《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 8 – The Horrible Succubus
Chapter 8 – The Horrible Succubus
I slowly came to consciousness but did not immediately open my eyes or move. I felt restraints on my arms and legs and cold metal on my bare ass. Great. I was naked. The room felt warm enough and I wasn't in any pain or discomfort. Most importantly, I had recovered my power and the low-quality anti-magic cuffs I was wearing on my wrists and ankles were not even suppressing a third of it. I could break out and leave or just simply teleport away at any time...but I stayed to find out who kidnaped me and why.
I focused my magic to my ears and listened through the walls of the room I was in.
"-fia-sama...do you really need to do this?" An older woman's voice says from the other side of a wall or door.
"Yes. Mom and Sisters will only acknowledge me once I...I..." Another voice, younger, trails off.
"Rape him?" The first offers sweetly and encouragingly.
'Oi! Don't encourage people to do bad things in a sweet voice! What is wrong with you, woman!?!'
"Y-yes. I will...I will s-sex him good!" The second says nervously.
"You mean, "Fuck him." The first woman says with a sigh.
The second gasps and says in a hushed whisper, "Carmela! No reason to be so vulgar!"
"Sophia-sama... you kidnaped a man to rape because your first one died. I am pretty sure that is more vulgar and heinous than-"
"S-Semantics! I need this for them to accept me and he looked weak. Probably a lesser Lizardkin based on his name. Plus he tried to mess with my mind! He...He deserves it!"
I am actually a little pissed at Akura-san for insinuating I am weak and a simple lizard. The Dragon in me fights to break free and kill them both for their insolence. I ignore it.
Ah yes - Sophia Akura. The Princess of the Demon Lands and The Untouchable Realm. Daughter of the Demon Lord and, apparently, some sort of love or sex demon. I am guessing Succubus, but I suppose it could be something else. I am no expert on Demons.
"Anyway, he will be waking up at any moment, so you should probably go in and take your dominant pose." Carmella instructs.
"L-like this?" Akura-san asks.
I hear an audible sigh, "My lady is just too cute and pure to pull that off...just...just do your best, okay?"
"Un." Says the slightly dejected voice of Akura-san.
"Remember, you are a crazy Yandere like the rest. You have to act aggressive and take him by surprise." Carmella finishes her instructions.
"I got this. When I am done with him, he won't be able to walk straight!" Akura-san announces proudly.
Another sigh, "That is what happens to women, not men...you know what? Go for it. Just don't overthink it." Carmella says in exasperation.
'I get the gist now.' I think and bite through my gag so that I will be able to talk with her.
The door opens and I listen for a second longer. I hear several soft whispers of, "Wow...he's so handsome" and "I got this. I can do this."
Time to start the show.
I abruptly sit up and stare at Akura-san in front of me, spitting out the ball gag, and smirking at her as she stands in an awkward dominating stance. One leg is up on a chair and one hand is on her hip as she looks down at me from a slightly raised head. She stares wide-eyed and loses her cocky smile as she gawks at the hard leather ball gag I just bit through and spit out. I glace around quickly to see I am in some sort of small basement room with stone brick walls, floors, and ceiling and that is finely furnished, even having a lit fireplace. I sit on a metal chair while Akura-san stands about 5 feet in front of me.
She is dressed in a sinful getup of black leather and heart-shaped frills. Its main covering is a long black cloak, like a trench coat, that is cut down the middle to expose much of her cleavage and completely open at her waist showing off a slim belly and a black thong that barely covers anything. Her coat seems to be made of living darkness and bubbles and drips off at the ends. The most prominent change, however, is her two black demon horns that grow out and forward hugging her head and curing slightly inward, her now pointed ears that shoot straight out horizontally, and her large silver wings with black clawed tips curled around her. Succubus indeed.
Sophia Akura - Succubus Form
"Eep!" She squeals and immediately starts covering herself. She looks awfully uncomfortable in her sexy getup.
Seeing her quiver before me, I get a first-hand feel of how Diana and Mom must have felt seeing me so scared. It is...a bit intoxicating and I feel my Dragon's Pride take over...though far more subtly than before. I feel I am still in control, more guiding it by mental nudges than just watching it happen.
