《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 7 – So This Is My Life Now, Huh?
Chapter 7 – So This Is My Life Now, Huh?
I ripped off the Kitsune's clothes before tearing off my own. Neither of us needed them now.
"Whoa...fuck you're hot Zen, I can't wait to feel you insi- Eep!"
I ignored whatever words of flattery the fox was spewing, I know I am amazing. That is a given. Instead, I partially transform my arm and pick her up by the naked waist and position her over my already rigid cock.
"Ah! This is my first time so be gen- Uhg-Ah!"
I force her completely down on my cock in one singular and strong pull of my arm and proceed to claim her. I send her an intense burst of healing magic so she feels no pain, I am not a savage after all. Her entire body spasms and she squirts all over the place for a solid 30 seconds. Probably because I didn't stop pistoning into her. A squirter! Fun!
I enjoy the feel of her soft body and tight pussy, but feel the urge to taste her, so I bite down, hard, onto one of her nipples centered on her large bouncing breasts in front of me. She screams and spasms again spraying liquid all over me and down onto the ground. A couple of minutes have passed and her breathing is already ragged, so I shoot her another wave of healing magic into her both relieving pain and fatigue...and she proceeds to wet herself again. Poor thing.
She is making some odd noises, like a cat yowling, and I find them mildly annoying, so I grab her throat and close her windpipe. Much better!
I let her gasp for breath every once and a while as I pull her body up and down my dick. We continue this for a while, me standing, holding her firmly in my claw, and using her just like she told me to, and her flopping around bonelessly. She feels incredible and tight as all hell and I feel myself building to a finish.
"You ready?" I growl into her ear and stop my violent arm movements and full thrusts.
"I...what...where am I?"
Good enough for me.
I resume pumping as she starts tightening around me again, ready for her...20th?...22nd? orgasm. I lost count. Time for mine. Again, taking what she asked to heart, I grow my normally 8-inch cock to 10 inches with simple sex magic and thrust particularly hard as I force healing and pleasure magic centered on her womb. Why she wanted me to pierce her there, I don't know. But I aim to please. She feels no pain as my iron-like rod forces itself into a place it shouldn't be.
She screams in a hoarse guttural voice and sprays me with a powerful blast of her juices as I answer by pumping her full to the brim with my seed. My cock is in her womb, and there is no place else for my cum to go, so we both watch in fascination as her stomach inflates bit by bit as I let out inhuman amounts of sperm.
A buzzing in the back of my brain says this shouldn't be possible and I would have done irreparable damage to her internal reproductive system, but her broken smile and rolled up eyes look satisfied, so I think I did a pretty good job all things considered.
Then, the world around us shatters and we are back to where we originally stood when I teleported here after killing the sniper.
Hagiwara falls to her knees and pants heavily. I tilt my head in confusion at her.
"Fuck Zen...that...that was everything I could have asked for and more. That was perfect. You fucked me unconscious and pierced my womb! You even inflated me! That was...That was...amazing. I can't wait to do it aga- Eh?"
I walked up to her while she was talking and interrupted her by grabbing a fist full of her hair. I pull her up to face me and say firmly,
"Think of your sealed picture room."
"Huh?" She asks confusedly, but me mentioning it is enough for the image of it to come up in her mind. I teleport us both there.
"Oh! You wanted to see it?...I thought you would be mad- Ah! Zen, wait! We need to go kill Hikaru-san's attac-"
I interrupt her by grabbing her head and shoving my cock down her throat. I had already ditched my clothes. They are unneeded, as I said before. Honestly, I feel a bit miffed that the time in the soul space didn't count. It was like I was cheated of my chance to claim her.
So I did it again.
"Zen, wait we should-"
And again.
"Zehn, shooouldn't weee-"
And again.
"Maaaster! Moooore~"
And again.
