《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 6 – Saving The Kitsune Princess
Chapter 6 – Saving The Kitsune Princess
I stand in the shadow of a series of Sakura Trees in the garden of Kitinara-san's family compound. For some reason, the trees are still in bloom.
'I thought that they only bloomed for a brief period of time...? ...Urg. This is gonna bother me...'
I teleport back to my room and look it up. I also swing by the kitchen to drink more water and get a snack before teleporting back.
'Of course they bloom all Spring & Summer in this world. Anime logic.'
One thing I have discovered about myself is that I absolutely suck at sitting still for long periods of time. I get restless and my mind wanders onto random questions that I decide I need the answers to right this instant. I had already teleported here and back 14 times over the last 3 hours. But, honestly, this is so boring! I could set up some alarm spells, but that would trigger the Kitsune's wards and they would disable it. In fact, my teleporting keeps triggering their wards too, and I get some entertainment at seeing a ton of fox people running around in confusion.
'Good. They are gonna be attacked tonight or tomorrow night, so them being on high alert just means I can find the attack and step in to finish it faster.'
I am hidden in a permanent shadow from illusion magic. My magic is no joke and no one is going to see through i-
"Who are you? Are you the one who keeps triggering the wards?" A female voice calls from the entrance to the Sakura garden.
'Holy shit, it's Kitinara-san! But who is she talking to?'
I look around trying to spot another person in the garden.
"I'm talking to you shadow man." She says with a smirk on her face.
I stare at her in astonishment. She can see me?
She sighs and starts approaching me. She is also in her Kitsune form and she looks quite a bit different this way. Her red hair is more orange now, longer, and frames her face nearly hiding two matching stipe marks under her eyes on each cheek. Her eyes are 2 different colors: One is green and the other is blue. She has two fluffy fox ears that twitch and flick whenever she hears a sound in the distance and that have flower earrings attached. Her figure is more curvy than normal and her bearing is much different as well. In school, she is spunky and brash - at least as far as I remember - but here she is cool and refined. She wears a traditional shrine maiden's kimono and, may I just say, looks fuckin' fine.
Hagiwara Kitinara - Fox Form (Her original appearance is in chapter 1)
"This is your last warning. Step out and show yourself now or I will destroy you." She says and bears her fangs as she releases her magical pressure.
I laugh.
I can't help it! She looks so cute and is emanating power at the equivalent of Diana's level, so it feels like someone is patting me on the head.
She freezes when she hears my laugh and then sprints towards my voice, claws extending from her hands. She stops a few feet in front of me and stares at my shadow in shock, losing her hostility.
'So what if she can detect me, she can't actually see m-'
"S-siverscale-kun? W-what are you doing here?" She asks in bewilderment, her cheeks burning bright.
We make quite the pair staring at each other like we each grew a second head.
"Y-You can see me? How!?!" I stammer out, completely out of my element.
"I am Kitsune Royalty...You hiding in illusion magic is useless to me as we are masters of illusions...Wait, you can do magic!?!"
We, again, pass a few seconds just staring at each other, before I sigh and drop the spell.
"Well...shit. I should have guessed that."
"What are you doing here?" She asks hostility and caution returning, "And why do you keep setting off our wards? What are you, really Silverscale-kun?"
I facepalm.
"First, I am here to protect you. I set off your alarms because I kept teleporting here and back from home. It is boring as hell just standing here all night," I answer. No use lying now, what would be the point? It would only make me look shadier. My reason for being here is not a bad one, after all.
"Secondly, do you really need to ask me what I am? Think hard on my name. You can do it, I believe in you." I finish dryly.
"P-protect me!?!" Her face down to her chest turns scarlet in a blush. She tries to hide it by moving on quickly, "S-Silverscale...Zeneff Silverscale..." She ponders, her face incredibly cute cocked to the side in concentration like that. All hostility was gone again.
Oi! You're too trusting!
She hits her fist in her hand like she just figured it out, "You're a snake beastkin!"
I promptly chop her head softly. "Wrong."
Her ears lay flat and her eyes tear up as she looks at me accusingly. "You hit me! No one hits me!"
"That was a love tap," I answer with a casual wave of my hand, dismissing the notion.
