《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 9 – Nope & Harem Rules
Chapter 9 – Nope & Harem Rules Thursday Morning, April 27th, 2056 - Siverscale Mansion
I wake from a nightmare where I am drowning in the deep ocean...to find I am drowning in limbs. 4 women are glomped onto my arms and legs while all 4 have their hands on my smaller, but certainly not small, 5th appendage. To my right, wrapped around my arm and drooling heavily in her sleep, is Hagiwara. She is in fox form and her ears and tail twitch adorably in her sleep. To my left is Diana. She is straddling my arm and slowly humping it in her sleep with a dopey smile on her sleeping face. It is also wet, though, obviously, not from drool this time.
Curiously, it seems she is in some sort of half-dragon-half-human form I have never seen from her before. Horns matching her actual body's curl around her head and scaled wings and a long, spikey tail can be seen on her back. As dragons, we can control our human avatars freely, so I am not astounded by that change, but rather curious why she has done it at all. She can't go into public like that...is it to match with the others in their transformed state?
'Actually, it looks pretty badass...maybe I should try it too...'
My right leg is occupied by Suki in full fallen angel mode. Black wings cover her like a cocoon around my leg and...I think she is currently licking my it...my leg I mean...which is honestly even weirder...I am gonna need to collar her and teach her better behavior- no, never mind. Not gonna collar her, she would like that too much...
My final leg is being held by Sophia who is in her Succubus form. Her heart tipped tail wraps around my foot several times possessively and her breasts are engulfing my lower calf. Her head rests on my upper thigh, very near to my morning wood, and a happy smile is on her face. I am glad she is happy. We will need to deal with her family soon.
In case it is not obvious, they are all naked - and somehow I am as well even though I started in pajamas... - and the sight of so much soft flesh has my dick screaming for attention. However, due to the multitudes of temperatures my body is currently feeling, I have an even more pressing need to attend to.
'I gotta piss a fucking ocean right now...'
I make a body double of myself and teleport out from my position at the same time. I pause as I look at the 4 girls to make sure none of them noticed. Nothing changes, so I think I am safe and head to the bathroom. I relieve myself for about 2 minutes straight and then jump into the shower to remove all of these miscellaneous liquids from my body. I could do it with magic, but showers are their own kind of magic. Just because you can do something magically, doesn't mean you should.
I finish up and change back into my pajama's I find flung around the bed. I cast silence magic on myself so that everything I do makes no sound - I really just want a couple of minutes to myself this morning - and head out to my dining room to eat some breakfast.
Surprisingly, Aki, Ares, and my head cook, Samantha, are in the dining room eating when I enter. They all freeze when they see me.
"Good morning..." I offer, sensing the suddenly tense atmosphere.
They look at each other, nod, but say nothing else. Samantha stands up slowly and approaches me with a tray of food that was covered by a metal cloche with a really useful magical enchantment from a cart in the corner of the dining room. The inside of the cloche is its own pocket dimension where time stands still, so any food placed under it is exactly the same as when it was finished cooking. God, I love magic.
Samantha is a tall woman with long blackish-purple hair and a supremely curvy body. Her ass and bust would put any Hollywood actress to shame. She is also a Kraken and has 8 tentacles in place of feet, but perfectly normal hands in her human form. The old Zeneff had found her washed up on shore a couple of centuries back, nursed her back to health, then offered her a position at his manor. She is the only woman on staff that he had never slept with...though whether that was out of a sense of protection for her or just because he wasn't interested in the tentacles, not even I knew. There seemed to be almost... a blind spot in my memories whenever I thought of her.
She stands near me as I begin to dig into the delicious omelet and toast and nods to the other two. They, in turn, stand and take a knee near the head of the table where I eat. I pause and look over at them in confusion.
"Okay...what's up you three?" I hedge, a feeling of trepidation growing in my heart.
"Master..." Aki Starts in a panic, - for her, a slight frown and shifting eyes - "After all these years, you are finally forming your harem...I know you have lost your memory, but we have served you well...so what I want to ask...or rather what we are trying to say-"
"We want in," Ares interrupts bluntly. "You stole my heart and my virginity, now I expect you to take responsibility."
