《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Sidestory xmas special 3


-Childhood ends, a evil is born-


After the kids entering the mysterious door, the three heroes are standing still.

It’s not that they’re cannot move, it’s just they’re still wary.

A sudden kidnapping…

A mysterious place…

A suspicious figure…

It said this was a dream, but since it feels so real they can’t be sure that what the phantom thief said was the truth.

Because there’s too much things happening suddenly, they got confused for a second.

Finally, cannot bear the silence, Yuya start to talk.

“…Let’s just follow them?”

“A..ah, good idea. We can’t just let the kids going there first, right?” said Shuu.

“A..alright, i’ll go first then?” said Arisa.

“Wait, it might be too dangerous!. Let me go first” reply Shuu.

“Shuu-ya, it would be fine. That mysterious voice… Kaitou was it? Didn’t he said this was a dream? So our psychical body is probably fine” said Arisa.

“Yeah, but didnt he said that we might die if we receive too much shock? I cannot let a woman risk herself, i’ll go!” said Shuu.

“Geez, only now you are treating me as a woman! Didnt you always making me go into the back everytime we party together? I have learned how to fight from Li.. Shishou too! Let me fight already!” said Arisa while getting close to Shuu.

“Uhm, arent you getting too close… wait, no is no!” said Shuu.

But Arisa wasn't convinced, and starting to make a pouting face like a squirrel. Yuya seems to get bored and start to yawning like looking at old couple drama, while the kid that being left behind is looking at them confusingly.

“Lady first! so i’ll go first!”

Arisa made a starting move.

Shuu tried to stop her, but before that.

“Ah, you guys can just watch from backlines. No adults allowed today ~ too bad”

Said the mysterious voice.

As soon as that said…

A black hole is showing up under them.

“Huh??” (Shuu)

“Eh??” (Arisa)

“Damn!?” (Yuya)

“Eh..” (Kid A)

Without any time to scream, the got swallowed inside the black hole.

aAAAAaAHHhHHH!!!??? x4

Finally realizing what happened, they screamed at same time.


What is this? What happened?

Shuu is getting confused because of the sudden fall.

Around him are dark, and he cannot move or speak.

(Arisa!! Yuya!!)

Getting worried about what happened to them, Shuu desperately struggles.

(Answer me! Please!)

He desperately trying to voice his words, but no answer to reply him.

After a few minutes that seems like a eternity.


“!!?” x4

The four are in well lighted room with a big screen like tv, while their hands and legs are bound and their mouth is gagged.

“Welcome to the show!”

After a bgm that sound sickly sweet yet adorable at the same time, increasing the terror. The voice of the one who introduce themself as Kaitou had reappeared.

Disregarding the four, the figure is starting to speaking.

“Aree? Are re? It looks like some uninvited guest had coming in too, despite i don't ever remember inviting them? Hmm, what a naughty kids you are. Normally i would just torture you, suck you guys dry, and leave you like a dirty rags in front of a trash can in capital. Butt, today i will make a special exception since i’m in a good mood”

“You guys are curious about what happened with the kids right? Relax…”

The screen is showing the kids.

“...!!” x4

Everyone is making a surprised voiceless scream.


Even Yuya which usually not surprised by most things cannot hide his surprise.

The phantom thief start to speak again.

“Donn’t worry. As you guys can see, they're Having fun with their new friends. Look at how spirited they are.~”

What lies beyond that screen.

Is what humans call, Hell.





Screams everywhere

That's probably the only best description for this situation.

A mascot like creature is starting to attack the kids.


The boy that just screaming had his entrails eaten by a duck mascot.


A girl that got captured is being bitten from head to toes from a mouse mascot.


A dismembered kid is laughing while seeing her body dissected by a laughing mascot wearing a mask like a clown.

Despite those kids are keep dying one another, they keep revived at a certain spot after death.

The unreal pain and scream.

The horrifying abyss.

The body that keeps revived.

Everything is crazy here, everything is horrible.

Yet, amidst this hell.

No one, no one save them.

The only thing exist here.

