《Transcending》Chapter 5 : Three Years.
During the month of Lin's father weakness, Lily showed the man her scary side as she fed him his daily meals.
She would tell him stories of how lucky he's to be the only male in the area otherwise her mom would be in the arms of another person right now, since Lin made sure to warn his mom of the danger that might occur to the father if he got horny in his current state, she kept her distance from her husband and rarely made him see her during that month.
Lily took chance of this opportunity to tease the man and shake his self-esteem, the man would laugh it in the beginning as a joke with an amused expression.
Then as the days passed with his woman avoiding him and even sleeping with his children, that amused expression was gone and his laughter turned into dry laughs of awkwardness.
Then it turned into a serious look with a couple coughs of embarrassment, finally his ears were completely listening to his only daughter when she spoke and he itched every single word and instruction in his brain.
Lin noticed how close his father and sister has become after a few days, but he was careless about what Lily was teaching the man these days, since she gave him her word to behave and not to cause trouble for himself or the family anymore he was sure she's doing something for a reason.
He focused on his meditation instead and tried to avoid little Lao as much as possible when he did, but, even he with his insane amount of mental capabilities and lightning quick thought process.
Lin was completely irritated in every meditation session, even if he was locked in the tunnel leading to their next home in a very quiet place as he meditated.
First it was his body, the mere fact of his need to remain completely still and motionless was bothersome.
It took him a whole week to get used to it, and at best he would sit for an hour before he finds it unbearable anymore and he goes for a walk or some fun with the family.
That's why he noticed Lily's little mental game with their father's.
He quickly knew why she did that when he heard her cruel whispering voice to their father as she fed him his breakfast.
She wanted to firmly consolidate the relationship between the couple and make sure it will hold strong against the unforseen future, deep inside Lin regretted not being close to his father and holding it against the man for leaving him, his mother, his brothers and sisters to live alone.
The man was quite successful and happy in his new marriage, he acted like he never knew Lin even after knowing about his son's greatness.
Since Lily already knew all the innermost tiniest bit of thought or aspirations of Lin's, she tried to use a reverse psychology shock therapy to make the man once and for all her mother's only.
The poor ex-caveman never knew that his woman only avoided him because she was worried about his health, she was even more eager for her man's warmness and love more than the man himself.
Once the month was over Lily made sure her father had followed her instructions to the letter, candles, fine dinner, perfect wine, full romance vibes, neatly dressed.
When the mother woke up she found her man glowing as he waited for her to lazily wake up, Lily was already taking good care of the whole family for the fun of it even the tigers needs were handled by her.
For almost three days straight, the two adults were locked up in their room and the mother's voice was surprisingly loud this time.
"Hehe, I taught him to interchange between rough and gentle thrusts, mom must be feeling it to heaven this time."
Lily jumped on Lin's back and whispered in his ear as she enjoyed listening to her mother's moans.
"You know that I only let you do this trick because it will help their relationship right! Otherwise I would've stopped you from playing with father's emotions, believe in their love for each other Lily. We can only intervene in the future if it really reached the point of needing our intervention, promise me."
Lin ignored her clingy-ness and told her that it's no longer their business to meddle with the parents affairs.
"I promise, but, you need to sleep in the same bed with me for two month."
As always she took the chance to ask for a mile after given a yard.
"How's you meditation going? Did you manage to reach the state of clear mind?"
Lin didn't continue on the topic of Lily's request and asked to distract her as he removed her from his back.
"It's a promise then, that meditation is a very troublesome thing. Those idiots who said it's easy are just brainless fools with nothing but peanuts in their heads, it's driving me crazy to clear my mind of any thoughts and I know for sure that this is all your fault. You gave me the same set of monstrous brain as yours, now I can't even count the number of thoughts popping up in my head every second. Compensate me for what you did, here, gimme your first kiss and i'll try not to get mad at you."
Lily spoke with pouted lips and hugged Lin's neck as she grumbled like an abandoned housewife, as she heard the background music of her mother's moans she stretched her lips and tried to kiss Lin's mouth.
"Whither it's a curse or a blessing you know better than anyone else, just keep working hard."
Lin kissed his sister's cheek and patted her back after hugging her, he knew his sister wouldn't stop her forceful approach and he just treated that as she being bored.
Avoiding her moves was easy after all.
During the last two months of winter Lin used his time meditating or going to the palace in the south to continue with the unfinished work, when he first started to meditate it took time to ward off the distractions and effort to stay still.
At best after the first month, he could stay in one session for an hour then like a monster within that he can't contain he would feel energetic and lively for more than twelve hours.
After another two months, now he can stay in a meditation session for 2 hours.
It became easier for him to remove outside distractions and to dive deep in the calm darkness aimlessly.
Once he sits cross-legged and closes his eyes, Lin's brain would work almost three times faster than normal.
Unfortunately, most of the things brightening his mind would be related to his previous life and of no use in this life, other than being a reference or archived knowledge they wouldn't help Lin much.
Sometimes he would let go and just watch the panoramic view of his mind's incomprehensive display, sometimes he would try to focus on a certain subject he couldn't find enough time to think about it in his previous life.
It was fun and annoying thing to be experienced by Lin as he meditated, thankfully he spent more time working on their new home with his father or playing with Lily, Lao and the tigers.
They can move in their new home right now, but Lin and his father decided to keep things perfect for Lin's mother who is currently pregnant again and happily eating all the healthy food Lily is offering her.
The adult couple are very intimate with each other in their interactions after Lily did her little game of reverse psychology on the father, now he doesn't only care for his woman when he wants her body but also all the day he sits with her and chats or show her his affection by kissing and hugging her for no reason.
