《The Contact Person》Book 1 Chapter 3: With great power, comes great fun: Last Part
Maria Padmore was the current owner of a small serviced apartment. Her parents were the previous owner of it. However after they grew old, they passed on the ownership to Maria. She was a bit of wild child back in her teens. One of the good looking man took a liking to her and she liked him too. He liked her wild side and her willingness to try out new things in bed. They married and had a son, Chris Padmore. However, this was where they started to drift apart. Maria started to become more restrained and her wild side turned to motherly love, trying to look after her son. She grew distant from her husband and soon, they divorced.
She didn't ask for any money from him. The man sometimes dropped by and took care of Chris. However, that stopped when he got married to another woman.
Maria didn't marry again. With the responsibility of managing the whole serviced apartment, looking after her kid and her old parents, she didn't have any time to herself. On top of that, her employees started to resign because they weren't happy with the salary they were getting. She couldn't raise their salary because they were a small business and soon, she was the only one left except the four housekeepers.
Today was also one of her "normal" days. She woke up at dawn, made breakfast, sent Chris to school. Her parents were staying at their old house. Chris wanted to go see his grandparents, so tonight she would have some time to catch up on sleep. She missed her lunch because she spent the whole day on the counter. Today lots of people checked-out and lots checked-in. At the evening, she got some free time to get some snacks. Then she felt a bit sick, probably due to missed lunch. She decided to get a bit shut-eye on the counter.
During mid-night, the only Indian man who was staying in her serviced apartment shook her awake. She groggily woke up and checked her watch. It was way past the time for dinner. She looked up and was mildly surprised to see him princess carry a Korean woman like she was as light as feather. There were no signs of exhaustion on his face. He told her to go sleep in bed as it was quite late. He looked like he would have said something else if he didn't have a passed out woman on his arms. She closed down and headed towards her room. In her exhaustion and tiredness, she however failed to notice one thing. How could Roy shake her awake, if he was princess carrying Suu?
She started to feel the wave of sickness the moment she entered her room. At first, it was bearable. She drank some water and some medicine. Then she went into the bathroom to freshen up. And things immediately started to go south. She didn't have a chance to go to the basin before she started to vomit. Her vision went blurry and she slipped on her own vomit on the floor. She lost control of her bladder and let everything out. The last thing that she could utter before fainting was, "Someone... Help... Me..."
She awoke to find herself on her bed. There was someone cooking in the kitchen. She thought it might have been her mother. However, there was an unknown man she never saw before. A burglar? Alarms in her head flared up. She looked at the door to see it was locked, to the windows to see it was closed and intact. She grew confused. How did this man get in? She rubbed her eyes in case it was her father and she was seeing things.
"How are you feeling?", Roy long ago noticed her presence, but he was focusing on the omelet so that he didn't burn it. After it was done, he transferred it to a plate and turned around.
"AHHHH", she shouted pointing her finger at him, "You're that Indian man. Emmm, what was your name again? Boutique Boy?"
Roy couldn't hold his laughter and laughed out heartily. He kept laughing and after some time, she started to grow red. She cutely threw out excuses that it was not possible for her to remember the name of everyone, but Roy kept laughing. This was the first time someone had messed up his name and that too in such a splendid way. When he could control his laughter, he noticed that Maria stood there with a pouty face and teary eyes. She was wearing only a white shirt and panties. Her legs were bare and toned. The sunlight fell on her back, illuminating her full figure under the shirt. She was looking like one helluva sexy and maybe a bit ditzy MILF if Roy had anything to say about it.
She noticed his gaze, and finally remembered there was someone in her house who was not suppossed to be there. "How did you get in here?"
Roy explained the situation with a bit of lie mixed in. He told her that when he couldn't find her at the counter, he was worried. So he hacked into her reception computer, gave himself access to her room and came to check up on her. He also explained the situation he found her in and he cleaned her up.
"Thank you for helping me out. But I think you should go now. I will be able to handle the rest of the things. I will also need to get back to the counter. I am already running late." Though she was thankful to the man, she couldn't allow a stranger to remain in her house. In the recent stories she heard about Indian men, there was nothing good. They only seemed like predators who prey on weak women. And as of right now, she was very weak.
"Nuh-uh. That ain't happening." Roy immediately refused her and she uncomfortably shifted in her place. For a moment, she considered running to her phone and dialing the police, but she was still very weak. Roy noticed her posture and was thankful that she didn't run for the phone. But he had to do something to diffuse the tension in her.