"L-love!?!" She jumps back holding her cheeks and blushing furiously, her ears shoot straight up, and her tail - something I hadn't seen as of yet - wraps around her waist and puffs out.
'Gah! It's super effective! If she is anymore adorable I might die...or claim her...or eat her. Not sure which one yet.'
I am about to respond when there is an explosion on the west side of the compound and both our heads shoot in that direction.
"That's my cue. Be back in a second!" I say with a wave and disappear as the ground beneath me shatters from the speed at which I leave and she is blown back a few more steps.
"Wait! If there is an attack we should gather the women and children for protection and then join everyone else in the defen-"
"Done," I announce as I teleport back to her. These guys were intro villains and were stupidly weak. I mean, they were stronger than most people here, but that is like saying a mouse is stronger than an ant. They were completely useless against me.
"Ehh!?" She shouts in confusion and falls back onto her butt as I reappear in front of her. "You...you stopped them already? But..who attacked us? And..and how did you know it was going to happen?" She asks staring at me like I was some kind of monster...which I was, admittedly.
"Simple deduction." I lie, "Hikaru-san's family was attacked and destroyed...well most of them anyway. I just freed Suki's parents from their barrier and I am working with them to repair the place. You are his childhood friend, so if an evil organization was looking to wipe his family out, it stands to reason they would attack their allies too. Looks like I was right."
"Wait, wait, wait, You released Suki's parents from their barrier? How? Our most talented mages couldn't even make it so much as budge!" She demands.
'Yeah, because your most talented mages suck ass.'
"Yup. Looks like you are safe now, so I am leaving. See you in school!" I say as I turn to teleport again and leave.
"Hold on! Who are you really? What are you!?!" She yells after me, standing up and rushing towards me.
In the next instant, I am less than an inch from her face. My left arm pulls her to me and my right arm, now easily larger than her entire body in its partially transformed state, is covering her back and profile. We lock eyes for that moment and hers turn dark blue as we are suddenly surrounded by blue light and energy. A second later and it is gone and her eyes are back to normal. A loud *Ping* can be heard as a sniper round ricochets off my armored claw ineffectually.
"I am a dragon." I say from where I stand pressed up against her, "And it looks like I missed one. Be right back!"
I teleport to the sniper, bisect him with my clawed hand like I did his companions, check for more enemies I might have missed, find none, teleport us both to the entrance of the Kitsune compound and drop his two halves by the gate on top of the pile of others, clean my arm off in their coy pond, and teleport back to Kitinara-san. Job well done, I would say!
She does not jump or startle when I reappear and is, in fact, looking at me dead in the eyes with a warm smile on her face. I blink for a second as I swear she looks...prettier than before? Motherly? I am not sure, I just feel an odd sense of coming home around her now.
'Uh oh, Something happened. Bet it was that blue light, that was sus as hell. Time to bounce before it leads me into more trouble.'
"Well, it's been fun. Glad you and your family are safe. See you tomorrow!" I shout and teleport away before anything can happen.
Aaaaand I am still here. My teleport didn't work...
'Nope. Fuck this situation, I am running.'
She is now walking towards me with that same warm smile as I give her a forced nod and take off like a bullet.
...And smack full force into a shining blue barrier.
"You can't run, Zeneff. We have to finish the ceremony before you can leave."
'Oi! What is with these women and them being overly familiar with me! Let's just stay acquaintances, dammit!'
"Ceremony? What ceremony? Don't test my patience, Fox. I can eat you in a single bite if needed." I respond cautiously.
She laughs in a musical tone that both soothes me to the core and frightens the living shit out of me.
"Oh, Zeneff...we can talk more about you eating me in a bit, but first we need to start the bonding ceremony."
"Again, what the fuck are you talking about Kitinara-san?" I demand and take a fighting stance...even though I really just want to hold her in my arms...No! Focus! She is mind-fucking you right now!
"Call me Hagi." She says with an endearing smile.
"No," I answer firmly.
"Oh, hush, I didn't ask for this either!" She says in a playful pout. "Our souls bonded. Or, at least started to. I am very lucky you came back so quickly before the barrier formed, by the way, or I would have been trapped in this soul space, alone, for all eternity."
"Soul space? This is soul magic!?! Do you have any idea how dangerous that shit is!?!" I demand, my eyes bulging out of my skull.
