《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 11 – Old Friends
Chapter 11 – Old Friends 1:55 PM Friday, April 28th, 2056 - Demon Lords Castle - Demon Lords Bedroom
I finish my last spurt and toss the bruised and used the body of Sophia on the bed. I offered to heal the marks, but she asked to keep them...for whatever reason.
'Freaks be Freaky like that.'
I turn to our guests. 3 beautiful Succubus women, a blonde, a brunet, and a redhead, stare at me intently and one Arch Demon looks off to the side with the 1000 yard stare, clearly removing himself from this situation long ago. I cast magic to clean myself up from the sticky juices and sweat and start putting on my clothes again in silence.
'Yup. Super fucking awkward. Let's just get out of here ASAP.'
"My Lord," One of the sisters...Rebecca? starts, standing up and walking over to me on wobbly dripping wet legs, "You do not yet look satisfied, please allow me to-"
"No! As the leader of the Succubi I should be the one to satisfy our magnificent and powerful lord!" Lilith says shooting to her feet and rushing over to me as I continue to put my shirt on.
"No fair! I wanna get stuffed like Sophie too!" Merideth...at least I think it is Merideth says with a whine and moves over to me as well. The place where the three sat on the floor looks like someone spilled a mop bucket on the ground...
"Sorry, I don't mess with married women," I say with a wave of my hand and start preparing to leave. I don't have much time left until I need to meet with Hagiwara.
"""I'll get a divorce!""" All three succubi yell at the same time.
"L-Lilith, My Love?" Demetri, the former demon lord, asks in a pitiful whimper.
"Oh, can it, D. He can grow his dick to whatever size he wants and go on forever. He is literally the best man for a succubus. Like, ever....all the power we could want in a never-ending tap-"
"Sorry, not interested," I say as I lean down and kiss Sophia's head in farewell. I give a final wave of my hands and smile at the desperate-looking succubi as I teleport away. I wonder if I will ever get tired of doing that? Probably not.
I arrive back in my room and quickly change into clean formal attire. Not sure why, but Hagiwara told me to wear a kimono for the meeting with her parents. I own several very expensive ones and have always wanted to try wearing them, so I didn't mind. The one I choose is both classic and elegant. Pale grey with black thread linings and a silver dragon stitched into the back. Putting it on takes far less time than I would have thought and I can't help but feel regal...as well as a slight draft.
I leave my closet, ready to find Hagiwara and go, - we were running a bit late at this point - but that doesn't seem to be necessary. I find her in my room, in a beautiful, sakura flower-inspired pink and white kimono. Her hair is up in a traditional Japanese bun with a silver hair comb stuck in the back. She looks stunning...or at least she would if she wasn't currently huffing my pillow like a drug addict.
"Ready?" I ask, choosing to ignore her panting over my pillow.
She jumps, with a cute "Eep!" and freezes, turning her head over her shoulder to look over at me. Once again, she would be absolutely gorgeous, if not for the strings and bubbles of saliva that form as she pulls my pillow away from her face. Her eyes are hollow and her face is flushed. She looks more ready to fuck than go somewhere.
Rubbing the bridge of my nose and taking a steadying breath, I walk over to her, grab my pillow from her hands, remove the soaking wet cover, realize the pillow is also soaked, then decide to burn them both for good measure. I toss them into a bin I asked Aki to add to my room. The sign on it says, "The Burn Pile." It might sound silly but I have already been through 17 pillowcases and 5 pillows this way, and I have only been here a week, dammit!... Still better than when I found Diana's secret alter... Feeling very conflicting and complicated emotions, I look down at the totally-not-ashamed-in-any-way Hagiwara and clean up her face with magic.
"Ready." She says with a purr, clinging to my arm and forcing it between her breasts. I can feel her hard nipples poking through the kimono fabric...yeah, she is 100% naked under there. No doubt.
'This is on you Zen. You could have refused them, fuck the consequences. You could have packed your bags and moved away. Hell, you could have killed them! You are a villain, after all! But NooOooo, you had to think just like a dumbass protagonist and let the crazy in. This is your fault and you have no one else to blame.'
