《The Contact Person》Book 1 Chapter 4: First Blood: part 4
Next morning, Roy awoke to the smell of breakfast. He got out of the bed and walked out of the master bedroom. In the kitchen, Maria was making breakfast. By the smell, it was bacon and toast. She was wearing a loose shirt only which reached just past her gorgeous butt, and her THICC legs were on full display. Roy leaned onto the wall and watched her make breakfast.
Roy thought back on the days prior to becoming the Contact Person. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that he would have a cute and hot lady snuggling up to him at night. Or that lady would make him breakfast. That too twice, first it was Suu, now Maria. It was not like he was a loser or a shut-in. It was just that he didn't have the confidence to aim above what he thought was his league. It also didn't help that he never actively went after a girl. He always liked strong spirited girls, but no girl in his circle was like that. So he could never hit it off with someone, and thus 30 years of remaining as a virgin.
He lightly shook his head to rid himself of these useless thoughts. The man who spent his days alone in his room was no more. He took a couple heavy steps so that Maria knew he was up. Walking up to behind her he hugged her and kissed her cheek.
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
Maria turned her head towards Roy and kissed him lightly on the lips, surprising Roy.
"Good morning darling. I slept like a log yesterday. You are so much better than a hug pillow, you know that?"
"No, I didn't know that. But more importantly, ‘darling’? I am your darling now?"
She wiggled her butt a little and Roy could feel his blood rush to his dick.
"Like I said, I am going to make you committed to me. But if you don't like darling, I could call you something else if you want."
"Nah, no need to change. Hearing you call me darling with your natural husky voice is so, soothing."
After a simple breakfast, they were on their way to meet Suu and Minub. Maria was a bit nervous about all this, and truth to be told, a bit apprehensive. One day you were a normal earthling, then one night you are told that the universe is quite bigger that anything you could have anticipated, and now you were on your way to meet the so called 'Aliens'. At home, Maria at least ten times asked Roy if she should wear the prettiest dress she had or not. She had the impression that she was going to be the one representing the human race, so she had to look the best. It was only through a lot of petting and hugs, Roy could convince her otherwise.
They met up in the same park as yesterday. Roy introduced Maria to Suu and Minub, and in turn, introduced both of them to Maria. Maria was very nervous, but years of running a hotel single handedly gave her enough experience to keep herself composed. Suu showed some of her abilities as Tausathi, Minub revealed some of her real skin tone to Maria to prove that they weren't normal. For the most time, Roy kept silent, occasionally he quipped in some points but nothing more. After some small talks, Maria started to warm up to those two and soon, their talks moved from being serious topics to normal girly things, like make ups, cloths, and of course, love.
Roy left the ladies to their own devices and went for a stroll. The sun was directly overhead, but the weather was nice and cool. He went to a nearby shop and bought a bottle of beer, purely on whim. Not far from the shop, there was a skate park. Some teenagers were practicing skateboard tricks, but not quite doing a good job of it. Some teenage girls also doing the same as them. Roy took a seat under the shade of a nearby tree. He telekinetically opened the bottle and took a deep swig. He kept absent-mindedly watching the skaters until his precognition went off.
What Roy liked most about his precognition ability was that not only it warned him before something even happened, it even told him the direction of the anomaly. Basically, it was impossible for someone to ambush him or somebody else in his vicinity, no matter what. Roy looked at one of the skater boy and immediately noticed what was off. He misperformed a slide and was trying very hard not to fall off his skate. But if he didn't stop soon, he was going to fall hard on the concrete.
Roy lazily used his telekinesis to correct his posture. However, as soon as he used his ability, he felt another telekinesis ability, although much weaker than him, interfering with his own. Roy quickly scanned the area and found the possible culprit. A girl among the skate boarding group, was staring intently at the boy, while others had a look of worry or fear on their faces. She was confused when the boy regained his footing. She looked around and discovered Roy looking at her. She picked up her skate board and walked towards Roy.
Roy watched her walk towards him. She had a confident gait and didn't slouch even though she had an impressive volume on her chest. The other skaters stopped doing whatever they were doing and scooted closer, anticipating a good show. Roy mouth twitched and he picked up his bottle for another swig. His precognition again went off and he blocked a telekinetic shot which was aimed at his bottle of beer, of course, with his own telekinesis. Her steps faltered a bit when she saw her attack did nothing. His precognition again went off and Roy blocked another blast from her, this time intending to make him fall down from where he was sitting.
