《Nagol: The Skeleton King》07 Friends on the other side
Quote:Mal's Book of Revelations VOL 10 Chapter 455: Way gates and portals
History has not been kind to the study of Way Gates, associating way gates with portals is a mistake many lower tier mages have made. Way gates can only be operated by six races; Humans, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, High Elves, Elvenian's and Carnax. Humans as we all know are the most predominant race and control most of our known territory.
Elves are split off into 4 subtype races. Wood elves can communicate with nature and usually are shy of strangers. Dark elves warship the Dark gods and their herald the third prime evil, (refer to Mal's Book of Revelations VOL 8 Chapter 16: The Third Prime Evil and Mal's Book of Revelations VOL 8 Chapter 20: Prime evil servants ) High affinity with darkness and death they are mostly necrotic casters and usually at the end of their life seal themselves off and raise themselves as liches waiting for the day they might serve their masters in unlife.
High elves are the most sociable of the elven races and will on occasion trade or speak with humans, but see us as more of a nuisance than ally. Living in their sanctuaries and Fortress city Kana Hold, a floating city that moves between the Floating Islands and our continent.
The Carnax were actually the original creators of the Waystones, when their nation was prosperous and leading in Magical research and application they would lay down waystones so they could more easily move mages and materials to research sights. It also allowed them to connect villages and towns allowing their cities and forts to make walls that were completely sealed off without gates.
Waystones create a byproduct known as "Mana Worm" a magical being that can reproduce and live for indefinite amounts of time, Most mana worms are docile and are great pets for mages sapping them of mana slowly allowing the mage to keep his M.P. pool filled.
The carnax developed a way to control these Mana worms and used them as pets and guardians. The older mana worms can reach sizes of around half a mile, The largest recorded mana worm is 15 miles long and is currently acting as guardian to a old abandoned Carnax research facility.
Portals shortly arrived after allowing hellspawn and Demons to enter our world. Waygates were reengineered by a Human sage to allow humans to create more waygates, The Carnax swiftly reacted and attempted to stop the sage but were to late, the portals were created and demons invaded the continent.
The Carnax civilization quickly mobilized its entire populace to fight the demons, They knew the danger better than anyone. The fight was long and hard but soon every portal was closed, Sending in a legion of soldiers into the portal so that two mages could close the portal, unfortunately the legion that entered the portal would be trapped with no way home.
This continued until the Carnax population dwindled to an abysmal number, knowing that humans would try and take their inventions again the remaining Carnax destroyed their Villages, Towns and cities with Mana Bombs and fled, becoming nomads and secluded even from themselves.
Not all Carnax settlements were destroyed, the waystones survived and some of the facilities to prevent humans and other races from using the waystones to steal what remained of their people. the Carnax modified the waystones. only by touching two stones would you be allowed to travel between them.
It is unknown why These races can use the waystones. Knowing that the Demon Lord and other demons survived the war with the Carnax has seeded a deep fear in most. Portals may have the same mana signature as a Waystone but do not have a Locking point or Anchor.
Demons have adapted to use a more free and open system, Portals. Without any anchors or true destination portals could be connected almost at random. It is known that demons require a "Demon Lord" to survive. When no demon lord is present demons become fractured and feral. Portals have allowed their race to expand and become a powerhouse today.
Whenever the demon lord returns he opens a portal to his home and brings forth more and more demons, until he starts a war with humanity. Our Port cities are strong and built to stem the tide of invasions but every time the demons return they are stronger than before.
Portals by themselves are not dangerous the spell -Portal- is different from natural portals made from actual materials. -Portal- allows the caster to set down a portal and connect it with a pervious portal, -Greater Portal- allows the mage to open a portal to a destination of his choosing.
While these portals are not permanent they can be intercepted by the demons portal magic. -Portal- based spells have thusly been banned to insure no demons reinvade our cities.
The glowing wyvern grew several feet and three horns sprouted from its head, dark magic filled its body and it felt every death empowering it. Clashing into a brown wyvern its horns gauged the wyverns neck and it fell to the earth twitching as it began to die.