Is Hell.


….!! x4

The heroes and the kid are watching helplessly.

“Fufu, how was it? How was it? Quite a lovely scene isn’t it?”

Ignoring the scene and the four that cannot even resist or speak, phantom thief said to them.

“Ahh. Nice. How nice. Look, look at that!. That, their figure trying to escape back to the previous door yet it wont be opened. Their scream trying so hard to survive. Their painful agonies, like asking to be killed already to be released from this hell.. looking for a sweet nectar of death instead of the torture of living”

Phantom thief had start to shown more excitement on its voice.

“Ahh… but, but, this is wrong! It wasn't this! The prize that i mentioned is not this! No, no, well i do enjoy it personally, but this is not it! Come on, figure it out already! I mean, the answer is already in front of you kids. Aaah, shucks. That one died again. I wonder how many times this make, three hundred?”

While the four cannot move, phantom thief had shown them the scene over and over.

Anger, hatred, fear, tears, madness.

The kids that get massacred is confused at what to do.

At first, they tried to run.

Bit a bit, some got captured eventually.

Some tried to resist, but with kids strength, they cannot release themself from them.

Over times, fear start to taking their minds.

Disorganized, battered, and hopelessness…

All of the negative mind starting to fill those kids.

Most have given up already in escaping, and getting killed over and over while in the state of crying and laughing with empty eyes.

This state happened god know how long.

Until finally…

About 36 hours later…


One of the kids is making a strange noise.


Letting out blades all over of his body, his blades is piercing the monster mascot.

They got too slow in reacting, and the blade pierces the other kids and monster alike.

Inside the pool of blood, the boy is starting to watch his surrounding.

His blank lifeless eyes is starting to get life back inside them.



He start to laughs.

“haha… Ahahaha...HAHAHAHAHHA!”

WIth a frenzied state, the boy is starting to look at the other mascot.


Like a hurricane, the boy starting to massacre friends and foe alike.

In no time at all, the other kids is showing similiar symptom like him.



They start to changed into a various things, and start the massacre back instead.


“....!!” x4

The four seems to didn't understand what is happened.

Only the phantom thief, which seems to knew the situation and orchestra the whole thing answering calmly.

“Humm, it’s slow but they start to understand after all”

“That’s right! I said it already this is inside a dream. So, anything that you think can basically manifest here ~”

“....” x4 (expression of disgust)

“Oh right, i gagged you guys so you cannot speak or reply. Well basically, with permission of the admin of this world, me, anyone can create anything that they think about! Oh, with exception for you four, obviously~”

“Now, it’s where the real event is beginning. With things starting to get into the proper route, i can finally starting the real event. Is it fun? This is fun isn’t it? Kufufu… hmm? What’s wrong guys, tired already? Unfortunately”

We’re just getting started.


Despite nobody can see the mysterious phantom thief, they can feel the disgusting, creepy feeling around them.


After many hours or so.

There's no passage of time in this place.

However, one can still feel fatigue and pain.

After the survival battle that happened here, nobody else is moving.

The “monster” that attacks the children had been annihilated, so do the children.

Their body had been revived, but their mental damage is not.

After a few hours of quietness. Some of the children finally standing up.

“Oh, oh, you guys get up already?”

The voice of the self proclaimed phantom thief is resounded again.


Nobody replied nor have any strength left to replied.

After who knows how many time passed between life and death battle with the mascot, they didnt have any strength nor patience left to care about the stranger announcement.

Some even treat the owner of the voice in disdain and anger, while most of them realized they’re probably been taken as a fool and getting played around by this phantom thief.

But at their completely exhausted state, most of the kid can only cries and calling for their parents or asking to go home already.

Nobody even cares of the prize at this moment, they only want to go home.

“Are? Arere? Why are you guys crying? Isnt it funny? Its actually funny right? Laugh. Laugh now. Come on, dont hold back. Its fun right? Jist be glad. Just be happy. After all, i was happy”

But nobody stopped crying.

“Hmm, this is boring. If you guys only crying, i would get lonely~. Yosh, how about i grant your wish then?”

