《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 14 – Surprise Attack
Chapter 14 – Surprise Attack Saturday, April 29th, 2056 - Tiamat Mansion
Time suddenly unfroze and I looked dejectedly at the angry women in front of me.
"Alright! I get it. I was wrong, okay? I promise I won't run. Please stop attacking me." I plead with raised hands.
"Hmph. As long as you know." Diana says crossing her arms over her large chest and turning her face to the side.
I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose. Knowing I will have more of these crazy girls to deal with was giving me one massive headache.
'Okay, Zen. Priorities. I need to finish the meeting with Hagiwara's family, deal with her asshole father, save her mom...and have a much deeper conversation with her...Zeneff's original feelings for her were much more than expected. I have inherited those feelings, it would seem... Then I need to finish introducing myself to my other wives' families. Suki should be next...but I am already here. Might as well.'
"Ares, should I talk to anyone other than your father about the marriage?" I ask looking over at my drake wife. She still looks a bit pissed, but this throws her for a loop.
"I...Uh...I guess you can meet the rest of my family...but they don't talk to me anymore. Dad is the only one I call family at this point. He's the only one I have stayed in contact with..." She says awkwardly, scrunching up her forehead cutely.
3rd Person POV - History of Ares Ironback
Ares Ironback is the daughter of Sebastian Ironback, Tiamat's head butler. Her family of drakes have served Tiamat for thousands of years. Ares was considered the black sheep of the family because she went against swearing an oath to Tiamat as she had fallen in love with a blue dragon and wished him to take her oath instead. She ran away from home and spent more than 2 centuries with the blue dragon. Slowly, over time, she realized he had no feelings for her, despite her practically giving him everything of herself, and only used her as a disposable pawn. The only thing she left with, after telling him she was done waiting on him, was him saying, "Thanks for your service Akrez."
Anger, unlike anything she had ever felt, bloomed in her heart. She spent the next several centuries as a menace to anyone who came in contact with her. She would be considered the "Delinquent Girl" as far as anime tropes go. She lead a group of minor criminals to do misdemeanors, petty theft, and vandalism. Ares eventually managed to piss off the wrong group of people and her entire gang was beaten and absorbed or disbanded. She was left alone as a broken husk, bleeding out in the street and ready to die...when Zeneff stumbled upon her by mere chance. He picked up her beaten and bloodied body and offered her a path forward.
"Poor, little drake. The world has taken nearly everything from you and yet you still struggle. I like that resolve. Give to me the last of yourself as well as your oath, and you will know peace and happiness for the remainder of your life."
This may sound like a generous proposal, but if you read between the lines, Zeneff offered her safety for her virginity and her undying loyalty. There was no mistaking that her fate was to be a bed toy of this mighty dragon for as long as she lived. Ares wanted to refuse...that was the last part of herself she managed to keep pure and the thing she always wanted to give the blue dragon whom she loved...but she was at her lowest and her self-worth was next to nothing. She made the deal with the silver devil and he personally healed her of all her injuries, then ruthlessly took what she bargained for there and then.
Ares spent the next hundred years as the head butler for this unknown dragon. Fate has a certain way of messing with you, however, and the dragon in question turned out to be the son of Tiamat, Zeneff Silverscale. She had inadvertently sworn the same oath to Tiamat through Zeneff that she had denied so many centuries ago. She could only shed tears of injustice at the full circle her life had gone through. It did lead to the reconnection with her father, however, and they slowly rebuilt their relationship as the years went by.
Ares came to like her time at the Silvescale manor. The people were nice, the job was easy and paid well, the sex was great, - after she got used to it - and her father was just as kind and accepting as he had been when she was merely a wyrmling. She had never tried to reach out to her other family after joining with Zeneff and, honestly, didn't see the need. He was her family now. He was her world. She had come to love him more than she ever did with the idiot blue dragon. Even she can admit that when she started feeling love for him, it very well might have been Stockholm Syndrome...but when he suddenly got amnesia...things changed.