"It's OK." Roy put up his hands in air and slowly walked towards her. She stood rooted into one place, stiff as a board, panic evident in her eyes. Roy took care not to make any sudden movement. He slowly walked towards her and gently took her hands in his own. Then he looked into her eyes and resolutely declared.
"I swear on my pride as the Contact Person that I will not hurt you, steal from you, or take advantage of your weakened state. I know that I am a stranger to you and you have every right to doubt me. Maybe nothing I say can convince you otherwise, but I can say this. If right now, you choose to trust me and let me take care of you, you will not regret it."
They both stood there, looking into each others eyes. Her eyes looking for any deceit, and his eyes giving off the feeling of peace. Maria slowly intertwined their fingers, and asked, "Why would you help me?"
His lips curled up into a smile, one that spoke of abundant confidence he possessed, "Because I am able to."
She immediately asked her next question, "Do you want me to sleep with you as thanks?"
Roy smiled changed from that of confidence to that of slyness, "I will very much like that. However, I understand that you had not let a man explore your caves for a long time. So for now, I will settle down for a nice blowjob. We can take things slow from there."
She giggled, all of her seriousness gone from her voice. Roy felt her grip becoming a bit loose and she suddenly wavered a bit. He immediately freed his hands and held onto her waist and back to support her. She leaned onto him, every ounce of strength leaving her body. He gently picked her up in a princess carry and put her to bed. Then he completed making a simple breakfast and made sure she ate everything. She wanted to go to work, but one stern look from Roy made her crawl back into the bed and go to sleep.
Roy went to his room and put on the best cloths he had. He didn't have a suit, so it would have to do. Then he rushed back to the counter and discovered some people already waiting for the receptionist. Roy took a minute to understand the system, then he handled the customers, using inception as and when required. At the evening, he closed up and went back to Maria's room to check up on her. She recovered a lot resting the whole day. Despite her protest, Roy made her rest and cooked a simple dinner. After the dinner, Roy went back to his room.
As the business owner was arrested and the office would remain closed until a replacement for him was found, Roy didn't have to worry about going to office. Next morning, he came down after having breakfast and saw Maria standing behind the counter. He walked over and exchanged pleasantries. Then Roy asked why she was the only one to man the counter. She explained that this hotel being small, she could not give big salary to the employees, and she didn't have much money to renovate the hotel. They had space to expand the hotel, but the issue of money was there. He decided to strike a deal with her. If she gave him 49% share of the profit, he would take care of the expansion and everything for her. She was a bit skeptical, and asked for some time to think about it. Roy told her that she has time until he returns to India.
Roy texted Suu asking where she was. She texted back saying that she was busy and she will take Roy for the promised tour on day after tomorrow. They texted back and forth a bit, enjoying the witty comments both threw at each other. Since Roy was free for 2 days, he decided to simply be lazy for today. He will go do something tomorrow.
Next morning, Roy got ready and left his room quite early. He went to a nearby amusement park. There was a lot of things to do for adults, like roller coasters, obstacle courses, bungy jumping and many more. Roy one by one tried them all. At the end of the day, he decided to go to the obstacle course.
He bought a ticket from the front office. A small girl in the uniform helped him put on a safety harness. Then a small car took him and other participating peoples on top of small hill. Upon reaching there, Roy saw there was three obstacle courses, all at a varying elevation level from the ground. The first one was only at one meter height from the ground and it was quite easy. Second one was five meter elevation and was a bit harder than the previous one. Third one was at 10 meter elevation and it was the hardest course.
Roy bought the whole set of courses, so he was entitled to go on all of the courses. On the first and second course, there was no people. Roy finished those two course with such speed that even the staffs there were dumbfounded. Some of the staffs came upto Roy and asked him if he was some professional, or something. They were again pleasantly surprised when Roy spoke to the each individual in their own language. He chatted with them for a bit and exchanged numbers.
On the third course, Roy saw a kid on the course. But he was not moving. He looked around a bit and saw Maria at the bottom of the course, shouting encouraging words to the kid. He understood that the kid was the son Maria was talking about.
Roy came behind the kid and saw what was the problem. The next obstacle was a gap. Two planks of woods were there, but one would have to jump if they wanted to progress. The gap was small for an adult, but quite big for a kid. The kid was afraid of taking the jump and was crying. Maria was shouting things like, "You can do it, Chris.", "Just believe in yourself and jump.", "Don't worry, mommy is here.", but nothing was working. The kid was scared out of his mind.
