《Nagol: The Skeleton King》06 The Red Horde
Quote:Mal's Book of Revelations VOL 1 Chapter 2: Status and Classes
Many individuals believe that your class dictates who and what you are. I have come to the conclusion that -Status- is a natural law, so far no intelligent beings have been born without this spell/ability. We are still unsure if -Status- is a spell, as it requires you to manipulate your soul slightly activating it. Normally abilities don't have to be controlled but this one power is not listed under -Spell- ,-Skill- or even under a sub skill.
Some classes you are born with, while others take time to surface or some even remain classless their entire lives. Classes enable us to live in this harsh world that is always filled with danger, be it the three prime evils or some other event that has yet to surface.
Taking a look at three Class categories we can determine why -Classes- and -Status- are a prominent factor in viewing ones own self worth. -Magi-, Manipulators of the soul. -Common-, classes that don't require mana or M.P. mana points as measured by status. Lastly the -Legacy- class archetypes.
-Magi- are classes that require constant manipulation of the soul and mind to create spells and uncover truths. It is not that hard to know when one is destined for a -Magi- type class as their INT and or WIS will be higher than any other attribute they hold. Magi are the reason humanity has survived for so long. Mages that continue to practice magic slowly increase their M.P. and life time.
-Common- are the back bone of any kingdom. While Magi are rare and few -Common- are at a steady supply, we can rank Common types by the Rank system. Ranks are a loose measurement of power or combat capability. Commons still have an M.P. pool like every other being but are clumsy when manipulating mana.
Lastly we reach the -Legacy- classes. We know of 5 Legacy classes and two of them serve under the Order of light. -Dawn Priest- and -Holy Knight-. Paladin's are Warrior Magi and can learn almost any spell. Few can fight a -Paladin- in single combat. Paladins fallow the Church of Light rather than the Order of Light.
-Dawn Priest- are stronger than normal humans imbued with the light at all times. Sunlight heals them and restores their M.P. Most Dawn Priests are pacifists or back line support casters. This however is untrue as many Dawn priests have an absurd amount of H.P. and natural Defense to Magic and Physical attacks. (Refer to Chapter 5: Legacy class subtypes for more information.)
Finally we reach the most intriguing Class, the -Holy Knight- Unable to cast spells or even incantations. While this would normally put a class under the -Common- -Warrior- archetype. -Holy Knights- are the best at Soul Manipulation or in layman's terms controlling their M.P. and they posses one of the largest natural M.P. pools.
Paladins strength comes from M.P. without it they would fall in battle as their bodies slowly eat away there M.P. strengthening them. every paladins must meditate for 2-4 hours a day just to survive. Magi and Common types only require five minuets of mediation while -Holy Knight- once again defy this law, Every day the -Holy Knight- will have his M.P. restored when he prays to the goddess of light. While also not losing any of his M.P. over time.
Monsters and other races slowly regenerate M.P. while humans must meditate and purify the natural M.P. from the would around them or be given it by Mana stones. We can deduce that -Common- types would be the lower echelon as they are unable to fight back against the stronger -Magi- and -Legacy- classes.
The vast majority of the peasantry and serfdom are filled with -Common- types class holders. Crafting skills were once considered a separate archetype but viewing the Status window of Craftsmen we have determined them to be under -Common- subcategories. (Refer to Mal's Book of Classes: Chapter 2: Subcategory's and sub classes)
All known legacy classes are listed in order of Rarity and power. The newer classes that are discovered are labeled under Unique many new classes are for crafting and or specific situations like Flood Mage, or Storm Mage.
-Holy Knight- Stronger than any human physically should and a master at manipulating mana, skilled manipulators can dispel or redirect your magical attacks making magi spells below T1-8 useless on a veteran. -Holy Knight- live longer than most any other class and are so rare that the entirety of them serve under the order of light for every 300-500 -Paladin- there is one -Holy Knight- it is a known fact that -Holy Knights- have a passive aura that disturbs hostile Soul energies. Making them the perfect counter to any -Paladin-
-Paladin- Rare but not as abysmal as the -Holy Knight- or -Dawn Priest- Paladins have three subclasses and each of them is a devastating reminder that a single -Paladin- can turn the tide of any battle or conflict. All light spells are a -Free Spell- to Paladins making them the strongest spell casters of the light affinity. Paladins are almost as strong as a -Holy knight- with their Auras and passive -Skill-. Paladins serve three branches of the Church of light. Warriors, Healers, and the Judicators.
-Dawn Priest- Only one thousand dawn priests are active at any one time, they all serve the church of light and have the largest amount of subclasses. -Bastion Priest- -Soul Priest- -Malgi Priest- -Divination Priest- and -Cleanser Priest- to name a few. Dawn priests are the only class to have their M.P. shorten their life time. Having the Forth largest M.P. pool their lives are short in comparison to any other class. usually a -Dawn Priest- live for 10-40 years.