Something withing Ares had woken up. A possessive need to have him and an uncontrollable urge to love and be loved by him. The anger she had always buried deep within herself was gone and his smile filled her heart to bursting. She could not believe it when he easily accepted her feelings for him. She had always felt so worthless...but this "New" Zeneff treated her like a precious gem. He was nice and caring to her, and she wanted nothing more than to be by his side forever. To love and be loved by him. He had tamed her and she would forevermore be known as his drake wife.
Normal POV - Zeneff Silverscale
Ares stared uncertainly into my eyes.
"What do you want?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "We both know introducing me as your husband will make them behave and kiss your ass, but is that what you want? You are my wife now, your happiness is important to me. All of you, your happiness and fulfillment are my top priority." I say, turning from Ares to look at the rest. "I promised that I would do this right and I am trying my best, but I need feedback and your opinions. I don't want dolls as my wives. I want real people. That is the reason I suggested the break. Not to run, but because I was worried for you..."
I trail off lamely, closing my eyes with sigh as my head rests on my pillow. I have never expressed my feelings like this before. I never had anyone who cared enough to listen...Now that I was Zeneff, I had 7 women that were always willing to listen. Why is communication this hard!? Does it have to be so fucking awkward? Does it get better or easier? I can only hope so...
Gah! Throw a loser, virgin into this situation and everyone assumes it's going to be a paradise, but one does not simply go from loser to sex god in a week-
'Oh shit. I did do that. Okay, well, the point still stands!'
I feel warm bodies wrap around mine as my harem crowds around my bed and drapes themselves on me in some semblance of a hug. I am still stuck and can't move anything other than my head and arms. They all manage to hug me while still standing or by crawling onto the bed next to me. It is a really awkward hug, but I smile up at them regardless in appreciation of it.
"Master is important to us too. We will always be with you." Aki says quietly with a small smile as she lays next to me on the bed.
'Huh. I guess this isn't so bad. I am not alone anymore. I have people that actually care about me! What a strange and new sensatio-'
"So, tomorrow will be more meetings with the harem's families, right? Does that mean today can be orgy day?" Suki asks while smiling brightly down at me.
*Sigh* "No. And Orgy day isn't a thin-" I say with an eye roll, but am interrupted again.
"Sounds good to me!" Hagi says, her eyes growing a bit hollow. "He can't move much like this...we can do anything we want..."
All of the women's heads snap to her...then slowly turn to me. Broken smiles and empty eyes greet me.
"W-Wait! Stop! I am not ready!" I yell as the arms around me start getting a bit more frisky.
Ignoring my pleas, my women start trailing kisses down my exposed skin, lighting my nerves on fire. I would totally reach out and stop them...if my pillow wasn't replaced by Samantha's lap and my arms secured around her waist with black tentacles.
"Thank god he is already naked for us," Hagiwara says while ripping my bedsheet away and showing my massive erection. "Though...ripping off his clothes first would be its own kind of fun...Maybe for next orgy day..."
"Like I am trying to tell you, Orgy day isn't a thing!" I yell again, but gasp as warm tightness surrounds my member. Hagi was still wearing her kimono and was still, very obviously, naked underneath it.
"I am taking my turn first as the head wife," Hagi says while already impaled upon me. "Just relax, Zenny. We will take care of everything. I wanna see what a ruthless, and very helpless, dragon will do when cornered." Her smile growing to insane levels.
The dragon in me growls at such defiance. I need to show her I am not to be messed with. A smirk grows on my lips as the haze of my dragon instincts takes over.
Hagi gasps and her eyes bulge as my cock grows further and expands inside her until there is a visible bulge in her stomach from it.
I smile at her as she stares down at me with wide, concerned eyes.
"Well? Get to it."
* | * | *
Several Hours Later
I stare at the passed-out woman around my bed in envy as Samantha takes her 400th turn. She had been holding back, apparently, but now decided it was no longer necessary...or just didn't care to hold back anymore.
