《The Contact Person》Book 1 Chapter 3: With great power, comes great fun: Part 6
Her body jerked so violently that Roy thought he might have accidentally electrocuted her somehow. She looked up and straight into his eyes, searching for a joke, or lie. When she didn't find any, she looked down again, and Roy saw the teardrops falling.
"Please." Roy could make out an almost inaudible whisper, "Please help me. I don't know what I should do. I will do anything. Please. Help me, help me..."
She kept repeating the last two words again and again. Roy went around the table and pulled her closer to him. She held onto his shirt and kept crying silently. Roy kept using his fear aura so that none would disturb them. Of course, he kept the lady from being affected by the aura.
After what felt like an eternity, which in reality was no more than a few minutes, she stopped crying and only hiccuped occasionally. Roy ran his hands on her back in an attempt to soothe her, which actually worked. After a few minutes, she separated from him and grabbed a napkin. Roy was surprised to see no smudged make up on her face. It seemed she was that much beautiful without wearing too much make up. Roy mentally gave her a thumbs-up.
She quickly dried her eyes, and after a few minutes returned to normal. Roy went back to his seat and resumed his lunch. After a bite or two, Roy noticed that she wasn't eating. Rather she kept looking at him quite intensely. Roy put down his fork and asked, "Aren't you hungry?"
Roy was quite surprised when she cutely accused him, "You said you will help me." Roy even laughed at her cute expressions.
She puffed up her cheeks, whether in anger or in frustration Roy didn't know. However, it was quite comical to look at. He put his elbow on the table and leaned towards her. She backed off on her chair as much as she could. Roy asked his next question with as much seriousness as he could muster, "No, I asked if you needed any help. And if I remember correctly, you said you will do anything for my help. So this is my question to you. What you will do to get my help?"
She visibly deflated and began to fiddle with her fingers. A minute she spoke up, "I can... give you money?"
"I have money. Think of something else."
"I can... give a tour of the city?"
"I can give... wait what did you just say?"
Roy smiled and repeated his words, "I said deal. I help you with your predicament, and you will give me a tour of the city."
She stumbled with her words for a minute and took some time to process what happened just now. One moment she was happy, then the next moment she was cautious, "You would help me just for a tour of the city? Are you sure?"
"Let me rephrase my words so that it might seem more truthful to you. I will help you and in return, I will get you all to myself, all dressed up and looking sexy for a whole day. Does this seem more believable?"
"You promise you will not do anything weird to me?"
"No promise. I will do whatever I want to you. That is the deal."
Needless to say, Roy wasn't planning to drag her bed right off the bat. But he wanted to make sure he would at least be able to touch her. If he could do that, their date would go much smoother. She was, however, having a difficult time to decide. Roy ignored her and resumed eating. Roy was at his last bite when she spoke up.
"Okay. But at least promise me not to do anything extreme to me, please?"
Roy put the last bite in his mouth and chewed while looking at her. He took his time chewing and she was growing red, probably due to the tension of the situation. Roy gulped down his food and raised his right hand, "I promise not to kiss you on the lips, touch your breasts or grab your hips unless you tell me to do it."
She giggled a little, "All right. I suppose that will have to do. Wait till I finish my lunch. Then you can tell me how you are planning to help me."
She hurriedly ate her salad and they both left the food court. She brought him to a nearby small park and they sat down a bench. They sat in silence for a minute, enjoying the cool breeze blowing by. She was the first to speak, "I guess you already knew what I was supposed to do today."
Roy gave a short reply, "Yes."
She looked at him smiling and asked, "And I guess I shouldn't ask you how?"
Roy gave her a small smile, "Your guess is correct."
She turned to face him and wanted to ask something when she remembered one crucial details, "I just remembered. I don't even know your name. Oh where are my manners. My name is Suu Jin. My friends call me Suu."
She extended her right hand for a shake. Roy laughed and took it, "Finally remembered, did you? I was wondering when you will remember. I am Kaushik Roy. You can call me Roy."
They made some small talks. It turned out that Suu was in this country with a work permit. Her parents were staying in Korea with her two elder brothers. She was staying in a rented apartment alone on the outskirts of the city. In turn Roy told her that both of his parents passed away. He was currently in a business visa. He made up a story that he had a scary presentation face which only comes out when he gives presentation, which made the sessions smooth and got dubbed as the tamer. She told him how she received the order from the owner to accuse him which Roy already knew, and she repeatedly apologized to him for agreeing with the asshole. She asked Roy what kind of help he needs from her. To which Roy waved her off and said that he would handle everything.
They walked back to the office and parted ways soon after exchanging contact number. Roy asked around a bit and reached the owner's office. He turned on his fear aura and got into the owner's room. He neither asked for permission to enter, nor did he knock. He opened the door and simply walked in. He consciously made sure that he was out of the fear aura. And as expected, the owner got furious at someone so blatantly disrespecting him. However, his fury got cut short as soon as Roy expanded the fear aura to include him.