"Yes, I do. But I am surprised you know about it, Mr. Amnesia." She replies with a smirk.
"It is coming back to me fast. I heard life and death situations do that to a person." I respond quickly. Sounds believable, right?
"Uh Huh. Sure." She says, clearly not having it, "Now, will you let me explain this? People are going to find our bodies if we are not quick."
That stopped me short. "Where...wait...these aren't our real bodies...We are inside of your soul?" I realize and ask.
"Close." She says with a wave of her hand in a so-so gesture, "But not exactly. The moment you returned and we made eye contact, both our souls were transported to this place. It replicates where we were last so it is not so jarring on our psyche."
"Okay, but why are we here?" I demand again.
"Because our souls bonded." She says and holds up a hand to silence me, "I will explain. It happened when you protected me from the sniper. At that moment my soul reached out to yours and they communicated. It is ancient magic that belongs solely to us of the Royal Kitsune line and, to be honest, I haven't heard of it happening in close to 1000 years."
'Wait, she is over 1000 too? Why the hell are so many ancient beings going to high school? This makes absolutely no sense! ...Now that I think about it...how the hell was she childhood friends with the protagonist? Was he just young or have they been friends for over 1000 years? And! And! He was a fucking angel! His mom said angels fall if they give their heart to another race, why the fuck did he have a harem!?! This whole story is bullshit, I want a refund!!!'
She seems to know I am internally complaining and waits for me to finish before continuing...not sure I like the implications of that...
"No, I cannot read your thoughts. But I felt your soul go through a small period of turmoil before returning to confusion and paying attention to me again." Kitinara-san says with a chuckle. "Your soul is...odd. Larger than normal."
"Must be my dragon form," I say quickly. No way I was telling ANYONE here that secret. Protagonists that tell that secret are dumbasses, who the fuck wants to learn they are not real to you, just a character in a story? At best they will think you are delusional, and at worst they might lose their minds. There are already too many crazies around here...please tell me she isn't one...
"Hmm." She says noncommittally at my statement. "I'll go more into the soul bond process. Keep in mind. there is no rule book for this and this is only the information I know and understand to the best of my abilities." She clarifies and I nod for her to continue.
"Alright, so it works like this: Kitsune can see people's souls. We see them like 3D puzzle pieces. The closer 2 souls match on all their connecting sides, the more compatible they are for a relationship. This is why most of my family are marriage & family counselors. We are really good at identifying trouble spots and trying to compromise in other areas that match better...but I am getting off-topic. Anyway, that is only the normal Kitsune. For Royal Kitsune, such as my direct family line, we are able to soul bond with other beings. Basically, if our puzzle pieces match near-perfectly, we are able to bind our soul together with that other person. When this happens, we enter this space and work out how the soul binding will work for us specifically, rules for the relationship moving forward bound by magic, and are required to consummate the bond in order to leave this realm."
"And you just so happened to have a near-perfect match to my soul, huh?" I say, rubbing my forehead and feeling a migraine coming on.
"Please do not make light of something I have been waiting nearly 2000 years for," she says with a frown that makes me want to fall to my knees and beg her forgiveness. "I-I'm sorry for it as well...I know you were not interested in me before..." She finishes looking sad and dejected. Great, now I want to hug and console her.
"Okay...I think I understand a bit better, sorry for not being super friendly about it, but this is all happening rather quickly, don't you think?" I ask, trying to be reasonable.
"As I said, it wasn't my choice either. I had been hoping to bind with Takasone-kun...but that never happened and will never happen now..."
"Hey," I say softly and reach out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry. You must have really loved him..."
She shivers visibly at my touch. "Thanks...I thought I did too," she says with a sigh, "but things are more complicated now. You made it more complicated."
Here, she steps in and hugs me and it feels...right. But hell if I am gonna trust it so easily. We are in a soul space of her race's making, after all.
"What did I do?" I ask looking down at her. I don't push her off me, but I keep the idea handy in case things start getting weird. I am pretty sure I could break this barrier if I transformed, but I am not sure what damage it would do to our souls. Soul magic is dangerous at the best of times...at the worst...well, people had been forced into rocks before. I doubt that is a fun immortal life.