I had, somehow, convinced her that this had to be the last round. I won't lie, there was a lot of begging involved. It seems I have finally met my match and my dragon instincts had abandoned me 100 rounds ago. The things her fluid body and tentacles could do made me cum faster than I ever thought possible. And, let me just say, cumming for a solid 10 minutes straight, even for me, was hellish. Faced with this insatiable being milking me for all I was worth, the dragon in me tapped out and left me to deal with her alone. She could, literally, go on forever, and her hazy eyes and blushed, slightly purplish cheeks told me she had no intention of stopping.
The compromise we reached? I had to agree to spend the next 3 nights with her alone and wasn't allowed to tell her to stop. Was it a horrible idea I was going to regret? Absolutely. But that was a problem for future Zeneff. Current Zeneff's balls felt like the Sahara Desert. I needed some food and water to replenish myself, not even magic can keep you going forever without some sustenance. This was another part of the bargain with my shoggoth wife, she would cook and provide plenty of food and water for me to have between our long sessions. With that, I should be able to keep going without feeling so much...discomfort. Death by snu snu. I understand the horror of it now.
We finished this round and she somehow managed to pull another, admittedly pathetic, shot of seed into her belly. Samantha sighs in contentment and removes herself from my now very limp dick. Surprisingly, no seed spills out of her...with the amount I pumped into her, it should have been like a geyser...but all that was left was her light purplish fluid that surrounded my member.
'Where did it...You know what? Don't care.'
"That was wonderful, darling." She says with a giant smile and leans down to kiss me gently. "This and what you give me the next three nights will be more than enough to rebuild my army."
"Do what now?" I ask in panic.
She gives me a musical laugh and brushes through my hair. "First, drink. You need to be rehydrated." She says and moves one of her massive tits into my face.
"You will like it, I promise." She says with a knowing smile.
Fuck it. Hardly the weirdest thing I have done all week. I suck at her nipple and, surprisingly, refreshing cool liquid coats my throat. It tastes of honey and has the consistency of almond milk. I move away and look at her in shock, seeing a drop of the purple liquid splash on my chest.
"Drink Zeneff. I will explain while you do." She smiles at me again and shoves her nipple back into my mouth. I shrug and keep going. This stuff tastes great and I feel strength returning to my dried out husk of a body.
"For your first question, I am birthing children in my dimension from your seed." I cough and sputter out the purple milk looking up at her in shock and horror. She simply glares at me until her nipple is back in my mouth.
"Good boy. Now, worry not. These are simple creatures that I will use to expand my influence and take out the more sinister Elder Things that would threaten us and our family. I will respect your wish and not birth any sentient beings with you until you are ready. I plan to use this body for that, anyway. It will do well for our child to be born and raised here and not in the blackness of the abyss."
She runs her fingers through my hair and massages my body all over with her tentacles. I am immediately sent to bliss town. This is so relaxing, and not at all in a sexual way, which is extremely refreshing after the marathon I was just put through.
"I have actually taken inspiration from your memories. What was the game called? St*r Cr*ft? The Z*rg in that game seemed to be perfect for my goals. An army of them will be more than enough to secure my holdings and bolster Tiamat's. We are currently expanding our territories in the Astral Plane to a meeting point so that we can assist one another in a time of need. Reaching the abyss to the Grey will take a while, but with your assistance, it should be much simpler. Tiamat will likely be using you in a similar way to bolster her Dragonkin."
'Great. I am a breeding stallion now...And I am single handily responsible for the birth of the Z*rg. I am sure THAT won't bite me in the ass later...'
"Oh, don't make that face. We will make it fun for you. Plus, you are securing the future protection and prosperity for your family."
I and do nothing else but nod as I continue to drink. I am not getting full for some reason, but I feel myself continually growing stronger. It is not by much, but it is noticeable with my powers. Like a single drop of water is being added to a vast lake with every mouthful. It is actually kind of addicting.