Suddenly, the room where they’re in is getting dark.

The kids are getting panicked further, and starting to look like they’re going to get insane from fear.


In the midst of darkness..



A door.



In the midst of light inside the darkness.

A single door had been showing up.

Thanks to its appearance, the children faces regains their vigor.

“Ufufu, yes, yes. Did you guess what i guess? Thatts right. This was what you guys were looking for. The gift that beyond miracles and hope. Surpassing boundary of death. Truly a gift of miracles admist the despair. A gift called hope.”

“Thaaats right, it was your ticket to home! A door to your beloved families, inside your warm bed, warm families, warm house… everything is beyond that door!”

Although it was actually the phantom thief fault that “kidnaps” them, all of them cannot think soundly right now.

After all, what they want right now is only one.

That is, to go “home”


“Hmm, but unfortunately the door can only be opened for one person. After that it would disappear and the rest will be trapped inside forever”


Ignoring their wishes. After that announcement from the phantom thief, everybody start to get frozen in spot.

“And those friend of yours will regenerate soon, and you guys can have fun playing again with them~”

They’re not going to wake up anymore, but the phantom thief is having fun making them scared.

A scream of histeria saying “NOOO!” “DADDY MOMMY!” or a bawling with unrecognized language is starting to spread again.

“I guess there's no choice then :3, i will lend you a hand this time”

Suddenly, various weapon is falling in front of them.

“Anybody killed by those baby cannot revive anymore and they will be trapped here forever. Unable to move, unable to speak. Thats why, one of you guys can be the last one standing and escape from here”

“So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start with killing each other~”

If they're in the sane minds, probably nobody agrees.

However, since they're still young, and they're too exhausted to think of another way…

Their tired expression turns into a murderous intent instead.





Inside the room where the heroes and the first kid is getting captured.

A massacre beyond the screen is happening.

Stabbing, slashing, mutilation.

Even pursuing surrendering “enemies” and slashing them. Over and over again.

The binding that ties the heroes and the kid is starting to get weaker, so they can speak now.

But that doesn't change that they still cannot do anything.

“Can’t we do something!? Yuya!!” (Shuu)

“Believe me, i would if i could…” (Yuya)

“This place is strange, i cannot focus my strength at all!” (Arisa)

While the heroes is struggling, the kid that being together with them is starting to get strange.


He only keeps mumbling all this time, while the heroes are busy trying to find a way to escape”

“...top it”

While he was keep mumbling, a dark aura is starting to surround him.

Until finally.


His body is surrounded by black aura.



His binding is removed instantly.


The heroes is surprised, but the kids ignoring them.

Glaring at the screen where the other children are killing around, he goes straight into the screen.


And the screen is breaking.



He reached the floor where the children's are killing each other.

The first thing he do was scream.


However, despite his scream nobody stopped.

Perhaps because the sight of the exit from this hell is in front of them, perhaps they had become mad from this hell.

Either way, they didnt have any intention to stop.


The first kid is gone mad, and start to punching the other kids to make them stop.


With incredible power, he swing his fist and throwing away the other kids.

Because he was making tantrum, the other kids start to get angry and fighting him back.

However, nobody could oppose him.

With his strength, even other kids imagination power doesn't work to him.


He screamed.

Over and over.

He keeps hitting the other kids mercilessly.


Making a tantrum, he screamed while his heart feels like getting torn.


Everytime he punched the kids, it feels like his body is getting punched all the time.

“But.. But…”

With tears in his eyes, he still keeps fighting.

“Why did you guys doesn't understand! Why is my effort is not being recognized?”

“I didn't ask for gratitude! I never asked for getting rewarded from my effort!”

He still keeps beating them.

Over and over.

Like a curse spewed upon himself.

“All i want is just for everyone else to be happy! For them to receive the rewards that i painstakingly made! For the children to smile from the bottom of their heart!!”


“Yet you guys are never actually being happy by received my present! All you guys do are having a strained expression by being thankful when nobody, not one of you is actually meant it!”