"You made me realize what love truly meant." She says looking up at me with a wide smile, "No one has ever cared for me the way you did tonight. Not even Takasone-kun." I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion and she continues, "You saved my family, saved my dead best friend's family, saved me personally, and then tried to leave without even asking for anything in payment. People don't do that, Zen."
I just raise an eyebrow at her and say, "That is not love to me. That is just me being a good person...Look, Kitinara-san, I don't know you. How can you honestly expect me to fall in love with you after spending less than 15 minutes together? People don't do that." I echo her response.
Her hold around me gets a bit tighter and she makes little swaying movements in my arms as she rests her head on my chest.
She sighs and says, "I get that we will not always make sense to each other, but we are stuck together for all eternity from now on so we should make efforts to-"
"Whoa, Whoa there. Back up. We are what?" I ask, pushing her off me and feeling my stomach drop out from beneath me.
"Our souls are bonded, silly. I am yours forevermore just as you are mine." She smiles up at me and I search her face for any hints of madness...there are none. She honestly believes what she is saying and is saying it in a sound mind...I wish I could read her mind, but my magic doesn't seem to work here...I can't tell which is worse actually, at least I can predict a Yandere's moves and motives...
"Right," I continue ignoring her comment completely, "How do we get out of here again?"
"First we have to work out the terms of the soul bind, what it means to each of us, and at least understand each other's side. For me, I want to be your wife. You are super handsome, smart, kind, very powerful, and rich. All great things for me as I just want to live a calm and peaceful life having fun with the person I love."
'Well...shit. Isn't that my exact wish as well? No! Stay strong Zen! You need to think about this outside of the effects of this place! Remember the wise words of Ackbar!'
She looks up at me expectantly and I think for a moment before answering. "For me...I just want a friend. Someone I can rely on and confide in. I have...a number of problems and it is more than a little stressful. I can't promise I will love you, but I can promise to give it an honest shot."
"That's all I ask for. I can understand and accept that. As long as you actually try, then even if it doesn't work out romantically, I can still be the friend you need." She replies with a nod and I feel a shift in the magic in the air.
"Next we need to establish the rules of our relationship. I am already asking a lot from you, so I will allow you to go first with what you want. If we cannot agree on something, it will not count and we need at least 1 rule set to continue." She instructs me.
'Hmm...this could work towards my advantage...better word it carefully...'
"My first rule is that we will always be truthful to each other about our who we are now; Past, present, and future. We will also not lie to each other within the same limits unless it is a small white lie that does not affect anything important."
'Okay. This should work. 'who we are now' is the key element there. Hopefully, she ignores that wording choice. I need someone to bounce ideas off of, help me work through issues, and someone who won't lie to me is best for this. She is a smart girl and could be a powerful ally. I can agree to try and date her for this. She is gorgeous and we seem to share the same life goals. This may be a blessing in disguise!'
"Hmm." She says thinking hard. Her face looks so cute when she scrunches it in thought and her tail swishing behind her is a bit mesmerizing. "Okay. I can agree with that. That builds a great foundation for a relationship, anyway. What else? I will let you get 1 more in before I give mine."
"We must always keep each other's secrets. If one of us says to never tell something, we both will not speak of it unless it is a life and death situation to save one another." I say and wonder if this will be our first point of contention.
"Done." She says quickly.
'Guess she has some secrets as well. Whatever I can live with that.'
"My turn. Once a day you will do 1 thing I ask without refusing. I promise not to make it unreasonable, but you will be held to this once a day." She says with a grin up at me.
'Shit...this is really vague...But she has been an honest and nice girl so far...'
"Can you give me an example of something you would ask?" I try and get clarification.
She looks down and blushes before saying, "L-like holding hands and walking me home..."
'Aw...Such a sweet and innocent flower. Easy enough.'
"Sure," I say with a smile, "I can do that. Anything else?"
"Just one more thing," She says and looks at me with a serious gaze, "You will never ignore me. Even if we don't end up dating, you will still spend time with me and keep me as a close friend."
"Okay, I can do that." I nod at her. Does she have abandonment issues or something?
"Great. Done and sealed with magic. Neither of us will be allowed to break this under penalty of death." She says and I feel the magic take hold.
I smile down at her and she smiles back at me...then her innocence vanishes.
