《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 6


Explanation, is it necessary? I guess it was -


My head felt funny. I guess I drank too much.

I wanna puke but nothing came out.

Shit, this country is really fucked up. i thought there'd be at least a beast-kin slave. To think they won't accept demi humans even as slaves.

I looked at every place at night, hoping to find a cute beast girl slave. Getting called "Master", ahh, it would be a dream coming true.

Unfortunately, anyone other than humans are executed here without any trials and judges. Even humans needed to do a lot of tax and such troublesome rules to get a trial. Yes, yes, welcome to the absolute terms of monarchy.

Thanks to that, they gathered a lot of hatred from other countries. Most surrounding countries already stopped the flow of goods, thinking this was a hopeless country.

No wonder this country is so poor! Everywhere I looked, the people are lifeless, the smell is weird, and it's expensive everywhere.

I could get a beast slave from shady dealers probably, but the risk and price is too high, so I decided to on hold until I reached next country.

Even this borderline village was the only cheap place I found. Luckily, the drinks are good here, so I drank too much.

Underage? Eh? Who cares about that? It’s another world, baby, time to break some rules, woohoo!

Eh? Not like I was ever following the rules in the first place? Aw, shush, rules are meant to be broken. Hahaha

Seems like the reason for the cheap price was because this place was near a dangerous place. It was called go.. gor.. canyon whatever.

Anyway, that place used to be the home of a dangerous monster. The monster hasn’t been seen for a long time and is already thought to be dead. But another monster attracted by the residual mana of said monster made it their house.


Thanks to that, they underwent evolution and it got pretty dangerous to hunt. It's classified as a B-Rank Danger Area.

To know how dangerous it was, danger ranks are usually ranked from E to A.

A S danger rank existed, as well as a S adventurer rank, but the amount of times it showed up in history could be counted on one hand. I heard no S ranked adventurer existed currently, and S ranked monster never left their territory, and nobody provoked them without any reason, so they never became a target of subjugation.

That means it's one rank under the current highest. Yeep, a newbie like me is gonna get crushed.

Ah said previous monster from the canyon seems to be even beyond S rank, legendary perhaps... I'm not sure.

Luckily, the monster there never got out of the forest, probably because just living there was more comfortable. There's no reason to leave, since food in forest is abundant because of said monster mana.

Other theories suggest, that the monster which received the monster mana cannot leave from the area in exchange of power. Other said, some high Archpriest made a barrier to dispel their intentions to go outside.

There's a forest next to that place though. Beginner forest. true to its name, it has a danger level E rank and just like the name, most newbie adventurer hunt there.

I said hunt but there are mostly only herbs there. There's a rabbit on occasion but they seldom show show up.

Why was it besides such a dangerous place, what imbalance! Are you asking the newbies to die?

But it seems such worries were unnecessary. There's never any sight of a monster from said canyon leaving that place

Well, it's not my problem since I'm gonna leave this countries soon.


But leaving some place unchecked is not my style, so I'll go to the beginner forest tomorrow and take a quick peek in canyon.

I need to be in good condition tomorrow, ahh, goodnight..

-Some place near the village-

"Found.. her yet?" A big guy named garon asked.

His equipment seemed to be different from usual. A full plate armor, an iron helmet. It was equipment for "war".

And he was sitting on a giant wolf.

“Yes, some borderline village witnessed someone clearly not from around here with black hair and black eyes"

"I ..see" he replied with an uncaring voice.

30 people with bandit like appearances surrounded him.

They wore ragged clothes like some certain kind of end of century minions. They also sat on big wulfes, although not as big as Garon’s. Everyone wore a smile on their faces, proof that nobody decent was in this place.

Beside them, an out-of-place young man wearing clothes like a rich aristocrat was there.

That man was a subordinate of the king, sent to supervise them.

"Excuse... me?

Asking that, the man was glared at by everyone there. The sight almost made him pee into his pants.

"What?" garon spat out.

"Err, this is just one girl right? Is there any needs for this many people?"

It seems reasonable. No matter how, this bunch of people seemed too much just to murder one person.

"Even... hunting rabbits, lions... use... all strength"

garon answered.

"I, I see.." the man trembled.

"Then.." garon said.

"We will... begin hunt... tomorrow, when the prey comes out... use all your strength. After all..."

It's the first time you guys can taste a girl from another world after all.

Hearing that, a loud cheer resounded. Some even happily threw something like ball, some threw away shapes resembling whips.

Since it's dark, the man with good clothes cannot see exactly what it was. when moonlight lights some of them...


They’re heads! All of them are human heads.

Looking closely, what they swung around looks like intestines...

Looking at the condition, they're not just recent ones. Some of them smelled bad and were already rotten. Some people had sex with the rotten head, others even ate their organs and drank the blood. Just how did... they do this to another human?

"You.." garon began speaking.

"Hii...! Ye... yes?" the man trembled.

"You... ready... the reward?" garon asked.

"Ah, ye...yes... 100 gold coin for the job, another 300 gold coin if the corpse face is intact... Here’s an advance payment of 50 gold. You’ll receive the rest when the job is over." the man answered.

Hearing that, garon nodded.

“Good... then.”

He slapped that man back lightly.

“Go back... and prepare the money.”

“Ah, al.. alright..then, farewell!” the man replied.

Wanting to leave this place immediately, the man started to run away.

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