《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 10 – Bend The Knee
Chapter 10 – Bend The Knee Late Evening Thursday, April 27th, 2056 - Mahoshini Hospital Morgue
Takasone Hikaru, The Lightbringer, lays dead in a cadaver holding cell. He is 1 of 12 stacked 4 high on slabs of metal in the cold and dark Mahoshini Hospital Morgue.
A woman walks into the quiet room, her high heels clicking loudly in the previously silent space. She wears a white lab coat that trails off her small form like a cloak and that has the hospital logo emblazoned on her nonexistent breasts. Her pink hair and lavendar eyes stand out in stark contrast in the dark room of mostly dull metal and stone colors. She scans over a clipboard near the wall of cells and hums a happy tune.
"My Lady!" A man in full butler garb rushes into the room after her, clearly out of breath. "You can't! The world has already been rebalanced after his death!"
She turns her head to look at him and then clicks her tongue. "Jeeves, you need to learn to relax a little. I know what I am doing."
"My Lady, you cannot resurrect him. I know you...loved him...but it's time to move on. The entities that watch over this world will-"
"I talked with one. She said it was fine as long as I did it in this way. Seems a bit convoluted to me...but whatever, it's time he came back. I need him." She says and raises a silver and pink rod into the air. The tip of it has a large pink heart with wings coming out from either side, matching the logo on the coat she wears.
"My Lady wait-"
"Lovey Dovey~~ Kisu~ Doki Doki~~ Magical Girl Reincarnation~!" She yells as she dances to a tuneless song and strikes a pose. A blush of embarrassment can be seen on her cheeks as Jeeves stares at her with completely dead eyes. The heart-shaped wand seems to respond to her ridiculous gestures, however and shines brilliantly in golden and pink light.
The cadaver cell she is standing in front of shines with the same golden and pink light as she pulls out the body to see the efforts of her hard work.
It's the wrong body. "Oops."
She stares down at a naked buxom woman about the same age as herself. Her eyes linger on the pretty dead woman's chest and hips, staring in hatred at the oversized and utterly useless mammaries.
"My Lady..."
"Not a word, Jeeves. Not. A. Word."
She pushes the body back inside and then pulls open the one directly to the right, revealing a very dead Takasone Hikaru. She stares again, but this time for completely different reasons.
"It's so small...and cute!~"
"My Lady..." Jeeves tries, feeling the dead body didn't deserve that insult. That is a desecration of the dead, for sure. She must be told of the forbidden words she just spoke.
Before Jeeves can educate her on her ways, the woman does the dance and chants once again, and the golden-pink light shines on the body of Takasone Hikaru...The light may or may not still be shinning from the random other girl, but this pink-haired, refined woman decides to ignore that fact.
"It's done. Time for you to come back and serve your purpose Takasone-kun. The world will always need The Lightbringer." She smiles down at him one more time, placing a light kiss on his forehead, and then walks out of the room with Jeeves.
The room returns to silence, but the glow from the two body's cells continues to shine and grow brighter for several hours until, with a final flash of golden and pink light, they both wink out. Darkness returns to the room and the world waits with bated breath.
Takasone Hikaru's eyes shoot wide open as he gasps and shakes from the cold. He stares down in confusion over his naked body and looks around the dark room, but sees no one.
"I'm alive?...but how? Zeneff destroyed the world...Everyone I knew and loved, wiped out in a blink of an eye. All my harem members...my friends...my family...Wait...I still have my arm! Is this...? could this be...? Was I given a second chance?"
He stops and takes a deep breath before slapping his cheeks to center himself.
"Yosh! Whatever the case, I know his plans now. I know how to stop him. I can help the others grow and get stronger and this time, we will defeat him. I may have lost in my last life, but the Gods have seen fit to bring me back. Let's not waste even a single moment!"
He jumps up and...nearly pitches over. He is off-balance for some reason but he catches himself by putting a foot forward quickly. He stares down in confusion at the extra weight on his chest...
"Okay, What the actual fuck?"
* | * | *
Noon Friday, April 28th, 2056 - Silverscale Mansion
After cleaning up from the previous night of debauchery, I am escorting each of my women, one by one, to meet their parents and explain the new situation. No half measures, we are doing this right. I still feel conflicted, but all in all, I feel much better after accepting this whole harem thing. It seems love is not really an important factor to a Dragon, it is more about instinct and wanting to draw in powerful people to serve. The human side of me isn't a huge fan of this, but the girls are growing on me...is this what Stockholm Syndrome is like?