I wince. 'Fucking fuck-nuggets. Zen, you piece of shit...'
Aki pauses and looks over to Ares, but then nods and blushes all the same. "Indeed. I love you, Zeneff...If you refuse, we will leave." She says with finality in her tone.
"I..." I start, then sigh. I have no leg to stand on or justifiable reason to refuse them. For Aki, I claimed her half-heartedly which, if I was any other dragon, would mean my reputation would be reduced to zero and others would be fine to attack me without repercussions. But, because she is a nameless dragon and I am the son of Tiamat, I could basically do whatever I want to her and get away with it scot-free. For Ares, it is a little less complicated. She is a Drake, and therefore a servant race to Dragons. I could do whatever I want with her and no one would care...but I would. If she loved me and I took her virginity for my own selfish reasons then cast her aside...I couldn't live with myself.
"Alright," I say sighing in resignation.
They both jump to their feet and rush into my arms. They take turns kissing me back and forth, and Ares gets a bit too handsy for my liking, so I hug them tightly then say, "But just you two, I read the other's files and they have mates or families...It...It sickens me that I would have exploited them like that before..." I finish, putting my head in my hands and pushing away my food. I wasn't hungry for it anymore.
"Not at all, love," Ares says with a wave of her hand and standing back up, "They were all honored to get the opportunity. With the money and prestige being with you afforded them, They and their families have lived the best of lives. They would not say no if you asked them to continue."
"Indeed. Some have even mentioned missing it. Their mates may have their hearts, but they cannot compare with-" Aki says but I interrupt her.
"I will not be continuing with them," I say firmly, and brooking no argument. Fucking Christ. Not only was I a villain, but I was a fucking NTR villain. Now I want to kill myself as a service to the world and all of mankind. I fucking HATE NTR. Never. Again. "6 is more than enough for me...probably too much..."
"Seven," Samantha says from behind me. I turn to look at her and shake my head. "No way, I never slept with you. I respect you and want you to continue to be my cook, but I can hardly keep myself afloat as it is-"
Then, time stops. Samantha's smile becomes endless, her eyes smolder into yellow glowing pits. Her Kraken avatar shimmers and dispels leaving her looking much the same, but entirely different at the same time. Her skin is now black as ink with hints of purple. Her hair matches the coloring, but is now dripping, oozing, and writhing. Her body is a maddening display of tentacles and pseudopods mixed with more glowing yellow eyes all around. Her outfit is not an outfit, it is a form crafted from her living flesh. For the briefest of moments, I see past her mortal avatar, it is just a glimpse, but what I see will haunt my nightmares until the day I die. I stare at her and I feel the void staring back.
"Seven." She says again, but it is not a voice. It is a feeling, a touch, a smell, a memory, an endless lifetime of agony and euphoric happiness. It is an enigma that makes no sense, but is, at the same time, perfectly clear and understandable.
'Nope. Nope nope nope nope. FUCKING NOPE! Not a Kraken. There is not a word to describe what she fucking is, but she uses a Shaggoth as an avatar. She. Uses. A. Shoggoth. As. A. More. Normal. Representation. Of. Herself. So much nope. All the nope. Fucking nope popsicles. I don't care about anything else in this world other than making her happy and not killing me and dragging my soul to whatever plane of existence she is from. She makes the Old Gods and the Cosmic Entity I saw at school look like microorganisms.'
I fall to my knees before her, shaking uncontrollably in fear and helplessness. Sweat drips from every pore on my body and I taste bile and blood in the back of my throat. She didn't release her pressure. She didn't need to. I doubt the universe would continue to exist if she did. "Yes...Whatever you want, mistress. I am but a tool at your disposal."
"None of that, Zeneff. I love you and wish to be your woman. I will use this avatar since you would not be able to mate or even keep your mind in the presence of my real form. Do not worry, I am but an observer. You stole my heart and, as long as you choose to accept me and do not cast me aside, you have my undying loyalty." She says, her voice back to normal now - or some semblance of normal at least. I still hear her voice in many octaves, but at least it is not driving me to madness anymore.
"I loved Zeneff," She continues, "But it wasn't until you took over, Mark, that I truly knew what it was to be in love. You have awakened something in me that I never thought possible. I want to be with you, to serve you, for now, and all eternity."
