《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 26


- a simple morning, i'm home? -




i hit the ceiling

i feels like i'm seeing strange dream..

*chirp chirp*

i heard bird voices

the ceiling is low

the room is messy with every kind of game roms and manga

a pc with a game running inside it is turned on

i must be forgot to turn it off


this is supposed to be my room

but for some reason

i feel like this is a stranger room


i tried to remembering things from my dream

in that dream..

i got summoned as one of four heroes and asked to save the world

thinking of it is like a bad joke. haha.. me? saving the world? i would rather be the side to destroy it instead

ah, but if the world is destroyed i wont be able to see aimi-chan anymore..

hmm? thats strange

i'm supposed to love aimi chan deeper than deep ocean, and taller than even moon

if its for aimi-chan, i was supposed to be able to write love poem with 13000 pages about her in no time at all

but for some reason

i feel she's.. kinda normal?

no, no. its not like i suddenly hates her

its a feeling like..

a far of reach idol is suddenly become your close family instead

since you seen her everyday it feels like its natural for her to be by your side

that's why it was weird

"...well, no need to worried about it i suppose"

if she really becomes a "family" thats gonna become a good thing

ah, right its time to go

now, it's time to get up

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