《The Contact Person》Book 1 Chapter 4: First Blood: part 3
Roy picked up his phone and dialed a number. After some time, Suu's voice came through.
"Good morning Roy. Are we going for the tour today?"
"Good morning to you too Suu. Yes we are going. But first, I have met someone who says they know you."
"Oh, who is he? Is it someone from the office?"
"It's a she. And her name is Minub Fist."
There was a sound of crashing in the background and after a minute, her voice came through again.
"Emmm, could you describe how she looks like?"
"She has red skin. Do I need to say more?"
Suu laughed nervously over the phone and asked, "Ahahah, red skin, you say? You mean like a red costume? Is she a cosplayer?"
"No. I meant what I said."
She went silent for a minute, then asked.
"What do you want?"
Roy quirked an eyebrow at her question. Did she just assume that he did something to Minub? If that is so, let's tease the poor lady a bit.
"Meet me at 4 PM, at the coffee shop in front of the office. We will continue this conversation then. See you Suu."
"Please don't hurt her."
"We will see about that."
Roy cut the call and turned to Minub. She looked at him incredulously and said,
"You are so bad."
Roy shrugged his shoulders, "I will be honest. I have a bit soft spot for. She can be so cute sometimes."
"True. I can attest to that."
"So what is she?"
Minub shook her head, "I shouldn't be the one to tell you that."
Roy nodded his head, "Fair enough. Looks like your ship is prepped for departure. See you later, I guess."
She put one finger on her chin, "Well my father is preparing to return. I, however, want to stay here with you." She pointed her finger at you and declared, "You are interesting."
Roy watched as Minub and Jakarat talked for some time. She pointed at Roy sometimes and Jakarat occasionally glanced at him. After they finished talking, they hugged each other and then the ship left, leaving Minub behind. She pressed one button on the necklace she was wearing and gradually she turned from a red skinned beauty to a bronze skinned beauty. Roy grabbed her hand and used the teleporter to return to his room.
Maria was surprised when she saw Minub exiting the hotel with Roy. She couldn't remember any woman that tall coming in. She dismissed it thinking that she might have missed when she came in. But she felt a bit tinge of jealousy. Who was that woman? Was she trying to seduce Roy? Maria pouted and decided it was time to go on the offensive. She closed for the day and went to her room. She opened the wardrobe and
Roy and Minub met up with Suu at the coffee shop. She was already there waiting for them and was very nervous. She was fidgeting and nearly jumped out of her skin when Roy greeted her. They sat down and ordered a coffee. Coffee was something new for Minub and had Roy not been there to stop her, she would have ordered one cup of every flavor available on the menu.
They spent some time drinking coffee. After Roy felt Suu was calm enough, he initiated the conversation.
"So, you are not human?"
Suu flinched at his question, but nodded. Roy reached out and took her hands in his own.
"Suu, first of all, please don't be afraid of me. I do not mean you, or Minub any harm. I am still the same guy you met two days back. The same guy you fell in love with."
"Who are you saying fell in love?" She instantly retorted and Roy gave her a grin. With the ice broken, they hurriedly finished their coffee and went to a nearby park so that they could converse privately.
They made themselves comfortable on a grassy patch. Minub had never seen or felt grass, as there was no grass in her planet, so she lied down on the ground and within a minute, she was peacefully asleep. Roy and Suu sat in silence, their shoulders touching each other. After a while, she spoke up.
"Who are you?"
Roy faked disappointment, "After all the things we have been through, you ask me who I am? Me, the only guy..."
She punched his shoulder, "You know what I mean."
Roy sighed, and contemplated whether or not to tell her a lie. However, he quickly discarded the thought as there was no point in lying.
"I am the Contact Person"
"So, tell me about yourself."
Suu lied down on Roy's lap and began her story. She came from a planet named Vixen. Her mother came to earth almost 40 years back because her family was poor and she thought she would be able to turn her life around here. Frank welcomed her on her first day here. However, her grand plan of becoming rich went down the gutter as she was shot and robbed the very next week she came here. Left for dead in a dark alley, she thought this was it. However, next time when she opened her eyes, she was in a warm bed and an ordinary human was nursing her wounds. This man, who later became Suu's father, found her after following the sound of gunshot he heard when he was returning from office. She began living with him and eventually fell in love. Although she hid her identity as an alien from him, but he later discovered her secret accidentally. But much to her relief, he didn't reject her, rather embraced her. That night of passion resulted her becoming pregnant with Suu's eldest brother. Two years later, she gave birth to Suu's second elder brother. 3 years after that, Suu herself. They were living in Korea happily ever after. Suu's father even also visited Vixen once. He was one of those few human's on earth who knew the existence of aliens.
Suu's species, called Tausathi, were shape-shifters. They could change their appearance at will. As a result, their species was inherently beautiful and masters of infiltration. Among their siblings, only Suu had the ability to shape shift. As per her mother, it was quite normal. When a Tausathi mated with another species, chances that their offspring would inherit their shape shifting ability were 50-50. However, contrary to the expectation of her mother, Suu's ability was vastly superior to those of her kin due to the presence of human DNA. Along with changing her appearance, she could alter her voice, create inorganic material out of her body, create and control new limbs, and though she never used it on anyone, she could absorb living organisms. She could even shape shift into animals, which no Tausathi could do. Only her mother, and from this moment on, Roy knew of her superior ability, since this particular knowledge would only bring trouble.