I look up at her smiling, loving face in absolute horror. My already beating wildly heart stops and the blood drains from me as I turn paler than ever before.
'She knows. Oh, God help me, She knows.'
She laughs and it's a hauntingly beautiful song. The octaves of her voice finding perfect harmonies. "I will never tell a soul. We are as one, whether you are Mark Gregory or Zeneff Silverscale. I love you. Endlessly. And that has serious meaning, coming from a being such as myself. Fufufu~"
??? - Elder Thing | Avatar - Samantha Teke
All at once, everything is alright again. Time resumes and the girls behind me gasp at the sight of the still Shaggoth avatar Samantha. I feel my heartbeat again and the blackness that was encroaching my vision recedes.
"Sorry to shock you with this Aki and Ares," Samantha says with a sad smile on her face, "I was worried you'd hate me if you saw me for what I really was...But once Master Zeneff accepted me into the harem, so I felt I shouldn't hide it from you any longer..."
'Oi! When did I accept you?'
Her head snaps to mine and her eyes shine dangerously.
'Ahahahah! Just kidding~~! ♥ Of course, I accept you~! ♥ ♥ I would never turn you away, silly billy~~! ♥ ♥ ♥'
I start sweating again, but she smiles brilliantly and turns toward Aki and Ares.
"You look so cool!" Ares yells and runs up to hug Samantha. She is enveloped in black and purple tentacles and laughs. "And so powerful! It is reassuring to know that there is someone else at Zeneff's level of power that can help protect him. Aki and I are weaker than the other 4, but you should have no problem taking over the first wife spot!"
"I agree," Aki says and walks up to hug Samantha as well. She gives a slight smile - her version of a wide grin and stares up at the Saggoth in wonder.
"Besides, think how fun these will be in our Harem orgies!" Ares says with a laugh admiring Samantha's tentacles and a twinkle in her eye.
"Thank you both..." Samantha says with tears...or maybe mucus? brimming in her yellow eyes.
I cough blood at the insinuation that she is only at my power level. She could kill a million of me with a single sigh in her real body...
'Seriously...what the fuck is wrong with this world!?!'
* | * | *
It is now noon, and my harem -Still not a fan of saying that- and I sit in my family room on our movie pit sofa. No school today since the dummies went and blew it up! It should be rebuilt within the week...this isn't the first time something like this has happened and it won't be the last either.
Movie Pit Sofa
There is plenty of room for everyone, but for some reason, they all decide to sit or lay around me as I take the middle. We have been watching movies together while I put my thoughts in order. The original 3 harem members, minus Sophia, sit on one side and the newest three sit on the other. Sophia got my lap after a game of rock paper scissors. The original three seem to be glaring daggers at the new three who are just happy to be accepted and near me. I pat Sophia's thigh lightly and move her to the side as I turn off the TV, pausing the movie, and stand in front of the sofa. I look them all in the eyes and sigh.
"Okay...this has moved...really fast and I need to put some semblance of order in place otherwise I am going to lose my mind. I am really not a fan of this whole harem thing, as I don't think it is fair to you all, but it is much too late to fight it now."
They all nod in agreement, so I continue, "First, I would like to hear the order of wives you three came up with." I point to Diana, Suki, and Hagiwara.
"I am first," Hagiwara says with a smirk at the other two who sigh dejectedly.
'Wow...the fox beat both the Dragon and the Fallen Angel...didn't expect that...Also, better not tell mom. She might kill her...or Diana for losing.'
"Second," Diana says.
"Third," Suki pouts.
"Okay, my next question is if Samantha wants to challenge that arrangement. She is stronger than you three so it is her right to do so," I say and all three look at the Shoggoth in alarm.
"I am uninterested in the pecking order. I just want to be with you and expect to not be ignored." Samantha says simply and we all sigh in relief. This works out well for my plans.
"Alright, then the order of wives will be as follows: Hagiwara, Diana, Suki, Sophia, Aki, and finally Ares," I say and I feel Samantha's eyes snap to me again. "Relax, you are not in the order since you will be serving a special role. You will stand at Hagiwara's level in the harem since you are more powerful than even I am."
