seemed a little cocky.
The girl was someone she didn't know. She was no friend of the people attacking them. She was a somewhat beautiful girl minus all the bruises and scrapes that were visible on her exposed skin.
She having been dressed in a dirty brown sac, like that of slaves wore of old used to wear, her skin was a creamy white stuck out. Her emerald eye....she looked harder to see a yellow eye as well. They were filled with nothing but despair. Those eyes seemed so lost as if the light in them was gone. It was like looking into an empty void.
She then realized who the leader in the suit was. Aroma Silver the right hand of the eighth king. He was a far cry away from the other three. He has destroyed several villages and always leaves no survivors. He was definitely out of her league.
How can we fight people like this?
We have to....run!
Aroma snapped his fingers, and three trolls appeared from the gaping hole in the wall. They were giant green horrific monsters. They all had their hair tied behind the heads. They all had clubs and their giant teeth sticking out of their mouths. Their eyes were a terrifying orange.
She looked around. They students were all in no shape to fight. They were several injured and even if they were able to they had no magic.
Aroma pulled on the chain forcing the girl forward. “Kill a few and we will use the rest as an example. The girl said nothing only nodded in disagreement. Aroma punched the girl and start to step on her head.
“Still disobedient as ever you slave. I wonder how your last master dealt with you.” Her expression changed, and she grabbed his foot.
Her voice was faint but still there. “Don't bad mouth him you bastard.” This was meet with a swift kick to her stomach. She started to cough frantically.
“Now watch as all of them are slaughter because of your disobedience.” he said rather coldly.
“Now” He pointed at the troll. “Go kill and fill your bellies.” They began to rush a crossed the room. They had killed two kids in a second. They were almost on her, she wanted to run but she had nowhere to go. Kids tried to open the doors, but they were locked.
She heard a sound. She turned to see a troll missing a hand. The troll was right in front of her. She could smell the foul breath. He was cut in half In the next second blood misted out of the fresh cut. The corpse fell to the right and left revealing the killer. Dynames stood there covered in a little of the blood. He threw something at her. It was his necklace. “Hold on to this. Use it to heal the injured.” He said his voice was deeper and more confident, yet it was cold as ice. He began to turn away and walk forward. The troll came from the left charging with blood lust.
Dynames back stepped and side swiped the second one, and the third came from above. He moved so quickly with a diagonal up cut strike. Killing the third one instantly. Dynames had avoided a good amount of the blood, only his shirt was covered and a little on his pants. He pointed his sword at the enemy.
“I want you out of this school,” He said with confection. The blonde girl was staring at him. She was mesmerized by him. It was faint, but Erica swore she so light in those eyes again. She gave up on trying to figure it all out. As a wave of fatigue washed over her, suddenly healing a nearby boy didn't sound so bad.
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