Roy asked her to give him a demo. She changed her eyes into that of a snake, morphed her index finger into a claw, and created a working pen out of her hand. However, he asked one more thing that was on his mind.
"Suu, why would you trust me with your secret?"
Suu got up from his lap and straddled him, her legs on either side of him. She made her breast swell a bit and the fabric of her shirt struggled to keep those puppies in check. Roy just couldn't avert his eyes from the spectacle. Her shirt got tighter and her cleavage became more prominent. The buttons on her shirt almost threatened to snap and poke him in the eye. Even then, he could only stare at the fluffy mounds full of hopes and dreams of men, covered by only two pieces of thin fabric. She giggled at his reaction and then reverted them back to their original size. Roy was a bit disappointed. Suu grabbed his head with both her hands and made him look at her face.
"If there is one thing I understand about you Roy, it is that you're brutally honest to yourself. I like that about you. I revealed about my secret because of two things. First, you're THE Contact Person. As such, you are privy to such information so that you know what you will be dealing with."
Roy put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him. In response, she locked her hands behind his head and hugged him. With a sultry tone, she whispered in his ear.
"Second, from today onwards, you are my honey."
Roy grinned at her, "Sooo, does that mean I can kiss you?"
"Yes you can, honey."
Roy wasted no time. They spent some time feeling each other's lips. Minub was asleep and no one was there in the park to disturb them. Her lips were supple, and slick, the perfect kissable lips.
"Your lips are amazing."
"Of course they are! I am a shape shifter. I can modify my body to the ultimate perfection. Well, before I had to add a bit of imperfection in myself to seem normal, but now that you know what I am, I have no reason to pretend. If you thought I had a nice body when you saw me previously in apron, wait till you see me now."
"I will look forward to see you naked, hopefully sometime soon. But you are right. With your ability, you have no need for make-up or anything."
"Correct. And trust me it saved me a load of money and time. You know, if you ask nicely, I may even turn into one of the hot celebrities."
"Maybe when we are feeling kinky. But right now, I want you as you."
Suu's face turned into a shade of red so fast that Roy thought she was shape shifting. But apparently, his last statement caught her off guard. She looked down smiling and fiddled with her fingers like a teenage schoolgirl. They spent some more time bonding with each other. Minub woke up after an hour and half. They left the park and Minub went with Suu to stay.
Roy came back to his hotel. Today was stressful for him. In one day, he had to fight an alien, babysit a busty alien, and then got claimed as honey by another hot alien. However, he faced one teeny tiny problem.
His room keycard wasn't working.
Roy sighed and came downstairs to notify Maria. But it seemed like Maria was already aware of his problem.
"Roy! Having trouble getting into your room?"
"Yeah. Could you please check my key card?"
"Oh no need. It seems there is some problem with the door lock in your room. I hope you don't mind, but I had to move your luggage to another room so that you won't be inconvenienced."
"Oh thank you for that. Could you update my key card then? And what is my new room number?"
"Oh I don't need to update your key card. You already have access to it."
"How would I have access to my new room if you..."
Roy stopped asking his question. Apart from his own, he had access to one more room in this building. He suspiciously stared at Maria and she just gave him a business smile.
"I assure you that your new room will be more than enough to your liking sir. It comes with great benefits to make up for the inconvenience we might have caused."
Roy quirked his eyebrows. Two can play this game.
"Thank you for your generosity. Does it come with a double bed in master room should things get, hot?"
Maria adjusted her spectacles ever so slightly, "Of course sir. The bed also has a double spring loaded mattress if you wish to, perform strenuous exercises on it."
"Should I hope for bacon and toasts in the morning? With a side of some fruits, say melons?"
"I am sure something could be arranged. I hear bananas are very rich in potassium."
"You're correct. And milk goes very nicely with them. I hear they are effective in bringing up vitamin D in male bodies."
"We might have to put those rumors to test, preferably tonight."
Roy chuckled at the busty MILF's wittiness. She was very aggressive and knew what she wanted.
"Maybe we should. See you later, Maria."
"Of course sir. See you later."
Roy left the hotel to go around since entrance to Maria's room was at the back of the hotel. As soon as he left, Maria plopped down on the chair, knees shaking and breathing heavily. Her plan to get her dream man into her room went off without a hitch. She put on a brave persona in front of him, but she was nervous since she had no idea how he would react. Now that the first part of her plan went through, she could use her womanly charms on him. Hopefully, she had enough womanly charm left to sway him.
Roy entered Maria's, no their, room and took a dip in the bathtub. Due to his enhanced physic, he never really got physically tired. But the same couldn't be said for his mind. Relaxing like this helped him with his mental stress.