By the time she was in front of him, she was cautious. She considered herself fairly strong using her telekinesis, but a random man shrugged off all of her attacks like it was nothing. Furthermore, he used his ability from a far distance to help the boy. Even she could not do that. So she knew that Roy was more adept at controlling his ability, at least more that her.
"Do you know who I am?" She tried to intimidate him using her position in society. This would have worked on any other person. However, Roy was not any other person.
"Why did you do that?" Roy completely shrugged off her question and asked his own.
"What?" It seemed she was not used to people ignoring her.
"Would you have taken responsibility if he had gotten hurt?" Roy rephrased his question.
"Why the fuck do you care? Are you his father? I do whatever the fuck I want to do." Roy rubbed his temple in annoyance. Somehow the telekinesis ability was unlocked in her gene, and now she became a typical bitch who used it to punish whoever annoyed her.
Roy motioned towards the empty seat beside him and said, "Sit down."
"Fuck you old man." She gave him the middle finger and turned to leave. However Roy wasn't having that. What he hated most of all, is pointless drama.
"I. Wasn't. Asking."
He turned on his fear aura and spoke his words very slowly, making sure she understood that she didn't have a choice. She shakily turned around and walked towards him. When she was sitting down, she lost her grip on the skateboard and it fell down. She let it be there and sat down, looking at anywhere but towards him.
"Right now, if I want to kidnap you, put an exploding slave collar on you, then sell you to the highest bidder, do you know who could stop me?" Roy spoke slowly and with a calm voice, like he had done this kind of thing many times before. This only served to terrify the girl more. She was on the verge of crying. Only her irrational fear of Roy kept her from doing so. Even though Roy asked her a question, she didn't dare answer.
"Answer me. Who could stop me?"
She shook her head. Roy took it as a sign of she didn't know. He calmly continued, "The answer is, no one. Not the police, not your father, not your uncle, no one. With a slave collar on your neck, you will be forced to do things even the devil himself wouldn't dream of doing."
She clutched at her pants and sniffed. Big teardrops started falling on her lap. "I am sorry." she whispered, "I promise to be a good girl. Please don't sell me. I promise not to do bad things."
Roy sighed and retracted his fear aura. Then he put his hands on her head. She flinched, but didn't pull away. Roy kept petting her until she gained enough courage to look at him, "Are you going to tell me to use my ability for the good of people? With great power, comes great responsibility and all that shit?"
Roy grinned. If she could talk like that, then she would be fine, "You have a good ability. I am not telling you that use it only for good, or anything like that. After all, we live in the real world. It is simply not possible. What I am telling you, is that do not hurt people needlessly. Just because you have something that can overpower them, you should not use it. Remember, just as you are stronger than them, there are people stronger than you."
She smiled and made a cutesy face, or it would have been a cutesy one if she didn't have tears and snots marring her face.
"So that means I can continue to steal from shops?"
"Maybe I should give you a collar, for everyone's safety?"
She recoiled at his words, "Were you serious about selling me?"
Roy teased the young girl, "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. You would never know."
She glared at him, which didn't have any effect on Roy whatsoever. He shrugged and continued, "By the way, I am Roy. What's your name?"
"My name is Linda."
In the meantime, the skateboarders got bored watching them and returned to practice. Roy and Linda talked with each other, without any interruption. Turned out, Linda's mother was a prostitute. Linda didn't know her father. She was conceived when her mother was paid to please a group of men with impregnation fetish. Her mother was supposed to have an abortion, but somehow she couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead she chose to bring Linda to life. Due to severe lack of money, Linda didn't have much of a formal education. She did odd jobs to make ends meet. 4 years ago, she discovered her telekinesis ability. She was returning home after work. On the way, she was accosted by a drunken hoodlum wielding a knife. He wanted her money so that he could drink more, you know, the usual cliché. But she wasn't going to hand over her money, so the thug tried to stab her. In her fear, she only thought of pushing away the thug and run away. Her ability manifested and she knocked him against a wall with enough force to make him faint.