“If that's what happened, then what is my effort for? What is my hard work for then?!”

“You lying children! You shameless brats! Neither of you is deserving my gifts. Neither do i want to made anymore gift for you guys either!”

“Just die, all of you! Disappear already! You trash!”

After so many hours of so, he keeps attacking them without a pause.


*haah haah*

That kid is finally becoming the last one standing.

With blood and oil in his fist. Despite this was a fake world, the feeling are realistic enough for him.

After defeating all of the other children, a applause is heard.

“Ding dang ding, congratulation! We had a winner!”

A happy voice is heard around the room.

“Wow, never though anyone would actually won. You know, i expect it will take more time. As a bonus of such a speedy completion, my assistant, Santa kun will give you a bonus reward. Come out, Santa!”

With a voice of *kaclank*

The Santa is coming out alone.



When the kid finally realize his surrounding, nothing stands around him anymore.

All of them, either those who oppose him and those who is not.

They all received the same treatment, “death”.

Amidst this pool of blood, only the sickening “congratulations” voice can be heard.


The only figure still standing other than him.

“It’s you…”

Santa is approaching him while bring a box.

They’re only been quiet for some time until santa finally in front of him.


Is all Santa is saying to the kid while handing him a present box.


He threw away the box from his hand.

And grabbing santa by collar.


He only have one question.

There's a lot more that he want to ask, about what happened, about what exactly this place, and that mysterious phantom thief fellow.

But more importantly…

“Why didn't you help them!?”

Is what he want to ask.


“Santa is supposed to bring everybody happiness! His present is more than just a present, it was a part of his soul itself! The purpose is to show that even in this world, there’s still somebody that truly cares for them! Even if it's just one person!

“Yet, why didn't you save them?! Why didn't you bring happiness to them!?”

“Why!? Answer me, SANTA!”

A scream from his heart.


“Santa” is just being quiet.

He didn't answer, nor moving.

Only standing in front of him while being grabbed by the collar.


“The answer for that question…”

He finally started to speak.

“You already know it yourself.”


Having heard the reply that he didnt expect, he got more confused instead.

“What? What do you…”

The kid is getting confused and keep questioning him.

However, no matter how much he asked or how much he shaked santa he didn't get a further reply.


Looking at santa face closely, he finally realized…

At that moment.

He was surprised beyond comparison.


Santa face is suddenly changed.

Instead of the old man face like previous, he have a younger face. a child looking face.

That face…

Looking at him while grinning.

“Isnt that right, Santa?”

Was him.



Surprised, he pushed away the “santa”

It got pushed so easily and falling like a doll, while its body is getting hard like a glass.

“Santa" touched the floor and getting broken into pieces.

At that moment…


The room had changed again..

Now there's only him inside a white empty room.

There's only one other things in this room beside himself.

That is…

A big mirror in front of him.



Seeing his reflection, he was surprised.

He keeps touching his face over and over.

Like believing it was some kind of nightmare.

Like wishing it was just a bad dream.

Yet, no matter how much he plead.

The face that he saw is undeniably “him”.

The figure that he saw in that mirror.


Is what he used to admire, yet he hates from the bottom of his heart now.


What he saw in the mirror.

Is a sullen tired looking middle aged man face.



He was weeping.

He keep cried for who knows how many time had passed.

And the reason for that,

Is not just because he just suddenly turned old.

Self hatred, self despise, self agonize.

And most of all…

He cannot forgive himself.

He cannot forgive the man who failed to bring happiness to the children.

Especially since that man is actually himself.


He keep speaking to himself like a broken record.

Why is the only things that he can mutters in the end.

Why did things end into this, why?

He keep searching for the answer that he doesnt know himself.


“Want me to tell you?”

He looked back.

There should be nobody here except himself.

When he break through into this room, the path that connects him from the previous room is already closed.

Then having moving into another place without anyone else there, there should be nobody else beside him now.

The only one who can freely travel inside this world…

“Its you…”

He saw the smiling face of the devil who sent him here.


“So, how was it? Did you have fun?”