Whipping its now spiked tail at the red wyvern. dipping under his tail the red wyvern tucked its wings in and spun. Its tail had one spike on it more like a spear head it gouged the wyverns side. Feeling nothing its maw opened and a dark purple flame spout out clinging to the red wyvern it cried out in agony.
The purple glowing wyvern roared triumphantly as it continued to lash out at the wary wyverns.
I ducked under a mace and blinked above its wielders head kicking him sternly, then I blinked below him and thrust my sword into his gullet. I blinked again dodging a savage looking axe as it pierced into the ogre. I reappeared behind the orc and sliced at its neck while mid air then blinking again I was over the battle field several hundred feet above.
The Red Horde was now descending on this location, while we had a near infinite reserve of soldiers so to did the Seethe tree. Its roots slowly started to move shaking off the stiffness of absorbing the lands energy. It would take two or three days before it would be ready to attack with its large branches.
My wyvern was now taking on its counterparts, it killed one of the brown wyverns with a lucky blow an even wounded the red variant type. The Arial battle had receded into a standstill. I raised the other wyvern with a death bolt spear did not give it the soul fires this time. It was currently behind my forces slowly recovering with my reverse Syphon.
My wraiths took heavy losses when several magic casters started to attack them but I quickly replaced them soon I would need to stay on the ground and just create troops, until such a time I will enjoy the fight.
I quickly overcame my fear and decided to utilize the low cost of blink. I was confident in my skills even if I still needed practice. My liches currently are supporting their undead hordes by raising more and casting magics on the horde, I was slowly feeding them soul fires but kept most of them for myself.
It had been several hours into the fight and I repeated the same process over and over, Blink and fight among the enraged horde then retreat and raise undead and heal the wyvern and other undead. Varik seamed to become more powerful, he started to cast -Death bolt- just like me.
I noticed several of his undead changing slightly as they killed. His forces seamed to be the most coordinated but I did notice 4 other liches that showed promise.
The siege weapons continued to fire at the horde killing massive waves of the red skinned horde. The wyverns eyes were blood red but other than that they retained their same appearance. I once saw a few elves and other races mixed among the horde but quickly detained them.
I now that is possible to cure the seethe trees madness, but only elves and vampires knew how. I currently had 28 female elves among my captives. Its not that I didn't take any male elves its just that no male elves existed. I had heard stories about how elf men are taken to a sacred grove and that they sleep for a long time.
This was just a rumors from my childhood. I knocked out every elf and had them bound to a Bone cage. Its outer shell looked like a cage but inside skeleton hands gripped their arms and legs I had a set of skeleton hands also hold their mouths closed, I didn't need to speak to cast spells but most spell casters do.
Mana manipulation takes years of practice and even if you do practice it would be difficult even attempt without natural talent. Gazing back to the fight I stood beside the brown wyvern healing it. I could feel the roots watching me, evaluating me. I even noticed some of the horde shift when I enter the fray.
They knew I was dangerous and probably the leader. Absorbing Soul fires again and again I had gained even more C.P. allowing me to have a few more liches under my command. I even started to produce more level 50 giant skeleton and kept them in reserve.
I had produced 400 bone spikes for the ballista's to use and the undead worked tirelessly. I cast -Bone Spear- with 5 spears at a time but when my M.P. furnace was starting to reach the half way point I decided to cast it with (2,000mp) 500 spears of bone launched out and impaled a wave of goblins and orcs leaving a large area with corpses, I then raised them and returned to my task of healing the wyvern.
My armor was surprisingly sturdy, Its helmet was a normal full plate helm with runes across its surface and looked to be a relic from the rune wars. The gauntlets were spiked at the fingertips and were multilayered allowing for free motion, it also had runic carvings.
The entire set was covered in runes, the boots and greaves fallowed the same style with smooth layered plates with sharp edges and points. My boots went up to just below my knee's and had a metal spike. My elbows also had metal spikes attached to them. while my chest plate was smooth it also was thick and heavy, If I had to estimate the armor was just as heavy as a grown man wearing armor.
