《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 13 – Unexpected
Chapter 13 – Unexpected
Mom left after another couple of hours, thank God. Diana, the silly girl, slept until 2 pm and when she woke up, she nearly mauled me.
"Zen! Oh, Gods, I was so worried. Are you alright? How are you feeling? How is your dick? It still works right? I better test it to make sure..."
I palmed her head to stop her and gave her dead fish eyes. "I'm fine Diana. I am not allowed to leave, however, as mom said I need another day of rest. Can you get me some food...and put on some clothes?" I ask with a sigh.
"Yes, and No. We are spending the rest of the day in bed. No arguments! You need me to take care of you and *pant* I can't wait!" She smiles widely, drool dripping from the corner of her mouth. She eyes me like a predator and I can only roll my eyes.
"Diana, focus. Food. Now. Please. I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday." I demand.
"Sure...but why don't you come with me? We can just make it together? You know...I am not a very good cook." She says looking off to the side with a scowl.
"Finger foods are fine. Cold cuts, fruit, that kind of thing. I'll wait here, I am pretty tired." I say with a forced smile.
Diana tilts her head to the side and her eyes glow slightly with magical light.
'Fuck. Outed immediately.'
Her smile redoubles and she licks her lips. "Mom sealed you to the bed, huh?"
"Looks like it."
"What a shame..." She said, her eyes turning hollow and her smile widening to crazy proportions. "What if someone decided to take advantage of such a situation..."
The door to my room flew open and the wood cracked. 7 women stared at the scene of me lying on the bed naked and Diana poised to attack, also naked. 6 of them scowl at my sister. Diana bares her teeth at the rest but was quickly pulled off of me by a black tentacle and hung limply in the air with a pout.
"None of that, Diana." Samantha says, "Zeneff is unable to reciprocate your feelings at the moment. The harem does not rape the master."
"Zenny!" Hagiwara rushes over to my side and grabs my hand with tears in her eyes. "I was so worried. Mom is fine, Sammy healed her up and fixed the room. She is super worried too and wants you to come over as soon as you can. We would have been here sooner, but your mother put up a barrier to keep us out."
"She knew he needed rest, not 6 horny women all over him and trying to take advantage of the situation," Samantha comments with an eye roll.
The rest quickly came up to my side as well. Samantha put Diana down with one last warning look and moved to the back of the group with a small smile on her face. I stared at my beautiful woman and smiled myself.
"Don't worry about me, just a small incident," I say with a wave of my hand. My arms and head were free. My legs and body were stuck.
Samantha snorts and the rest glare at me.
'Okay...no blowing this off.'
"*Sigh* Alright, alright. It was serious. Look, we have a lot to discuss, but 2 things first, 1) I need food. I am starving. 2) Who the hell are you and what have you done with my little angel Suki?"
My angel wife looked more like a sexy goth devil now. Her hair was still dark purple, but the underside was dyed fuchsia and it was all tied with a giant black bow at the top. Her spotless face now had a light layer of makeup accentuating her pale jade features. Heavy black eyeliner and mascara along with black lipstick contrasted her pale skin enticingly. She wore a black sleeveless lolita dress with white frills and 3 buttons at the top undone showing off a plunging neckline and the valley of her perky pale breasts. The dress puffed out at the bottom but was much, much too short to be considered appropriate as it was more a miniskirt than a dress. Her legs were accentuated by purple and black stockings that hugged her juicy thighs and were connected on either side by garter belts with silver hearts acting as clasps. The belts continued up her short skirt making the mind wonder what she wore underneath. From her forearms down to her hands were black mesh gloves that ended with a loop around her middle fingers and around her wrists were a myriad of black leather bands. Her shoes were heeled black combat boots that went up to her shins with fuchsia lacings. But the most shocking part of her ensemble had to be the leather choker around her throat with a light blue dog tag that said "Property Of Zeneff Silverscale"
Suki Hikaru (Minus the Halo and wings - Though those are both black when she transforms)
Innocent Suki For Comparison:
Suki smiled and gave me a twirl that flashed her dark purple, sheer panties as her criminally small dress lifted with the motion. She looked over her shoulder at me and coyly asked, "You like? I felt I needed a change."
My head and mouth moved without my consent as I nodded and said in a trance, "Fuck, that's hot."
Her smile grew and leaned in close and whispered, "I need some alone time with you later, Daddy. ...So I can show off a couple of hidden piercings I got as well..."
My dick twitched and I had to violently force down the Dragon in me that wanted to ravage this sexy vixen here and now.
'Dangerous. She is the most dangerous. More so than even Samantha.'
Suki was unceremoniously pulled from my side as my diminutive wife, Aki, appeared in her place.
"Master, are you alright?" She asked, her eyebrows slightly creased, which, for her, might as well have been a devastated expression.
"I'm fine, Aki," I said with a sweet smile and cupped her small soft cheek with a hand. She blushed slightly, but the loud voice of my Drake wife pulled my attention away.
"Just point me in the direction of the fucker who messed with you. I'll show them what it means to fuck with my family." Ares said as she punched her hand and snarled, not at me, but at the situation.