Self-deprecation finished, I sigh and teleport us to her family compound.
2:15 PM Friday, April 28th, 2056 - Kitinara Family Estate
We arrive at the Kitinara compound's main gate and are immediately greeted by 2 rows of maids and butlers bowing to us and yelling, "Welcome home Mistress!"
A flash of light and a burst of power on my arm tells me that Hagiwara has transformed into her Kitsune form. I glance at her and damn...Her smile, while she holds onto my arm and parades me towards the main family mansion, is incredibly beautiful.
Maids and manservants bustle around us, clearing the path forward and opening doors. They are all Kitsune and all look, well, fluffy. I haven't had the chance to pet Hagiwara's ears or tail yet, and seeing so much soft fur and cuteness is getting to me. It is like being surrounded by a ton of small cute bunnies, one just feels the urgent need to pet them. It doesn't help that when I make eye contact, they freeze in fear and tremble. It does something to the dragon in me. I just want to scoop them into my arms and cuddle them until they feel better...or maybe eat them. One of the two. ...Anyway, I hold back my temptation and keep walking.
'As they say, cute is justice.'
We approach the main family building and I am struck with a sudden sense of déjà vu. I am guessing it is because of my recent trip to the Hagiwara's bedroom, but...something feels off. It is just on the edge of my memories, but I simply can't put my claws on it. I ponder this as we are lead through different immaculately decorated and lavishly designed hallways and rooms. We finally make it to the traditional meeting hall, the carved wooden doors in the liking of a shine and a 9 tailed fox in front of me, and I finally latch onto that pesky memory.
"Oh...Shit." I say out loud, stopping and frowning at the doors.
"Hmm? What's wrong, Zenny?" Hagiwara asks as a servant heads inside the doors to announce our arrival and prepare the family head for visitors.
"So...remember that evil organization I was a part of before? The whole reason for my 'Amnesia?'" I hedge.
"Of course...I still wish we could have killed those that assaulted the Hikaru compound...but I suppose there is no helping it. What we were doing was much more important anyway."
'Oi! Your best friend died! Shouldn't you care more?'
"Not so sure about that...but we did kill them. You were just a little...out of it at the time." I cringe at the thought of that night.
"Ah, that is a relief. Now, what was it you were worried about?"
'Oi! Again! ...no I guess I need to start expecting this outcome from now on...I am marrying literal psychopaths after all...'
"Well...Hmm...how do I say this...?" I pause to consider my words carefully.
Hagiwara stops and spins around. She reaches up with both hands and cups my face lovingly. When she smiles up at me, I am once again blasted by the mesmerizing, foxy beauty with two different colored eyes in front of me.
"Zeneff, I am about to introduce you to my parents as my future husband. I am yours just as you are mine. I will be the first wife in the harem. You have nothing to worry about and no need to hesitate when talking to me, so please tell me what is on your mind." Hagiwara urges with all the compassion and love one could.
Seeing her earnest smile and hearing her heartfelt words, I decide to just say it and trust in her.
"Your dad is one of the leaders of that organization. The Fox Mask in The Night Council. He is potentially responsible for both the attack on the Hikaru compound as well as your own...though I am not sure what happened when I left. I literally just remembered this."
"...What!? No!...Daddy did?" Hagiwara exclaims, looking shocked and more than a little lost.
"Yup. We will need to deal with that if so...also...I am pretty sure I fucked your mom..."
"Now announcing Mistress Hagiwara and Zeneff Silverscale!" An attendant shouts from within the room as the doors open at that moment.
"It was a long time ago. We will discuss it more later. For now, stick with the amnesia thing," I whisper to her and start walking forwards. She takes a moment to recompose herself, but quickly catches up to me and links arms with mine again. The smile on her face is a perfect mask for her emotions, but I can feel her boiling anger in my soul.
'I can feel her anger in my soul? What the fuck does that even mean? How does this whole soul merging thing work, anyway? ...I really need to talk to her about this more, but honestly, I have 99 problems and crazy bitches are all of them. I'll just add this to the to-do list... But really, this world makes no fucking sense.'