This results in some shocked gasps and murmurs from the rest, but I raise my hand for quiet again.
"Are the rest of you satisfied with this order?" I ask and they nod, some more reluctant than others. "Very well. This will be the current order for this calendar year. If you wish to raise your rank, you will have the rest of the year to train and prepare and we will hold a tournament of sorts in January to determine the new wife order."
This results in more murmurs and excitement. To an outsider, this might seem strange or even barbaric, but this is fairly common in the magical world. Many races take on harems, though usually from the same race, and these tournaments are commonplace as it keeps wives from secretly plotting to kill or poisoning one another to gain ranks...most of the time at least. This is why Samantha is so crucial to this part of the plan.
"Samantha, if she is alright with it, will take on the role of arbitrator and dispute settler, and will be considered my left hand. She will have equal power and respect as my first wife, but different responsibilities and, in consequence, will never be in the running for a rank of her own. Is that alright?"
The Entity pretending to be a shoggoth nods and smiles, "That is a wonderful idea! I will make sure they behave and no funny business happens until the yearly tournament, my love."
"Thank you. I would also like you to be the impartial judge of the yearly tournament for as long as it suits you." I reply back to her and she nods again.
"Do you all agree with this?" I ask turning to the other women who all agree after thinking it over for a while. Being able to work towards gaining ranks fairly is a great proposition for the weaker members and knowing that they cannot simply be teamed up on, killed, and replaced is reassuring for the stronger members.
'Fuck...this is so complicated. But if I am gonna do it, I am gonna do it right. I refuse to be a wishy-washy protagonist from a harem novel that goes with his whims and ends up leaving one or more out and feeling lonely. My harem will be orderly, fair, and I will share equal affection with all members. It is not the normal life I wanted, but I can make it the new normal. Just gotta follow the plan.'
"Next," I continue, "Are far as our weddings. As of this moment, please consider all of you engaged to me. I will talk more later about rings and ceremonies with each of you personally, but for now, know that I have received your feelings and have accepted them." They all smile and shine with happiness at this statement...and I can't help but smile back. This is still dumb, but they are infectious when they are happy. If they are happy, I can be happy as well...I am the one getting the most out of this after all...
"The marriages will happen in the order of ranks with one exception, Samantha will be wed to me right after the first wife, Hagiwara, in honor of her position and power. Any complaints here?" They all shake their heads so I continue with another sigh.
"I have no intention of adding more wives, as seven is already a silly enough number for me, but if I do, it will be important to know where they stand. No matter their power, they will be added to the bottom of the wife rankings and have to earn a higher position at the next tournament, agreed?"
"That seems fair," Samantha nods and affirms, "I will be sure to enforce this as well. New wives might get...antsy knowing they are so low down on the totem pole."
"Thank you, Samantha," I say and honestly mean it. I am terrified by her, don't get me wrong, but having her here makes dealing with things so much easier.
"Okay..." I think and organize my thoughts again, "Next we have the schedule, and yes, there will be a schedule I expect each and every one of you to follow. This is a hard rule that will not change. If, after I explain it, you are unsatisfied, then you are free to leave the harem with no hard feelings, understood?"
"Yes, Zeneff / Master / Love" They all respond.
"Good. The Schedule will be as follows. From now on we will share breakfast, lunch, - as available - and dinner together. We each have school or other duties to attend to, but these will be times for us to chat and meet up. All other times on Mon - Thurs will be free time. You can hang out together, do your own thing, or spend time with me if I am available. You are not allowed to take me by yourself during these days and must accept others being with us. This means we won't just be having sex." I finish dryly looking at Diana and Suki specifically. They blush but maintain eye contact with their creepy smiles in place.
"There will be times on these days when I want to be alone. You. Will. Respect. This. If you cannot agree to this, you are free to leave." I say releasing a bit of my power. It does nothing for Samantha, but the others feel my pressure on them.
They nod, some more reluctantly than others.
"Good. Continuing on. Friday night will be family night. I will be spending time with my mom and dad as well as Diana at my mom's mansion. I expect each of you to spend time with your family as well. If you don't have family here, then you are free to do as you wish that night." Again, reluctant nods follow. Suki seems the most put off about this. Diana, on the other hand, seems thrilled.