Anyways, I am starting with Sophia. I explained to Hagiwara, who is the first wife of my harem, that Sophia has technically been kidnaped and I need to inform her parents where she is as well as the situation. I promise I will go with her next, and she agrees. It looks like everyone is excited that I will be spending time with them individually today. They have decided to all go shopping for date clothes while I take Sophia. Diana is a little miffed, however, as she won't see me until 5 pm when we go to meet with mom and Xerith for the movie night. She feels like she has been cheated of alone time, so I promise to make it up to her later.
I also wrestle out promises from each of them that they will spend time with their families this evening, as we discussed yesterday. All of them, except for Samantha, have someone they can spend time with, and I eventually get them to agree. Suki requires some one on one attention and a few spankings to get her to agree...I think she ended up agreeing because I spanked her...not sure if that was a punishment or an early reward for her... Either way, they all agree and I invite Samantha to come with us tonight since she doesn't have anywhere else to go...certainly, I was not planning on using her to make sure my mom behaves, that would just be silly...
She laughs in my face and refuses. Samantha explains that she doesn't want to get in the way of my family time and that she is perfectly fine being alone for the night. She also wishes me luck on the movie night...with a wink.
'Fuck. She knew my plans all along.'
I sigh and give up. I will have to think of something else to get mom off my back. Maybe cuddling with her and Diana will be enough? If Diana is right there, she won't do anything, right? As long as I show no weakness or fear, I bet she will lose interest, right? ...Let's go with that for now.
After saying our temporary goodbyes, I teleport with Sophia to Russia to face down the Demon Lord over his daughter. Honestly, this is the least stressful thing I have done all week.
The Untouchable Realm - Russia - Demon Lords Castle
The doors of the throne room explode open and nearly toppled off their hinges as a massive, red-skinned, four-armed demon rushes into the room looking visibly shaken.
"My Lord! Please forgive me for interrupting court, but Lady Sophia has returned with a very important guest!"
"Who is so important that you would dare break all semblance protocol?" Demon Lord Demitri Akura demands as he lazily reclines in his throne made from the bones of humans he has personally killed. He is a tall man with long, half white half black hair and yellow slitted eyes. He wears a frayed black trench coat with white fur lining the top and nothing underneath showing off his impressive muscled chest. His ears are long and pointed and stick straight out from his head. His singe horn follows the same pattern, only growing straight up to a point after growing out, while the other one has been broken off. In his right hand, he holds a sparkling black and purple orb of magical darkness and electricity. The glare he sends to the red hulking monstrosity is enough to let it know that its life depends on the next words it utters.
Demon Lord Demitri Akura:
"Z-Zeneff Silverscale is here, My Lord...He is escorting your daughter."
All the hostility falls off from the most powerful demon in existence and his face pales visibly. "L-Lilith! Lilith I need you, now!" He yells loudly standing up and moving behind his throne as if to hide.
"T-Tell him we are not here...Or that we are not ready yet! Fuck...just tell him anything! Buy us time, dammit! What the hell does that monster want with us? With my daughter!?! Lilith!!!" He pulls at his long hair frantically while all the other powerful and high-ranking demons in the room watch in terror.
'A creature that can do this to Maou-sama...Just what kind of horror is Zeneff Silverscale...?'
"My Lord...it's too late-" Big Red tries with a whimper but is interrupted by a soft, worried voice.
"Daddy?" Sophia asks from the huge throne room double doors, peeking her head in from the side.
The Demon Lord doesn't get a chance to greet his daughter, however, as a beautiful and sinfully dressed woman walks into the throne room from a side hallway. She wears...very little. Her outfit would make a porn star blush. It consists of what would be generous to call red and black lingerie. A black bra with sharp and pointy edges that cover the smallest portion of her bust as possible, hugging the sides and only barely keeping her nipples from being visible. A bodice that is only there for decoration hugs her stomach and is attached to her panties and leggings by suspenders. Her underwear is a black low cut thong that just barely hides her mons pubis and privates and leaves her ass all but bare. Her leggings, a mixture of black and red leather and mesh fabrics, hug her well-toned legs and lead to pointy 8-inch heel boots. Her hair is golden and luscious while her pale blue eyes shine with irritation. On her back are two massive bat wings with clawed tips and her head has two horns that grow curved out and then point straight up. Lastly, her spade-pointed tail whips around in irritation.
