《tale of a worm》faceslapper


It's been three days since i reincarnated and now i'm level 5,Through it's still hard for me to activate the 'observe' it activate occasionally,i also gained some titles and this is my stats now

Name:nameless Race:worm Level:5/10 status:slightly hungry Strength:16 Agility:30 Intilligience:6 Magic: Mana:0 Defense:16 Endurance:3 Health:5 Stat points:20 Skills Level level cap Bite 7 10 Dig 6 10 Echolocation 6 10 Vibration sensing 6 10 Improved smell 4 10 soundless 5 10 observe 2 10 Titles Cannibalism Fetus eater fast digger abandoned child Trapper Sneaky worm Mutation chart Mutation points:30 Mutations Eyes Possible mutations Hard skin/15 points Improved eyes/25 points Long tongue/20 points Strong stomach/10 points

"Guess it's time now"i said as i look at the entrance of my hiding spot

Hmmm now that i see it,i haven't assinged a single point on mutation yet,i think i will go with strong stomach and hard skin as i lack some defense as i mainly focus on speed and strength when i assinged my stat point and I only assinged 10 to strength,10 to deffense and 20 to speed

"God bless my soul"I said as i assigned my mutation points and suddenly extreme pain assaulted my harmless body,it feels like your'e intestine being pulled apart,while your skin are flayed

Because of extreme pain i lost consciousness and fall to the ground

Not a long later

I opened my eyes as i stand up like a stick,I can feel it,my skin is thicker

"ok it's time now"I said as i pick something in the corner of the room,it's a rhinoceros beetle head without the horn and there's two hole for eyes

It's the head of another beetle and you don't know how much hell i experienced to cut the horns off,it's easy to dismemeber the beetle as there are joints and you can break it,but the horn is simply hell


Wearing my makeshipt helmet i decided to leave my hiding spot to hunt for a pray without using a trap

I already scouted the surrounding and marked it as my territory,through i still haven't explored the tree itself as i don't want to be birds food

Wriggling my body i walked towards a bush to search for a prey and of course i found a prey,it's the same beetle,theyr'e just fucking everywhere

The beetle spotted me and rammed towards me,but i only slapped it in the head with my tail which redirect it to another location,through i already grown used to them,their ram still heart like bitch

The beetle rammed into a branch and it's very angry and it rammed back to me,but i only slapped it,but this time i will not let it go

I slapped it on the side of it's face,then slap the left,before sending it flying with a slap

Just how hard is their carapace??

The beetle was about to stand up,but i quickly ran to it before slapping it again

Congratulation you gained the skill"hard slap" Congratulation

you gained the title"a taste of slap"

Effect:increase slapping strength

Huhh not bad

Not minding the notification i continue slapping the beetle until it died which gave me another notification

Congratulation You killed a beetle,plus 10 exp Congratulation

you gained the title"Death slapper"

Effect:as the first worm to kill a beetle with a slap you gained 10 glory points

"Fuck,glory points?!?!"i said in surprise as i look at the notification,just how long have i been searching for this shit and now

I'm excited,but suddenly something interrupt me,it's a group of beetles,there are 3 of them

"Hmmmm let's slap"I said before slapping the first beetle to ram into me,then the other one,then the third


a moment of slapping later

It took me a while before defeating me,they did fill a quarter of my exp bar

I did not take any of their materials as i already have to much beetle in my hiding spot

I'm about to leave,but suddenly i heard a loud cry behind me and there he is,my nightmare,a bird

The bird just look at me with hungry eyes before attempting to eat me,but i dodged in time,it attacked me with it's beak once more i dodged it again

(in the birds mind"What the fuck???")

The bird become more angry and attacked me with even stronger beak attack,but i slapped him hard in the face which trully angered him

The bird stopped as it looked at me with a more judgefull eyes it circle around me

I just continue looking at it,preparing for any attack

It attack once again,But I just dodged before slapping it

It tried to move back,but i just jumped on it's back by using the strength of my tail

Clearly angered by my move it started to move around trying to remove me which send me flying

Seeing the opurtunity it started flying to eat me,but i only slapped it back before landing to the ground and running away as there are no chance I can defeat such enemy

It started to chase after me,But i only dodged it everytime it attacked me and occasionally slapping it which slowed it down

After a long time of running i finally returned to my little hiding spot safety

Breathing heavily inside my hiding spot,suddenly a notification popped up in front of me


you gained the title"Slaping worm"

Effect:Being the first worm to slap a bird,you gained 20 glory points

"Woahhhh"I shouted excitedly as i look at the description when suddenly something come to my mind

"What if i killed that bird"I said while realising something

"Hehehehehe nothing is impossible"I said as i immwdiately goes to the corner where i stash all my materials,i need a good weapon against that bird,actually i don't have a way to make or wear that weapon,but hell yeah who cares??

And so that's how the rumured bird hunt happened

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