《Nagol: The Skeleton King》08 In the Shadow of Darkness
Quote:Mal's Book of Revelations VOL 8 Chapter 20: Prime evil servants
The Three Prime evils are powerful and in their own way monsters without equal. The prime evils each came at a different time and are usually considered servant's of the Dark Gods. This statement is untrue, Only the Skeleton King and his followers serve the dark gods.
The Demon Lord came or was discovered first, The Carnax portal incident to this day has scarred our world with this taint. The Demon Lord was a young king of the nation "Cardinals" Home of the paladins and their undead hunter counter parts. He offered the dying demon lord his soul and body to destroy the undead and save his people.
He was mutilated into the undying demon lord we know today filled with hate pain and resentments. He might use Dark magic but his spells are filled with the chaotic energy from the Demons allowing him to cast dark and demon spells. The demons rallied to their new master and slew the undead hordes that threatened the land while also fighting the Carnax, who at the time were seen as monsters supporting the undead.
After the undead were mostly taken care of and the Carnax had closed their portals, they turned their sights to the weakened humans. This is where the Demon Lord forced and threatened other races to join him or parish. The wars continued for a time until the demon lord was cast out by the first -Hero- sending him to the Shadow lands.
His minions consist of Demonologists outcasts and bestial races mostly; Goblins, Orcs, Harpies, Trolls, Ogres, Giants, Minotaur's, and obviously Demons.
The second prime evil to this day is still a mystery, Only its name, Race, and Motive are known other than that we can assume the entire race fallow "it" ByValVin a Changeling that manipulated civilized races to war amongst themselves and destroy everything with spite. Unlike the Demon lord that wants to see every one suffer, ByValVin wishes to see everything
The Third and arguably the strongest prime evil, The Skeleton king. The skeleton king is a -Hero- twisted to become the jailor of the undead and Bain of all living things. He aspires to destroy all life and is a common enemy to all things. Dark god worshipers embrace the Skeleton king most notably Dark Elves and greater races.
Dark elves or "Dark Aker" as their Elven counter parts say. Dark Elves are natural Necromancer and dark mages, raising undead intentional or not. Most Aker at the end of their life conduct a ritual to become a one of the many soldiers for the Skeleton King, We have seen; Liches, Death Knights, Revenants, Spirits, Abominations, Defilers, Corrupters, and the rare, Dead Marrow.
Dark Aker have many strange practices that have just recently been discovered The -Hero- Gaston learned that Dark elves have no males and unlike other elves do not have a life span, The leader of a Dark Aker tribe will decide if a elf is to end their life in service of the dark god, every ten years a large group of dark aker go out and find mates, then return and give birth to a child, conducting their ritual to give the child experience and abilities from the previous generation then killing themselves and being raised as the undead.
Normally children are not given experience but slowly acquire it like everyone else, Dark elves have been notorious for whisking men away at night only to have them return or be found as an undead.
Vampires and Shadows are the only undead that seam to not rally behind the Skeleton King. Shadows are a numerous undead that many can find but cannot attack, Shadows are the hate and violent nature of a soul that is shed when we are taken by fare to NelfHI.
Vampires hide away from all living things, worshiping the Dark God "Cain" Vampires are the only dark god worshipers that openly attack all the prime evils with a almost fanatic obsession.
The barriers mana signatures flared and strained to maintain a protective dome around its occupants. Two elves, one a little girl and the other a older mature looking elf. The older elf wore a Magi robe, holding a staff and mana stone. Her eyes widened as she looked at me, but the reflection in the barrier was different from what I actually looked like.
My dark gray armor was now silver and did not have sigils or spikes, almost like a plain Plate mail set. My black claymore was silver and its black mana stone appeared blue. The younger elf wore a elegant gown and was asleep. I approached the barrier and used the elven sign language /Friend/Safe/Protect/ I felt a searing pain of anger seeing the elves alive and well.
Her eyes widened in surprise and she had a single tear run down her face, Hope, joy. I felt like crushing that hope and destroying her piece by piece. I suppressed that emotion with disgust. I turned my focus to closely study the barrier. I felt the now soothing feeling of information flow into my soul.
-Barrier- T4 (40mp+10mp/s) Create a barrier to protect from magical attacks Aliments and physical attacks. Attacks will cost 80% of the attackers spell or (50+mp) for physical attacks
Casting -Barrier- around them, the current barrier glowed a darker blue and I felt my mana drain to rejuvenate her mana. Barrier spells and group spells allow for everyone to share the cost of the spell and equalize mana among them selves. My soul Furnace is not considered my M.P. pool and thus I was at 100% M.P. and was continually feeding the other caster mana.
My best guess would be her M.P. pool was around 23% and stable, The barrier was obviously up for a long time, the elf was showing signs of mana burn, blue glowing veins pulsing around her. I did not know a heal spell but knew how to treat mana burns, Taking some of my mana I had it flow into her mana veins and freeze.