Lilith: Firstborn of the succubi and mother of Sophia
"What is it D? I was in the middle of 'Training' another manservant..." Lilith says and then freezes the moment she sees her husband hiding behind his throne. She looks over to where her daughter is peaking in and scowls.
"There you are Sophie, do you have any idea how worried we were? Where in Hell did you disappear to? I-" She sighs as she starts making her way over to her husband, "We are sorry for pushing you so hard. It's alright if you don't find a mate for a while longer. You won't get any stronger, but we can still protect you-"
"Um..." Sophia interrupts awkwardly looking down, "I am actually here to introduce you to my new husband..."
"Oh! That's wonderful news! Where is he? I need to see if he matches with-"
"No time for that, dear." Demetri says grabbing her shoulders when she is finally close enough and looking deep into her blue eyes, "Zeneff Silverscale is here..."
"He...w-what?" She stammers and stares back at her husband in wide-eyed shock.
I choose this moment to make my entrance.
"Greetings Demon Lord Akura and Lilith, it is a pleasure to meet with you once again." I link arms with Sophia and walk into the throne room like I own the place. In Demon Culture, strength is all that matters and I have a rather large abundance of that. Demons fall to their knees as we pass and prostrate themselves on the ground. I keep a warm smile up, but Sophia looks incredibly nervous so I pause for a moment, turn her towards me, and lean down to kiss her.
"Relax. You are more powerful than anyone here, except me. You have nothing to fear from them anymore. You are mine, remember? Are you not proud to show your mate off to your parents?" I whisper this to her with a cocky grin and she locks up before looking up at me with a wide smile. She hugs me close for several more seconds before nodding.
"Un. Thank you, Zen." She says with a brilliant smile. She then turns forwards and holds her head up high as she walks with me arm in arm.
"Z-Zeneff Silverscale! What an honor! Thank you for bringing home my daughter, we were very worried about her." Demitri says, taking a seat on his throne again, Lilith has a fake smile plastered on her face standing behind him.
I say nothing. This is Sophia's show, not mine. We finish our approach and by this time all the demons in the large throne room but the two in front of us are on their knees.
"Move," Sophia growls and releases her pressure. To me, this is nothing, but to everyone else in the room, this is a power equal to that of the Demon Lord. Lilith quickly takes several steps to the side and falls to her knees. She may be unmatched in raw sexual power and charm magic, but she is honestly not all that strong.
Demon Lord Demitri matches her power with his own for a moment. This is no longer a simple matter of her coming home with a man, she has all but challenged his authority as a ruler. He has to defend his throne and his people. There is no way he could-
He catches the playful smirk on Zeneff's face. The fucking bastard wasn't moved by his power at all. Fine. Plan B then.
"Yes, of course, my darling daughter!" The demon king says in a flowery and sweet voice as he stands, does a pirouette, then kneels and offers his throne to her dramatically.
I have to do my best to not burst out laughing.
'How the hell have they stayed a nation for so long under such weak leadership!?!'
Sophia smiles at her father and nods as she pulls me up the steps to the throne. Now I am a bit shocked. I thought we were just coming to meet her parents, not usurp the throne...and why am I coming with? If she wants this job then that is all on her. When we reach the throne, she gestures for me to sit. I do so and she settles herself down on my lap.
"Um...I don't want to be the Demon Lord..." I whisper to her, feeling a bit more uncertain all of a sudden.
"I know, Zen, don't worry. This will be my responsibility in the harem." She gives me a confident smile and a kiss on the cheek.
Then a massive and ancient power washes over the room and all of us. It connects our minds forcibly and allows the one sitting on the throne to send a message to all demon kind...no wait...not the throne. A single bone on the backrest is causing this. Weird. It is far stronger than anyone in the room, including me.
'Ah! I get it now. Some God is backing them and giving them authority in the world. I should have known. Can't have the demons wiped out from the very start, can we?'
"Demon of the world, hear my call! I am your new Demon Lord Sophia Silverscale, daughter of Demitri Akura and Lilith, and betrothed to Zeneff Silverscale. Rejoice, for a new era is upon us. No longer will we be evil and vile beings that hunt and hurt humanity. No! Instead, we will be a symbol of hard work, cooperation, and proud, honest might! For too long we have been feared or seen as the enemy to all. It is time to change that perception. From this day forth, the hunting of humanoid species for sport is banned, our armies will reform and serve as protectors and liberators of this realm, and we shall all devote ourselves to the mighty Goddess Tiamat!"