On my shoulders two heavy shoulder pads that interlink sat, If I wanted to take it off I would need to remove my helmet then unstrap it from my chest plate and lift it over my head. I also had a black cape with a underside of red. The end of its length lay several blades sticking out if its ends, with practice and precision I could use it as a weapon. It bellowed back and forth to avoid hindering me, almost like it was alive.
My spiked gauntlets glowed a blue light as I used siphon. This interested me, my armor had runes of Ancient decent. I took of my helmet and checked inside, Inside of it was also a set of runes of angelic decent.I caught a glimpse of my visage from the helmet.
On my shoulders sat a skull, its jawline rough and jagged, like a dragons jaw, I had teeth that were unusually jagged, but still resembled human teeth. My eye sockets were slanted and furrowed much like a dark elf, my eyes were two floating balls of green fire. I also had long white hair that sprouted from my skull clinging to its top. On closer inspection my armor was not a deep black but a dark gray.
I donned my helmet once more, strapping it down with my shoulder pads. This body is not mine, my soul and mind have been changed slightly. The roar of battle returned to me and I instinctively reached for the locket I religiously held close to myself. In its place I found a chained necklace with a rusted locket.
Gingerly I retrieved it and opened it carefully. Inside a picture of a young princess she was Tania, I also noticed the Dragon Diamond ring was still there. Confused I assumed that no time had passed but this locket was almost 10-20 years old, the chain was older still and had the cross of light, a Sword with wings and an angel resting its hands on its pommel.
I returned the necklace to my armore and looked forward, my forces had made some headway but the next wave of the red horde was fast approaching, taking a look at my wraiths they had collected enough Soul Fires to advance me forward several times over.
Pulling the fires towards myself I realized something, Whenever I increased in power my Mana pool would fill up. Taking this information I would unleash all of my M.P. in my furnace and then "refuel" Another thing I learned taking the soul fire would render the body useless.
I produced more undead to use as for this refuel. I needed to create more liches so this process did take time but not unbearably so. I eventually took a look at my status to check my progress, I had taken a mental note that I had consumed 150 worth of soul fire's to increase my C.P. and M.P.
- Skeleton King -
-Darkness- -Death--Light- -Life-
(Soul LvL.150)
H.P. (250/250) 5/m
M.P. (8,000/8,000)+(1,739/76,250) (300)+(200)/m
C.P. (0/76,000) 50/m
STR: 30
END: 15
DEX: 50
WIS: 50
INT: 50
CHA: 10
LUK: 0
-Conjure Bones- T5+ (20mp) Conjure enough bones for 300 human skeletons
-Bone Cage- T1+ (5mp+1mp/s) Conjure bones to create a bone cage
-Bone Spear- T2+ (4mpX) Create Bone spears to impale your enemies
-Control- T2 (10mp-100mp) Take control of undead creatures
-Rise Dead- T5+ (40mp) Raise 200 corpses/bones into undead minions
-Conjure Spirit- T4+ (40mp) Create 15 Spirit's
-Death Spear- T3 (150mp-500mp) Create a spear of death that raises a greater undead
-Siphon- T4+ (20mp+5/s) Steal the life from a minion to survive
-Blink- T8 (5mp) Quickly relocate to targeted location (500ft)
-Arcane Bolt- T2 (25) Launch a bolt of raw mana
-Stone Spear- T2 (50mp) Launch forth 3 spears of stone
-Fireball- T2 (30mp+) launch a fireball from your hand
-Lightning- T2 (15mp+5mp/pt) Shoot forth a lightning bolt at up to 3 targets
-Death Bolt- T2+ (250mp) launch forth a bolt of pure death magic draining (150mp) and converting the mana into (50hp) damage If target reaches (0mp) target is raised as a greater undead
-Invisibility- T3 (150mp+10/m) Shroud your body in (Darkness Element) becoming invisible
-Abomination- T?? New undead can be created by will, bodies and bones can be shaped together to create Undead Abominations.
