《tale of a worm》traps


Next day

I managed to sustain myself by eating leafs and I also practice my bite and dig skills to improve my strength

This is my present status board now and there's also another screen that appeared after that weird message and my status board also got updated,i also discovered that eating heals me

Name:nameless Race:worm Level:1/10 status:slightly hungry Strength:6 Agility:2 Intilligience:3 Magic:0 Mana:0 Defense:6 Endurance:3 Health:5 Stat points:0 Skills Level level cap Bite 5 10 Dig 4 10 Echolocation 1 10 Vibration sensing 1 10 Improved smell 1 10 soundless 1 10 observe 1 10 Titles 10 Cannibalism Fetus eater fast digger abandoned child Mutation chart Mutation points:5 Mutations Eyes Possible mutations Hard skin/15 points Improved eyes/25 points Long tongue/20 points Strong stomach/10 points Glory skills page Glory points 10 possible skills Needle attack/60 points Penetrating bite/50 points Life steal/100000 points damage reduction/10000 points Please earn more glory points to unlock the next page,glory points can be earn by achieving some achievements

I guess glory skills are special skills,i don't really mind it that much but those skills are really tempting,but it kinda hurts my pocket a lot

Well,enough of that,Today i'm going to build a trap to capture some non suspecting insects

i came out of my hiding spot,I kinda enlarge the entrance so that i can come in and out safety and also bring my prey inside

"Hmmmm what to do now"I said as look at my surrounding while hiding in a tree root,I'm judging the place,looking for a suitable place to build a trap,i intend to build a pit fall

I continued searching for a suitable place for a trap and it seems like i found a good spot


It's just near my hole,The soil here is hard and My digging skill is enough for me to dig a pit fall

With the plan in my head i started digging through the soil and after a few hours i finally digged a hole that's large enough for a fist,now all that remain is the spikes and the cover and i don't know how the hell i'm going to build that

"Huh"I sighed as i look at my trap,maybe i can finished it tommorrow as i still don't know how to make some spikes,maybe i'm going to build a raw pit fall for now

With that in mind i continue building more pitfall and throughout the whole day i managed to build 3 pit falls,and now i only have to wait

Next day

I Tranied my skills throughout the night which gave me some skill levels

Name:nameless Race:worm Level:1/10 status:slightly hungry Strength:6 Agility:2 Intilligience:3 Magic:0 Mana:0 Defense:6 Endurance:3 Health:5 Stat points:0 Skills Level level cap Bite 5 10 Dig 4 10 Echolocation 2 10 Vibration sensing 4 10 Improved smell 3 10 soundless 1 10 observe 2 10 Titles 10 Cannibalism Fetus eater fast digger abandoned child

It feels satisfying to read my current status

I come out of my little hiding spot feeling the cold morning winds in my skin.I decided to come out of tis time as There are a lot of mist during this time and it will be hard to spot me

Feeling the cold wind in my skin i continue to where i dig the pitfalls and soon i arrived to where i put first trap and i can already feel the vibrations on the ground and it kinda make me feel excited and i run towards it and There I can see a Rhinoceros beetles


"Are you joking with me???"I said as i look at he rhinoceros beetle's armored body then back to my body

Well I guess it's a failure as there's no way i can defeat something like like

I'm about to go back,but suddenly something come into my vision which make me feel excited

Observe successful,plus 3 inteligience Armored beetle

An ordinary beetle that can be found throughout the forest,it's weak point is it's belly,but it have a lot of resilence and tolerance

Please increase skill level to see more

"what???"I said as i look at the screen with my large gaping mouth

"Maybe If i can hit it's belly"I said as i look at the beetle while judging it

Thus since i needed to attack its belly,why don't i juts dig and attack it from below???

Readying my body i dig down the soil until its deep enough and i continue tracking the beetle using vibraton and once I'm directly below it I burst from the ground penetrating its soft belly while it struggled and once it broke free it rammed toward me to impale me with it's horn,but I dodged int time and it penetrated the soil instead

Seeing this opportunity i attacked it from behind to where's it's head is connected to the body therefore fully beheading it,but it's body still continue moving without a head as it continue to attack randomly,a notification did appeared saying that I earned 20 exp

"Hmmmm,the question is how am i going to eat it????"I said as i look at the still moving body that barely have the much flesh to eat in it

Hmmmm i might be able to use it's body as materials and althrough it's inside looks really disgusting,still it's a food

Saying no more i dragged the body towards my hiding spot and now i'm facing another problem.the hole is not big enough to fit the beetle

Seeing the hole I can only sigh as i don't want to enlarge it further as other insects might be able to enter it

It looks like i have to chop it's body into pieces and so i did,i chopped its body,but I still can't fit the wings and head and I can only sich as i look at the precious materials

"Huuhh i can't leave them here as ants might attack me"I said as i look at them and I decided that i will just throw them away and so i did

After that i continue on my way to the other traps which two of them have prey a cricket and a huge ant while the others are empty and killing them gave me enought exp to level up

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