The cold mana eased her suffering allowing her pained expression to soften. I manipulated the barriers mana and it lifted off the ground. I noticed the clothing these elves had, High Elves. Magic wielders who were naturally arrogant casting T3 spells at a young age, most of their warriors cast T5-T6 spells.
Her mana equalized and she noticeably relaxed allowing me to control the barrier. I gave Varik full command and ordered him to continue the assault. My undead quickly moved far enough away that I could take the elves out of the hut without them seeing my undead horde.
I ordered 4 wraiths to fallow me from a distance. Leaving behind the ogre settlement, the older elf hugged the small child beside her crying. I could feel the childs soul fire, close to death but still she had time.
Signaling the elf I gave a hand sign /Home/Direction/Help/Medicine/ the elf pointed to the south east /Half/Day/Walk/ seeing this I started to jog through the red vines and roots, we encountered several goblins but I quickly mowed them down with my sword. I could not cast dark magic or "Forbidden" spells in front of this elf.
Barriers were sound proof and since High Elves excelled at Barrier type spells this caused elves to create a silent language for communication.
We neared the edge of the forest when a Ogre and two orcs burst through charging at me, I positioned the barrier higher off the ground. Raising my hand I cast -Arcane bolt- 20 times, each hitting the orcs and ogre slowing them down. One of the arcane bolts slammed into one of the orcs necks killing him.
The magical bolts would explode with mana dealing arcane damage. The ogre reached me first and swung its hammer at my side, I attempted to parry it, but my new body was not as strong as I had hoped, I was sent crashing into a root my hp dropped but I did not falter.
Blinking behind the last orc I cast arcane bolt at the back of its head, then blinked away. The bolt slammed into the orcs skull and exploded his brain splattered around me. The effects of Arcane Bolt allowed it to pierce objects at long range while exploding.
The longer the bolt is flying the more it will pierce but its destructive power will lessen, however casting the spell in melee was akin to using a dwarves boom stick on a goblin. The orcs headless body dropped as I blinked back fifteen feet. I pulled out my bow and let lose 2 arrows, the ogre blocked one with his hammer but the last arrow stayed true piercing his eye and sending him to the ground.
The Ogre roared as he thrashed about causing more noise than I had expected. I walked past the wounded monster and used arcane bolt directly at his head. I returned to sprinting while keeping my bow out, Blinking requires undivided attention, the further out I got the harder it was to control or observe varik, soon I would have to just trust him to stay "alive".
I felt several goblins approaching from my left and ordered my wraiths to deal with them. Mana signatures were unique based on individuals but always fallowed the same "feeling" or mana signature for a specific race, goblins mana is weak and chaotic.
The small green children like creatures were a Inept species unable to use mana. Defenseless to my wraiths they fell quickly. we reached the edge of the red rooted forest and my control over varik lessened. We passed by the red roots and found ourselves at the entrance of a valley.
The cobble stone road was hidden inside the red forest but out here the road was just over run with weeds and plants. Red vines snaked their way into the ground and absorbed earthly mana, raising my hand I cast several fireballs at the red vines, causing them to burn and smoke. I had the barrier move ahead of me away from the red roots as I continued to bombard it with fire.
Turning away from the seethe trees roots I jogged along the road but kept an arrow on my bow sting at all times. the valleys walls passed as I moved swiftly, normally elves have low Strength and high stamina. Not dying to that ogres hammer had surprised the elf but also finding a friend in that hellish place was a god send.
I knew from talking to myself and varik at dragons maw, my voice was more of a wisp or rasp, like a ghost. The sound of my human voice mixed and mutilated by the ether. While we traveled I ordered my wraiths to find some fruit and edible plants. I then blinked to the food and placed it inside of my quiver.
Several hours passed until we exited the valley. The road split off into two while a hill sat in the middle leading up to a old white tree. I slowed my jog and hiked up the hill. The sun was blocked out by the smoke rising from the burning seethe tree. I determined that the distance was sufficient a mile back the smoke started to sparkle with red mana. The toxin was carried by mana inside the roots and thankfully most of the mana was being used to rank up the seethe tree.
We were safe from the rage tree, I unclipped my cape and set it down on the ground then placed the barrier on top of it, Elven customs required that the one who saves the lives of another must take care of their charges until they are home. If the elf was correct than we would reach an elven enclave just down the hill five to six miles out.
I released the barrier and pulled out a giant leaf that I had collected, placing several fruits and edible plants on it and handing it to the older elf who was still holding the small child.
Children among elves were considered sacred and just the fact that this child was not dead or infected was a miracle, the mage beside me was obviously a powerful caster, her barrier spell was weaker than I had initially thought but then thought about why she used a -Barrier- spell and not a -Greater Barrier- They had been in that forest for days if not weeks, keeping a strong barrier up would of left her with no mana.
Bowing her head and accepting the "plate" of food. She split open a water vine and fed the still sleeping child. The childs soul fire faded back into her body, starvation and dehydration had made her close to death. Seeing her revitalized I felt Wrong? My mind hurt as I watched the two, living.