The mother knew her daughter caused this overflowing warmth to flood her from her man's, she didn't dislike this change at all from her rough man's personality to bend his knees to her in the house and treats her as the true boss of this place.
On the other hand Lin gave his mother a few small advices not to look for the same treatment outside the house and let the man lead, otherwise he'll end up feeling controlled by her and his feelings will fluctuate between denial and confusion.
Giving him some freedom outside will only end up with him returning to her side faster, and when the mother heard that her eyes glowed in interest as she only gave her man a deep kiss then helped him wear his helmet after asking for his safe return.
She didn't forget to use the long drawn out winking technique Lily taught her with the sad look, her man seemed to never want to leave for his next hunting journey when he saw his woman do such a dangerous move.
Lin shook his head and smiled ruefully at his dazed father, the tall man stared at his woman's thin waist and full chest as he wetted his lips and swallowed hard.
"Dad, don't forget to take care of Moon, unlike Sun she's somewhat dumb and playful. Sun can understand our language now and will stop her from causing mischief if you told him."
Lily used a small stick to hit her father's dangerous spiked armor to wake him up from his daydreams, she was mostly worried for Moon and tried to make Lin delay the first hunt until the tigers reached their third year.
But he refused and said they were ready to go on a bigger stage instead of staying in this small place, Sun and Moon were currently taller than 2.5m and longer than 5m without including the tail.
If these two couldn't hunt or survive in the wild for a month then Lin shouldn't have saved them from their mother's belly.
"I will, you two take care of things here. Let's go Sun, goodbye honey i'll miss you dearly and terribly."
With a theatrical exit the father ran down the mountain and ran north with the two tigers at the first day of spring.
And Lin returned to his routine of going for a swim in the pool waters with Lily or meditate, the rest of the time was spent fooling around with Lily who managed to take more and more advantage of the two lives virgin.
Now she refuses to let Lin sleep alone and started to join him in every bath or meditation session.
When stupid little Lao tried to join she would divert him to her mother's chest and exclusively keep Lin for herself all the time.
One week after their father left.
As Lin and Lily returned from the pool they noticed over a dozen silhouettes sneaking towards the cave entrance through the field of plants in front of the cave, their pregnant mother and little Lao were the only two inside the cave right now and if these people had evil intentions then the result would be disastrous to the small family.
Holding Lily's arm with a serious expression when he saw these foreigners he said : "Lily hurry to the the western tunnel and close the cave door from inside, i'll keep them distracted."
Not needing anymore words to be said between the two, Lily ran for the nearby tunnel door and pulled the hidden lever then closed the door behind her and locked it shut to prevent others from doing the same as her.
"Ooy, over here."
Lin gave Lily 30 seconds headstart before climbing a nearby rock and calling for the sneaky group.
Once he did that the group sneaking warily towards the cave entrance were startled, one by one they straightened their hunched backs and looked west at the jumping midget waving his arms in the air.
The largest man in the group made a gesture with his head to another man to go get the kid, and the thin man reached Lin in a few seconds then raised him up by the armpits as he showed a toothless smile.
"Your breath really stinks, when was the last time you washed your mouth?"
Lin had to cover his nose with his sleeves to endure the smell.
The man didn't seem to understand and gave Lin a creepy laugh as he started to remove his clothes, the thin toothless man found them strange and kept feeling their soft texture in his hand while staring down at cute Lin stand there in his birth suit.
'He's not one of these guys, is he?' Lin started to feel edgy under the man's gaze, especially after seeing the man sniff his clothes like some sort of flower bouquet.
Once he was about to start cursing at the thin man for staring at him like a wolf seeing fresh meat, the man grabbed him and ran back towards the largest man and the group.
It seems there's 22 in this group, 16 males and 6 females.
One little boy and one girl only two or three years older than Lin, two teenagers of both genders no older than 15 years old.
4 mature women, and 14 men.
The large man who seemed to be the leader of the group took Lin's clothes from the thin man and sniffed them as well.
"This is really the ugliest sight i've ever seen since I got born, stop sniffing around my clothes you perverts."
Lin frowned at the sight and told them to stop, if it wasn't for his arms being currently busy covering up his privates he would've protested a lot better.
But his sight of being shy really amused the group and they started to laugh.
'Sigh, at least they're distracted from the cave entrance' Lin thought as he helplessly looked at the leader's tall body reaching more than 3m.
The group wore pieces of dirty furs and leather on their bodies, their hair tangled and messy with straws and tiny bugs walking on it.
Bodies full of wounds and scars, some members were malnourished and still a bit sick from the past winter.
The leader placed Lin on his palm and made a snort with his mouth for the group to follow, but Lin was currently feeling another type of agony as the man's rough palm felt like piercing nails to Lin's smooth butt.
"At least give me my clothes back, the surface of your palm is hurting me, do you understand? Give me my clothes back moron, they're not even your size."
Lin was suffering from his ass and tried to climb the man's big arms to his shoulder, after sitting on the tall leader's shoulder he started to pull his ear to grab his attention as he spoke.
The man only kept going forward towards the cave entrance while lowering his body to hide amongst the plants growing in the field, while ignoring Lin's actions as the brat playing with him.
Then Lin's stomach made a protesting sound that grabbed the tall leader's attention, the leader snickered faintly at the little one's hunger as he tried to take a better a look at the cave entrance.
Lin took advantage of this awkward situation and slapped the man's cheek as he pointed at his stomach to indicate his hunger, but the leader only shrugged to indicate his helplessness because of the food shortage.
Lin nodded and tried another way to stall for time, plucking one of the apples nearby he started to munch on it to satisfy his hunger.
He just spent sometime in the pool swimming and was doing that on an empty stomach like he used to, when he's done he'll return to eat breakfast with his mother and Lily then after some fooling around with Lily they'll start to meditate.