“....” (santa)

“Oh, i see. You had so much fun that you forgot how to speak. Very cute indeed.”

“...You devil…” (santa)

“Come to think of it, i didnt properly introduce myself huh? the name Miho, by the way. Well, not like you will remember any of it when you wake up”

“Miho…” (santa)

He spew the name of the devil who brings him here with a tone of hate and grudge.

“Hmm? Whats wrong? If you’re having a grudge, it was misplaced you know. After all…”

This is your fault everything happened like this after all

With that words,

He exploded.



He tried to attack Miho, but all of his attack is passed through like hitting an illusion.

Miho didn't seem to care and ignoring his attempt to attack.




He cannot stop throwing tantrum.

Yet despite his outburst, Miho only answer happily.

“You’re wrong. The one who is actually tortured and murdered those kids is you”


“Sure i did direct them here, but i am not the one who controlled those mascot and massacre them. After all, this is inside your dream. Where your deepest consciousness lie”

Hearing that,

Santa stopped his tantrum and looked at Miho with disbelief.

“Wh..at?” (santa)

He start to made a expression and laughing like a madman.

“Ha..haha, what are you talking about… there’s no way that is a dream...” (santa)

Miho snapped her finger, and they had moved back into the room where the mascot is being massacred.

“What are you showing me this for?” (santa)

“Just watch. Look at those mascot very carefully. Didnt they looked familiar to you somehow?” (Miho)

After being told like that, he looked at the dying mascot carefully.

They’re supposed to be regenerate after some time but somehow after they’re being defeated by those kids eventually they didn't revive again.

Their face is big and deformed, and it didn't looked like any creature that he ever saw.


“...!!” (santa)

When he looked carefully, their face is similar somehow…

Like a deformed version of those that he knows very well..

“No…” (santa)

He can’t hide his disbelief.

“Norman, ike, heru, donald.. Is that you guys?” (santa)

He speak the name of all of his assistant.

Who, despite a monster, is staying to his side so far.

Who, despite being hated by humans for their ugliness, is helping him without question.

Who, despite such a noisy bunch, is the closest thing he had for families.

“Why…? Why?” (santa)

Because he keeps getting confused, Miho answered him.

“Why you ask? You're the one who changed them of course” (Miho)

“W..hat?” (santa)

Making a satisfied face, Miho explains to him.

“As i said, this was a dream. I don't know from who, where, or how or even what age, but somehow i found this dream with the help of a certain device that enable me to move between dreams, that even surpassing the limit between time and space.”

“What makes apart from other dream is that this dream interest me somehow. Inside there i found A endless cycle of a man getting old, died, and reborn again on exact same life, same work, same routine, same death.”

“And what that man does, was a endless cycle of creating and gifting a gift to children as his sole purpose of living”

Hearing that, santa looked like he realize something.

“At first glance, it seems like a hell. However, the man face looked so happy that i feel like something is wrong”

“And i was right, that man suppressed his desire. Perhaps he got used to it, perhaps he already done it for so long that it become a second nature.”

“But no matter how much one suppress their desire, that desire is not gone. It was merely hidden somewhere”

“So, i just took advantage of that by interrupting his dream midway and released his suppressed desire with the device help. And voila~ this dream world had been created as a result”

Miho says that happily.

While hearing that, santa face is getting pale in realization.

“But really, you’re such a pervert isn't it? You actually wish to gang up the children who actually received happiness that you never received. And want to having revenge against them, torturing and killing them, and making them feeling the greatest pain ever a living creature could feeling. While acting like a good samaritan who brings children happiness in the outside”

“And it even changed those guys too~ those assistant that you proud of in this dream begun to changing when i awaken your desire. After that, i just ad libbing as announcer. But actually, even without me guiding the way, this would happened sooner or later~”

“Congratulations, you pervert~ your wish had been granted! With the device, it was actually possible to bring those kids that you actually hate so much here ~ so they're actual children not product of your dream. and the rest is what you know“

Hearing that,

He broke.



Santa screamed.

This time louder than usual.

