《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 25


- starting over my carefree life -

hello there, it's aimi desu, the most beautiful and capable imouto, yes~

how are you guys doing so far? are you fine? are you unwell

if it's fine, good. if it's unwell, should i slap you guys butt into shape? -smiles-

ufufu i know you guys are excited to seeing the newly born "aimi" and her adventures

"oniichan" will still shown up, so don't worry

in fact, she still plays big role

mou, oniichan is still embarrassing as usual!

i know you love me, but but aimi is sup~per embarrassed you know?

oh, but thanks for keep loving aimi oniichan, aimi.. didn't hate it you know.

ah but please keep the 18+ old above dvd away!

you know oniichan...

if you really wants me so much, you can just ask anytime, mou!

i am everyone beloved aimi, after all~

ne, ne, so dear readers did you like the character so far

actually, the character are mostly made in less than five second

so if they're, like, missing something, just be patient!

they will grow, yeah, children are something that can be growing up after all


about the story so far

both “oniichan” and new "aimi" is basically same person after all

noo, its not like some OP existence taking over one personality or something..

lets just say, since new “aimi” is lost her memories she was more pure

so so, which one did you like? a naughty one? or the cute one? oor, the normal ones..?

whichever one you like, it's actually DOESN'T MATTER!

because we will be coming out whoever we want, whenever we want. whenever you least expects to! MWAHAHAHA

eh? selfish? reader opinion is important? ahaha come on now, if you read so far you would realize right?

that we all are selfish after all


so i am gonna rob all your candies and trade it with spicy ones

i'm looking forward for you guys expression ufufu

would you cry? would you surprised? ahh! i bet you laugh right?

well, changing the main story is probably impossible at all..

why? cause mostly the story is already there

where? mm.. lets just think of it somewhere inside this deep space, outer border of realm of consciousness

oh but but

the story isn't already set in stone y' know?

so if dear readers asking nicely for a scene that you wants to happened

who knows, it might magically appeared next day. huhu

whenever it is, it would be the best if everyone reading is HAVE FUN

yaay *clap clap*

now then..

let's enjoy the show. *toodle o*

hopefully oniichan can finish it this time


ah, it was just a lie actually..

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