She moves back from me and starts cackling maniacally as she holds her side. "I can't believe you agreed to that! Oh, Zenny, I am going to use you like a new favorite toy. God, you are pretty. I wonder how you will look with me straddling your face and suffocating you with my pussy?"
My face pales and my blood runs cold.
'Those eyes...that smile...no. No no no! I looked! I fucking looked for this!'
"Aww~, don't make that face. Did you forget what I am? I am a Kitsune! A trickster! Of course, I am going to take advantage of you. You are literally the strongest person I have ever met. A dragon...I snared a dragon! Having you as protection for all time means prosperity for my family and clan!" She smiles at me like the fox that caught the...dragon.
'Killing her is still an option...Nobody is here but us...no one would know...'
"Don't take it so bad, I really do love you. The other me really, really, really loves you. I have 2 different personalities, by the way. The 'Me' here and the 'Me' you see at school. Not important right now. The point is, I love you too, but where she wants to bathe in your sweat, I just want to fuck you. fufufu~" She laughs as she takes slow steps towards me.
'Yeah...no thanks. Time to get out of here. I can heal my soul over time-'
"My order for the day, per our agreement, is that you may not leave this place until we have sex and you finish inside me. I suspect you could, and that would trap me for all eternity in here. Can't have that. If you want out, you gotta earn it. Also, you should know, from now on If I die, you die. Our souls are merged and one cannot live without the other's. So no killing me~! Fufufu~"
'Fuck Fuck Fuck! I am dancing in the palm of her hand! What the fuck can I even do? God, I am a moron...Wait. I may still be able to get some kind of an upper hand here.'
I smirk at her feigning confidence. "You have no idea who I am do you?"
"You are Zeneff Silverscale...a dragon...and a noble dragon since you have a second name, right?"
"Correct," I say, my smile growing. "Do you know how dragon nobility works?"
"No..." She says cautiously, turning her head and looking at me from the corner of her eye.
"The Dragon's nobility rankings are determined based on how pure your bloodline is. The closer you are to Tiamat's bloodline, the Goddess of Dragons, the more power you hold." I say, explaining to her as if a teacher in school.
"Okay...so what? You are pretty high up, huh? Doesn't that just mean you are super-rich and powerful? That works for me just fine." She smirks back at me.
"Yup. You could say I'm pretty high up. My mom is Tiamat. I see her every week." I finish with a shit-eating grin.
Her face locks into a perfect imitation of a Kitsune mask. She stays like that for several seconds, perfectly still.
I decide to push my advantage, "I wonder how she would feel knowing that the Kitsune clan's Princess, whom I saved asking for nothing in return, tricked me and tried to take advant-"
"No! I didn't trick you! ...Well, I did when we were in this space, but the soul binding was not a trick! We are destined to be together. This right here proves it. We are both conniving and cautious and brutal in achieving our goals. We are meant to be together, can't you see that? I get your point, and I promise not to abuse this bond we have. I know you would never actually sick your mother on my clan, but you holding the threat over me is enough to even the playing fields. Plus, you could just kill them yourself. ...I'm sorry for being so cocky, I just got excited that I finally get to be with you...
She starts shedding some tears, but I am not buying it. 'She has fooled me too much already...she is correct though. I wouldn't kill her family just to keep her in line. I am not a villain, just a guy desperately trying to be normal...but I am managing her with a 10-foot pole moving forward...Since it looks like we are stuck together forever...FML'
"Do you have any idea how long we have loved you? We never wanted Takasone-kun, I'm sorry, I did lie about that. We are sad he died and he was a good friend, but he was never a lover to us. He never could be. You took up all of our thoughts. Every single day, since the first time you caught her when she was falling down the stairs in middle school, you were the only thing we saw. The hours we spent staring at you...the tears of joy we cried when we got to sit next to you...We have an entire sealed off room in our mansion with pictures she took of you in secret lining the walls! We had a body pillow made of you so that we can be with you even in our sleep! I can't even tell you the number of times both of us have cum while staring at pictures of you. We have had to make several copies because we keep ruining them with our fluids or by licking them. She nearly passed out when you made eye contact with her the other day, ya know? I nearly came when you held me close! You are our entire world. I am sorry that I tricked you, but I needed to do this to secure our future happiness, don't you understand? Now we can be happy together and we can give you all the love you could ever need for all eternity! ...You being the son of Tiamat does not change the fact that you have to sleep with me for us to both leave this place."