-Magi- Not to be confused with -Mage- or the subclasses of mage. Magi have the third largest M.P. pool and live almost as long as any -Sage- Magi have been around for many centuries. The oldest of Magi serve as a Kingdoms Guardian or a living status symbol. The Oldest five Magi are known throught the land and many fear their power. From oldest to young, Sam of Order, Yuger of Order, Gera of Order, Jain of Exile, and Rune of Exile. Sam and Yuger are brothers, each capable of casting T10 spells and together they can cast devastating magic that was thought impossible.
-Sage- Sages are not combat oriented and have no combat spells, however -Sage- can imbue others with greater power. Sages live longer than any other class. Every point of M.P. can let a sage live 50 years. Sages have the fifth largest M.P. pool, every sage passively gains experience but they can never pass LvL.1. every year a sage can increase anyone's level by 50. The oldest sage gave the -Hero- Sivo a massive level boost raising him to level 500 and giving him the class of -Crusader- This class has been placed in the unique category until further evaluation. -Sages- are even rarer than -Holy Knight- only 5-9 sages currently are known, before the great unification war were 500 sages that lived on the mountain of assentation were executed by The King of Karnac for refusing to increase his warriors levels.
I scratched my helmeted skull thinking about how to fight a Wyvern and a horde of Ogres. I reviewed my options, Conjure bones, I could make a spiked wall, but then the Wyvern would burn that down, Some orcs and ogres could cast magic. I was not spotted by the Horde yet, but the tree knew I was here.
Thinking about it some more I decided to do what my wise teacher always told me, "Magic solves everything." Brining my hand up I imagined the types of siege engines the order of light used. Then my mind slipped back to the books in the fort. I smiled at the thought and began to summon bones for several weapon's of war.
It took me 10 casts of Conjure Bones and the diligent work of the Giant skeletons to create my siege weapons. 4 Catapults designed to launch undead, 6 ballista's made from flexible bones and to my joy sinew. I then had an epiphany. Soul fires were the representation of mana used to conjure the bones.
I conjured 10 human skeleton with one cast of the Conjured bones.
H.P. (110)
M.P. (265)
I did not take control of them like I usually do and decided to manipulate their focus. I found that I could have them more or less under my control for this fight. I then fell back and created a mass wave of undead and some rouge liches. Their forces comprised of 15,000 human skeletons, 1,000 orc skeletons, 200 giant skeletons, and 15 liches I then created weapon's for each undead the sun was now rising and I felt ready.
ordering the horde of somewhat controlled undead to attack in the direction of the seethe tree, I was happy to see their soulfires were controllable. My siege weapons lined up, I produced several long bone spikes that resembled tree trunks. Giant skeletons moved to load the ballista's I then created several giants in the catapults.
H.P. (5,250)
M.P. (5)
Stronger than my Zombie bear I was pleased with this revelation It cost me 25times the cost of conjure bones to create this giant skeleton at level 50 but 500 mana was miniscule in comparison to my massive M.P. pool and M.P. Furnace. I created one loaded it in the catapult and launched it at the seethe tree. The catapult was more effective than I could of Imagined.
The Gaint skeleton landed in the middle of a goblin horde and had taken no damage from the fall. It tore through several confused and enraged goblins. I ignored the small skirmish and returned my attention to the battle in front of me.
My undead army just reached the thicket of red roots that created a makeshift forest. They chopped at the roots and killed the occasional animal that saw them and charged. I had just loaded each catapult and launched them at the roots of the tree. Each giant overshot its intended target and landed inside of the forest.
I felt the Red Horde stir and begin to charge at my army, a sea of red skinned goblins and orcs pored from the red roots and clashed with a sea of bones. The horde was not organized and seamed to have no cohesion. The mismatched fighting broke out and the battlefield was now a disheveled mess.
The wyvern and its ogre's were now heading my way, it would take them five minuets to reach the battle. I had my wraiths attack from above and my liches attack with long ranged fireballs. Burning the roots and causing smoke to poor out on the ground. The red roots burned easily but a toxin that infects living beings pored out, thankfully I am undead.
My ballista's fired off in rapid succession long bone bolts that pierced the roots and bodies of goblins and orcs, the occasional undead was also hit but they were replaceable. I hadn't been idle I created waves of 1,000 human skeletons and sent them forward I had made 8,000 armed skeletons by the time the Ogre and wyvern entered the battle.
The wyvern was a normal Brown not a variant, the weight on my bony shoulders lifted somewhat. I created another wave of Giant skeletons and a batch of bone bolts. I had them all aimed at the wyvern.