The group stopped to look at the small boy eat from the strange tree some strange fruit, they didn't dare to taste strange things because sometimes these strange things cause the eater to drop dead.
Only when they're about to die from hunger will they eat them, since it's death anyway they wouldn't be afraid.
When they noticed that Lin was enjoying his snack and not screaming or doing the death roll on the ground while grabbing his stomach with bloodshot eyes, they warily plucked some apples and took small bites then their eyes glowed up in joy because the taste was good.
The leader looked at Lin strangely as he ate one of the apples, then he made a sound and slammed one of the group men with his large stone Mace to grab the group's attention.
He needed to show them who's the boss or these guys will spin out of his control.
"Creak.... Bang...."
At the same time Lin heard the sound of the gates closing and sighed in relief within, now it is only him and this strange group his family is safe inside and he only need to keep them here until his father returns with Sun-Moon.
From the look of it food was very tempting to the group, they didn't even care about the gates of the cave when they closed and kept their focus on the trees and plants in the field.
Tasting all the fruits and plucking most of the plants, in just two hours the field was a mess as if getting hit by a hurricane after the group visited it.
After getting full of raw fruits and vegetables their stomachs made loud sounds and the group relieved themselves in the field, now it wasn't only a mess it smelled really bad as well.
"If I didn't have the gardens around my palace with another batch of trees and plants I would've been really angry for what you guys did to this field, oh well, you can have it then."
Lin smiled helplessly at the group as they held their stomachs and squatted, he knew something like that was bound to happen after eating that much raw vegetables and fruits on an empty stomach.
The leader left Lin in the custody of the toothless thin man and went to shit next to a tree blissfully, Lin never tried to resist or intimidate the group and calmly stood where he was left as he spoke.
The thing the group was finding it strange was the brat's ability to make sounds with his mouth unlike theirs, he can make a wide variety of sounds and they can only make ah oh ugh sounds.
The boy a few years older than Lin tried to open his mouth to take a look inside and was slapped to the side when he started hurting Lin by the toothless man, the group knew that this small boy now belonged to the leader if they hurt him then the leader would beat them with his Mace or his large hands.
After the group sat down in front of the cave door that was now shut, they felt somewhat reinvigorated by all the vitamins replenishment of the previous meal.
Scratching their heads they looked at the spike full gates and couldn't find a large enough space to push the gates open, break it then!
"Uaah.... Bang..."
The leader swung his stone Mace to destroy the gates, he didn't even tell the others to get back and take cover.
Lin ran to take cover behind the men once the leader started to move, he saw it clearly from the man's stance and body language.
"Crack... Whoosh.... Ahhhh...."
'Trying to break the gates I made with a piece of rock? Some people are just overconfident' Lin thought as he hid himself from the after shock.
He saw flying rock shards hitting the male teenager and throwing him 2 meters back, his left shoulder was wounded and his head swollen at the forehead from the two rocks rebounding from the gates.
The leader's stone Mace was shattered into countless pieces and he was hit by the majority of the shards.
Lin was safe behind the men who suffered for no reason other than the stupidity of their leader.
Somehow the females avoided this small crisis because they always followed behind the men, and they all noticed Lin's actions of escaping before the others got hit.
Scratching their heads they stared at this strange little boy, he was clean, his hair cut not too short or long and was orderly and not messy.
Especially the little girl, she felt interested in this young boy unlike the other boy around her age in the group who kept bullying her and dragging her around by the hair for fun.
Then the angry group leader started touching the sore spots on his body and glare at the gates, going far from the gates to grab large rocks he threw them on the gate.
"Boom.... Crack.... Tak... Trrk.... Tik...."
Only to end up like the leader's Mace, shattered to pieces and the gates didn't even shake, they were supposed to open outward not inward he was trying to do the impossible but Lin kept his distance and sat in the range of the peeking hole to give Lily some hand signs.
"Meet you in the western tunnel."
Lily shouted at Lin and he knew she must've calmed his pregnant mother and told her that he can handle this group.
He told her to make some delicious food and get their father and mother's old and unwanted clothes then leave them outside the western tunnel.
The group leader and his excited crew calmed down after getting defeated by the cave door, and because there's no longer any large sized stones around to throw at the gates.
A small mountain of shattered stones was covering the door as they lay on their backs gasping for air, unwilling to admit defeat the group leader turned his attention towards the forge to the side and wanted to destroy it instead.
Sadly for him, the forge was remade again with Lin's improved concrete formula, in a sense, it was ten times stronger than the gates.
When the leader tried to punch the walls, his bones creaked and a jolt of pain struck his nerves as fear filled his eyes when he waved his aching wrist joint in the air to make the pain go away.
After that the leader learned his lesson the hard way and refrained from trying to break anything else.
"Hey, over here."
As the group of idiotic males were trying to figure out a way to get inside the cave, only the females followed the forgotten Lin towards the west tunnel in curiosity.
They were surprised by the piles of food and took chance to run for it and eat before the bullies take them away and only leaves them with scrap after they have their full.
Lin left them eat some then called for the men to join after giving the weak females a head start on the meal, the tired men remembered that they left the strange kid unattended or watched by one of their members in their excitement.
Then they discovered the absence of the females!
Running after their anxious leader, some of the men had their own female partner and the rest were waiting for the two small ones to grow up to take them as their partners.
Of course the teenager young man was planning to fight for the death for the teenage girl, the other men didn't see him as a challenge and were wary of each other instead.
They fought for the right to get the woman they wanted, the strong gets the female that was how it goes in these days.
When they reached Lin's side they saw the females hurriedly eating some food like ghouls and anxiously trying to eat as much as they could before the men arrived.