* | * | *
It was about 3 in the morning and the room was sufficiently destroyed. Liquids of various types were splattered on the walls and photos of me, and the tatami mats were soggy with Hagiwara's juices. Broken furniture littered the room and more than a few char marks blackened the walls. We were taking a break between our latest session. and I had my hand on her back forcing healing magic into her while reviving her stamina and proving nourishment directly into her tired body so that she could continue. I was far from done.
That same buzzing from before was ringing in my head annoyingly and I suddenly remembered I needed to kill some people. Hmm...but I want to keep fucking her...choices, choices...
Wait! Do I need to make a choice?
I wake Hagiwara up after I finish my ministrations with a slap on her bare ass.
"Hmm? Is it time for more, master?" She says sleepily.
"Indeed, but I need to kill those bastards that dared steal from me and attacked Hikaru-san's place," I answer.
"Ah, okay. I don't think I will be able to move let alone help, so wake me when you get back." She says nuzzling into my lap where she lay.
"No need." I say confidently, "I thought of a solution."
"Hmm?" She asks lazily but wakes up immediately when I stand up and she is unceremoniously deposited on the wet floor.
She stares up at me in shock and then in horror as she watches my dick grow from its standard 8-inches to a massive 14-inches the girth also grows from 6 to 10-inches. I finish it up with a spell to keep it rock solid and for it to stay in place. I nod to myself with a smile. This would do nicely.
"Um...Zen? I can't...I will break..."
"Don't worry, we are putting it in the other hole this time. It can take much more." I respond with a calm, kind smile.
Her eyes bulge and her face pales, "Wait...Zen...I have only ever had beads in th-Eeek!"
I pick her up with my transformed claw, send numerous waves of healing and pleasure magic into her ass as well as a spell to clean it of any unwanted things, and promptly shove her onto my dick. It goes much slower than before and she makes some fun noises as it slides completely down.
"Zen- Urg - Upblug- Burrrrr-"
Her eyes roll back completely and her mouth starts foaming as she squirts what must be a gallon from her gaping pussy. I sigh. I just filled her up! This is why Dragon's don't fuck other races. Too. Much. Work. Diana lasted nearly 2 days before she started foaming.
Seeing that she was secure I let go and she promptly falls forward but stays right where she is. Her stomach bulges with my cock and I flex it a couple of times and laugh at the image of it moving through her stomach. Fun!
Time to kill some bastards!
Secret Base #35 - The Organization Sect 14
Tano Ryuichi, boss of the 14th sect of The Organization was barred in his office with 10 of his closest men. The night of horror had started nearly an hour ago when a naked mad man with a naked woman grafted onto his stomach arrived and started killing people at random while laughing. They were almost certain it was a Yokai, but had no idea what clan they had offended to cause this.
"Have you called for reinforcements?" Ryuichi said with panic in his voice.
"Can't boss...it cut the power and phone lines and sealed us in a barrier...no service." One of the bigger gnarlier men said.
"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck! Give me options! I want a way out, people!" Ryuichi says frantically, petting the gun he kept in a holster at his side fondly.
"Well, we could try and make a run for it?" Goon 2 says.
"Or use one of us as a distraction while the rest unload our guns into it?" Goon 3 says.
"Who the fuck is gonna be the bait?" Goon 4 demands.
"I say you, asshole. You owe everyone here money and slept with Goon 7's wife." Goon 5 says.
"You did what!?!" Goon 7 screams. "I'll fucking kill you, bastard!"
"Guys...isn't it a bit quiet out there?" Goon 6 asks.
"Yeah...that probably isn't a good sign..." Goon 8 worries.
"Maybe it left?" Goon 9 offers.
"I'll check through the peep hol-" Goon 10 starts, but is interrupted when a bloody fist smashes through the door and his chest. He looks down to see his own heart before dying.
The hand squeezes the heart to a bloody pulp and withdraws from the door as Goon 10 slides the floor. Everyone in the room shakes with fear and many wet or shit themselves.
Again, silence falls on the room and everyone stares at the hole in the door with weapons raised in shaky hands.