"Saturday will be our date days." Everyone perks up at this, "During that day I will split myself into 7 versions of myself and I am completely at your disposal for the entire day...within reason." 7 Yandere broken smiles and wide pupilless eyes greet this statement...
'Oi! You new three! We haven't even established if you are Yanderes yet! ...Ah, who am I kidding. Of course, they fucking are...'
"Within reason!" I shout and clap trying to bring them back from their delusions. "I am going to be weaker than normal since I am splitting myself in 7 so...HEY! Don't fucking smile wider at that!"
'These girls...They are going to kill me...'
"Okay, okay! Come back. Sunday!" I clap several times and shout to make sure they are paying attention to me again. When I have their attention again, more or less, I continue. "Sunday will be our family day. It is a day where we all hang out together and bond as one giant family. I don't want factions here, I want everyone to get along and play nice with each other."
"So...Orgy day?" Ares asks.
"No," I say with a deadpan expression.
"Yes." Hagiwara agrees.'
"No! It will not be orgy day!" I state firmly.
"I'm fine with Orgy day," Suki says.
"Would you fucking listen to me!?!" I yell.
"All in favor of Sunday being orgy day?" Samantha asks.
""""""Yes!"""""" All my harem members agree.
"No...it's not...I...fucking hell." I give up. "You all enjoy your orgies, I will be watching TV," I announce.
They all smile at each other, then me conspiratorially.
"Moving on. Housing. I will be adding a massive expansion to the mansion where you each will have your own 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom suite. This is to prepare for...the future..." I trail off as I notice none of them, but Samantha, are paying attention to me again - Off in their own world of playing house, I imagine. I sigh and give them a minute before clapping to bring them back again. "This is, as you no doubt already expect, to prepare for if and when we have children. To be clear, I am not ready for that to happen for several more years...but I want to be prepared for when it does... I promise to love all my children equally, just as I promised you."
This earns me an endearing smile from them all. I smile back, feeling a little lost about the subject, but trying my best. Sophia is the first to stand and come up to hug me. Quickly followed by the rest. We stand there embracing one another...and I have to admit it. This is...nice. Better than I thought it would be...I actually feel the warmth and genuine happiness in this moment, as well as a feeling that maybe this will be alright after all.
Then the girls start getting kissy and handsy, ruining the moment for me.
I step back, forcing out my power a bit, and continue, "Just a few more things. First. If I want to sleep alone any night, I expect you all to be fine with it. It is my choice if I sleep with you, no matter who it is, alright?"
"Okay, no problem Onii-chan," Diana says, stepping in to hug me again. She rests her head in the crook of my neck and breaths in my scent. I feel hormones and my Dragon's Pirde rising in me, but I fight them.
"Right...So...um lastly..." I trail off as Suki and Hagiwara join in the hug, one running her hands up and down my chest and the other trailing light kisses down my neck and rubbing my back.
"Last...ly...I want you all to decide..." I gasp as Sophia starts pulling up my shirt and her and Aki double team me by kissing my stomach and abs and running their hands up to brush my nipples.
"I want you to decide what your roles will be. We know what Samantha will be doing, but I need you all to come up with what you will be doing for our house and family. Samantha, Aki, and Ar...Ares! You are my wives now, not my servants, so we will n-need....replacements...and..." I force my way through these last points with gritted teeth as Ares grabs my hand and shoves it into her tight dress pants, making lewd eye contact with me the whole time. I feel the wetness and feel something in me growling to be free. Samantha hits the final note of the tune as she puts a finger to my lip and whispers in the ear that is not currently being sucked on by Suki.
"We understand and will obey, master. Now...let us show you how happy we are that you accepted us and thought it through to this extent. You make us so happy, master..." While she speaks her hands run lovingly across my face and lips, 2 tentacles wrap around my legs forcing them further apart, and another 2 or 3 pull down my pants and boxers. I feel two soft and warm tongues on my throbbing cock and moan in ecstasy.
"Let us shower you in our love and appreciation." She finishes with what can only be an evil and promising smile.
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