The leader didn't mind Lin anymore and ran to the greedy females who forgot their place and at before him.
Since his stone Mace was broken, the leader used his arms and feet to kick or push the 6 females away from the food, the other males smelled the fragrant aromatic scent of the delicious food and glared at the females.
Only the most voluptuous woman with the sexiest body raised her head and returned the leader's gaze as she gently played with her boobs, first the leader wasn't interested but when she started to sneak her hand downwards towards her vagina his eyes were glued on her body.
The men with partners got paired with their females after hitting them once or twice to discipline them for eating without them, then the leader started to eat while the voluptuous woman sat on his lap and gently played with his large member.
"Humph.... Ooahhoo..."
After eating a large portion of the food the leader signaled for the men to eat while hugging the woman to him, he slapped her butt with his rough palm and the woman started to feed him with her hand.
It was a calm meal for the group until the leader finally couldn't hold back his horniness and carried the woman to the side and speared her with his penis, the snatching and food fight started when the largest man left to sleep with his woman.
Punches, kicks, body throws, bites and headbutts flew everywhere between the 20 members of all ages for a larger portion of the meal.
Lin was surprised by the complete difference between the time that large man ate with them and when he left, these morons had enough food to satisfy them and still fought.
He saw the youngest boy receive a knee and one of his front teeth fly into the air when he tried to sneak between two people and snatch a piece of meat full of sand and dirt.
Men and women forgot the meaning of partners, hunger got the best of them and they cruelly beat each other.
Lin knew he wouldn't be able to stop their savageness, he took a final look at the people fight and told Lily to open the door for him.
The sound of grunts and growling never stopped for two hours, only the two mating to the side were safe and unwounded in the group fight.
The rest were suffering from a various degrees of wounds.
toothless thin man got smashed on the leg with a rock and it seemed to be broken, he lay to the side and painfully wail after everytime he touched his swollen leg.
The youngest girl curled up beneath a rock to the side after receiving a strong punch to the stomach, the 4 other females were trying to rub their beaten up bodies to the winners amongst the men for a share of the food.
The young teenager male was gritting his teeth when he saw the girl he wanted to be his, ignoring him after losing in the fight for some food smeared with dirt.
The winners were 7 and the losers were 8, amongst them was the teenager boy and the small kid plus the thin toothless pervert.
Lin entered the cave under the giggling laughter of his family, even Lao was amused by the laughter of his mother and sister and joined them in laughing at his big brother.
"Went for wool and returned shorn instead!"
The pregnant mother snatched Lin before he entered the bathroom and rubbed her face to his while enjoying his bare skin touching her arms and his smooth butt on top of her palms, even though Lily told her to calm down and be free of worry for her oldest son.
She couldn't stop having troubling thoughts as the cave gates got hit by rocks from the savage lot, she almost took the crossbow and shot these idiots if it wasn't for Lily's calming words.
Now that Lin has returned she hugged him to her chest to release these worries entirely, she didn't mind that he's smelling like pig or being dirty she was currently quenching her worries.
"Group bath."
Lily hurriedly undressed and started to take little Lao's clothes before pushing him in the tub.
The mother didn't hesitate to join her kids in a bath to calm herself, plus, Lily was the best in giving massages in the water.
After cleaning up Lin wore some clothes and returned to watch the behavior of the group, his meditation sessions doubled in the following days because he couldn't go for his morning swim in the pool.
But, Lin enjoyed watching the group and treated them like a case worthy of being studied, he even meditated in the western tunnel next to the door to keep close to the group and not to miss out on the action.
First time the group waited for the so-called leader to have his full before fighting each other for the remainder of the meal.
Second day the beaten bunch increased from 8 males plus the small female, into 10 males plus the teenager female and the youngest girl.
All the while, the leader was happily eating and mating with the voluptuous woman for the whole night like bunnies.
Then the third day the wounded count reached 12 men, 1 woman, 2 teenagers and 2 kids of both genders.
Only 3 men and 3 women could fight for the next day's meal, the leader curiously searched for Lin in the first day but he lost interest by the time the next meal slid from the tunnel door.
The tension was rising between the group members and the partners didn't have sex at night like the earlier three days, they stopped interacting with each other and only focused their eyes on the place food comes from.
Even with mud and sand covering it, that food still tasted better than the meat they tried before.
"These idiots will kill each other if I kept giving them food normally."
Lin saw the worried looks on the 3 men before he sent the food through the slide and hesitated, the dozen wounded men seemed to give these three vengeful looks.
Especially the thin man with a broken leg, he foolishly tried to join the next fight and got hit again and now his leg is bent at an awkward angle.
Lin gave it some thought and only sent one small portion not even enough for the youngest girl, he waited and watched the nervous group stare at the small amount of food and hesitate to go eat.
Even the leader hesitated twice before faking his courageous walk towards the food, but he stopped at the growling and glares of the rest of the people.
"Heh, when there's too much food they tolerated his actions of eating first, but now there's too little, and he still dares to extend his hands! Such a fool."
Lily said as she watched the tall man awkwardly hesitate between going for it or retreat, she loved to watch the man sleep with the dirty voluptuous woman and joined Lin in meditating in the western tunnel to watch the group have sex at night.
But she started to get bored since yesterday only the leader and the voluptuous woman did the deed, the others seemed anxious about the next fight.
When she saw Lin offer too little food she enjoyed the sight of the people hesitating.
The leader had no problem beating up three or four but these guys had red eyes and a threatening air as they looked at him, even though most of them were wounded he still couldn't beat them all when they're united.
Retreating back to his woman since he wasn't very hungry, the leader lost his reputation amongst the group.