"Hello, Akura-san, don't you look delectable?" I say, my smirk turning into a feral grin.
"S-Silverscale-kun, I-I am S-Soph-"
"Sophia Akura, Princes of the Demon Lands and daughter of the Demon Lord. I am aware." I interrupt and say leaning back in my seat casually.
"I-I...um...Yes! That's correct! A-and you are my p-prisoner!" She says, trying desperately to garner control of the situation again. Poor thing, I am not going to let that happen.
"I can see that," I say in the same confident, casual way. "But why am I your prisoner? You seem far too cute for this kind of play."
"C-c-cute!?!" She squeals and blushes hard while covering her face. I feel a burning inside me. I will be claiming her. She is much too fun to tease.
"Yes. You are adorable in fact...though I must admit. I don't think that outfit suits you." I say, my confident smile turning into a sad frown.
"W-why not?" She asks, tears starting to brim in her eyes.
"You look sexy as hell, don't get me wrong...but I don't think it fits your pure heart. You would look much better in a white sundress." I say with a nod and a kind smile to her.
Her blush redoubles and she stammers out, "I-I don't n-need a d-dress! I am a s-sucubus! A d-demon of lust! Men will b-bow to my sexual might! T-they...they will..." She says trailing off after seeing my raised eyebrow and knowing smile.
"I'm sorry Akura-san, but you are a terrible succubus." I hit the final nail in the coffin and she falls to her knees and starts crying.
Seeing this, I feel I might have pushed her too far. I break the anti-magic chains around my arms and legs and quickly put some illusory clothes on. They are not real, but they cover my nakedness all the same. I then scoop up the shivering and quivering mess that is Akura-san and sit down in one of the more comfortable chairs near the fire with her on my lap.
I hold her close as she cries and run my fingers through her hair lovingly, whispering sweet comments to cheer her up. None of them tell her she is a good succubus, but more how pretty she is and how it is okay that she is not a sexy demon. How I like her just the way she is. After a couple of minutes of this, she pulls away from my now soaked-with-her-tears chest and looks up at me.
"That was mean..." She whimpers softly.
"I know, but the truth hurts sometimes. You might be an awful succubus, but you are a beautiful woman and someone I would very much like to get to know better." I say, continuing running my free hand, the one that is not holding her back, through her silky silver hair. "Why were you so hell-bent on raping me when you clearly weren't ready for it or even into it?" I ask gently.
"Cause...Cause mama won't love me until I claim my first man." She says with a pout and her tears start flowing again. "My sisters both claimed their men in their first century and I am already on my third and still...still a..."
"Virgin?" I offer.
"Un." She says and buries her head in my chest again. "It's just as you said...I am a failure..." She continues weakly, her words muffled by my chest.
"Does the type of man matter at all? Like will you get more respect if you landed a more powerful man?" I question.
"Un. Momma seduced the Demon Lord and now he is her pet. Merideth has an Oni Cheif and Rebecca has an Ancient Demon Spider. I just want A mate so that they will stop bullying me..." She says, still in my chest.
"And how would your standing be affected if you had the direct son of the Dragon Goddess Tiamat as your partner?" I hedge, a smile forming on my face again.
She freezes, then slowly raises her eyes to look at mine. Fear clear in them. "You...I...I'm sorry!" She exclaims breathlessly. "I-I didn't know...Please don't eat me..." She says as her lip starts to quiver again.
"We'll see about that," I say with another smirk. "From the moment I saw you and how cute you were, I decided to claim you. You will be mine, and I will treat you exactly how you want to be treated." I finish as her eyes start shimmering with tears again.
"You will let me...dominate you?" She begs hopefully.
"Nope," I say and crush her spirits before trying to raise them again, "But your mom and sister don't need to know that. If you agree to be mine, I promise to bed you and make you the highest position succubus of your family or possibly the entire demon realm. Not even your mother or your father will be able to stand in your presence. They will all bow to you as they would to me. You will be untouchable under my protection. I don't know much about the Demon race, but that is because they avoid me like the plague or cow-tow in front of me whenever we met in the past. Something about me being a Demi-God Dragon and them submitting to power..." I finish, lost in my own thoughts.
"You...you want to protect me?" She says, her eyes shining with newfound light.