Roy coldly looked the owner in the eye and took slow steps towards him. The owner was transfixed in his place, a look of sheer terror on his face. Only he knew what he was seeing right now, but Roy concluded it had to be something straight out of a nightmare. He spoke in a barely audible whisper, but he was sure the owner heard him as if a demon was speaking to him.
"Do you know why I am here?"
Roy mentally commended the man. No wonder he was the owner of such a big company. Years of experience made him somewhat resistant towards fear. But here was the beauty of irrational fear. You can't fight it. But you also can't flee from it. All you can do is cower and pray to god that it didn't direct it's attention towards you. Roy leaned on the desk and said,
"There are two things you should know. One, I like my tea hot. Second, I hate liars."
With the last sentence, Roy directed all his fear aura towards the man. The owner fell off from the chair and pissed himself. He put his hands in front of him like a defensive wall and exclaimed, "I am sorry. Please forgive me. I will never do it again. I swear I will be good. Please spare me."
Roy turned off his fear aura and the man kept rambling for a minute or two before realizing that the threat was gone. he looked around the room and flinched again when he discovered Roy was still in the room. Roy kept looking at him and the owner didn't dare move a muscle. After a minute of standoff, Roy turned and spoke over his shoulder, "This time I will let you off the hook. Next time, I will not be so lenient." Having said that, Roy walked out of the room. However, Roy made one mistake. Fear was something that was ever present in human. And while they might shake in their boots in front of it, once it was out of their hair, they would go back being the human they were.
The owner sat on the floor for a minute and spoke to himself, "Kid, you are quite intimidating, I will give you that. However, this is corporate and I stand at a level you can't even hope to reach. Your career is forfeit. I will make sure of it."
If it was any other people, they would have had some drama shoved up their ass. Thankfully, Roy wasn't just any other people. Mike notified him of the failure of his plan and the revenge the owner swore on him. Roy just shook his head and went for plan B. When he leaned on the desk, he left a bit of Mike there. He instructed that part to latch onto the owner and follow him to his home. He went to the daily planned session and then went home.
That evening when the owner went home, Roy instructed Mike to scan his home. It was a big 3 bedroom apartment, with many appliances. He had a wife and two sons who were attending school. Roy instructed Mike to electronically destroy every appliances in their home. TV, AC, refrigerator, and anything that used electric. He also instructed Mike to disable their car, by destroying the car engine. And as expected, next day the owner reached the office way past the time, angry and simmering. And when the afternoon coffee was delivered to his room, Roy instructed Mike to change it's properties to a potent aphrodisiac. Then used inception on the mildly attractive janitor lady to go clean the owner's office while keeping two of her shirt buttons open. After waiting for 5 mins, used inception on a random girl to go meet the owner so that she could help out the janitor lady. Then he watched the drama unfold.
The owner woke up in the morning way before his normal time because he was feeling unusually hot. He was sweating like a pig. After mashing some buttons on the AC remote, he discovered that it wasn't working anymore. Grumbling he woke up and grabbed his phone to call someone who could fix the AC. Then he discovered that his phone wasn't working as well. Then he opened his refrigerator to grab a cool bottle of water only to discover it also wasn't working. And gradually he and his wife discovered nothing that used electric was working anymore. Then he came down from his apartment to go to office. He got into his car, only to find out that it gave a large blasting sound when he started the engine and then went silent, smoke coming out of it. He had to take a cab to office. Then in the afternoon, the janitor lady came in his office to clean. He always found that lady attractive, but always restrained himself. But today after everything that happened, he wanted something good to happen. To top it off, she also had two of her shirt buttons open, showing enough of her ample cleavage. This had to be a signal that she wanted this as well, right?
Roy watched as the owner grabbed the janitor lady and tried to kiss her. She shrieked like a banshee and shoved him off. Roy didn't expect her to be able to do that. It seemed that sending her a bit more support was unnecessary. Roy used inception on the owner telling him that it was his right to have his way with the janitor bitch. He was her employer and he had every right to do whatever he wanted with her. The janitor lady ran out of the room while dialing a number on her phone, which Roy assumed as the police. The owner came out of his room, screaming obscenities, if she didn't come back, she would be fired and what not. The whole office was standing and looking at the owner in disbelief. The owner looked around and his eyes locked on one of the pretty girls. He ordered the girl to immediately come to his room. The girl stood rooted in one place and could only shake her head in fear. The owner didn't like that and took a threatening step towards her. Roy readied himself to intercept the man, but it wasn't necessary. Several of the other male employees restrained the owner and kept him from doing anything until the police came. Police put the screaming owner in cuffs, took some report from the eyewitnesses, and assured that he was in for a long time in jail.
After police was done, office was closed for the day. Roy was packing his things when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He didn't turn as he already knew who it was, "Hey Suu. How are you doing?"
Suu Jin was surprised. She walked around in front of him and asked, "How did you know it was me?"
Roy smiled and winked at her, "I would always know. You are my favorite out of all the Korean girls I know."
She instantly retorted, "I am the ONLY Korean girl you know."
He nodded, "You are correct. However, that doesn't make my statement invalid."