'Is this what cultivators feel? No wonder they do nothing but gather more power. It is certainly a rush.'
"As for what you are drinking...that is a bit harder to describe. The easiest way I can say it is breast milk. It is the lifeblood of my original body, used to nurture and assist in the growth of my children. You may think you are strong in this single world, Zeneff, but you are far too weak to become complacent. A minor God like you could be killed with ease from even those slightly stronger than you are now. The power levels of deities from one stage to another are incomprehensible until you reach that same level. You will understand in time. For now," She explains and smirks at me, "Think of it as me fattening you up."
After my 'Feeding Time,' we lay with each other and share soft kisses and giggles as I slowly feel myself come free from the bed.
I immediately stand up and move to take a shower. I am covered in...varying fluids and I want them off me. As I stated before, I don't need a shower, but I love having them. Samantha joins me in there but agrees to not fool around and just flirt a bit. I am cool with that.
As she is running her fingers and nails through my hair again under the hot water, something I am quickly realizing is my favorite thing in the world, I start to plan out tomorrow. I will be staying the night here with the girls. I need to make sure I am giving each of them enough attention and no one feels neglected. That is priority #1.
For tomorrow, I am planning on the following.
Meet with Sebastian and get his approval to marry Ares. Talk with her and see if she wants to meet her other family. We never finished that conversation. Go to Hagi's compound, kill or imprison her father, and save her mother...and talk with her as well. Suki is next and...I am not looking forward to going to that crazy house again. But I did help pay for the repairs, so I should make my appearance as well as officially ask for her hand in marriage. Those three will take up most of the day, and the night I will split myself into 7 clones of me and spend some alone time with each of my wives to make up for missing date night tonight. My clones are part of me and have no will other than my own. We are connected through our minds and still think and act like one, just in different places. It is like partitioning a hard drive. Still the same drive, but different things on each one. I am not 100% sure how it works, but I know it does and it is even easier to do now that I have full access to my powers. The only downside is I split my power in 7 when I do it. The good news is that I have much more of that now, so I should be at or exceeding their own powers. No funny business there.
Alright. This should work. I have more of my wives' families to meet, but that will have to continue during the school week.
'Ah shit. That's right. School is back in session on Monday...Oh well. I found 4 Yanderes from there already, how many more could there be?'
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Have you ever met someone who loves what they do so much that they'll skip sleep, food, love and safety to pursue it? What happens if that kind of person encounters a different dimension, yet holds on to their love of music, and specifically of rock drumming.When the world ended at the end of 2057, Kevin Snackenbridge slept through it. He'd been drumming all night. tl;dr-- System eats world -- Monsters and magic ---- LitRpg -- Practice, not levels and stats ---- MC Bard -- support class -- low power ---- MC chooses music over survival skills --tl;dr Kevin trips into the Internal Strength Dimension where Thaumaturgy is king. With the help of a talking plant and several vicious monkeys he learns that the rule is "Change or die." Kevin changes, but remains firmly a drummer/Bard in this high fantasy setting. This is Kevin's adventure, and that of the friends he meets. Kevin has the soul of a real musician. He loves music, specifically rhythm and drumming, and would give his left nut if it would help him drum better. He's a rock drummer, and his language is that of a rock drummer: slanged, duded, and frequently laced with profanity. He focuses on music, and makes decisions that even the author doesn't approve of. However, that means all his decisions are Kevin's decisions, not those of a system-optimizing power-gamer. There's points (All of Arc 2) where he wanders aimlessly. Goals seem foreign to him at points. What would you do if you were a musician, and the world fell apart and you no longer had an audience or band-mates. You'd be kinda lost. Kevin is. Arc 2 is a lot of Kevin not knowing what to do, going with the flow, and not being articulate enough to know that he doesn't know what to do. 1. Chapters start short near 500 words, and grow to 12-1500 by ch.100 2. Chapters daily
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one ➳ zarry
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