"Yup. You will be part of my harem and I will treat you with all the love and affection that you want. I will treat you like the beautiful and elegant woman you are. Take you on dates, wine and dine you, buy you lavish gifts to show my love, and bed you soft and gently - As I said. Treat you how you want to be treated, how you really want to be treated."
Part of me disconnects from my Dragon's Pride at this moment and starts throwing warnings flares.
'Oi! I don't want a harem you overgrown lizard! Stop setting up flags dammit! She is cute and I agree that I want to protect her, but I never agreed to marry her! My normal life! You are ruining it!'
"R-really?" Akura-san says and looks at me with hope. It is brittle as if we are both standing on a thin sheet of ice.
"Rather than words," I say with a kind and gentle smile as I nuzzle her nose with mine, "I will show you actions to prove my words."
I stand up, holding her in a princess carry, and teleport home.
We arrive in my room and three startled shouts interrupt our cute moment. Diana, Suki, and Hagiwara lay naked in my bed and stare up at me in outrage.
'How the hell do they keep ending up like this? They were trying to rip out each other's throats just a few hours ago...now they are all waiting in my bed!?! There is some massive leap in logic going on here, I swear...'
"Another one!?!" Diana shouts.
"When's my turn?" Suki pouts.
"Zeneff! Three is already more than enough! I forbid you from-"
"Quiet." My voice is a growl mixed with raw, primordial power. For once, they all shut up and gulp. These three have been trying my patience and I am done with it. I set the quivering Akura-san standing next to me and point to the ground in front of me.
"Sit," I command and they are all pulled from the bed and onto their knees before me by my magic.
"I don't mind your fighting," I start.
'Oi! Yes, I do!'
"Fighting for power is good. The first position in my harem is earned." I continue, "But if you keep annoying me like this, I. Will. Kill. You." I finish, my eyes flashing with untold might. "Are we understood?"
They all nod quickly, broken smiles of ecstasy at me taking charge and officially accepting them on their faces.
'A little heavy-handed there bud, don't you think? Wait - That is not important! No harem! I said no! Bad dragon!'
"This is Sophia, our newest member. She is a gentle flower and you will treat her with respect. She is out of your battle for the first position in my harem unless she chooses to enter into it willingly and is under my protection," I explain and make sure to look each of them in their wide, glassy eyes to get the point across, "If you hurt her, I will kill you and anyone you love or care about. Are we understood?"
'Oi!!! That was a super villainous thing to say! Stop that! We are good guys now!'
They all nod slowly and continue to smile at me in their own creepy ways.
"God, I am so wet right now," Diana says
"You can kill my family now if you promise to fuck me tonight?" Suki offers. Again - Gotta watch out for her. She is a special kind of crazy.
"I understand, soulmate. I will listen and obey." Hagiwara says with a slow approving nod.
"Good." I say with an imperious nod of my own, "Leave my chambers tonight. I will be spending my time with Sophia this evening. Suki, I will take you on a date and bed you tomorrow after...wait... How are you all here? Aren't you in trouble for destroying the school?" I ask quizzically.
"Mom and dad scolded me and told me to come here to learn respect from you," Diana says simply.
"My parents are too focused on the rebuild of our compound and recruiting new angels to join our faction. I am in the works on having them swear fealty to you...but this didn't seem to go over well and they told me to stay with a friend for a few nights while they will think of a punishment...Mom also asked when you were coming by...?" Suki says.
'Never, you horny MILF! You have a husband already, dammit! Also...what was that about swearing fealty to me? Um...no thanks.'
"I am in much the same boat as Suki-chan. My parents told me to bond myself with you as soon as possible and didn't even care about the school destruction. My clan is on the fence about swearing fealty to you and Tiamat. Father said once we are married, he will have an easier time convincing the others. When are we getting married, by the way?" Hagiwara asks as if asking when we are seeing a movie next.
'Excuse me? What is all this about swearing...You know what? I don't care anymore. I will just have a harem and factions serving under me and still live an ordinary life. Totally doable. Not an issue.'
"Soon," I answer simply.
"Um..." Sophia says and bows to everyone, "It is very nice to meet each of you. I don't care about being the head wife, I just want to be happy and for my family to get off my back. It looks like Zen is fine with me, so I will be joining you all...please treat me well." She finishes and blushes at their gazes on her. She hides behind me quickly and I pull her into a 1 armed hug.