Undying Lord: Control of Undead and Spirits comes naturally Gain experience equal to minions
Death Bound Conviction: True Immortality unable to die permanently.
King of the Dead: Undead minions are permanent until death, undead you control can level up and evolve, 5x experience gain to undead minions.
Undead: Immune to Stuns/Snares/Fears/and death Magic.
Gods Blessing: You were promised happiness and joy, compensation has been given to you, Vengeance will be yours, Humanity has forsaken the gods and now you will show them what betrayal makes.
Hero: You are a beacon of hope, your hard work and dedication has given you this power, you will receive 50points to spend on stats every level, with this you are promised Happiness and joy along with the power to keep it.
Cursed: You are bound by a strong curse, you are different from others and luck seems to be a distant thing never to be touched you may never rise your Charisma or Luck Those whom befriend you are shunned.
Undead Commander: Controlling the undead and commanding them with precision, you are worthy to lead any and all undead into battle. +50 to all stats every level. +250cp, +5cp/r to all control type undead you control
Army of the Dead: You have created a fearsome undead army, undead slain while under your control will raise again to fight the living. +50 to all stats every level. +500cp, +5cp/r to all control type undead you control
Magic Sight: You have been born or cursed with the -Magic Sight- seeing a spell will allow you to recreate it, if the spell is a better version of a previously owned spell it will be replaced. Magic comes easily to you the higher rank your spell is the lower its M.P. cost. M.P. Furnace now unlocked, your other stats (H.P./C.P.) now add to your M.P., M.P. spent will be siphoned from your M.P. furnace.
Soul Bound: Your soul has reached a sufficient level and will now be displayed as (Soul LvL.???) Reaching inside of yourself to create false souls and consuming them to open your soul gate has its benefits. +Natural M.P. Regeneration will be double your current soul level. +Control type undead will control lesser undead with ease. +Racial ability unlocked.
-Abomination- was a strange ability but I felt it would cost me nothing. Turning to a pile of corpses that had been recently made I cast abomination on it. The bodies bubbled and twitched until they all started to form together. The monster had 4 arms and a large maw its two legs were bulky but not lopsided like its arms.
Its face?, was a giant hole with sharp teeth. I opened my black book and scrapped some of its flesh off, its status was revealed.
-Abomination Brute-
H.P. (10,000)
M.P. (500)
-Corpse Devour- (100mp) Consume the corpse of your enemy to regain (500hp)
-Bile- (10mp) vomit acid that burns through armor and flesh
Cost (1,000cp)
I Noticed several undead human skeletons stopped fallowing my command. I quickly had them charge forward to advance through the forest of roots. I then created 500 orc skeletons and had them armed with bone spears and charged behind the human skeletons.
This abomination would be a nice addition to my army. With a vanguard already dashing through the forest I added up the amount of liches I could control, 506. I currently had 354, I summoned wraiths and human skeletons and quickly crafted the liches. I then had them take control of the undead I had lost in the process. Seven wraiths were fallowing the vanguard collecting their soul fires.
Many of my new liches started to raise the undead and have them join our ranks, we had just cleared out the first wave and soon the secant would get here. I thought back to the ballista and siege wepons, it would be a waste to abandon them. I ordered my liches to get into 7 groups.
The vanguard would consist of Varik, and 99 other Liches. Our left and right flanks would have 30 liches each. While the main body of the army would have 250 liches. I would leave the captives and siege weapons to a group of 60 liches as they cleared through the roots with magic and fire, I crafted 10,000 bolts and enough Level 50 gaints to protect this group. I had 30 act as advanced scouts acting in groups of two. I had the remaining six stick with the vanguard, If I acquired anymore captives I would need them taken to safety.
We marched through the roots and occasionally ran into a pack of monsters before we would continue. My wraiths returned with the souls fires from the advanced squad. I decided human skeletons would just get in the way, but they did have one use.