The air of formidability which the leader took years to build around him was gone in a single foolish act of greediness.
Gritting his molars after being hungry for 4 days and the last thing he ate was the fruits and vegetables from the field, these things made his stomach speed up it's digestion and he felt like his belly walls sticking to each other after emptying his bowls.
He did like the other losers and went for the field to eat some more or to be specific he hobbled, but these fruits never managed to fill their stomachs and no matter how much they ate they only ended up shitting more and feeling hungrier after one hour.
The thin man limped towards the food and the others didn't feel the need to waste their energy fighting the hobbling toothless toothpick over such a tiny bit of food.
When the thin man ate his first meal in a long time then left with something in his stomach that will last more than a couple hours without getting digested, Lin gave another tiny portion and the little girl hiding underneath the rocks ran to it under the mixed gazes of the group.
The little boy tried to go bully the little girl but the teenager female held him back and slapped him once, the sight of the hungry little girl eat the tiny portion of food made the group experience something they never felt before.
The ones getting the most damage from their food struggle was the young and weak, the ones getting the most advantage are the strong like their leader.
But if they united, the strong will stop taking what doesn't belong to him, and the weak will live and the young will find a chance to grow.
"Hehehehe, look at their ashamed faces, this is amusing."
Lily was enjoying the show.
Lin actually wasn't, he was experiencing what it felt to live in the times where injustice happened, in his previous life he only saw them through the Oracle to study or to research.
At that time there was no injustice amongst humanity, they all knew and learned the hard way that infighting isn't the way to survive.
But in this life, his father bullied his childhood friend, this group mercilessly went at each other for a meal like barbarians.
It felt wrong, it felt vile.
He was angry at these idiots for choosing the easy way out instead of being helpful to each other in the times of need, unlike his sister who took it as a source of amusement.
Afterwards Lin offered 3 more tiny portions for the young boy and the teenager pair, then he gave the impatient adults their group meal because he knew if he gave another tiny portion then a weak fellow would get beaten by someone strong and impatient.
"Hehehehe look at the leader try to regain his throne amongst the group, hahahaha they all ganged up on him bffft serves you right for being an asshole earlier."
Lily kept snickering and giggling as she watched the big fellow get beaten up after he knocked out three men and one female, even his voluptuous woman kicked him when he was down with a smile on her face.
No body could say he won in that gruesome fight for food, only the thin man and the youngest 4 in the group who ate the tiny portions were untouched.
They pretty much enjoyed watching the fight as Lin and Lily and acted as audience.
One woman though was the most hurt in the 4th day's fight, the toothless thin man hobbled towards the field to bring her some fruits and vegetables then gave them to her as a gift.
His action surprised Lin, he watched the thin man try to pat the woman's back soothingly as she ate the fruits to sate her hunger, and he didn't miss the man's burning gaze as he glared at one man in particular.
That man was the one who hurt the woman the most in the fight, he delivered her a venomous kick to hip and it almost made the woman's left leg stop functioning.
Like the thin man she started hobbling around from the 5th day.
Lin gave the small portions for the weak and young people once every two days, and after the group got used to it they didn't become greedy for the small portions.
Because Lin punished them with two days of no food when someone took the toothless thin man's small portion.
But the numbers of the wounded grew up by the day and even the leader of the group was full of them from the daily fights, thankfully all of them seemed to be unaffected when rocks and stones were used as weapons.
Their bones seemed sturdier than stones and their skins were thicker than elephants, punches and kicks did more damage but headbutts and elbows did the most damage.
Surprisingly, the voluptuous woman managed to get herself a large amount of food after every fight while maintaining her top shape and the least wounds, she stopped making the leader sleep with her in the night and eliminated the competition in the day.
After 10 days the leader had to cut a share of his food and give the voluptuous woman for her to allow him to have sex with her, she took the food and stayed on top during the whole session looking down at the man with a teasing smile on her face.
It made the leader feel irritated and pleased in the same time.
The toothless pervert thin man was even more sacrificing than the leader, after the woman got hurt he shared half his small portion of food with her and gathered fruits and vegetables for her every two days.
By the time the leader was getting cowgirl ride by the voluptuous woman, the toothless pervert was ignoring the pain from his leg and pushing his hips downwards as he thrusted his male organ into the woman who managed to recover from her hip wound with his help.
The teenager female was curious about that specific activity and made the only teenager male try her body for the first time, the men were clearly jealous of the young man but they didn't stop them from doing the act.
Then the rest of the females gave their males the permission to enter and the three men were glad to comply.
5 males and 5 females were having sex that night, then the competitive spirit of the males were lit up and they started to see who makes his woman more pleased.
"That's it, this is the way it's supposed to be you dimwits, never waste a night without shagging."
The number one fan of obscene activities Lily was excited as she watched the different positions and shapes of men and women.
Only the single men were hitting the ground with their fists and stomping the ground with their legs in unwillingness as the music of moans and gasps entered their ears, even the most wounded in the group of ten wasn't able to hide his raging member creating a tent at the loin piece of fur or leather, some blessed fellows had their members diagonal to the ground in a long pole.
"No wonder they're single! These dicks are enormous who would take these spears? Look Lin, that one's longer than a horse."
Lily kept patting Lin's shoulder and back to stop him from meditating and join her in watching the group sex.
"Come on Lily, stop watching already. It really isn't healthy to watch other people do that, wait until you grow up and have your own fun."
Lin glared at his sister for keeping interrupting his sessions for the stupidest reason.
"You won't allow me, remember the time you said you'll take my first if you wanted. Now I'm bound to wait for your mercy, without you I can't do that with anyone else."
Lily pouted her lips and spoke as she lazily sat in her brother's lap.