They bantered to and fro for a minute like two old friends who had known each other for a long time. When she realized this, she suddenly stopped speaking and grew bashful. Roy finished packing his things. He picked up his bag and held out one hand to her, waiting for her to take it. She realized what he was doing and bashfully extended her own to hold onto his. Roy intertwined their fingers and pulled her along.
They were silent on the way. Roy stopped at a coffee shop. He ordered one coffee for her and one tea for him. After the coffee arrived, she spoke up, "Thank you for the help. But how did you do it?"
Roy kept sipping his tea for some time while he formulated a story to tell her. She patiently waited for him to speak up. He spoke after some time, "Truth to be told, I have no idea why did he do what he did today. Yesterday all I did was, I went to his room and put on my scary presentation face. Then threatened to cut ties with him if he pushed the matter. That's all I did."
She immediately chimed in, "I heard something happened at his home today. Maybe he was frustrated and that flipped his mind?"
They spent some time together discussing probable causes for the incident, each one more improbable than the previous one. The last one was he was possessed by a ghost and the it was making him do those things. She told him that she was going to a night club with some of her friends. She asked if he would be interested to come. Roy had no reason to refuse.
They met up at a train station after two hours. Roy was dressed in a jeans and t-shirt. Suu Jin was wearing a red dress and red high heel. They were joined by some more guys and girls and then they set off for the night club. It seemed only Suu was single. Rest were couples. Her friends were nice people, and they were surprised when Roy told them that he could speak Korean. The guys cheered for Roy being able to melt Suu, to which Suu could only cutely protest. The girls tried to interrogate Roy on his relationship with Suu, but thankfully she was there to help him out. They drank and danced until midnight, then the guys picked up their drunk girlfriends and said goodbye. Suu was also drunk, and could not coherently say her address. Roy decided to bring her to his room for the night.
On the way to the room, Roy noticed Maria, the receptionist lady of his hotel was sitting at the counter. Her head was on the desk and when Roy got close, he could hear her steady breathing, indicating that she was sleeping. He remembered that she said she was the only employee here except the housekeepers. She must have been terribly tired. If Roy didn't already have a drunk girl to worry about, he would have looked after her. For now, he only shook her awake and told her to go rest in her room. She thanked him and Roy went on his way.
Inside the room, Roy stripped Suu off the clothes including her underwear which were soaked in sweat. He himself also stripped down and put both their cloths in the washing machine. Then Roy put her in the bath tub and turned on the water. He scrubbed her down as much as he could, then dried her and put her in bed. He also had a quick shower to get rid of the sweat and got into the bed with her. He pulled her close to him and went to sleep.
Next morning, Roy awoke to the smell of breakfast. He opened his eyes to see Suu making food wearing only just an apron. He slipped down from the bed and stealthily made his way behind her. She just broke one egg on the pan and was waiting for it to set. It was the perfect time to attack.
Without warning, Roy slipped his arm around her and grabbed her tightly so that she didn't flail her hands in a panic. Then he quickly kissed her cheek. She let out a squeal of surprise, but couldn't move since he was holding onto her. When she calmed down, Roy let go of her, but not before kissing her cheek one more time. She whirled around and let loose a punch. However Roy easily evaded it. She thrust her finger accusingly, "You promised not to do weird things to me."
Still laughing, Roy answered, "I promised not to kiss you on the lips, touch your breasts, or grab your ass. I didn't break my promise."
Still cutely angry and puffed up, she accused, "Who grabs a lady to the point she can't move then forcibly kisses her?"
Roy retorted, "Which lady wears only an apron while cooking?"
Suu was going to retort, but realized that he was correct, "I am, aren't I?" She twirled around and asked, "Like what you see?"
Roy wiggled his fingers, "You need another kiss to convince you?"
They joked around some more and Roy freshened up. Then they had breakfast. After that Suu promised she would take him out a city tour tomorrow and left. Roy walked her out of the hotel and waited till she got in the cab before heading in.
He noticed something odd. He looked around and noticed immediately. Maria wasn't at the reception desk today. That was odd. Roy felt a bit uneasy. Yesterday she was so tired, so he decided to check up on her. He already had Mike take over the building's security system before, so he knew she lived in a room on the ground floor whose entrance was at the back of the hotel. He went around and rang the doorbell. But none opened the door. Roy asked Mike and he confirmed that Maria didn't come out after she had gone into the room last night. Worried, Roy used telekinesis to open the door from the inside. There he found Maria on the bathroom floor, lying in her own vomit and piss.
Roy instructed Mike to put up a air filtration system in his nose. He picked up Maria via telekinesis and put her in the bath tub. Then he cleaned the floor by telekinetically grabbing the shower head and spraying on the floor. He noticed that she had a high fever. He gave her a quick shower, both to wash off the stench of vomit and piss, and to lower her temperature. Then he transferred her to bed and injected her with Mike. With the help of Mike, he found no abnormalities with her. It seemed she only collapsed due to overworking. He had Mike control her temperature and then he got to cooking.
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