《How to become an evil overlord!》Chapter 8: I've gained a Dog.


Pov Shiro

I walk into the inn, everyone is as noisy as ever. Over the past month, I've got to know most of the long term stayers. They tell very interesting stories and provide me with information.

But today is different. Today, I want to pick up two new jobs and a merchant skill.

I walk over to my teacher and sit down next to her. She looks up from her steak, face full of meat, and asks.

"What's wrong, lad? Why the serious face?"

I sigh. "I have a name, you know. Teacher, do you know anyone who can teach me the contract skill, the pyromancer job and the assassin job?"

"Do they have to be the same person?" She replies, taking another bite out of her raw steak. The blood dripping down the meat makes my stomach grumble. Actually, isn't it funny how intelligent species love to eat animal carcases. They are basically animal corpses or even monster corpses, and yet they taste so good...


Huh? Oh.

I glare at her in response. The red haired vampire just laughed, sending blood flying everywhere. She fishes around in her pocket for a moment and hands me two addresses.

"The first one will teach you the contract skill, for a fee. As for the second one, just tell him I sent you and he'll give you a test. Not of strength but of willpower. Be prepared." Her eyes narrowed as she looked at me. It's rare to see her make a serious face so I guess it's important.

I stand up and thanked her before heading for the door. I follow the (yellow brick road) dirt roads until I reach the slums.

The stone and brick houses were replaced with dodgy wooden cabins. To put it bluntly, they were sheds made with a few wooden planks and fabrics.


I could see little children playing around in the dirt, laughing. But I could also see some, skin and bones, just sitting there, staring at nothing. Their eyes looked dead, like mine used to, but now, my eyes shine with life and evil born from deep hatred.

I walk over to a little girl sitting on the ground and hands her a stale bread. She thanked me and took it with her dead fish eyes and started eating. I didn't do this just because I felt nice, I mean, let's be real here, when do I ever feel nice. I did this because this demi-human deserved a better life, a life serving me as god as my very first servant.

I checked her status and she has potential. All players have appraisal, you can see anyone's status. Even the NPC's have it.

I take out another stale bread and signal for her to follow me. The poor child stood up shakily and followed me like a zombie, which I personally know very well how it feels. Her dead eyes still void of life.

Soon we arrive at a shed like all the others, but it was the one on the address. I knock on the mouldy wooden door.

Suddenly, the door swung open and an old man beckoned me inside.


Fast forward (old man is an insignificant, destined to die character)

I walk out of the shaggy door. It looked like it could fall any moment.

I make my way back to the inn with my soon-to-be-slave in tow. The information on contracts swirled around in my head, making me dizzy.

I look down at the scraggy little girl and decided to make a detour to the general store and bathhouse.

"Hey, little girl. What's your name?"

The child looked up at me, her face, showing emotion for the first time, was surprised.


"Alissa." She replied in a small voice.

"Now then, Alissa, I'll just call you dog because of your ears. Do you like your life here in the slums?"

The girl looked at me with disbelief, like I'm asking a stupid question. "No, I do not."

Oooooh. She can speak pretty well.

"Well then, why are you here in the slums."

Her chestnut brown eyes filled with sadness.

"They were taken away by slavers. We used to be a merchant, but that's all gone now." She said the last part quietly, her soft brown ears drooping.

I dig deeper into her poor, unfortunate soul. (lol, Disney references)

"Do you hate the people who took everything from you?"

The child's eyes were suddenly filled with hatred.

"Yes, I do."

I smiled. "What would you do if you ever saw them again."

She gritted her teeth, her tail rigid. " I will cut them apart slowly, keeping them alive, and sprinkle salt on them. I will hear their screams and pleading and I crush their organs with my very own hand and feed then to pigs." Her little fists clenched hard as she spat out those words of hatred.

I smile to her, "You pass!" I announced. She looks at me dumbfounded.

"If you become my slave, I will take you away from here and give you money to train and become strong. After that, we can take our revenge on humanity. I'll give power and opportunities, in exchange, you will serve me for the rest of you live. Do you agree."

She looked at me with hope in her eyes. "Yes." She says and we're both enveloped in a blinding yellow light.

Goddamnit. These people really need to do something about the blinding hazards.

The light faded away and a screen popped up before me.

Looking over to Dog, I could see she saw the same thing. We both smile at each other, planning all the things we can do to get our revenge on those blasted humans. My first slave, Dog, let's visit the bath house first, you stink.

I look at her with pity.

You have gained a slave: Alissa

Current number of slaves: 1

Standard slave contract rules.

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