"You and I know that nobody can make you do anything against your will, why bother arguing about the matter while we're both still lacking in the capability. Wait until you grow some fat on your chest and butt then come swoon over me all you want, right now I'm no different than soft jelly you won't find me helpful in anything."
Lin ran his fingers through Lily's short silky hair and spoke as he teased her nose tip with his hand.
"Hehe, soft as jelly. Such a shameless one with thick skin, which man would pridefully say that about himself. But i'll show you a dangerous sight later, that time i'll take what I want from you and you wouldn't dare refuse me. Mr.jelly."
Lily was amused by the description and clung into Lin's neck like a koala as she whispered in his ears.
She already took his first kiss in his sleep and she wouldn't allow him to lose his virginity to another woman.
"Whatever, just keep meditating properly for the time being, we'll talk about it when we reaches there."
Lin raised an eyebrow at the twin sister who's turning more and more daring by the day, her cute looks and dark obsidian pupils resembling a bottomless abyss were a sight to behold.
"Time will fly, In a blink of an eye it will be the day I enjoy cowgirl riding you like this woman over there."
After maintaining eye contact with Lin for a few seconds, Lily smiled demonically at her brother then got up from his lap to go check on her mother and little Lao.
Sighing, Lin continued to try to reach that optimal state.
Now he can focus on his inner voices and thoughts at will and wouldn't waste time trying to sit still of ignore the distractions, even with Lily's constant tugs and pokes to wake him from his meditation it took three of her annoying pokes and tugs to pull him out from his Sea of thoughts.
Surprisingly enough, Lin started to feel like his senses are getting stronger and sharper after every session of meditation, he was annoyed with that because he started to hear sounds he shouldn't and didn't want to hear from his parents room.
His sight improved more than what it already was, previously Lin's senses were two or three times better than a normal person because of his superior braincells.
He has more in count and connection of and between the cells themselves, that led to heightened senses and smoother control over his body.
He was superior to Lily in that because he unlocked his motor functions and control over his body earlier, now he felt those already sharp senses get another boost and improvement.
Little by little he learned to eliminate the unwanted distractions from outside and block them, now he only felt himself drown deeper into the endless darkness of his mind as he meditated.
When he gets up, Lin would feel like he earned something but he wasn't ever able to pinpoint it.
From the 15th day of the group's arrival onwards, it felt like the single men were teaming up against the couples.
Surprisingly, they would close an eye on the women when they hit them in the daily fight over the food, then they'll show the five lucky bastards their merciless side by being extremely heavy-handed.
Even the toothless pervert found himself getting beaten up for no reason even though he didn't join the fight for the food!
You fuck in the night? Alright, we'll wait for the morning to come and welcome your hollow joints and yellow complexions with our full strength, and fuck you up in the daylight by taking most of the food.
Let's see how you fuck again in the night, you heartless assholes didn't mind our feelings and did such a thing in front of our eyes for the whole night, we'll snatch your food in return and that's us being merciful.
Others would snatch your women!
The activity of public sex amongst the group was treated as a taboo by the couples after the 4 men and young man got beaten badly on the first time, they started to hide and do it away from the tunnel door where the 10 single men camped.
Only Lily was frustrated at the single men with big junk for chasing her fun away.
"So what if your dicks are longer or thicker than them? not all women like that option you bunch of jealous fools in heat, wait until dad returns from his trip i'll ride Moon and chase you to the end of earth."
Lily was fuming inside with anger.
"They can't understand us, so please, stop shouting in my ears."
Lin smiled helplessly at his sister's behavior, she was currently hugging him tightly and resting her head on his shoulder.
"Didn't that Jin Bao tell you anything about meditation? It's just darkness and chaotic ideas when i close my eyes."
Lily asked as she felt her frustration originate from the meditation bottleneck and not really the men outside.
"Nothing else, ever since he spoke with me that time I found the ring we didn't speak again, it's like he's disappeared."
Lin took off the ring and started to rub it with his fingers helplessly, he really felt the need to hear from Jin Bao again.
"Whatever, give me a kiss or I won't calm down."
Lily tried to be daring and kiss Lin's lips but he avoided and kissed her cheek instead.
"It's almost a month since dad left I think it won't be long until Sun-Moon pearls return from their first hunting experience, do you think their personalities will change after feeling the joys of letting loose to their primal instincts?"
He asked to distract Lily from being always a naughty companion.
"Even if she did become fierce, I can wear protective clothes when I deal with her."
Lily shrugged and went to play with Lao as she kept touching the place Lin kissed her with a smile on her face, only if Lin saw that smile of obsession.
In the 3rd day of Spring's second month, Lin's father returned with Sun and Moon fully loaded with supplies from somewhere the father never visited before.
Beyond the 100km point from the cave was a blank zone for the ex-caveman, with Sun and Moon he ventured there and saw the large titans of beasts with sizes at least three times larger than Sun and Moon.
He harvested many different plants and smartly used traps to hunt one dangerous monster with the help of Sun's distractions and his weapons, as for Moon she wanted to confront the leopard directly!
It was a large animal with the height of 12m, to make it worse it was speed oriented, the stupid female tiger was simply fearless to think of going against it.
Thankfully the man had prepared a trap and took out one of the leopard's limbs, with the disadvantage of speed against the annoying twin tigers and the man's arrows the leopard died an unwilling death.
The rest of the time was spent on exploring the area, search for metal ores, laying down traps to catch any possible livestock and collecting eggs from the nests, seeds and such.
But, when he got near the cave he found Sun crouching down low and look around warily, the man knew the meaning and removed the supplies then threw the leopard's body to the side and joined the tiger in sneaking towards the cave entrance.
First he was met with the field, barely any fruits and vegetables remaining.