"You all are to decide the hierarchy by tomorrow. I will not be choosing, and I expect you to work it out on your own," I say looking at the three on their knees in front of me. God, that feels great. "Find an open field and hash it out, but I forbid you from killing each other. Just fight to submission." I finish with a casual wave of my hand and watch as the faces of the three women turn savage as they turn to each other. Whatever brief alliance they struck, now completely shattered.
"As you wish, Onii-chan," Diana says with a toothy smile.
"It will be done, Zeneff." Suki says, a black aura glowing around her.
"Yes, my master, it will be as you say," Hagiwara says, her eyes already changing to two different colors.
They all stand up and walk out of my room as one - still butt naked - and I can hear low menacing laughs coming from all three.
'Well...that's one way to handle it.'
{That's the only way to handle it. Stop being such a little bitch.} A deep growling voice answers my thoughts...Oh. Great. The dragon can speak for itself. Fun.
'You can talk to me...?'
{Only when we are so far out of sync in our thoughts. We are the same, but you fight me every step of the way. You are in control, so act like it and deal with your own shit. I am fine taking over when it is time to mate.}
Suddenly I am back in full control and a feeling of completeness washes over me. I guess...the merging was finally successful? I am feeling more in control than ever before, but I also feel different. I am not the same as I was on Earth. I am a dragon, a demi-god, a creature of such vast age, power, and knowledge that my puny former self couldn't even comprehend it.
'Yes...The morals are still the same. I will not be evil, but claiming my harem is my birthright. I will not fight it anymore...unless they get too crazy and then I am getting the fuck outta dodge...Fine, I accept this part of me, but we do this my way.'
That said, I turn to Sophia and smile. "Ready for the best night of your life?" I ask confidently.
"Un." She nods and smiles back shyly.
* | * | *
That evening was the first bit of real fun I had in this world. I didn't fight my instincts and did what felt right in the moment. Sophia and I went first to buy her a several hundred thousand dollar white gown that I picked for her and that looked perfect. We then spend the night out on the town, dining at a 5-star restaurant my family always had a table reserved for and shopping, and then we returned to my mansion to watch a rom-com movie in my private theater. After that, we cuddled in my bed for long hours as she told me about her life and her demon upbringing. I promised to go with her to see her parents soon and announce her as mine and she was thrilled. I also gave her a necklace that I created with one of my full-powered shields enchanted into it. She was significantly weaker than the rest and I wanted to prove my word that I would protect her from now on.
We spent the latter half of the night making love and kissing. Her first time was without pain and was every bit as sweet as she had always secretly dreamed of it being. She even got a bit adventurous towards the end with our positions and she really seemed to enjoy being on top. I didn't mind her taking charge - it was in her race's blood to do so. If it made her happy, then I was happy to do it. She collapsed in my arms after our 7th round and quickly fell asleep smiling.
One thing I hadn't counted on was that succubuses get stronger depending on the life essence of their mate...when we woke up the next day I could immediately tell she was about as strong as all of the others and probably stronger than the Demon Lord himself. She didn't seem to care, however, and was just as sweet and innocent as ever. We spent a lot of the next day in bed cuddling or making love and she grew much more confident in herself and her body. Her smile as she looked down at me was filled with love, joy, and affection and was a stark contrast to how shy and afraid she was yesterday.
'It's nice to finally have someone normal in my lif-'
"Master, I have come to-"
*Wham* *Buzz*
Aki had stepped in to tell me something and, quicker than I could have ever imagined, Sophia had grabbed a butter knife on the tray from our breakfast we had in bed and threw it at the door. It slammed into the wall next to the door with such force that it went through a good few inches of the brick, where it remained to shake and buzz back in forth for a bit.
"We're busy," Sophia says with a thin eyed smile at my maid. Aki looks at her, looks at me, then sighs and removes the knife from the wall before leaving.
"Sorry about that Zen, I had no idea there were so many nuances around us. Don't worry. I will take care of them from now on. Nothing shall stand in the way of my love for you and our time together. Nothing."
'Of fucking course she's a yandere too! Seriously, fuck this world!'
- End867 Chapters
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