They both were out of their maid outfits. Aki wore a simple blue dress with white accents and a blue bow in her silver hair and Ares had on a black suit that contrasted well with her fiery red hair and light red eyes.
"Yes, whoever hurts you will have to deal with the might of the entire demon army," Sophia says walking up and running her hand lovingly through my hair. Her blood-red eyes searched for any injuries on my body.
I sigh, but cannot help the smile that appears on my face.
'It is times like these when having a harem isn't so bad.'
"I am fine, I swear. This is largely due to Samantha's intervention." I turn my eyes to my horror of a wife and smile. "Truly, thank you, wife." Her shoggoth features light up at the admission. She has a bright smile on her face and love in her eyes as I can't help but think she looks just as beautiful as the others.
"If not for her...Let's not talk about this right now. Aki, can you order a large breakfast from a nearby Dennys? I can't spend this Saturday on dates with each of you like I promised, but we can at least have one big room date together here while I recover...We have a lot of serious things to talk about, but for now, please bring in some comfy chairs or join me here and we can just enjoy our time together until the food comes."
Less than a second after I said that, Hagiwara is on my left side, leaning her head on my chest. Sophia is on my right doing the same. Suki lies between my legs with Diana, resting their heads on each of my thigh. The rest pile in and around me on the bed in a giant cuddle pile. Aki pouts as she takes out her phone, but I promise that she can lay on my chest when she is done and that seems to placate her.
"Suki, please stop playing with my boys. Let's keep this nice and PG for a bit." I say with a sigh and a slap of her hands under the covers. Now she is pouting, but I can see the playful smirk behind it.
We turn on the 50 inch TV I have in my room and I let the girls pick a movie. We settle on an action flick and enjoy it as we wait for the food. Aki takes her place cuddled up on my chest and I run my hand through her silky silver hair. An hour later my mom's house staff bring in the food we ordered. They look a bit put off that I didn't ask them to cook, but I have too much to worry about to care about their opinions and I just want some greasy food and a giant stack of pancakes.
We eat with trays...or at least they do. I am fed by each of them in turns since I can't move, in order of wives. (Samantha sits out, not particularly caring about feeding me and more amused at my discomfort.) Suki tries to feed be pancakes mouth to mouth, but my glare gets her to feed me normally...Though she shivers at it and her eyes dilate a bit.
'Hmm...a firm hand makes her malleable, huh? Gotta keep that in mind.'
After eating, we finish the movie and then spend some time on light chatter before I clap and say, "Alright. Let's move on to the more serious discussions."
They all look at me with serious expressions and I smile weakly at them.
"I hope that you all take this well...Okay. So, basically, yesterday I almost ascended to Godhood."
Shocked faces and gasps meet my words as well as some proud nods.
"The problem is...my godly portfolio...is obsessive love..."
You could hear a pin drop in the room as each of them makes the connection. After taking a breath, I decide to continue because I am not sure if I will get another chance.
"Before I lost my memories, I had sealed myself several times to prevent accession. If I ascended, there is a very high likelihood that a strong Goddess would capture me and keep me as a sex slave...I really didn't want that. I had forgotten about the seals due to the memory loss and...well...apparently they were failing and my godly aura was leaking, my portfolio of obsessive love was leaking." I said with growing apprehension as the girls stare at me unblinkingly.
"What I am trying to say is...you all might have been affected by my power. The thoughts and feelings you felt in the last week, might have been caused by me and not your actual emotions...I...I didn't mean to...but my aura may have mind-controlled you, in a sense..."
Again, nothing was said and they all just stared at me. My heart was beating a mile a minute.
'They won't try to kill me, will they? I doubt Samantha would let them, she has already proven that she loved me regardless, but I think allowing them some good hits in would be a good idea. Fuuuuck...This is probably gonna suck...'
"So...um...Anyway, today we spent a couple of hours together and I-I have been fully sealed by Samantha since yesterday...t-though I am not really sure of the specifics...You each should think back and see if there are any differences...I-I think maybe some time apart would be good to determine if-"
"No." Seven voices said in unison.
"Eh? No? Um...do you want to punish me fir-"
"No." Seven voices said in unison again.
"I...I don't understand. You realize that you might not actually love me at all ri-"
I was hit with 6 attacks simultaneously. Hagiwara hit me with the soul equivalent of an ice pick to the brain, Diana hit me with a giant partially transformed claw, Suki hit me with an energy beam of pure black miasma, Sophia hit me with a ball of hellfire, Aki hit me with a silver blast of sub-zero ice, and Ares' horns grew several feet as she straight up bullrushed me, points first.
"No!" They all shout again.
"Absolutely not. You are my soul mate. Did you forget that?" Hagiwara demands.
"I have had a crush on you for hundreds of years. But in the last week, you showed me what true love meant. You sealed my feelings away once, you will not do it again!" Diana screams.
"You saved me at a time when I had nothing and no one. You accepted me as one of the fallen and made my family accept me despite eons of tradition!" Suki cries out.
"You gave me hope and a new chance at life when I was worth nothing, even to my own family!" Sophia explodes in anger.