Looking at this scene, Roy had a new found respect for this woman. She single handed took care of so many responsibilities, and still took her kid to a amusement park. He looked at the kid. Standing behind him, he could feel the kid's inner turmoil. Roy just knew that it was this kids own idea to come onto the hardest obstacle course. Else he would have turned back a long time ago.
Looking at the kid, Roy was reminded of himself all those years ago. He remember all those people who came upto him with opportunities. All he had to do was take the leap. How many opportunities had he let go simply because he was afraid to make the jump? Afraid that his parents would beat him? Afraid that his neighbors will laugh? Afraid that he would fail? His stare hardened. He would not let this kid make the same mistake he made all those years ago. He will help this kid.
Roy walked over and squatted down beside the kid. Maria had not noticed Roy. She was now shouting for the staff members to take her son back to safety. Roy tapped the kid on his shoulder.
"Hey Kid, what's your name?"
"Chr-chris Padmore."
"Hello Chris. I am Roy. That lady there is your mom?"
"Why are you afraid of jumping?"
"I am afraid of heights."
"Do you love your mom?"
Chris nodded his head.
"Do you want her to be disappointed? She is encouraging you so much."
"I know. But I am a coward."
Roy paused. He carefully looked at Chris and analyzed his words. He didn't say that he was scared. He said he is a coward as if he truly believed himself to be one.
"I always knew how hard mom works. If I was a bit more brave, I could have helped her out", Chris was crying hard now, "I wanted mom to be proud of me. I wanted this course so that I could show her, but, but..."
Roy smiled. At least this kid had his heart in the right place. He grabbed Chris and hugged him strongly. Chris stopped crying after he initiated this abrupt gesture. Roy separated from Chris after he stopped crying. Roy gave him a minute and stated.
"See that lady in the uniform coming behind me?"
Chris looked behind Roy and nodded.
"The way I see it, you have two choices." Roy held up one finger, "First, you let your fear control you. Stay here and let the lady take you back to safety. And you will remain a coward." Roy held up two fingers, and looked deeply into Chris's eyes, "Second, you take control of your fear. Take that jump and win over your fears." Roy stood up a took a step back, "You have until that lady reaches you to decide. Remember, success comes only after you win over your fears."
Roy stopped and looked at the Chris. He was taking deep breaths now, looking back and forth between the gap and Roy. The staff was coming take Chris back and was shouting, "Please sir, stay where you are. I will come and get you. Everything will be okay." Chris was still unsure of himself, so Roy thought of give him one last push. "Last ten seconds to decide. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, last five, four, thre"
Chris let out a war cry and took a running start. The staff lady almost reached him, and she was startled by his shout. Roy was grinning. Chris jumped and cleared the gap, but messed up the landing. He stumbled and fell off from the platform.
Maria and the staff lady both gasped in shock, both forgetting that Chris had a safety harness on him, which was connected to a line above him. Chris hurt his leg on the edge of the platform while falling and cried out in pain. Maria went hysteric and shouted to the staff lady to help Chris. The staff lady jumped into the action, but Roy help up his hand to block her. He calmly ordered.
"Get up boy."
Roy spoke in a very calm manner, but Chris snapped his attention at Roy at once and the staff lady also looked at him curiously.
"You took the first step at not being a coward. Now finish that step. Remember, success comes," Roy stopped.
"only after you win over your fears." Chris finished his sentence. He took deep breath to control his stinging right knee.
Roy whispered to the staff lady, low enough that only she could hear him "Give him a chance." She looked at Roy for a minute and then nodded, "Alright, but if he doesn't make it, I will be taking him back."
Chris was always a bit too much on the lean side, so he was always being picked on in the school. Since she was always busy and he didn't have a father figure, he couldn't confide into anyone about his fear. She learned about the bullying too late and the damage was already done. Her sweet little boy deemed himself as a coward, and no amount of cheering could convince him otherwise. Today was one of those cheering days. At first she was very happy that Chris himself suggested the hardest obstacle course. She thought he at last had come out of his shell. But her smile only stayed until the jump obstacle. But she didn't give up hope. She kept cheering. She had hope that he would be able to do it. But she had to give up after reality of the situation set in after a while. And out of nowhere, he jumped. She was dumb founded. Just from where did he get that courage? Bah, who cares. Her happiness soon turned to dread as he slipped. She couldn't understand why that bitch wasn't helping despite being just a few paces away. She soon understood why.