The forces I sent forth had almost been destroyed to my surprise only one lich was killed. I had my vanguard charge forth fallowed by a volley of bolts and Giant skeletons. The previous five giant skeletons had been destroyed by mass numbers and did help to thin the horde for a time.
I continued to have my liches assault the red roots and ignore the horde. It would take a few days to clear out the roots, and I didn't want to stick around for long. Seethe trees were usually made by Vampires or Demons. The Giants landed onto of the Wyvern, these giants I made with spiked bones and sharp hands. The modifications allowed them to dig into the wyverns scales and bleed the beast.
The Giants were quickly destroyed by the wyverns thrashing but I could tell it was limping. I watched as my vanguard met the battle lines, my vanguard tore into the horde but quickly reseeded into a stand still. one bolt hit the wyvern while the rest missed hitting the ground.
The bolt hit its chest and dug into the wyvern. Bringing its jaws down on the bolt it breathed fire to cauterize the wound and soften the bone. It then pulled the bone out and chucked it at a clump of undead that were destroyed from the impact.
The Ogres were making short work of my undead but then all my wraiths shot down a wave of magic bolts and other magical attacks, several Ogres could cast magic and did so, seeing the magic I felt a trickle of information flow into my head. -Arcane Bolt- and -Stone Spear- I also noticed a flow of information when my liches and Wraiths cast their magic, -Fireball-, -Lightning-,
-Death Bolt-, and surprisingly -Invisibility-.
- Skeleton King -
-Darkness- -Death--Light- -Life-
H.P. (250/250) 5/m
M.P. (5,500/5,500)+(1,739/51,250) (50)+(200)/m
C.P. (0/51,000) 50/m
STR: 30
END: 15
DEX: 50
WIS: 50
INT: 50
CHA: 10
LUK: 0
-Conjure Bones- T5+ (20mp) Conjure enough bones for 300 human skeletons
-Bone Cage- T1 (5mp+1mp/s) Conjure bones to create a bone cage
-Bone Spear- T2 (4mpX) Create Bone spears to impale your enemies
-Control- T2 (10mp-100mp) Take control of undead creatures
-Rise Dead- T5 (45mp) Raise 200 corpses/bones into undead minions
-Conjure Spirit- T4 (46mp) Create 15 Spirit's
-Death Spear- T3 (150mp-500mp) Create a spear of death that raises a greater undead
-Siphon- T4 (10mp+1/s) Steal the life from a minion to survive
-Blink- T8 (5mp) Quickly relocate to targeted location (500ft)
-Arcane Bolt- T2 (25) Launch a bolt of raw mana
-Stone Spear- T2 (50mp) Launch forth 3 spears of stone
-Fireball- T2 (30mp+) launch a fireball from your hand
-Lightning- T2 (15mp+5mp/pt) Shoot forth a lightning bolt at up to 3 targets
-Death Bolt- T2 (250mp) launch forth a bolt of pure death magic draining (150mp) and converting the mana into (50hp) damage If target reaches (0mp) target is raised as a greater undead
-Invisibility- T3 (150mp+10/m) Shroud your body in (Darkness Element) becoming invisible
Undying Lord: Control of Undead and Spirits comes naturally Gain experience equal to minions
Death Bound Conviction: True Immortality unable to die permanently.
King of the Dead: Undead minions are permanent until death, undead you control can level up and evolve, 5x experience gain to undead minions.
Undead: Immune to Stuns/Snares/Fears/and death Magic.
Gods Blessing: You were promised happiness and joy, compensation has been given to you, Vengeance will be yours, Humanity has forsaken the gods and now you will show them what betrayal makes.
Hero: You are a beacon of hope, your hard work and dedication has given you this power, you will receive 50points to spend on stats every level, with this you are promised Happiness and joy along with the power to keep it.
Cursed: You are bound by a strong curse, you are different from others and luck seems to be a distant thing never to be touched you may never rise your Charisma or Luck Those whom befriend you are shunned.
Undead Commander: Controlling the undead and commanding them with precision, you are worthy to lead any and all undead into battle. +50 to all stats every level. +250cp, +5cp/r to all control type undead you control
Army of the Dead: You have created a fearsome undead army, undead slain while under your control will raise again to fight the living. +50 to all stats every level. +500cp, +5cp/r to all control type undead you control
Magic Sight: You have been born or cursed with the -Magic Sight- seeing a spell will allow you to recreate it, if the spell is a better version of a previously owned spell it will be replaced. Magic comes easily to you the higher rank your spell is the lower its M.P. cost. M.P. Furnace now unlocked, your other stats (H.P./C.P.) now add to your M.P., M.P. spent will be siphoned from your M.P. furnace.
Seeing the change, I checked the subcategory of -Affinity- and the listed elements.