While keep having tantrum like a madman.



He was already mad since the beginning.

(It was me??)

(I wished for this!?)

(It was my fault!?)

“AFsshwhhshuGDEWEFGfg$+- [email protected]#--+!!”

He got convulsed, spasm, and crying at the same time while making a voice unrecognizable for human.

He torn his hair into pieces, his black hair is starting to become white. His eyes looks like they can pluck out from his eye socket anytime.

The pressure is so much that he would be long dead if this was in real world.

Santa heart was breaking.

Without any hope of being repaired at this point.


Meanwhile, Miho is having fun and ignoring Santa since some time ago.

“Fufu, it feels good to do such a good deed sometimes”

At first she was getting bored inside the mines and thinking of plan.

So, using a device that she stole... Borrowed from goddess, she played with it around for a while.

-Vr dream headset ~ Dream that goes beyond realities-

Miho doesn't know who is the idiot that named this thing into this stupid name. But it's effect is actually quite dangerous.

By forcefully interrupt someone dream, it have a power to give the owner a admin control within someone dream.

And it wasn't limited to this world inhabitant dreams. It can be a dream from someone beyond the space, it can be from someone in past, or future.

As long it was a dream, one can basically have admin access within.

“Not sure why the heroes is here too though, perhaps they’re considered as children by this world standard?”

Well, it's not my business.

After all, they will probably forgot about this when they wake up.

It was one of the device ability after all. Perhaps to erase any trace of tampering someone else dream.


Their mental wound will never healed.

Although they will return to real world, those children mind will probably be broken beyond repair that they cannot live a normal live from now on.

Eh? It was my fault for provoking santa since the beginning?

Ahaha surely you jest.

Of course it was my intention since the beginning ~

After all,

I can enjoy such a good show as a result. Isn't this fun?



The world is getting cracked.

Ah, i guess the fun time is over.

Because of such a shock, he would probably waking up soon.

At that moment, this world will disappear and everything that happened here will return into nothingness.

Well, not everything though ~ the fear and trauma they received will be carried over. But hey, that's the price you paid for such a miracle isn't it?

After all, how else can you all play inside the someone else dream for long time?

Oh, the heroes will probably return to the real world unharmed. In some way, they’re the luckiest one here. Some bystander they are.



Goodbye then.

Nameless person who wants to be a santa all this time.

The person who wants every children to be happy, yet hates them more than anyone else.

I don't know from which world, which age are you from, or even your real appearance.

However far apart your wish from reality is, i know you actually just want to be saved.

If only someone actually give you a hand, if only you had received a present back then, if only you can be more confident to yourself.

But alas, reality is not forgiving.

Having received neither one, you end up inside a self delusion to escape from the reality.

Even though one knows it was wrong, you still strive for it nonetheless.

Ahh, i knew it…

You humans, are truly beautiful.

Thats why, i can’t ever get bored seeing your action all the time.

Your cute yet adorable struggle to the end, your wish toward eventual inescapable destruction, yet striving it nonetheless...


When your hope become a despair in no time at all

When you curse and love the world at same time

When those emotion reach the peak, it was truly the best moment ever

Fufu… hmm? You Humans?

Weird.. i am human, isn't i?

Huh, what am i saying? Forget it. Perhaps i got too tired already.

Even though i can’t get tired inside the dream, mental exhaustion, is after all a different things.

Now then…

This is farewell then, nameless santa.

If perhaps, we meet again one day.

I would be looking forward to what monster you had become.


-Thirty years ago-


He slowly opened his eyes.

The lifeless face of a young man around his twenty is shown.

His mind is still not up yet.

Looking around, he was inside a room he never saw before.


A sound of plate is breaking near him.


A middle aged woman is staring at him with disbelief.

Looking closely at the woman face, perhaps he knows her. Perhaps he is not.

The middle aged woman starting to cry when seeing him.

“Dear, dear! Come, quickly!”

Panicking, she was leaving him while calling for someone.


“Son, how are you feeling? Did you recognize me?”

A middle aged man is asking him a question.