The goons spin around to see the bisected halves of their boss fall to the ground and 2 eyeballs attached to the claws of a massive silver hand.
"Eye see you!" Hahahahaha!
I wake up in a big comfy bed in an unfamiliar room. I turn to the side and see an unfortunately familiar sight. Hagiwara is laying naked on the bed, covered in fluids and...blood? She is leaking sperm from every hole and she has a big goofy smile on her face as her tail swishes lazily in the air. I look down at myself and see that I am also covered in dried blood and various other liquids.
'Don't sniff, Zen. I know how this works, now...although this much blood is new...'
I look around for my phone but don't see it anywhere. The clock next to the bed shows 7 am.
'Hmm, I wonder how long I went this ti-'
Like two trains colliding, my memories of last night come back to me. I double over the side of the bed and puke as the gruesome and horror movie style deaths rush to the surface of my thoughts. I killed a lot of people last night. Way more than I had intended to. At least 7 sects of The Organization were fully wiped out. Luckily, I killed anyone who saw me and fried all the cameras where ever I went so no one will know it was me...still...Fuck. What the fuck kind of monster am I?
...No, I guess I know that answer. But still...to think I could be as crazy as them...I need to get my shit together.
I slap my cheeks and wince as dried flakes of blood fall off and onto the bedsheets. With a sigh, I start on the same things I did with Diana. I find Hagiwara's bathroom - which is even bigger than mine is at my mansion - and get us washed up and dried off. I run several scans to make sure she is ok...I was a bit...intense with her. Surprisingly, she looks in perfect health, only completely exhausted.
I rejuvenate her as best as I can and lay her down in her bed. She is still in her Kitsune form and I marvel again at how beautiful she is.
'If only she wasn't nuts, I might actually want to try being with her...'
I slap myself again.
'Get your head out of your ass Zen, she is a Yandere. You have slept with two Yanderes! This is like, worst-case scenario. What if they kill each other? If she dies, you die. Way to go, dumbass.'
I spend another 15 minutes dejected and cleaning up the room and fixing things with time magic. I teleport to Hagiwara's secret room and gag immediately. This place is so much worse! And it is sealed off so nothing can get out! The best choice would be to burn the entire thing and move on...but instead I grab my phone and the tattered remains of my clothes...I liked this shirt...then teleport back to Hagiwara's bedroom. Gonna leave that to her. Adding that to the #NotMyProblem list.
Checking to make sure her room is back to pristine condition, I take one last look at the peaceful sleeping fox woman and then teleport back home.
It is now 7:45 am and I have only 15 minutes before I have to be at school. I am here to live a normal life, and that includes going to school so that I can make some normal friends. I really, really need some normal friends. Things are still manageable and everything is still fine.
I shoot Hagiwara a "Good Morning" text - that covers not ignoring her for the day I would say - then head to my closet to change. While I am changing I hear a woman clear their throat behind me. I spin around, my heart beating wildly.
'No way. They did not find me already did they!?!'
And sigh in relief as I see Aki, my head maid there. She looks to be a bit upset about something.
"Oh...Hey Aki! What's up? I am just changing before school."
"I can see that." She says tersely. Something is up. "Will you be dealing with the prostitutes who slipped in last night, waiting for you?"
I stare at her.
She stares at me.
"Um...What? I didn't order any prostitutes?" I say cautiously.
She stares at me for a minute longer, still looking upset - for her, a furrowed brow and slight pout-, and then moves over to my bed with a click of her tongue and pulls off the covers. There, lying cuddled together are Diana and Suki...completely naked.
'Looks like they worked out their differences...'
I nod slowly, then turn to Aki. "Never seen them before. Please be sure to burn those sheets."
"...I believe the blonde is your sister," Aki says dryly.
"Step-sister. And...Ah yes. Now I remember...Wait, did you call Diana a prostitute knowing exactly who she was?" I ask with a raised brow.