"You treated me like a real person, and not a little kid. In just this week, you gave me the love and romance I had dreamed about for of my entire life." Aki says in a slightly raised voice, her version of screaming.
"You took me in when I had nowhere else to go and treated me with respect, despite my past. Though you took my virginity in compensation, you also took responsibility the minute I demanded it. Like fucking hell you are getting away." Ares Growls.
"You saw me for what I truly was and, while still scared of me, accepted me and my feelings for you without asking anything in return," Samantha says calmly, the only one smiling.
""""""You will not run from me, Zeneff!"""""" 6 angry voices ring out.
I coughed and waved the various fumes out of my face as looked at them all with wide eyes. That only stung a bit...but I wasn't about to tell them that.
"I..." What the fuck do I even say to any of that? Except for Aki and Ares's first part, all of that was me and not the original Zen. I did do all those things...sure I was only acting and doing what felt right at the moment...but it was true. Could I have been wrong? Was it not my Godly aura?
Time stopped in a familiar way. Samatha moved forward towards me on the bed and placed a kiss on my forehead before speaking.
"It was your soul, Mark. In the life you led before, you lacked confidence and were treated harshly by people. Despite the hatred leveled at you on a daily basis, you remained pure. You did your best and treated everyone well, despite not being treated well in return. You were the opposite of Zeneff who treated everyone like tools or convenient pawns. The reason you are here now is that Zeneff did ascend ...and is currently being anally raped by a Futa Goddess...but that is not important...
When an evil like Zeneff left, this world needed to balance the karmic scales. Your death on your world was a convenient way to do that. Your soul purified the husk that was Zeneff and let him shine with his truest potential. He was not worthy or responsible enough for his Godly portfolio, and it was, in a sense, poisoning him. You, who have never felt love and never abused love, were. You understood how precious it was and even when faced with overwhelming hate or distrust, chose to believe in it anyway. I think that only a soul that trusted in love despite never having it could conquer the obsessive love you now embody. Your soul was worthy, therefore you tamed the power of the Yandere's, as you like to call them."
I thought over her words for a long minute before my face contorted. "Wait, if that's the case, aren't you telling me that any loveless, nice guy virgin could have taken this spot instead of me?"
She laughed her multitone laugh and kisses my nose. "Yup. But they didn't. You did. You would be surprised to know how many cosmically changing moments were pure happenstance."
'Who could have known that my greatest power...was my propensity to be nice and my lifelong virginity. I feel like the lamest superhero ever...'
"Did you never wonder why your "Mother," who is a Goddess herself, all of a sudden was interested in you when she had known Zeneff for time immemorial? Or how Hagiwara could soulbind with you when you were supposedly two souls in one? This would not have been possible were that true, and Tiamat is very much aware that your soul is not that of the original Zeneff's. She never liked her son much, he was an asshole, but she finds you very appealing...at least the preditor in her finds your innocence very appealing."
"Great, I guess I don't have to feel bad for having sex with her anymore then...But man...this is a bummer. I was kinda hoping I was the chosen one or something..."
"In a way, you are! Just based on luck and not divine providence."
"Okay...whatever. What did you do to seal my power, by the way? I feel much better than I did before."
"I removed the lingering fragments of Zeneff's original soul that had latched on to your own. This removed the poison caused by the portfolio and his soul clashing. You're much more powerful now because your power is not fighting you every step of the way."
"I see...So I don't have to worry about ascending?"
"Nope. Especially since you already did."
My head snaps to hers and my eyes tremble. "W-What?"
"Oh yes, there was no stopping that. You either died or ascended. Congrats on becoming a God, if only a minor one!"
"I...but...w-what...what happens now? Won't Gods and Goddesses come after me?" I ask with wide, scared eyes.
Samantha boops my nose with a finger and says, "Not as long as Tiamat and I are around. You are under our protection. Few would dare offend either of us, let alone both at the same time. I would love it if they tried, however, eating Gods is the best~! Tiamat was only really interested in fucking the innocence out of you to start, but since you basically were responsible for the entire demon race now worshiping her and allowed her to absorb a fairly powerful Ancient Demon God's portfolio, she has a vested interest in keeping you safe. Hence, why I brought you here while I dealt with the fallout of your ascension."
"Oh...okay. Thanks, Sam. You know you scare the shit out of me...but I am finding myself liking you more and more each day." I say with a smile.
"I love you too, Zeneff." She says kissing me softly with her cool black lips. I don't even mind that they are a bit slimy anymore!
"Alright. I guess I get to live a normal life as a God with a harem of 7 beautiful women from now on. No problem. This is actually pretty rad, now that my portfolio problems are over."
"...I think you are misunderstanding something." She says with a sly smile down at me.
"What?" I ask with a sinking suspicion my life just got harder instead of easier.
"As I said, you have the power to tame Yanderes and provide them the stability that no one else can. When one sees you, it will be like a metal rod in a lightning storm. I will protect you from Gods and Goddesses...but I have no intention of protecting you from them. I have always wanted a big family..." She trails off, looking to the side with stars in her eyes.
"Oh. Well... Fuck." I say as my brain simply gives up trying.
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