Then he saw the cave entrance, fully blocked with stones and rock despite being small they made a mountain.
The forge remained untouched and the man saw the pavilion and the area east towards the water source with signs of human presence, stains covered his furniture and carpets under the pavilion, he as a man who left his own stains after experiencing open view outdoor sex knew why the place was a mess.
Some feelings of worry about the female getting creampie being his woman tried to sneak inside his thoughts, but the man shook his head in annoyance to remove them.
Sun pulled the man's attention towards the west and growled faintly.
There he found a group of beaten up men and women fight over food coming out from the western tunnel door, after taking a close look and finding his woman not being amongst them he couldn't help but sigh within.
"Well, nothing to do with me."
The ex-caveman knew that his son must be behind that group fight, and after enjoying the sight for a few seconds he pulled Sun and Moon to return and get their things.
When the people of the group were about to conclude today's event of food struggle because if it really continued any longer they'll really kill each other, they noticed the leopard's large body being dragged by the human walking amongst two tigers.
"Aaaaahhhh..... Ooohhh...."
The youngest girl was scared shitless by the sight and ran to hide behind the youngest boy after seeing them come near, she was pushed away and the boy ran to hide behind the teenager female who gave him a contemptuous gaze for what he did to the small girl.
But she hurried to hide behind the teenager man who took her virginity at the sight of the two tigers and that human, she was scared as much as that young boy because to the west was a cliff, if they attacked the group then at least half will die here and the rest might not even survive the fall if they jumped.
If they wanted to escape safely then they need to bypass the three dangerous opponents ahead, the first to attack will be the first to die.
Just the man's scary clothes with dangerous looking black spikes put fear into the group and they reflexively gathered closer to each other, not to mention the two large white and yellow tigers baring their teeth at the mostly wounded or tired members of the group.
When the man saw this cluster of people being fearful of him he snickered underneath the helmet and went towards the tunnel door, he completely ignored the whole group as if they were air.
"Liiiin, Lily open up it's me dad."
He went towards the peeking hole and shouted for his kids to open because he tried pulling the lever to open the door and it didn't work, he was happy that his kids didn't get careless and kept themselves safe inside by locking up well.
Unfortunately for him both Lin and Lily were currently meditating, after learning to block the distractions from outside they were like deaf people.
His wife was bathing with Lao and hurried to cover herself with a towel that barely covered her upper thigh and only reached her lower chest, taking little naked Lao on her arm and leaving her silky hair dropping wet and wearing her fluffy slippers.
The three months pregnant mother ran for the western tunnel to welcome her man that's been away for more than a month, opening the mechanism to open the door she stood with all her charm under the bloodshot eyes of ten men in heat and one group leader who never felt this raging erection before.
All the females in the group were staring wide eyed at the woman who just appeared before their eyes, they never saw anyone more pretty than her, even they wanted to ravage her like their men did to them.
The blood got in their heads and these idiots found their courage to challenge this foreigner for this absolutely stunning beauty, even the leader ignored the voluptuous woman's pinches at his waist and slapped her away then drummed his chest like the other ten men in heat.
Only these 11 men were left with some energy after the group fight, and Lin's food was more than enough to keep them standing after many days of fighting.
The others were injured or timid by the beasts and the man's intimidating air.
The father was first mesmerized by his woman's enchanting sight and dazed in her beauty, the sight of her standing there in a wet towel and carrying their youngest child with her milky white skin exposed and hidden made his month of hard work seem meaningful.
Then he heard the challenges from behind and saw the raging expressions and erect male organs of sizes bigger than his, these fuckers dare to have eyes on his woman? Crack crack.
He cracked his knuckles and fingers with popping sounds as he let his air of savageness loose.
"Huh.... O'Ooh!"
Lin and Lily opened their eyes at the same time when their father's killing intent was felt by them in their meditation, they felt their skin tingle and their spines shivering and cold sweat covered their backs.
Lily knew what's going on with a look at her mother's perky butt pushing against the wet towel and the group of horny men in heat waving their arms provokingly at the father with their long thick dicks fully erect, their bloodshot maddened eyes were full of craziness.
"Come wimps, i'll break your bones. Shit faces dare to stare at my woman, i'll poke your bloody eyes and pluck them out."
The ex-caveman's wild side appeared and he stood in front of his woman protectively to block the group's eyes from seeing her any more, then gave them the gesture to come all together arrogantly with no fear whatsoever if they ganged up on him.
Sun and Moon weren't interested in these human struggles and were more interested in meeting their true owners and partners after more than a month of separation.
"Hehehehe, you grew taller Moon, did you miss me? Me too girl it was very boring with dull Lin for a whole month you know how males are. Come, let's go wash you clean."
Lily quickly climbed up on Moon's back and took her with the clingy Lao to the bathroom, as for Lin he was trying to make Sun who almost suffocated him with all his hugs move to the side so he could stop his angry father before he kills these men.
"Huff.... Bhhh.... Buddy.... Lhhhh.... Let go quick.... Dad stop!"
Sadly he only managed to release himself from Sun's clutches when the leader gathered his courage and ran for the shorter man to punch him in the face, Lin's father had already took off his helmet and his chiseled handsome clean face with a short trimmed beard and nice hair cut coupled with his sharp eyes straight nose made all the women in the group feel their hearts skip a beat.
The group leader was over 3m tall and Lin's father was only a little bit more than 2.5m, he felt his chances of beating this handsome asshole being great even if he wasn't at his best form.
Then he saw the small boy from a couple weeks ago shout something with his strange voices from the side of his eyes as he delivered his punch to the short man's face.
"Bang.... Snap.... Creak.... Crack.... Groan...."
