《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Sidestory xmas special 2


-We all will become adults someday…”

-inside the house of some villagers-


A child is looking at his socks happily.

Tonight is the night before christmas.

Having finished his meal as fast as he can, the boy is looking forward to bed soon.

“Rick, don’t forget to clean your plate and brush your teeth before going to bed”

“i will, mom!” said the innocent looking boy with blond hair and pimples.

However, his mom probably realized that boy would probably forgot to do it anyway.

“Geez, what am i to do with that boy..” worried the mother.

“Haha, it’s fine isn't it? A day like this is only happened once a day anyway.” said the father.

“Darling, it was because you keep spoiling him that he end up getting spoiled!” reply the mother.

After a small debate between the parents, the boy is returning to his room.

After all…

Today, is the day that he was looking forward for each year.


-back in the boy room-

“I wonder when’s santa going to come.”

The boy is looking forward for this day.

Last year, he was pretending to sleep and almost catch a glimpse of santa face. But because santa is fast, he didnt manage to saw him properly.

Thanks to the interruptions, he didnt get a present last year

That’s why, today, he was going to go to bed like a good kid and waiting for him.

“I hope santa forgive me this year”

He even manages to write a letter inside the socks.

About apologizing for last year, and thank you for this year.


While feeling relaxed, he end up in deep slumber.

But, never did he realize.

That today, what he meets is not just santa.

Instead what he meets and learn.

Was a fruit called despair.


-Inside some unknown place-

“Mm… hehe.. mom, i can't eat anymore...”

Hero Arisa is drooling while hugging her pillow.

Today training is tough too, so it can’t be helped that her only source of relaxation is when she was sleeping.

Though in the eyes of the outsider, it would looked like she was slacking.

While she was sleeping happily, some people whispering is heard.

(What should we do? Wake her up?)

(That’s your business, give her a morning kiss or something)

(L..like i can do that! This wasn't some snow white story!)

(Do a man need a reason to kiss a woman? Just do it already)

(Shouldn’t you think about her feelings first? Who would like to be randomly kissed while sleeping in this unknown place?)


(Saying that would make you looks like a virgin. Oh sorry, you are one right? Puh... khukhu...)

(Okay Yuya, that's it. We haven't sparred for a while right, wanna do it right now?)

(Fine by me)

Because of the noise, Arisa is slowly getting up.

“Fuwaa, good mor..ning?”

Still getting half asleep, Arisa speak lazily.

The two heroes, Yuya and Shuu is looking at each other and replying “good morning” to her too.

After a while, Arisa slowly asked.

“Good morning.. hmm? Why did you two inside my room?”


After silencing for a bit, Shuu asked her.

“Arisa, please calm down and listen.”


“This.. is not in your room”


“In fact… perhaps we were not in the Alexandria or Abona either.. no, to begin with”

“We were probably neither on earth or the world we transferred to”


It needs a few second for Arisa to process…



She finally realize the situation.


“Eh? Eh? Why? How? What happened?”

Panicked, she was looking at her surrounding.

This place is looking like a prison in the middle age.

It was clearly different from her room in the another world, or in the earth.

After panicking, Shuu answered her.

“I’m sorry, i don't really know either. One thing for sure, this was a different world from where we send originally.”

“Um, what do you mean?”

Shuu begin to explaining.

“First of all, there's no door. We both have been looking around and there's no exit anywhere. There's a window, but as you can see..”

He point on one of the windows.

“There's only a darkness like a space.”


Arisa is looking at the window and there's only darkness outside.

“We thought to break it, but it would be bad if the outside is a vacuum without oxygen like a space, so we didn't do it. We thought to discuss it with everyone here when all of us waking up”

“Everyone?” Asked Arisa

Shuu points out and theres a bunch of kids sleeping soundly.

“They’re kids! Are they okay?”

“It seems so. We’re already checked and they’re only sleeping”

“Thank god..” said Arisa.

Once she feel relieved, Yuya start to speak.

