《How to become an evil overlord!》Chapter 9: Karma will come back, especially when someone points it your way.


Pov Shiro

I scrunch my nose a bit as I hold onto her fragile hands. She smelled Bad. Like, really bad. I almost worried about the poor bag of bones, almost. Since when did I worry about others.

My possessions, however, are not allowed to die. What did worrying ever do anyway?

So I drag her to the general store. Into the town where people are giving me dirty looks.

Judge me, doesn't effect my day.

Shush, don't distract me.

Yeah, look at the time dumb*ss.

And, oh bloody hell, it's switch time. Dang, I was just having some fun.

Settling down, I let him slowly take over control of the body. It's a strange feeling, like moving your body, except, you aren't the one moving it.

We continue walking down the cobblestone paths, medieval style houses lined the road, mirroring each other.

The whole 'switch' was so smooth, no one noticed anything.

With Dog clutching my hand from below, we enter the general store.

Pushing open the wooden door, a bell rang out signalling our arrival.

"Welcome, how can I help you today?"

Greeted a well-groomed shop assistance, her smile as fake as plastic. She didn't even bother hiding the disgust in her eyes as she looked at Dog.

Don't stand too close to the fire, plastic melts.

Pfft. Ok, that was actually funny. Nice timing.

What are you talking about, I'm always funny.

Yeah yeah, you have a shop assistant to deal with.

"Ah yes, I'm here for some clothing, for Alissa here." My arrogant yet graceful and smooth voice replied smoothly.

My arrogant yet graceful and smooth voice replied smoothly.

Now, who's the narcissist?

Shush. He, Kuro, don't get confused here, casually tossed a gold coin towards the girl. Catching the coin, her smile just became ten degrees faker, which I didn't think was possible.


Who are you talking to? I'm afraid you might be going mad.

I'm narrating, and I'm perfectly normal, thank you for your concern.

I mentally spit out sarcastically.

Well, you learn something new every day.

"Sir, would you like shirts, pants, skirts or dresses. We have a few types of each." The plastic smile interrupts our thoughts.

"Yeah, just one of each type you have, keep the change." I yawn lazily. Well, Kuro yawns. Same thing.

The woman's face light's up as she rushes off to find the items.

Suddenly, I feel a soft tug.

"Master, why did you give her a gold? Do you know how much that is, master are you stupid?"

I couldn't help frown. Stupid? I'm a m*therf*cking genius.

"Dog," I say sternly, "I have a few platinum in my wallet, and I earned that in a few weeks. I'm an alchemist so this is nothing. Besides," I add playfully, "You will work to pay it off, right?"

I've already decided, her future job is to be my meat shield and herb picker.

In no time, the shop assistant returned with her fake smile plastered on her fake face.

"Thank you for your purchase."

Smiling, I turn to leave. That is until an annoying voice calls out to me.

"Not so fast mister." Bellows an arrogant voice.

That guy is such a narcissist.

You're the one to talk...

I keep walking, pretending I didn't hear.

"Stop you bastard."


"Get back here you fake alchemist."

Is that wind I hear?

"You poison selling piece of sh*t."

Yep, just wind.

I keep walking away at full speed, not wanting to deal with this. Dog's hand is suddenly yanked out of mine.

"Master!" Her weak little voice cries.


"Oh don't you dare. Put her down right this second." I spit out, stopping in my tracks to turn around and look at him.

"Those poisons you gave me really did me in. I lost a whole level due to that you know. Do you have any idea how hard it is to level up? It took me 6 weeks. And I lost it. How are you going to pay?" He looks down on me, mockingly.

Is a worm actually looking down on me? Hahahaha. So he hasn't had enough.

I glare back at him. "Well I don't know, why don't you tell me?"

"Boss, he's just on level 1. Of course, he doesn't know." Stated a lackey bringing the whole gang into a mocking laugh.

"Would you just give Alissa back? I have things to do." I say through clenched teeth. If this wasn't a safe zone, then I would have slaughtered them ages ago. They were only level 3 and yet they were this cocky.

"What, don't tell me this is your little lover. This bag of bones. Pfft. Hey guys! Did you hear that? This bag of bones is his lover!" He yells, lifting Dog into the air by a single arm. Pain visible on her face and she struggled in his grip.

That's it.

"How bout I kill her right here, right now? NPC's never come back, yanno." He sneered.

"Help!" I scream hysterically, tears rolling down my face, "They're trying to kill her! My adopted daughter! They threatened me for no reason!"

My shameless acting skills are so amazing, the crowd is easily convinced.

Rumors spread like wild fire. The crowd gossiped.

That man, Wil-pfft.

Sorry, Wilburf-pfft.

I mean, Wilburforce-pfft.

He didn't have a good reputation. People only listened to him because he had money, lot's of money.

"How horrible."

"To threaten to kill an NPC"


"It's just a little girl."

"I can't believe someone actually adopted an NPC."

The arrogant monkey's face contorted in anger. He could see his plan isn't going well, he's not embarrassing anyone but himself.

I just sneer at him, giving him my best sh*t-eating grin.

"You little-"

He hissed, his face turning red with fury.

Dropping Dog, he ran towards me with his fist ready for a punch. I just stand there and watch it come.

"Bastard, I will kill you right now!"

He yelled in a war-cry manner.

Just when is fist is about to hit me, I smirk.

"It's a safe zone, you stupid monkey." I whisper mockingly so no one else hears up.


My body flew like a ragdoll, crashing into the wall.

"What's going on here?" A deep, firm voice cut's through the air. The armed guards have arrived.

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