During this speech, she has been moving towards me steadily. Her face is flushed and her breathing is ragged. Her hands are out in front of her clenching and unclenching. Her beautiful visage is marred by uncontrollable lust and longing. I keep moving backward but am forced to a stop against the barrier. When she reaches me, she grasps my arms tightly, rests her head in the crook of my neck, and pushes her body as close to me as it can possibly be, even putting a leg and her tail around me on either side. It is like she is trying to merge into me...I am creeped out...but what the fuck can I do? She ordered me not to leave and, because I am a dumbass, I can't refuse! I literally have no choice but to sleep with her if I want to exit this space.
"Here." She says and grabs and moves my hand inside the folds of her Kimono, "Do you feel that Zenny? Do you feel my love for you?"
She puts my hand on her lower lips, grinds it against her, and...holy shit is she wet. Like...I would have thought she just came out of the shower or the pool...It runs down her legs in big goopy trails. And...Gods...The smell! I don't think I have ever in my life smelt something so...delicious.
'No! Fucking keep it together Zen! Do not lose yourself to your Dragon's Pride. I can't afford to be in here with her for 3 days!'
"Wait...there is something I need to tell you first," I say, trying and failing to keep my erection at bay. She trails kisses down my neck as she continues to grind against my hand. The shrine maiden kimono is quickly falling apart and I can already see most of her large milky breasts as they squish up against my chest.
"Say anything you need, love...but hurry..." She says in an urgent whisper, hot against my ear. My face flushes and I have trouble concentrating.
"Right...so this is one of those things you can't tell anyone." We can't lie to each other anymore and we have to keep the secrets we share. These were my two rules bound to our soul. I wanted someone I could confide in, now I have it. Let's see if this gets her to back off for a second and give me space to think and breathe.
"I used to head the organization that attacked Hikaru-san's compound and yours," I admit and she freezes and pulls away to look up at me. Not saying anything, but waiting for me to continue. "I decided I didn't want to be a villain anymore and faked my amnesia so that I could start over. I left the group and broke my contracts with them the night of the attack on his compound...I...I didn't order the attack or mean for it to happen, but I am the cause of Hikaru-san's death. I have since worked to remove any trace of myself as part of that organization so that I could lead a happy and peaceful life...but because he is dead, I feel responsible for taking out the factions that killed him and attacked you. That is the real reason I was here tonight. After I was done here, I was going to wipe out the faction that attacked Hikaru-san." I finish and stare into her eyes, which seem to gain clarity again.
She tilts her head and looks away from me in thought for a long moment before looking back at me again. "Not your fault. You pulled out and they acted alone. You are going through and cleaning up the messes they left behind when you don't need to. I am upset that Hikaru-san died, but not at you. I will join you in wiping out his killers after we fuck. I wanted to enjoy our first time for hours, but let's make it a quicky so that we can get a move on." She finishes and smiles at me.
I am honestly shocked at her clear-headed response...and more than a little relieved that she doesn't blame me as I blame myself. Maybe this won't be so bad after all?
"Okay...one last thing though," I continue, "You know what a Yandere is, right?"
"Obviously." She says with an eye roll.
"I have 2, maybe 3 others targetting me. My step-sister Diana, Hikaru-san's sister Suki, and...possibly my mother."
This makes her push against me even harder. Her smile turns savage and she stares hard at me, "I always liked Suki-chan...oh, well. Have you fucked them all?"
"Only Diana," I admit. Not being able to lie kinda sucks in this situation.
"I see." She says simply, but I can see the fury in her eyes. "Other than your...mother....whom I cannot do anything about, I will simply need to teach those sluts whose at the top of the pecking order. If they want my sloppy seconds, then they are welcome to it. They will live knowing that they only ever get your dick after I have had it. That they are always worth less in your eyes than me. That is a far worse punishment for someone of my...temperament...than denying them outright and avoiding them." She grins at me like a soldier ready for war.