“By the way”

“You’re not gonna change your clothes? Though i bet Shuu is probably gonna like it better”

“Huh? KYAAA!” screamed Arisa.

She finally realized she was wearing just her underwear.

“S..sorry! I forgot to remind you!”


Shuu is getting red and looking away.

“Please realize it sooner!” said Arisa.

Yuya is doing a small laugh for this old husband-wife comedy.


-after some hours-

“Uu… that was horrible”

Wearing her holy maiden outfit, Arisa was sulking.

“I’m sorry..”

Shuu is bowing down while apologizing.

“I..its fine, it’s not your fault Shuu-ya... rather, please just don't mention it again.”

Trying to change the topic while getting embarrassed, Arisa is speaking about other things.

“But, what is this place? I can change clothes and appearance by imagining it, but we can't get out, and other than us only kids are here”

“I’m not sure, but”

“Perhaps, we would find out soon enough?” Yuya point at the center of place with a pedestal on it.


Not long after that. When the last kid is waking up.


A image of a hooded figure wearing a mask like a phantom of the opera and a man wearing santa suit is showing up as a hologram.

After a music which sounded bad and without any hint of reason, the figure is showing up amidst a smoke.

Once the music begin to died out, the hooded figure begin to speak with a mechanical voice.

“Welcome, poor lost lambs! The lost soul that knows nothing why,how,and where they are. I would give you a salvation that you wants”

The voice seems so machine like and it doesn't seems like a man or woman voice.

“First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the phantom thief Kaito, and this one is my assistant for now, Santa! Hmm, what did i steal this time? It was obvious, it was your dream! Ah, what dream you ask? Are you curious? Are you curious? Ha - Ha, too bad! But i won't tell you!”

The figure that called itself Kaito act like mature at first but getting childlike in the end which confused most of the onlookers more

“Huhu… HAHAHAHA! you guys expression of confusion is astounding! Oww yeah, that's the troubled expression that i want to see! Hmm? Are you angry? Are you mad? Aw,you’re making me blush. Do it more, a encore! The way i like it!”

“Hmm, we’re not getting anywhere like this. Okay! Let's start by explaining shall we?”

Then do that from the start! Everybody expression looks like they want to said that.

“First of all, this is inside your dream. Yes, a dream! Good dreams, bad dreams alike! The place where you running away from the reality! The escapee of you loser that feels as good as mastrubating where when you wake up a harsh reality where your wife is reprimand you to stop wasting time and go to work soon! A temporary utopia fitting to loser like you who always make excuse like “reality is harsh” or “i wanna live inside a dream forever” in your whole damn useless life. ah, for those of you that is too young to understand... don’t worry, you will know about it soon enough”

The kids are getting confused. Yet, the phantom thief continued.

“Because it was inside your dream. Any psychical wound is fine! Your wound will be fixed like voila when you wake up, ah, but, If the shock is too much, the body might died too. So be careful ~, well it wasn't my business if you died in real world though ”

“Well, so why are you guys here? That's simple. My assistant, santa-kun is worried that you guys are not happy enough with his present. Soo here i am! I will give you guys a present that you all asked for! The ULTIMATE PRESENT!”

Present? The kids eyes are sparkling hearing that.

“Buut however, it wasnt interesting.., unfortunately, the present is not enough for everyone here. So here is the deal.”


Out of nowhere, a door is showing up.

“You all will pass a “trial”. Only those who managed to survived until the end will get the ultimate present. For those that lose.. well, don’t worry. You guys will get the “present” too. It's probably won't be as good as the ultimate ones, but don’t worry, i’m making sure all of you got the rewards.”

“So, what are you waiting for? Come claim your present.. hey, brats, don't force the door to open yet, i am not finished. It would opened automatically when i was done… hmm, not a patient bunch are you. Fine, this time was exception. Let us just start THEN!”

With a creak, the door is opened and the kids are hurriedly going inside the door.

“My my, so impatient. Ah, by the way, i don't think i need to remind this, but be careful to not get too much shock or you will died for real too okay <3”

Once i finished saying that, only the heroes and one kid is left.

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