The young man is not answering him, yet instead listening him nonetheless.

Apparently, he was infected with rare disease called sleeping syndrome.

The victim will lose consciousness and reach the state of endless dream in vegetative state.

Nobody knows how long one can be sleeping inside that state, but most are end up sleeping until their lifespan ended.

It seems like he was contract this disease when he was ten.

The young man is known as genius when he was a kid, and his parent doesnt know how to interact with him since they didn't understand much about what he was saying.

Since they thought it was normal for geniuses to be alone, they didnt paid much attention to him either.

Until when he contracted the disease did his parent truly realize how wrong they are.

They keep treating him without losing hope, even though they almost given up lately…

And sure enough,

Their son eventually wakes up after ten years sleeping.


When he wakes up, they chatted about what has been happened and the situation until now.

The young man is starting to awake, and was able to chat normally.

He smiled too knowing his parent truly cares for him.

After a few days…

“Son, let me introduce you. This is your childhood friend Liza, did you remember her?”

Saying that,

A girl with black hair is coming inside his room.


“H..hello there, long time no see..”

The girl is speaking shyly.


The young man didn't replied nor move.

“Ah, did, you not recognize me, perhaps? It’s no wonder. I wear a glasses and chubby back then. But, but i know it. I know you will wake up someday.”

Instead he start to getting strange.

“U,uhm? What’s wrong?”

Thinking it was strange, he was trembling while having a heavy breath looking at Liza.

*haaah* *haaah*

He was staring at her hair, her silhouette. It relapsed with someone.

But who?

He can't remember.

He should not remember.

But in some way.

He got a feeling.

He cannot forgot.

He cannot forget it no matter what..!


Thinking his son is getting strange, the father is approaching him.

“S..son? Whats wrong? Are you still feeling unwell?”


He suddenly shouts and staring at his father like he’s a enemy.

Because it was so sudden, his father is surprised and back down a little.



Changing his point of view to Liza, he jumped to her with eyes full of madness.


“KYAAA!!?” (liza)

He start to strangle Liza and choking her, with full intent of breaking her neck.

Surprised, his father trying to stop him.

“Son!? What are you doing!? Release her!!”

But his sudden hatred is abnormal.

He punched his father to get him out of way, and his head bumped into the wall and blood splurt from him.

Eventually, his dad is weakened and collapsed on the spot.


He strangle Liza with bloodshot eyes and with all of his strength.

“Aguu..hh… aaaa..aa”

Liza cannot speak nor breath.

In her last moment, she seems to call some name. But the young man is not in sound mind to hear her properly.

Finally, releasing her last breath, her neck is splitted into two.



The one who screamed is his mom.

After all, she saw two corpse beside her son.

One is being her husband.

The young man, seems to regain his sense for a bit, starting to run and leaving his terrified mother.

He escaped into the nearby forest.





When he regained his senses, he finally realized.

He had lost everything.

He was supposed to live a happy life from now on.

After being unconscious for many years, he was finally return to the world of living.

What is waiting for him in reality is supposed to be a happy ending.


“What’s wrong.. with me..?”

He can't explain what happened just now.

Suddenly, a unexplained urge is coming to him when he saw Liza.

He can’t control it, neither he was conscious back then.

But one thing for sure.

“Ugh.. my head..”

He saw a deep hatred when he saw Liza.


Not just hatred, but madness…

When he saw her hair color, her figure, her face.

It was different, but somehow faintly similar.

With the figure that he saw in his dream.

He can’t remember anything when he lost consciousness for ten years.

However, he remember one thing.


What drives him left, what has stolen everything that he had.

All he had is lost, and all he wanted had been gone.

His happiness has been stolen by his own hand.

Now, the only thing that drives him left…

“That monster…”

Is revenge.


He screamed.




Screaming all of his heart out, he swore of his revenge. And his reason to live.

Thirty years later, he will become the leader of a certain most dangerous cult in the world who hunts and murder every black haired girls they can find in the name of justice.

And dedicating his whole remaining live to hunt a certain black haired woman.

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