《tale of a worm》battle


Next day

Inside my secret little hiding spot

I'm eating some fresh leaves that don't taste that good,I will eat it if it's salty,but it's too bitter.Actaully i don't have a taste as i don't want to eat insect meat

I do want to hunt that bird,but i'm to weak right now and i need to practice and level up my skills more and splve my problem with observe skill

'Hmmm I need a punching bag,maybe build some'I though as I look around my room to see what i can use

"The wood is not that hard"I said as i tap the wood

'Maybe i much look at my mutation chart and see what mutation i have to save for'I though as i lie there and oppened my mutation chart

Mutation chart Mutation points:5 Mutations Eyes hard skin strong stomach Possible mutations:5 Tentacles:10 Long Tongue:20 Improved eyes:25 Poisonous body:50 Armored body:60 Lesser magic core:50 Horn:10 Spikes:30 Poison:50 Poisonous hair:40

'Aww that hurts my pocket'i said as I slap my head with my tail

Huh I better hunt some prey as i need to level up and so i decided to hunt for something

Leaving my room i decided to check the traps I set up,nothing really changes to the trap other than they are deeper and they get narrower as you go down,which serve as a trap to stuck them

Cheeking The first trap I feel some weak vibration in the ground and i know it,it's that beetle again.just how many are they???,I always see them whenever i go

Not minding the beetle i check the other traps,but there's only beetles,beetle here,beetle there,beetle everywhere

Sighing i can only return to my secret little base,but on my way i feel a weird vibration and i swear it's not beetle


Searching for the vibration I excitedly crawled to where the vibration is

I tried searching for it,but finally i found which direction it is and the more i walk toward it the stronger the vibration becomes and not long I found myself looking at a large large....................beetle

"fuck!!!!"I shouted as I decided to leave as there's nothing to see here,but suddenly the beetle noticed me and made a weird clicking noise

Hearing the noise I immediately burrowed to the ground and waited for what will happen

The noise become even more louder and I can sense more vibration coming more and more and I dig deeper and suddenly something appeared in front of me


You triggered an event"Beetle tide"

Kill the beetle queen to stop the tide


3 levels,30 glory points,40 mutation points,40 stat points,beetle queen helmet,and the right to command the beetle horde

During the event you are allowed to chose 3 mutations and is alowed to keep 1 random mutation when you completed the even

Aditional rewards when completed in three days

Time left:unknown,when the tide end

No consequence,well other than the beetles eating a lot of leaves

It's written in red,maybe i ruined everything

But fine I will do it since it's me who started it

I'm about to pick the three mutations,but suddenly something terrifying appeared in front of me

As the one who triggered the even,you have become the target of the beetles,hiding in your hiding spot is not recommended as the beetles will attack it

If one beetle see you then it will send signals to other so it's advised to finish the battle very quickly

"What???"I said as I look at the screen,before another screen appeared


beetle hive queen

The leader of the beetles in the unexplored lake





Kill it when no beetle are arround,but that will be hard

Ohhh that will be helpfull,are there any more scree-

Please choose 3 mutations


Mind eye

Mouth of the shredder

Sharp tentacles

Armored body


Extremely acidic spit

Poisonous body

Poison spikes

Sharp tail of ravager

Hammer tail

Empaling horn

blood sucking tongue

There's a lot of options,but i guess i have to pick the most suitable combinations

"Ok I'll choose Mouth of the shredder,Extremely acidic spit,Blood sucking tongue"i said as I feel my body change,but i can't fell the familiar pain

Eheheheeh let the hunt begin

And so i began digging up again,but they are no longer there

Feeling the vibrations I decided to track them and they are kinda far away,the queen is always midair and there's a lot of beetle arround her,it's not hundred cause there are freaking thousands rround her

Maybe i will kill some pawn first

Drilling through the ground I attacked the nearby beetle,grinding all of it's inside,melting it with acid,but not sucking it's inside before drilling back to the ground

Seeing me attack,they immediately panick and ready themselves

But I'm cunning and decided to attack from underground and there's nothing they can do,what's weird is they don't give exp

I continued to attack until they learned not to stay to the ground and they just fly around,but i will just jump up from the ground to catch some flying beetles before drilling back to the ground and it kinda annoy them

Finally the queen released some weird noises and the bettles retreated as the queen landed and something appeared i front of me

The queen issued challenged

no one can interfere during the challenged

accept Refuse

"Accept it" i said as I come up of the ground and welcoming the queen

"ggatta"The queen said as she flew to me ready to attack

"Hehehehee"I just laugh as i ready myself,ready my tail

The queen flew with extreme speed and I Dig through the ground like a fish in the water

Who will win(it's pretty obvious cause he is the mc)

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