The group leader saw the short man punch his fist with his own and before he got to sneer, he felt his arm stop after hitting the man's arm then following the loud sound of collision he heard his bones shatter one by one and before he uttered a painful groan his bones were coming out from his hands.
"Let's see you look again asshole, come on, take another of these dirty looks at my woman. I DARE YOU."
Before Lin reached his father's side to stop him from beating the foolish tall man anymore, the ex-caveman kicked the man who fell to his knees and stared at his bleeding arm with fear in the stomach violently.
"Oomph.... Crack...."
A few ribs were broken from the aftershocks of the nasty kick, the ten men with raging cocks became soft when they saw the cruelty of the handsome man as he beat their strongest member to full submission in one blow then didn't hesitate to add injury to the injured man.
"Hueck.... Cough.... Cough.... Bffff...."
The leader clung into his chest after curling in the ground then started to cough up blood, the sight added fear in the group and only the voluptuous woman felt sadness and anger well up in her chest at the foolish man who refused to take her advice.
"Father! Stop please no more, he's just an ignorant person driven by his primal instincts. This isn't the way we humans treat the helpless, just go inside with mom and calm yourself. Mom send me the medical box with Lily and clean father from his rough journey."
"Come dear, i'll give you a massage like Lily taught me. Hey, will you reject my first request after just arriving? Don't you love me anymore!"
When the mother saw her man still standing in place and glaring daggers at the fallen leader and the ten shivering men at the back with squinted eyes, she was jumping in joy inside for her man's action of burning with rage when other men tried to lustfully gaze at her, but, she tried to calm him and distract him with her charm otherwise he'll beat up the rest of the dirty fellows half to death like he used to do to their neighbor before.
"Hrrrrmph.... Ptooey.... Let's go, I need a drink."
The man gave the cowardly men a contemptuous smile then turned and carried his woman like a princess as he spoke, his action was clearly intentional to enforce his dominance and mark his belongings while giving a final warning to the few foreigners.
"Hey! Don't move, i'll try to make it better. Idiot! I said don't move, stay still."
Shouting again and again at the tall leader to stay still wasn't very much helpful.
Sun helped with a single display of his canines, the leader remained completely still.
Lin stopped the leader from moving a lot and started to push some of his acupoints to stop the bleeding, since Sun was with him he wasn't afraid of the group bullying him and was afraid for them getting suddenly courageous and provoking the tiger instead.
The leader felt the boy just saved him from the violent handsome man, then started to feel his pain go away with the boy's help and gasped for breathe with his chest feeling heavy.
He felt the same feeling before once when he almost died after getting attacked by a four legged animal, then he got saved by someone and woke up to find the voluptuous woman at the side eating some meat.
Then he remembered the action he just did of slapping her away, he regretted what he did and tried to look at her and when their eyes met she glared at him then looked away with pouted lips.
He felt that he deserved this treatment this time, and waited for his end by closing his eyes.
When the group leader woke up he saw the group wrapped in clothes and their previous air of hostility against each other was gone, their wounds bandaged and their broken bones popped back in place and supported correctly to mend.
They were all clean and their hair in different hairstyles, some females were learning from Lin's mother how to do simple stitches.
Food was placed on a table and nobody fought for it, the youngest girl in the group was getting her hair done by the little girl who looked like Lin.
The toothless thin pervert man was currently hugging his woman at his lap and feeding her with a smile on his face, the ten men in heat were standing in line in front of Lin and his father in a squatting position as sweat oozed out from their skin.
It looked hard and they seemed to be in pain, but their respectful gazes were directed at the young boy Lin who seemed a bit taller than he used to remember.
"Ahhhh.... Ooohhh...."
"Lin he's awake, like we agreed you're mine for a year. I kept watching over him for 3 months after all."
The man saw Lily give him a mirthful smile as she continued to do the braids for the little girl, then shouted something and said a word that he knew was that young boy's.
"Lily you did a great job, don't worry, until we reach 4 years old and one month exactly you'll find me kissing and hugging you until you start hating me."
Lin left his father's side and ran towards the pavilion to check on the group leader who was in a coma for 3 months from second month of spring until second month of summer, but before that he hugged Lily who watched over the man's almost all the time in exchange for one year of freely doing naughty things with Lin.
The voluptuous woman cried many nights and almost hit the already severely injured man in his coma, she was one of his mother's best friends now and of course Lily took this chance to indulge in some adventures with these females bodies in the shower.
Lin kept hearing group moans with his upgraded sense of hearing, he even discovered some sex toys underneath his bed in a box.
When he asked Lily why didn't she keep it under her own bed and left it underneath his? She said : "Maybe the Aura emitting from them will turn you into a sex maniac who ravages every female he sees, of course I tried them on every female except for the single minor and these women started to get addicted to my events. Do you see that one it fits me perfectly fine, I wear it and thrust at them like I'm the one doing it. You know, my angles are different and I can read their good spots so the pleasure is more than triple, if only mom would let me do her too, sigh."
Lin : "........."
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Magical Fantasy Land
"I wish I could just get whisked away from all my problems to live happily ever after in magical fantasy land. Who doesn't? ...What do you mean it's not all it's cracked up to be?" Yumi just wants to get by and maybe eke out a little bit of happiness, but the world around her seems intent on stopping that. Then, a little twist of fate gives her a new chance, in a new world. An awesome fantasy world where she can finally be free and live happily! Who cares if she doesn't know the language, there's some endless war, racists, threats of slavery, and the magic is nothing like she imagined? It couldn't possibly be any worse than where she came from, could it? Note: Contains System stuff with stats and levels and all that. Warnings: The content warnings are there for a reason, this one can get extremely dark/raunchy in a few places. Contains explicit 18+ scenes and other adult content.
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