《How to become an evil overlord!》Chapter 10: Some people are as spoiled as rotten cheese


"What's going on here?" A deep, firm voice cuts through the air.

The tension in the air thickens. Whispers spread through the crowd like rustling leaves, the gossip like strong wind.

"He's done for."

"He attacked in the safe zone..."

"We all knew this would happen one day..."

"Quiet!" The Chief guard, Andrew, yelled.

Silence fell over the street like a blanket, not even a whisper was heard.

"Now," He uttered, scanning the crowd, "who wants to tell me what happened here?"

A well-maintained metal helmet covered his face, polished armor protected his body. A huge man sitting on a huge black horse, intimidating.

His ebony eyes washes over the crowd, then stops on us, me and the monkey.

Psh. Monkey is overused.

What? No. Why do you care, keep acting, do your job.

Hey, if you're narrating our heroic journey, do it properly. Monkey is overused.


I roll my eyes mentaly.

His ebony eyes washes over the crowd, then stops on us, me and the chimpanzee. Better?

No, the chimpanzee and I.


Sometimes, he can be so irritating.

His ebony eyes washes over the crowd, then stops on us, the chimpanzee and I. Fine now?


Now keep dealing with this.

"You, tell me what happened." He asked, no, ordered Willb-pfft. That arrogant guy.

Wilburfor-pfft, the mon-chimpanzee, just smirked with overflowing arrogance.

"You arrived at the right time. This little runt has been harrasing me, arrest him now." He looked at the guard with a smug smile. "I'm friends with the lord of this city, I've donated much to the people. I'm sure you just look up to me so much. Do you want an autograph?" He mocked, looking at me as if i'm garbage.


Does he really think money can get him out of this?

I think so...

How could anyone be so spoiled.

Yeah, like rotten cheese.

Pfft. That's not funny,

You laughed...

What, delusions.

I look back towards the Chief Guard, and there it was. The popped vein.

"You. I asked for what happened. NOT your relationship with this city!" He bellowed.

Raging, he pointed at one of the crowd members. "Would you like to tell me what happened here?"

The stickly adventurer shivered as he stammered. "S-sure, so it started like this..."

After shakily retelling the story, the cowardly adventure slowely backed away fading into the crowd. The huge mass of muscles, on the other hand, turned around and looked towards Wilbu-pfft.

"So, kid, it is clear who's in the wrong here. However, considering your relationship with my boss, I shall be leniant."

"See, it's clear he is in the wrong here. Now arrest him and let me go." Willburforce-pfft declared shamelessly.

Another vein pops.

Pop of the veins II

"Kid, I was going to be leniant and let you go with an apology and compensation."Andrew sighs, "But this, leaves me no choise. Boys, arrest him." He said with a wave of his hand and left.

Leaving the armed guards to surround the monkey throwing a tantrum.

Taking Dog by the hand, I leisurly walk towards the bathhouse, our original destination.

Later (cause the author can't be stuffed to think of times)

pov: Willburforce

"hah hah hah"

The darkness encloses me. Swallowing me.

I'm scared.

Daddy. Help.

Tears roll down my face as I grip the bars of the jail.

And then, it hits me, I can just log off.

I emerge from the capsule, the cold air hitting my naked body.


I scramble around my spacious room for clothes, settling on a silk bathing gown.

Finding my phone, I call daddy.

"Daddy, I was bullied in game today!"

His worried voice quickly replied, "Son, what happened? Who dares bully my son?"

Quickly, I tell him the story. I was definetly not biased.

With a sigh, daddy's tired voice comforted me. "It's ok, son. I'll take care of it."

Now he'll pay.

Meanwhile, pov dad

This stupid son of mine....

He's clearly in the wrong. Where did I go wrong raising him.

I can't be stuffed to do anything about this. Might as well have another cup of coffee and keep working.

So much to do...

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