By sheer luck, just one day prior to the incident, she sneaked into a theater which was showing a dark themed movie featuring a human turning into an alien. She didn't know the name of the movie, but she remembered the incidents that happened in the movie. She didn't know why instead of helping the poor man, the people in the white dresses tortured him, cut him open and did all other bad things. She didn't know, but she understood. She understood that being different would bring her problems. So she didn't tell anyone, not even her mother. She started practicing. Lots and lots of practicing, to the point she could easily be categorized as a superhuman. Along the way, her view towards other people changed. Since no one was able to harm her, she started to grow over confident. She felt invincible. She felt like the queen of her little circle. That was until she met Roy. His fear aura stirred the fear hidden deep within her. She was afraid that he would sell her to the white dressed people, and they would also cut her open and torture her, just like in the movie she saw four years ago.
Roy understood her point of view. She was just a teenager, who was yet to see the dark side of humanity. She was like a boat in the middle of the sea without a compass. What she probably needed, was guidance. If she agreed, he knew just the right place.
"Say Linda, want to live a better life?"
She eyed him suspiciously, "Why do you wanna know?"
"I am trying to help you."
"Yeah right, because you are the next Jesus. No thanks, I can get by my own. I don't need your help."
Roy rolled his eyes. This was exactly the reason he didn't like dealing with the teenagers. He took out a Maria's business card from his wallet and passed it to her. She took it half grudgingly and half afraid that if she didn't take it, he would sell her. She read the card and mumbled a 'Thank you'.
"Enjoying your beer, honey?"
Roy didn't need to see to know the owner of the voice. Of course, it was his favorite Korean girl, and as of yesterday, his favorite shape-shifter, Suu Jin. She came up to behind him and hugged him, pressing her breasts onto him. Roy turned his head to face her and pecked her on the lips.
"This beer is fantastic. You should try sometimes."
Linda watched their exchange with a curious gaze. Roy noticed it and whispered something in Suu's ear. She nodded and looked straight at Linda. Linda flinched, but held her gaze. Then suddenly, Suu's eyes changed their color from black to red. Linda noticed it and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Then Suu changed her eye color from red to green, to blue and then back to black. Linda looked like she forgot to speak English for a minute. She was too surprised, and was having a hard time forming a sentence. Roy downed the last remaining beer in the bottle and got up to leave. Linda finally got her voice back and half shouted, half whispered,
"Did you just change your eye color?"
Roy looked at her and asked, "Why do you wanna know?"
"I want to understand."
"Yeah right, because you are the next Einstein. No thanks."
Linda was taken aback with his answered, but she immediately connected the dots, "Did you just mock me?"
Roy gave her half a grin, "Wouldn't dream of it." Then he waved her goodbye and turned to leave. Linda called out before he could walk away, "Are you two... Like... A thing?"
Roy stopped walking and looked at Suu. Her black eyes looked into his own, as if she too wanted to know what he would answer. He turned to look at Linda, and gave her a simple answer.
An innocent smile bloomed on Suu face and Roy could feel his heart warm up just by looking at her. He had a sudden urge to kiss her. He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She obliged and they locked lips for who knew how long. When they separated, Linda stood there awkwardly looking anywhere but them. She mumbled something like, 'Get a room', then picked up her skateboard and ran away. Roy looked back at Suu, kissed her one more time before separating.
"So, how did it go?"
"Though it was a bit embarrassing hearing you confess like that, it was okay."
Roy smiled at her, "I meant the talk with Maria."
"Oh... Oh, that." Suu became a bit red around her ear, "It was fantastic. We talked about so many things. Did you know she has a green belt in Krav Maga?"
"No I did not. Why in the world she learned that?"
"Well she got some threats from some over jealous fans back in her teen days. She learned it so that she could effectively let others know it would be unwise to come after her."
"Huh. I am beginning to like that woman more and more."
Suu suddenly became more fidgety, "Yeah, about that."
Roy stopped walking. They were still a bit away from the tree shade where Minub and Maria were sitting. He looked at Suu and waited for her to speak. Suu seemed like she was deciding how to best phrase her thoughts.
"Honey, can I ask you to answer one question very truthfully? Even if you think it's going to hurt me, I want you to speak your mind."
"All of them."
"If you were told to choose between me and Maria, who would you... Wait, what did you just say?"
"I said all of them."
"You-you mean, you want both of us?" Her eyes looked like they could pop out of the sockets any time now.
Roy smiled and lightly brushed Suu's cheeks with the back of his fingers. He inhaled deeply, and took a moment to organize his words, "You know, I am a selfish person Suu. I am going to be honest. I like you. I also like Maria. In future, I may also come to like some other girls. And I am not going to choose between one or the other. I am going to choose all of you. Now it is up to you girls. Are you okay with the idea of sharing me?"
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