I shudder. Holy fuck. This girl is sadistic...I kind of like it...No! We are going to have sex here so I can leave, but that is it. After that, she gets added to the "Miss me with that shit" list. I can't ignore her, as that was one of her rules, but I can still avoid her as long as I interact with her at least once a day. I can do this. This is still fine. Everything will be fine.
"Now, Zen." She says in a low purr and moves up to whisper into my ear, "Enough talk. I need you. Shove your cock so far in me that you pierce my womb. Dump your cum into me like a cheap onahole. I want you to use me as a tool for your pleasure. Be rough. Be brutal. Fuck me like there is nothing else in the world but my needy pussy. We will only go one round so that we can continue your mission, but I expect many more after that. Show me how a dragon claims their mate~!"
And, with a roar, I give in and do so.
- In Serial20 Chapters
Margrave's Divinity (Rewrite)
Power always comes with a price. Seventeen years ago, obsidian towers thousands of feet tall erupted from the earth near the world’s population centers. Strange magic accompanied their appearance—powerful and inexplicable abilities granted to lucky humans, called Embers for the burning in their eyes. Lyle isn’t lucky, though. When the recently-unemployed college dropout finally manages to get his hands on a Cinder, he is utterly disappointed to find that he will never be an Ember like his father or brother. Before he even has time to process his failure, a strange Ember shoves him through a tear in reality and into the cave of a dragon, where the titanic beast claims to be an ancient goddess of myth and legend. She has a gift for him, but it comes with a warning. War is coming. --- Posting Thursdays and Sundays at 8am Central. Confused about the rewrite? See my letter to previous readers here.
8 340 - In Serial89 Chapters
Another World's Homunculus
Ellis Murrin died an unexpected death, but before he could experience the sweet bliss of eternal rest, a God-like being whisked him away. The God told a tale of another world in grave jeopardy and the need for a hero (or several heroes) to go there and save the people. It was looking to be a typical story of transmigration when suddenly, something unexpected happened. Now, he finds himself standing in the middle of an ancient tomb, with a lineage that wasn’t exactly normal and a body that wasn’t entirely human. Vote for the novel on Topwebfiction here: vote Join the discord
8 53 - In Serial14 Chapters
Pokémon: A Story of the End
During a normal Pokémon League Tournament, one of the biggest massacres of the century happened. This journey follows the main protagonist Jordy and his friends Biermann and Thomas on their quest to either save or avenge their friends. The story includes friendship, love and fun, but also hate, despair and death.
8 245 - In Serial8 Chapters
The Mysterious Sickly CEO
A black horse has entered the business world, and in just a few years, it managed to overthrow its former rulers. Briars Corporation now truly sat at the top. The sole owner of the coporation, only known through the moniker, 'Black Rose' has never shown their face to the public. Black Rose's four 'suits' namely the King of Spades, The Jack of all Trades, The Ace of Hearts and the Upright Fool, shows their faces in the public and while the owner handles matters behind the scenes. In the end, it leaves everyone curious; just who is Black Rose and when will the mystery be revealed? *This is the first time I wrote a story online. I would be grateful for the constructive criticism that will be given. I hope you'd enjoy my story as I have enjoyed writing it.
8 185 - In Serial13 Chapters
Incant - A Wizard in Cienmiedos (Short Story)
The town of Cienmiedos requests assistance from the AWW. A level three Incant is promptly dispatched. The horror she finds in this podunk town might just be beyond her pay grade. This short story is complete. Set in the Incant world with other stories in this setting likely coming soon. Same Book Banner will be used for the short stories.
8 184 - In Serial7 Chapters
ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ....
ᴛʜɪs sᴛᴏʀʏ ɪs ʙᴀsɪᴄᴀʟʟʏ ᴀ ғᴀɴ ғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ . ɪᴛ's ᴀɢᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇs ᴏғ ᴍᴀʜᴀʙʜᴀʀᴀᴛ . ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛs ᴏᴄᴄᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇʟʏ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴀʀʏ , ᴀʟᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ғɪɴᴅ ʀᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇs ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴇᴘɪᴄ ᴍᴀʜᴀʙʜᴀʀᴀᴛᴀ ᴀɴᴅ sʀɪᴍᴀᴅ ʙʜᴀɢᴀᴡᴀᴅ ᴘᴜʀᴀɴ . ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ғᴜɴ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs!
8 68