Unknown to Maria, tears were streaming down her face. She wasn't sad, rather these tears were that of relief. She watched with blurry eyes as her son struggled to get up on the platform on his own. He struggled to get a hold of the other side of the platform. When he did, he couldn't keep his hold since his palms were sweaty. But he didn't give up. Again he tried and this time, he kept holding onto the ledge with all his strength. Then he tried to get his right leg onto the platform. He couldn't since he didn't have the necessary flexibility or the strength. He switched tactics. He swang his body and started gathering momentum. Then with a single jerk, he lodged his right foot on the platform. Then using his hands and foot as leverage, he rolled himself onto the platform.
After catching his breath, he sat up on the platform, pumped his fist towards the sky, and shouted.
Chris looked down at Maria. He was bleeding from his right knee and right elbow, but he didn't pay attention to them. Maria's legs gave out and she sat down on the ground. She choked on her next words, but everyone could hear her words very clearly.
"I am proud of you."
Chris looked at Roy and stood back up in a military attention pose. Roy looked at him and gave him what he deserved.
An approving nod.
Chris awkwardly gave him a salute, but he kept standing there like he was waiting for the next order. Roy smiled and spoke one word which would change the life of this kid forever.
Chris turned and proceeded with the obstacle course. Roy also turned to the staff lady and said, "Come on. We should go back."
The lady looked at him, then to Chris, then to Roy and said, "Maybe I should stay. To ensure his safety and all."
Roy put his hands on her waist and turned her, "No need. From this moment on, he will take care of himself."
The lady and Roy came back to the safe zone where she proceeded to take of his safety harness. When it was done and Roy was leaving, she called back.
"How did you know he would be able to do it?"
Roy turned to look at her, and smiled, "I didn't. But I had faith."
She gave him a disbelieving look, "That's not an answer."
Roy took a deep breath and looked at Chris, who was struggling with the next obstacle, a beam of wood suspended in the air by ropes. He was making progress, albeit very slowly. Then he looked back at the lady and answered, "Because I saw myself in him. He was never a coward. All he needed, was the push."
With that said, Roy left the lady alone. He was in a three story building and to get out he needed to go to ground floor. When he reached the ground floor, he heard the lady shout,"Hold up." Roy turned to see she was hurriedly coming down, skipping two or three stairs at a time. She reached him a bit out of breath and shoved a piece of folded paper in his hands. Then she said, "I get off work at 4 PM." Then ran back upstairs.
Roy opened the folded paper and saw a contact number written there. He read her name and chuckled to himself, "Lawan, huh? Well, she is indeed beautiful." He checked his watch. It was 2 PM.
Roy went outside to check on Maria. She somewhat now composed herself, and was now sitting on one of the benches. Roy sat down beside her and looked at the direction she was looking at. Needless to say, she was watching Chris. Without looking at Roy, she said,
"Thank you, for looking out for my son."
"Oh? You noticed it was me?"
"Truth to be told, I didn't notice you at first before. I only noticed you when you and that girl was returning. I recognized your shirt."
Roy looked down and noticed he was wearing the same shirt he was wearing when he helped out Maria two days ago.
“You remembered?”
"I am a Chris's mother. If I don't watch what he is wearing, he will wear the same shirt for a year straight."
They both laughed and returned to watching Chris. He was at the last obstacle now. He was dead tired and tried to catch his breath. But Roy noticed the fire in his eyes had not diminished. Roy looked at Maria and saw her relaxed, as if she knew that now her little son had transformed into a little knight. After a while, he crossed the last obstacle and Lawan had to carry him back to ground level. He had become somewhat of a celebrity. The staff members arranged for a cab for Maria and Chris to go home. Maria insisted that Roy also come with them, but he politely refused as he had a date.
After they were gone and Lawan returned to work after giving him a playful wink, Roy had some time to himself. He called out to Mike.
*Hey Mike. You alive?*
*I am not cut out to be the bad guy, am I?*
*Frank would not have chosen you otherwise.*
They say you can only discover yourself when you set foot into the unknown. Who said that? Roy had no idea. It was probably some good-looking author writing some fantasy story. But it was true. One can only determine whether a man was good or bad, after that man was put into a unknown territory. Roy understood. Even though he may cook up schemes which might be categorized by the society as evil, he could never be truly evil. At worst, he might become a chaotic good, but in the end, good.
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