"I don't see how that has anything to do with our current conversation." She replies with no shame and no change to her facial expression.
"Right...kindly, throw them out and burn the sheets. Burning the sheets is of top priority."
She smirks slightly and nods, "As you wish, master."
'Crisis averted.'
She heads out of the room and I finish getting ready and am about to leave when my alarm clock goes off next to the bed. That means it is 5 minutes to class, the time I usually get up...Don't judge me! Sleep is king!
Both women stir and open their eyes. They blink slowly before looking at each other, then to me standing near my closet fully dressed in our school uniform. They both smile wickedly in sync.
"Have a nice day at school," I say simply, then teleport away.
The looks of shock and betrayal on their faces will keep me going throughout the entire day.
* | * | *
Tuesday, April 25th, 2056 - Himitsu Academy - Class 2A
The first half of the day up until lunch is just perfect. I contribute in class, mingle with people during breaks, and even eat with a group of guys and girls at lunch. I am having fun! Me! This is great! Looks like today is going to be a good-
The door of the classroom slams open and a clearly disheveled Hagiwara walks in on shaking legs. She doesn't pay attention to anything else and quickly beelines to where I am sitting eating lunch.
As a side note, I picked up a normal bento before I teleported to school. I want to fit in and not eating lunch is strange...even if it is like eating a couple of grains of rice for me...
Hagiwara says nothing...and sits on my lap before turning to the rest of the group who stares at her in wide-eyed shock.
"Sorry for being late! I woke up today completely worn out," She gives me a side-eye here before continuing, "Thanks for looking out for my boyfriend, Zeneff. What were you talking to my boyfriend about? I didn't mean to interrupt you in your conversations with my boyfriend. Please, continue!"
'Oi. Calm your tits.'
The group looks at her, then at me in question.
"Ahahhaha...Hagiwara-san, you kidder. We are really great-" I try before being interrupted.
"Boy. Friend." She says firmly looking up at me in a challenge and flipping her red hair so she can glare up at me with her two green eyes. She whispers so only the two of us can hear, "My wish for the day..."
'Fuckin, fucks!'
"Ahahaha...yeah...I thought we were going to keep that hidden." I say and growl the last part to her quietly.
"Why would I keep my love for you hidden?"
The entire class exclaims in shock. Several of the guys are now openly glaring at me - She is quite popular here - and several of the girls are green with envy. I sigh. So much for my peaceful-
Both doors on each side of the room slam open and the sweaty and panting forms of Diana and Suki stare in.
"Onii-chan! I thought we were meeting for lunch today! I packed you a homemade bento!"
"Darling~ I bought you an extra-large bento from the fancy bento shop! Come up to the roof and eat me~! Oops, I meant eat it with me~!"
'Oi! That wasn't a mistake at all!'
Hagiwara is about to speak but is bodily pushed off me by Diana as she clings to my arm. Suki is far less subtle and climbs onto my lap, facing me, and opens her bento box to feed me while wiggling her ass against my crotch.
'Little minx! Stop that!'
"Wait...I get you are dating Kitinara, and that Diana is your sister, but why is Hikaru-kun's sister straddling you!?!" A boy whose eyes seem to be bleeding asks.
"Oh! That's simple. I am engaged to Zeneff." Suki says as if it is obvious.
The class explodes into an uproar.
Now both the girls and the guys are staring at me in fury. The girls for me being a "Two-timing asshat" and the guys for...well...being lucky. I haven't checked, but I am pretty sure all three women have their own fan club in the school....because of course, they do. Anime world.
I sigh. So much for my peaceful school life.
"Listen," I say calmly, "I can explain this perfectly." I try, but Suki is pushed back and my face is grabbed as Hagiwara pulls me into a passionate kiss. In front of everyone.
People are too shocked to speak at this point. I am too shocked to do anything.
'What the fuck is even going on anymore!?!'
When she is done, she stares down at Diana and Suki and says simply, "Mine."