I quickly had a bone shaped like a bow with a sinewy bow string. I had crafted this with one cast then another to make a quiver then another to make 250 arrows. These were all rank 4 items and I quickly strapped the quiver to my side and the claymore on my back.
I then crafted lesser version of the bow and arrows distributing it to a good number of the human skeletons. With the guidance of the liches they quickly shot a volley out at a large pack of goblins many fell to the arrows, I joined the attack letting lose several arrows.
Without magic I had learned to hunt with a bow, I was thankful that my father taught me how to use the bow at a young age. The horde did not reach us and fell to our attack. I was satisfied with the effectiveness of the human skeletons. Orc skeletons took up a lot of C.P. in comparison but lasted a bit longer.
I did not arm all of the human skeletons with bows, leaving few melee combatants would be detrimental, replacing the bones swords with the bone spears would allow the skeletons to be more effective than fodder.
The vanguard moved out and I continued to move forward with them, "Varik, have our liches use fireball on the roots whenever their M.P. is full." He stiffened and bowed "Yes my lord!" Our liches let out a volley on the trees around us. it would take hours for them to burn and I was starting to see them move more than before.
We encountered more resistance they climbed the roots and jumped down on us from above, after a chaotic melee I had varik send some of our wraiths to scout above the roots. Varik had our group stop and I felt his mind contact me. "Ogre settlement ahead, 800-900 along with a force of orcs and goblins 2,000-2,500." Varik had used the bone blade I gave him and found it difficult to fight Ogres in melee.
I turned to my abomination and had a brilliant idea. Taking several corpses from the last fight I crafted 3 more abominations and had them circle around I kept the other undead I lost from their insane cost stand still, It was difficult to hold them still but eventually we had the 3 abominations in place my first abomination climbed the roots and readied to drop on top of the rage filled monsters.
They were currently having a fight between three ogres for dominance, several orcs tried to join in but were quickly knocked down. I ordered the 3 abominations to attack from the back along with the Arial drop. the three charged out and killed a few dozen orcs and goblins in five secants, their four arms were waving around clawing at everything.
Acid rained down on the horde and the abomination dropped on the three ogres killing two quickly while the third rolled away. I then released the three thousand undead and they charged. I allowed the liches to attack with magic but did not have the skeleton archers attack I wanted to see how strong the abominations were.
one abomination lost its arm but it picked up a goblin and threw it into its mouth its arm started to grow back, I also noticed that abominations did not regenerate mana. The fight was almost over when one of the abominations ran out of mana and exploded throwing a dark purple blood out killing anything that touched it.
I watched in aww as the dead were risen by the purple liquid. Abominations that ran out of M.P. explode, their health is what caught my interest, but exploding was something I did not expect.
The fight escalated into a standstill the goblins and orcs continued to be slaughtered while the ogres quickly started killing my undead. I had the other 3 abominations focus on fighting the ogres. The other undead had around 600-800 left from their original 3,000.
I stepped forward giving varik a hand sign to stay. The abominations one by one exploded in a wave of dark purple liquid that raised the dead. I waited until there were only 5 ogres alive and had my undead fall back. The ogres immediately started to charge me.
My bow twanged six times and five bodies hit the ground. I was known as a master of arms but preferred long swords and claymores. One ogre brought its hand up and stopped my arrow, I then released another arrow at his knee, falling into a puddle of purple blood killing him. I felt something from one of the huts.
Mana pulsed from the small hut, raising my bow and mentally preparing for an attack I crept forward. I ordered my undead to hide and leave the clearing. The huts entrance was covered with a brown leather tarp. I swatted away the tarp quickly and saw a barrier with two people inside...
Fellmore here, sorry about the lack of updates, 4th of July was a hectic time, family visiting, movies, unforeseen miscommunication and the eventual fallout that required my full attention. Updates should be picking back up, again Im using royalroad to improve my spelling and grammar. If you see anything wrong post a comment, I think I've made some progress Fallow/Follow shouldn't be a problem now.
Comment yours suggestions and ideas, I do read the comments almost daily (excluding Weekends and days before a test/exam.)
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