Roy was in a dilemma. He knew that he had a job, which was to make earth tolerant enough to accept aliens. However the way earth is now, people got into fights with each other for being 'Offended'. He could, of course announce worldwide that the aliens are real, however that could end only badly. Religious nutjobs would argue, political figures would be angry, NASA would swarm him with questions, and more than a few people would want to kidnap aliens to study their biology. What earth needed, was a shock treatment. There was no mild way to do this. And to do that, he needed a threat. A threat big enough to force the mankind forget its problems and stand united. But where was he going to find such a threat?
Roy got up from the tub and dried himself. He heard the main door opening and a sound of heels coming in. Sure enough, when he came out of the master bed room, he saw Maria. She looked at Roy's less than fit figure for a bit, and then made a show of sensually licking her lips. However, right now, Roy wasn't feeling flirty. He didn't smile, or made any gesture. He stood there, deep in his thought. Maria was confused at his behavior, so she called out to him.
"Roy? Are you feeling OK?"
Roy looked straight at her eyes and she met his gaze with curiosity. Perhaps it was the fabled woman's intuition, but she knew he was going to say something very important. So she kept her mouth closed and let him take all the time to decide. Roy looked down towards his feet and nodded to himself, seemingly deciding on something.
"Are you religious?"
The abrupt question caught her off guard. She fumbled with her answer as she herself wasn't sure. She thought for a bit, taking all the decisions she made into factor. And she could come to only one answer.
"I, uhh... Uhh... I never really... you know... given it much thought. I was kind of a bit too free spirited back in my teenage days, got married early, had Chris, divorced, and now I barely have time to properly eat. If you are asking like, if I believe there is someone up in the sky who controls our fate, then no. I am not religious."
"Is there something, or someone, you believe in?"
"Roy, what's going on? You are scaring me."
Roy took slow steps towards her while keeping his hands in the air, exactly the same way he did when he was nursing her. He came up to Maria and took off her glasses. Then he slowly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer.
"Maria, I know that you like me, very much. However, there are secrets about me. If you want to be with me, you have to know at least a part of those secrets. But before I reveal them to you, I need to be certain about you. Please Maria, prove me right about you."
She put her hands on his shoulders and looked deep into his eyes. And by god, Roy loved it when she did that. She stared at him for some time before breaking eye contact. Then she got out of his embrace and went to sit on the couch. Roy deflated a bit, thinking she was backing off. He, however, was proven wrong when she called out to him.
"Come sit on the couch. I don't want to talk while standing."
Roy smiled and sat beside her. She loosened the buttons on her shirt to get comfortable and removed her skirt so that she could stretch her legs a bit. It was a bit distracting for Roy, but he forced himself to focus on the matter at hand.
"So about my question? Is there something you believe in?"
"It's more like I have a principle. I believe in helping others. I believe that by helping other, I could make the world, or at least a part of it a better place."
"Do you believe aliens exist?"
"Honestly, I never gave it much thought. They could exist. I mean it's not like there's a rule saying aliens can't exist."
Roy contemplated her answers. She answers all seemed to point that she was open minded. He just hoped she was open minded enough to digest what he was about to tell her.
"All right, one last question, and Maria, I want you to be truthful about it."
"I will try my best."
"Do you trust me?"
Maria looked at him like he had committed the most heinous crime of all time. She looked at her own unbuttoned shirt and her skirt, which was lying on the floor. Then she looked at Roy and rubbed her temples in annoyance.
"In case you haven't noticed Roy, I will narrate the current situation. I, have taken the initiative to make a man committed to me. I have that very same man in my room while I am in a state of undress, despite the fact that it has been like only two weeks I have known him. If that doesn't tell you how much I trust and want you, then I don't know what else can tell you."
Roy picked up his index finger in the air and made the motion of pressing a button in thin air.
Maria jerked backwards and touched her nose. Roy just telekinetically booped her nose.
"What was that? What did you do?"
Roy laughed and spent the next half an hour explaining her about his telekinesis. She took it fairly well. Then he got into the crux of the matter and explained her that aliens exist. She asked about the tall lady, namely Minub exiting the hotel with him today and Roy confirmed she was an alien. She asked about the drunk lady the other night, which was Suu, and Roy also confirmed it.
After all the explanation ended, Maria just sat there, deep in thought. Roy kept his silence, giving the poor lady some time to digest all that. She broke out of trance after some time.
"It's a lot to take in, Roy. A part of me still wants to believe that this is an elaborate prank. This is not a prank, right Roy?"
"I assure you it is not. Tell you what, tomorrow you and I will meet up with Suu and Minub. You could see for yourself."
"I need some time alone Roy. It's a lot to wrap my head around in."
She got up and headed towards bathroom. Upon entering, she closed the door and Roy heard the bathtub being filled. He put on some pants and lied down on the bed, trying to get some rest.
After an hour or so, the bathroom door opened. Roy saw Maria standing at the door frame wearing only a towel. She walked towards the bed and took it off. Then she slipped beside him and snuggled up. Roy pulled her close and telekinetically drew the blanket over both of them. Tomorrow would be a big revelation day.
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