'Oi! We never discussed-'
*** Okay. Time to take a small break and explain the events that happened in the span of a millisecond while I was thinking this.
Whatever God the demons worshiped before was furious and Tiamat was beyond thrilled. In the astral plane, a plane of existence that the Gods dwell on, a battle started between the ultimate Dragon Goddess and the forgotten Demon God. The battle lasted for thousands of years in this space's time and was a bloody conflict that cost both Gods greatly. I receive a call to join from mother - being a demigod, I can visit the astral plane as I wish. I aid my kin and take care of all of the Demon God's forces so that mother can focus completely on the God. Tiamat prevailed in the end and devoured the old demon God, absorbing its domain, portfolio, and powers. I was sent a very heated and promising "Thank You, Zeneff. I can't wait to see you tonight." from a now even more powerful Dragon Goddess I shiver in fear.
*** Back to real-time.
'-that... Fuck...'
"I will not be able to be here all the time, as I will be focusing on raising my family and being with my wonderful betrothed, so I will elect my father to be my Vice-Lord and ruler in my absence. Dedicate yourself to Tiamat and her teachings and change our reputation for the better. These are my commands. Those who wish to stand against me...feel a brief moment of my new power..."
Here she releases her pressure across the wave of power we are communicating through and demons everywhere shiver in fear.
"...And that of my future husband." She turns to me here with adorable pleading eyes. I roll my own eyes and send the briefest of pulses of my power through the link. I am not trying to kill any children after all. The entire room, who had moved to a kneeling position to listen to their new Demon Lords speech, fall flatly on their faces, including Demitri and Lilith.
'Oops...still too much...or rather...Have I gotten stronger?'
Sophia smiles up at me and kisses my cheek again before her smile turns broken and her eyes go dull. "Lastly, any demon sluts who try and get close to my Zeneff, be warned. When I catch you, I will hang you from the tallest tower of my castle by your nipples and clit until they rip off and you plummet to your death. Men who try to seduce me will have their dicks cut off, cooked by the finest chef I can find, and fed back to them as they watch Zen fuck me right in front of them until they bleed out."
'Holy shit...I guess she is really a demon...I nearly forgot she was a yandere with how cute she was being...'
The power cuts off and there is no noise or movement in the room for several long seconds. Sophia nods and stands up while pulling me up as well.
"Momma, Daddy, please go get Merideth and Rebecca so that we may have lunch. Afterward, you will all watch as Zeneff claims me on your bed. I want there to be no doubt and...you always were pushing me to get a man, weren't you? Now you get to see it happen! How wonderful for you!" Sophia says with a wide smile, sarcasm and viciously sweet cheer dripping from her words.
'Oi! We are gonna do what now!?!'
"Sophie, that won't be ness-" Lilith tries, making a pained face.
"Are you disobeying the Demon Lord, Lilith?" Sophia asks quietly, all humor gone from her voice.
"N-no. Right away...mistress..." Lilith says with a scared stutter before leaving the room quickly and dejectedly.
I follow Sophia as she leads me through the castle to a huge and fancily decorated dining room.
"Hey...Sophia, I am not sure I am comfortable with doing...that in front of your family..." I say as I sit down in the seat she offered me...which was the head of the table.
"Oh, Zeneff, please? I promise I won't ask you to do this again...I just need to show them... To get back at them...for my revenge...I-i'm sorry if I am asking for too much." She says, looking down with tears in her eyes and seeming vulnerable again.
'Stay strong Zeneff. She is adorable, but she wants you to fuck her in front of her parents and sisters! That is crossing so many lines!'
"I don't know Sophia...It is...It just seems wrong to me..." I finish, my voice coming out lame and not confident at all.
She looks back up at me and smiles her wide broken smile. "You say that...but why are you so hard then, Zen?" She emphasizes this by reaching out and tugging on my fully erect member through my pants.
I feel the familiar push from my instincts telling me that this is a thrill I won't likely get twice...
She continues stroking me and my willpower erodes. "Fine." I growl, "But just this once. And we only have an hour. I have to pick up Hagiwara at 2 pm and it is close to 12:30 now. Also..." I say grabbing her hand and pulling it off me then grabbing her face with my other one and pulling her in to look at me. "I am going to destroy you. I'm not going to be gentle today, you want them to see you get fucked, then that is what I am going to do. Don't blame me when you can't walk for the next week."