-Affinity- You are compatible with the mana of the fallowing elements
-Darkness- The darkness is your ally and will fallow your command, +Greater Control of Dark mana +Using spells with the Darkness attribute will effect your mind... +50mp/r
-Death- Death fallows you, Death magic come easily to you, +Sense the dead and dying +When a living being dies within your presence restore (50hp) and (100mp) +Every death brings you closer to the dark gods embrace +50mp/r
-Light- The Light guides your actions Death has claimed you but you are still a follower of the light, +Light spells will not harm you +Your soul and Identity will be revealed to any -Hero- that sees you. +50mp/r
-Life- Life is a preciouses commodity, showing restraint when killing has granted you Life affinity, +Sparing lives will grant you Experience +Death and Dark Influences Negated +50mp/r
I felt something inside of me soften slightly, Joy, peace, sorrow, whatever it might be I knew it was a bittersweet feeling. I was not abandoned, I was not betrayed.
My gaze returned to the battle, My undead were being killed off just as quickly as my enemy. The wyvern was still alive and kicking, I quickly located the magic casters among my enemy. 15 orcs and 3 ogres that could use magic. First rule of combat, take out the magic users.
I was thankful that Coral used -Blink- in front of me and also gave me a powerful -skill- I was now a magic users worst nightmare. I felt magic flow around me and I was now above the wyvern as it tore into a Giant skeleton I lashed out with my sword and flet it collide with the monster. I then blinked away towards a ogre magic caster, I thrust my sword into his neck killing him.
Sam would always use blink to punish me, grabbing my hand and blinking allover the place until I vomited or passed out. The hardest spell to master and cast was blink, Blink has two requirements Having mana cover your body and being physically able to survive the inertia of moving so quick. I was now a Skeleton moving at abrupt speeds didn't cause my gut to churn or my head to spin. I was literally held together with Mana.
I also took classes on how to deal with the dreaded Blink Mage, Those classes also taught us how to think like a blink mage. I blinked all over the battlefield thrusting my sword before blinking than repositioning myself to correct my attacks. I was taller than I had been before, my swordsmen ship would require time to improve.
Feeling like a god I laughed to myself and blinked into the air I then cast my attack spells at the red horde under me. they died in droves. I then blinked under the wyvern and cast bone spears at its unprotected underbelly blinking away before it could react.
I was close to emptying my M.P. furnace and decided to just blink and strike with my sword instead of attacking with magic. I was now regenerating 250mp a minuet and felt empowered by the affinities. I then felt fear a deep dark sickening fear, was I going to have to fight the other prime evils?
In my moment of mind numbing fear I was struck by an ogres mace and sent flying. my hp dropped and I quickly blinked away to the back lines and started to syphon H.P. from the undead bear. I lost 68hp in one hit, My armor did not dent but I was sent flying with an ogres strength normally a man would have died to a strike like that.
Deciding it was a good time as any I sent the undead animals I had to join the battle away from the wyvern. Its body was shaking and it was now impaled with several Bone bolts from the ballista. Smiling I determined the wyvern was 300-400 ft away and would make great target practice. I cast a -Death bolt- aiming for the body of the wyvern.
The smoke and ringing of battle hid the black bolt as it sailed through the air hitting the wyvern. It shuddered and wailed in pain breathing fire at everything around it. I felt it was close to death, I also noticed the dying on the ground and each had an aura.
The wyvern soon had a similar aura, the auras were like the soul fires but it covered their entire body instead of being in their core. Raising my hand I knew having a wyvern as a undead minion would be beneficial. The -Death Spear- sailed through the air impaling the wyvern.
The wyvern stopped moving and fell over its fall was thunderous and powerful. even for such a young wyvern he was larger than most, I was distracted by the wyvern and failed to notice the movement from within the forest until I heard the roars. 4 wyverns flew out form the thicket at were descending on the battlefield.
I felt the control over the Wyvern and began to syphon M.P. to heal it. soon its wings were fixed and it was fully healed I also felt my M.P. drop down I currently have 20mp in my m.p. furnace. Ordering the wyvern to take flight and attack I took the soul fires from the wraiths as they collected them and fed it into the wyvern. It glowed a sickly dark purple and grew larger.
My liches all raised the dead and began to cast magic at the four wyverns, three brown and one red. The fight on the ground was easing up as the new undead joined the fray. I also discovered that more goblins and orcs were coming, a larger number than before...
Alright guys, sorry for not updating yesterday. I was taking a test and working on some projects I have neglected recently. Thanks again to the guys in the comments helping me with my spelling and grammar. Also thanks to (Insert Name Here) for giving me an Idea, I was originally only going to have the catapults but after reading your comment I decided to have Conjure bone take on another path, making sinew.
Again I do read the comments almost daily, (Except on weekends when I'm studying.) Please leave a comment, suggestion, or an Idea.
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