I turned and approached the white tree its size was large and imposing, a light mana tree than had lived for several decades. Its leafs shined a pale white while tis bark glowed like the moon. A small pool of light mana covered its base. The light raw mana reflected my illusionary appearance but I instantly knew that even if my image was different I could not fool them if they touched my armor.
I sat in front of the mana pool and meditated like I would with sam...
The world was filled with a white light, I was sitting in a white chair in front of me sat the Phantom. She was reading a book but slowly closed it and looked up at me, her purple eyes shined a unhealthy light into the stark white room. "Even'ata Marvuk Sevan'tarul?" I opened my mouth to speak but found that I was unable.
She smiled and placed the book down on her chairs armrest, then stood. "Mana fallows a set rule but each element has a hidden property, Light, Heals and aluminates but is also an Illusion." she walked counter clockwise around me as she spoke. "Earth is strong and powerful but also rejuvenates the body."
She stroked my head and I noticed I was once again in my human body. she continued to strut around the white room, "Every element has a equal and negative, Lights equal is Holy, and its negative is Dark. Dark is equal to unholy and negative to light." she brought her hand out and dark mana formed making a box. "Dark, destroys and Hides, but is also real." She released the black box from her manas grasp and it fell to the floor and shattered into dark fragments that evaporated.
"Darkness is not a color or shade but a representation of its physical counter part, everything has darkness and anything can become darkness", She then formed a purple triangle, and it too fell to the floor, Shattering. then a blue circle and a orange rectangle. "With proper mana manipulation you can create anything, and reinforce it with mana."
She was now behind her seat and waved her mana around making a skeleton with armor that resembled my skeleton body. "The Dark is real while the light is fake." She then waved her hand and a scythe appeared in her hand, she decapitated the skeleton imitation and its head rolled onto the floor while its body fell forward destroying a white wood table between our chairs.
"The dark can even make sound." The skeletons body evaporated and reformed sitting on the chair its skull moved and a voice of a young girl came out of the skeleton. "Light is so fragile and is only an optic allusion." The elf weaved her mana again and two small children formed just a few feat away from me.
The skeleton raised its hand and a dark bolt slammed into one of the children. He hunched over in pain and cried out with suffering and pain. The little girl beside him held onto him and whimpered "Brother!" the boy slowly went limp then he snapped up and grasped the little girls throat.
Bursting out of my chair I tried to blink to the two but I was quickly chained down with black chains. The skeleton turned towards me and spoke with sam's voice. "Being a fool will only get you killed." he then raised his hand and the chains tightened until I could not move.
The dark elf strut over to me in her purple armored robes, she straddled me and stroked my face with a indecent look on her face, her breath was haggard and she was obviously not in the right mind. "Hearing them struggle reminds me of when I was just a child under going the right of Bain."
The small girls whimpering's softened and her feet visible stopped kicking. I shuddered and clenched my fist trying to move. "Don't struggle its just in your nature to want to save them but look." she turned my head towards the children that were starting to fade away into dark smoke.
She bit into my neck and blood flowed from my vains. Bringing her head back she forcefully kissed me and made me drink my own blood. Her hands grasped my head with a powerful grip as she molested my mouth with her own. Tears formed in my eyes as I felt powerless.
She retreated from the embrace and looked into my eyes while opening my white robes. She smeared blood on my chest and wrote runes in the Dark language. "Dona'ken var'vadain?" She smiled as she pored mana into my body and I felt a sickening connection between her and I her soul mingled with mine. I felt powerful lust from her soul but also a trickle of knowledge.
-Dark Metamorphosis- (1,000mp+100mp/m) Darkness surround's you and alters your appearance, Form grows in power the longer it is sustained. When active +1% to all stats +Every day metamorphosis is sustained add 1% to total status. +When deactivated form a Dark gem with mana equal to x% the total cost of Dark Metamorphosis
Phantom moved back and waved her hands causing my robes to return to normal, fixing the table. She moved back to her chair and sat down. "When you return to your body no time will have passed, you are close to unlocking a racial passive, reach Soul level 200 and it will be available to you."
She waved her hand and returned to reading her book. I felt like I was falling until I reached my body The white tree and its mana pool shimmered radiating light...
Fellmore Here, Sorry for the wait, had to take a break from royalroad to study for an exam. (got 100% and I'm feeling good!)
Again I'm using royal road to improve my grammar and writing skills, tell me if I made a mistake or have a recurring problem. (Fallow/Follow) (Wait/Weight) (Capitalization)
If you want to learn about the lore/a specific subject ask it down in the comments and I will paste down one of Mal's books to answer. (I have 67 of them just waiting to be pasted.)
To answer some questions,
Will there be hydras or other dragons, YES!.
Is Nagol a super powerful MC? No, in a few chapters your going to realize where he stands In the food chain.
Is Varik going to be more talkative, yes.
Is Nagols Back story important, Yes.
What is an undead legion? 1,000 liches with maximum undead.
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