Her eyes shine and the smile returns. "Perfect."
- In Serial7 Chapters
Investigation of the Occult School Club - Case "Kids of the Station"
Macabre stories, legends passed down for generations, the newest supernatural discovery by unsuspecting students… All of this and more is within the club's scope. This investigation is about a certain legend, of a certain city, about a certain station… Will our investigators bring results home, or…?
8 84 - In Serial41 Chapters
Reincarnated as the companion of a God
A human who does not remember who he was but keeps his memories, is now a dragon with a system taken from a video game. What adventures will bring us this human reincarnated as a dragon
8 79 - In Serial13 Chapters
Ancients exist. Gods battle. Relics are treasured. Races with different innate abilities.A world where options aren't bound by fate or destiny. Everyone can twist their road of life as long as they have power.People who have special abilities are called [Anomaly] that can be said to practice the gods techniques and can forge a body alike to the gods.But what do you call someone with abilities that exceeds an [Anomaly] ?Behold the story of Draenol as a being that exceeds an [Anomaly].-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(I would highly appreciate it if you guys give me some reviews, even if it's not a constructive one or just something like a rant about how I write the story.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'll be doing chapters around 1k words each now because I think I've finished laying out the foundation of the story. However, if you guys think that it needs more dialogue, I'll be happy to input that. Although I say that, the following chapters that I'll be uploading will be more or less straight to the point to give a faster feeling for the plot. Don't worry though, I'm not going to abandon writing the intricate details, especially the ones that you guys need to know in order to have knowledge of the world that they're in, and the lore that I'm weaving.
8 65 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Designated: Out of Control
It happened quicker than anyone would have imagined. Multiple hurricanes were one thing. People had dealt with that in the past. But, like kids playing dominoes, one thing crashed into another. Areas affected by hurricanes needed resources all along the Gulf and East Coasts drew rescuers and resources away from other parts of the country. When wildfires lit up the Pacific coast and mid-west, those areas were already understaffed. Driven by hurricanes in the Pacific basin, uncontrolled wildfires burned through towns, destroying everything in their paths. Across the Pacific, Asia didn't escape. From the Philippines, across China, into Indochina, and Bangladesh and India. Typhoons and cyclones pounded the coasts and far inland. Widespread flooding forced millions from their homes and across international borders. Mexico was hit hard and thousands died in mudslides as Katia slammed into their East Coast. The refugees fled north and west. Rumours started that hundreds of thousands were headed for the US border. Instead of running out of steam in the southern US, several hurricanes tore up the eastern seaboard, devastating cities and renewing their strength before veering east across the Atlantic. Maria and Ophelia veered east and slammed into Europe, reaching as far as the Netherlands and Russia before finally dissipating. After that, too many weather stations were offline to provide any form of co-ordinated information or warnings. Wildfires in Portugal burned ahead of the storms, fanned by hurricane winds. They sparked wildfires leapfrogging across Europe, beyond any one country's ability to cope. Already uneasy from multiple terrorist attacks over the summer, anti-refugee groups seized the opportunity to stage protests across Europe. Some turned violent as they clashed with police forces. Several governments declared martial law to quell the rioting and enforce evacuations along the path of the storms. Rumour and speculation overwhelmed facts. Unrest spilled over into widespread violence. Then sickness broke out in the displaced populations. Within a matter of a dozen weeks, tens of millions died. In the coming winter months hundreds more would follow. The Designated Project was activated.
8 58 - In Serial7 Chapters
Braxton was just an average everyday male. His life was peaceful, boring. He was tired of his hometown, he wanted to escape, wanted new experiences in life. When a girl from his High School comes up missing, it sends the once peaceful town into a frenzy. Can Braxton solve the mystery or will he be to late to save his hometown?
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The Tattoo
Ever got your revenge? What happens when you get it?Or more accurate, did you achieve it?This is a story about a boy who wants nothing other than bathe in the blood of the one he most hated This is a battle between Jay, himself and his enemy Who shall succeed?*********Tags are subject to change Warning- no porn (implications not counted)- no instant op characters- no wimps - slow story- lots of swearing- no over the top lucky bullshit (lucky every now and then is allowed)- motto of the story 'No Pain No Gain'So read at your own risk :)Inspiration = IET works and many other novels I forgot the names of
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