We move into the large meeting hall that is decorated in a traditional Japanese style. It has a large open interior, tatami mats, sliding paper walls and doors, wooden support columns and banisters with flowers and more kitsune art engraved into them, a low-to-the-ground black table surrounded by cushions to sit on, servants and guards lining the walls, and 2 kitsune in extravagant Kimonos sitting on one side of the table facing us.
On the left is a handsome young man in a white and black kimono. Honestly, the best way to describe him is a shojo lover's wet dream. He looks like the poster boy for ikemen and handsome anime men everywhere...I mean Zeneff is the same, but I am Zeneff now...so that doesn't count! ...Anyway, he has silver hair, styled in that messy yet attractive anime way, silver ears, and 5 silver fox tails flowing behind him. His eyes, like his daughters, are heterochromia with the left blue and the right sliver. On his waste is a honest to god katana. He wears a smile on his face but has murder in his eyes.
Katashi Kitinara - Kitsune Patriarch - Hagiwara's Dad
To the right is an outrageously attractive woman. To my immense surprise, while the man next to her is about at Hagiwara's level of power (after our soul merge), the woman next to him rivals my level of power. That is not something to simply ignore...she could be a problem.
Blonde hair and blonde fur surround this beautiful woman. She has curves and a bust that would make her a wet dream for many. Very light purple eyes stare out coyly from long lashes and she is surrounded by 9 blonde foxtails that fan out around her like an aura. She wears a purple and red kimono that seems to struggle to contain her massive chest and THICC thighs. She was an 11/10 easily and it makes sense why the old me would sleep with her...and sleep with her I did. A lot. So much so that I find myself actually blushing while looking at her knowing smile.
Azuza Kitinara - Kitsune Matriarch - Hagiwara's Mom
'I probably shouldn't tell Hagiwara about how our affair stretches hundreds of years. Wait...hundreds of years...'
I straight up panic for a second and lose all my composure as I spin around so fast the sound barrier breaks. I grab Hagiwara's shoulders before she can be blown away by the wind pressure and then scan her from a molecular level. She freezes as the full weight of all of my power crashes down on her for a quick instant. Her knees give out and she collapses, but it is enough. I have my answer. I catch her before she falls to the ground.
'Whew. Safe. Though I will need to check on her sisters...'
"What is the meaning of this Silverscale! Do you wish to attack my family? You bring my daughter here only to crush her with your aura? Is this a declaration of war!?!" An understandably angry Katashi yells as he jumps to his feet. The guards in the room draw their weapons and the servants quickly scatter to not die from the force of our power,
"Peace, dear husband. If we do not want our clan to be wiped off the face of the map, I suggest we not anger Zeneff. I can match him...probably, but the battleground we fight on will be destroyed for miles around. " The sultry voice of Azuza says. "Zeneff, would you mind explaining why you released so much power at my daughter?"
'Time to lie. Think quick Zen...Ah! Let's go with that.'
I scowl at Katashi. "You should send everyone away. I need to have a private conversation with the Royal Kitsune Family."
"How insolent! You think you can-" A red-faced Katashi yells, his handsome face actually becoming more handsome when he is angry.
'Damn Shojo logic.'
"Leave." Azuza commands and those in the room around us bow and leave eagerly.
"Thank you, Azuza-Hime," I say with a nod and cast a privacy spell around the room that will stop our conversation from leaking. I then cast another broad scan and quickly find and destroy several wiretaps.
Katashi gawks at the broken listening devices that I stack on the table in front of him as Azuza giggles.
"My~, no one has called me Hime in over a thousand years...Only you Zen~." Says an amused. Kitsune Matriarch. "Now, enough with all this, please explain what is going on." She says and leans forward on the table exposing much of her cleavage to me. Her smile is seductive and it is amplified exponentially as she bats her eyelashes at me and licks her lips when she catches me staring.-
'Whoops...I called her that by habit...Oh well. I can still recover!'
