《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 7


- The beginning of hell -


A rabbit some distance away got pierced by a knife.


While wiping the sweat away, Mika looked around.

"Guess this place is really peaceful, nothing much happened."

Warm sunlight, quiet forest.

One can probably sleep without any care in the world in this place and would still be fine.

But for Mika...

"Annoying, this quietness reeks. When something is getting too good, usually something reaally bad will happen."

Since she was rotten, it didn’t have any effect.

"To begin with, this quiet scene doesn't suit me. More explosion, screams and curses sound better. Ah, how about I burn this place down with the fire magic that I just learned?"

After doing miscellaneous task like pulling herbs and killing lost rabbits, her level increased by 3.

After that, she learned basic fire and water magic. Seems like it’s default for heroes to learn every basic magic. Then, perhaps she should learn earth or wind magic soon...

"Eh, forget it. It's been too peaceful that I got paranoid. Ahhh, if only Aimi-chan was heeeeere...!"

While pulling some herbs, she started to spat out delusions.

To begin with, anyone can accept simple jobs even without an adventurer license.

However, the number of request they can accept is limited. Furthermore, the rewards are not that good.

But since going into the forest without doing anything seemed boring, Mika accepted some jobs. She got nothing else to do anyway.

Even that rabbit was only wandering around and ran out of luck by meeting a bored Mika.


She got tired and slept on the spot.

It ended up being effective after all.

-Later at noon-


Her scream scared the birds and animals that got too close to her.

"Huh? Huh? Where is Aimi-chan? I remember she's trying to give me a goodnight kiss and brought me to bed.. Aahh, Aimi-chan is so bold ~kya~"


Again, in her delusions, she seemed to have forgotten her purpose for coming here.

"Ah it's already starting to get dark. Danggit, can't be helped. I'll fantasize once I come back to the inn."

Completely forgetting to see the canyon, she stood up and lazily remained there. At that moment...



Hearing some voice from the distance, she became wary.

But it's too late...

Around thirty people suddenly surrounded her.

They all were riding a big wolf. If mika remembered correctly, they were a subspecies of the wolf kind, "dire wolf".

Mostly hunting corpses of defeated monster, they're completely different from the prideful wulfes.

However, their ferocious nature was similar to a wolf.

The people riding them seemed like low life too.

If mika remembered correctly, many of them were seen in most villages and towns.

A perfect example of small fry, a staple...

After appraising them, they’re small fry too. The highest were lv 3, while on average they were lv 1~2. The same could be said to their wulfes.

One of them started to speak.

"Hyaaha, we're the wolf brigade unit! Are you scared? Are you scared? Hey, girlie, think of this as bad luck meeting us. You can start to scream and cry, but nobody’s gonna save you~ Heehe, are you scared? Are you scared? You must be~ AARGHH!"

Without hesitation at all, mika threw a couple of pebbles accurately at his eyes with all of her might.

The reason she didn't use fire magic? Because it felt like a waste of MP.

"Too long, dick face."

Making use of their confusion, Mika suddenly ran toward the hoodlum that she had one-shot in the eyes, jumped, and kicked him in face, letting the pebble sink deeper.


Jumping over him, Mika ran away.

However, she didn’t run towards the exit, but went deeper into the forest instead.

From there on, the tag between the hunters and the "hunted" began.

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