All three women make faces entirely too scary to be on children they were pretending to be and a palpable pressure starts emanating off of all three of them.
'Ok. I've had enough. '
I pick all three up in my arms and storm out into the hallway. As soon as I close the door behind myself, I hear an explosion of noise.
The girls: "Kyaaaaa~!"
The guys: "I'll fucking kill that bastard!"
I move with the three in my arms, still staring daggers at each other from their awkward positions being carried by me, and head up to the roof.
Once I arrive I set them down next to each other and chop them all lightly on the head.
"Ah!" Diana exclaims.
"Oh, Yes!" Suki shivers in delight - gotta watch out for her...
"Again!?!" Hagiwara yells looking at me aggrieved.
"Okay. Listen up." I start as they cover their heads with tears in their eyes, staring up at me cutely. "I am not dealing with this harem protagonist bullshit. You all are Yandere's, so we are setting some ground rules."
"One," I start, "You will not kill each other or try to get the others killed. If you do so, I will not. be. pleased." I finish letting my full power out and plastering them to the room's top. All three of them only seem to be enjoying it, so I sigh and let it up as I continue.
"Two, you will respect my privacy and I will work out times to go on dates with each of you once a week. Otherwise, I will ignore you completely."
'Compromise. Any relationship is built on compromise.'
"Nope," Diana says simply.
"I don't mind some neglect play," Suki says with her eyes shining
"No way, you are mine. We are soul bonded. These sluts have nothing on us." Hagiwara says with a casual wave of her hand.
"I wasn't asking. This is-" I try.
"You're what!?!" Diana and Suki scream glaring at Hagiwara who smiles smugly at them.
"We can talk about that in a bi-" I try again.
"Yup. You should know if you kill me, you kill him too. Our souls are merged." Hagiwara says with a brilliant smile. "Not that either of you two are anywhere near as powerful as me..."
"Girls, we are getting off-topic, let's get back-" I try a third time.
"What was that, you rabies infested dog?" Diana says, her power coming out.
"Like you're any better, lizard brain." Suki says, "Only a fallen angel can take master's seed and produce an heir." Suki says with a smirk.
'She is technically correct. I can't cum inside her because her magic can make it virile even outside my dragon form. That was one of the things she gained when she fell, the ability to have children with any race. It was also one of her more useless abilities as a fallen angel. I could still overpower her magic easily though. Not that I was going to be doing that with her anyway.'
"Dog!?!" Hagiwara screams, transforming on the spot.
"Hey, listen to me-" I try a fourth time.
"""Stay out of this, Zen!"""
I sigh and watch in exacerbation as the three transform on the roof of the school and proceed to enter into a raging three-way duel of magic, claws, and darkness. I turn and leave. All those mangas about controlling Yandere's into a successful harem are fucking bullshit. You can't control crazy.
I pause time quickly so that I can evacuate the school. It takes a while and is quite a drain on even me, but I wasn't going to let them all die pointlessly. I simply explain to the Planar Entity what is going on in the frozen time, no way I was touching her, and she agrees to go along with my plan. I also take the time to mess with all of the student's minds, excluding her and Asuda-san, and make the interactions between the four of us seem normal. Just another day for them. I am not giving up on a normal life, dammit! This brings me nearly to zero energy left.
I join the class, panting, outside the school gates as we all stare around in confusion and then up in horror seeing 3 mythical monsters fighting. The school is reduced to rubble in a matter of moments and the three don't seem to be stopping anytime soon. It is too bad for the school, but at least they will all get in trouble and be forced to leave me alone for a while. I hope.
'So this is my life now, huh?' I think with a sigh.
"It is not wise to mess with a demon's memories, Silverscale-kun. Take a rest and we can discuss this...in private." Says a voice from behind me as a chloroform rag is put over my face. Normally this wouldn't do shit, but drained as I was, I was helpless to resist. I pass into blissful unconsciousness with my last thought being.
'Fuckin, really? What now...'
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