"R-right. So, the reason I came is to discuss my amnesia-" I start, trying to ignore how attractive this foxy woman was to me when Hagiwara interrupts.
"I am here to announce my engagement to Zenny." She says holding onto my arm tightly and looking straight into her mother's shocked eyes.
"What!?! No! There is no way I will accept-" Katashi tries, but is nearly suffocated by his wife's aura less than a second later.
"Excuse me?" Azuza says as her face becomes a perfect copy of a fox mask. "Care to run that by me again?"
'Fuck. Smooth move Hagi. This is getting bad. Can I save it?'
"*Ahem* Yes, this is one of the things I wish to talk about, but I also want to inform you about my amn-" I start again, but am again interrupted by the woman literally hanging off my arm.
"W-w-we a-are g-g-getting m-married!" Hagiwara yells as she holds onto my arm like it is her last lifeline. She is doing remarkably well under this pressure! I am quite proud of her.
"Is this true, Zeneff?" Azuza asks, and I feel the weight of her power on mine. For the first time in a long time, I sweat at the feeling. She is almost equal to me. If we fought here, I would not get out unscathed.
'Fuck Fuck Fuck. Ok, I can still work with this.'
I sigh and nod. "It is true. It was not my intention...but our souls merged-"
"You're...soulbound to each other..?" Azuza interrupts this time, her eyes going wide and a distant look taking over. She refocuses when I start talking again.
"Yes...Again, not much I can do about it. If your daughter dies, I die. She will be the first of my harem and I promise to treat her well. I genuinely mean her and your family no harm and I hope that you will accept this. It is difficult for me as well."
Hagiwara pouts at me, but hey! She forced this, don't expect me to sugar coat it.
'Oh...don't look at me with those teary eyes! Fuck! Fine! I guess it can't hurt.'
"O-on top of that, over the last couple of days, she has quite unfairly stolen my attention and heart. Her smile has awakened feelings in me I was not aware I could feel. I wish to explore these feelings more. I am very interested in her and promise I will protect her and our future family with my life. I humbly ask for you to accept our engagement." I finish with a bow and wink at the now flushed and smiling Hagiwara.
'I didn't say anything about love, because I don't want to lie to anyone about something so serious as that. She does truly interest me, and I think I really might be able to love her and all of my harem eventually. At least, once I get used to their...oddities. Rule #4 in the Yandere rulebook is that you should never tell a Yandere you love them unless you absolutely do. That is a one-way ticket to a bad end...though I doubt there is any return for me at this point anyway...'
I look up quickly to see that the table across from us has broken in half. An angry, yet surprised Katashi looks over at his passively smiling wife who has just hit the solid oak table hard enough to snap it like cheap plywood. Her hands and shoulders are shaking, but the smiling mask is still in place.
"Zeneff. Can I talk to you for a second? Alone, please?" Azuza asks in a way that is clear she is not asking.
'Oh fuck. This has gone about as bad as it could...have I ever seen her this mad before?'
I smile stiffly and nod, pulling off Hagiwara's arms. I hug her and kiss her on the top of the head. "I might die. Please pray for me."
"Zeneff!" Hagiwara yells after me as I am dragged by the ear to another room. If the cracking smile is any indication, the end of my life will probably come from an extremely upset 9 tailed Kitsune.
'Oh, what a joy it is to be me...'
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Skills, Attributes, and Experience. These are familiar elements to any tabletop RPG. Jack is intimately familiar with these terms from years of playing games, so he is shocked and excited when the entire world is integrated into a system governed by those elements. Follow Jack as he works to understand and navigate the new world around him. From heartbreaking losses to amazing experiences, Jack's life will never be the same. A slow build, slice of life. Blue Mage MC who learns skills from monsters. Skills are not intuitively known and must be trained to be able to use properly. This is not a rapid rise to power story. It's more of a pseudo-Isekai. As the setting quickly changes to a Fantasy one. (with elements of steampunk and sci-fi but not until much later) The story does not get very adventure-y until chapter 17.
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