《In a new world, so lets go it alone!》chapter- 3 mice of death!


Race human (100%)

Level 1 (20/50)


HP 82/120 (1+6/h)

MP 120/120 (13/h)

Str 7

Int 12

Dex 11

Wis 13

Agi 9

will 11

Vit 12

Def 1

I never really explained what the stats do, did I?

Str makes you stronger.

Dex raises reaction rate and increases the fluidity of movements.

Agi increases the speed of all movements, not the minds though.

Vit increases your life force, or ‘health’

Int raises your max MP pool, and increases spell damage and all around intelligence

Wis increases MP regen

Will affects resistance to mental status debuffs.

Def reduces damage.

I’m gonna be honest, my gamer instincts want me to get all my stats to a nice even ten. But I can’t stay hold up forever on this. I use the D rank skill package.

The now familiar wheel pops up, I spin it and… it lands on a red X. I got nothing, well no more new skills I guess. But considering how much trouble that wolf gave me, I think I won't move farther than I am for a while. Like at least for a week. So priority one is setting up a base. But how? Well, i need.

Shelter ...

THE WOLF! I forgot to skin the wolf. I look over and see the corpse of the wolf drained of blood. I take off my shoes and socks before shuffling through the blood on the ground, trying to not splash the surprisingly large amount of blood around. I then start skinning the wolf. When I'm done I get out of the blood and flick my foot to get some of the blood off from my foot, I didn’t get much off though. Next is the pelt

“Identify hide”

Grey wolf pelt

Low grade

Low grade? How bad is that on a scale of one to ten? If I had to say personally what the pelt would be, it would be a two. I did it one-handed, and it was my second time skinning, so I don’t think I did badly. I head back to my backpack and grab the other instructions I had printed out, the ones on butchering. I’ll skip the process and just say I failed. The organs spilled and spoiled most of the meat. At most I got part of the legs.

With the blood work over i asked myself. How am i gonna clean myself. I guess that's another reason to find water. I take my clothes off, and use them to scrap the blood off myself as best as possible. I then put on a new set of clothes, my socks, and my shoes. I put the pelt where the rabbit pelt is, to dry in the sun, i take the rabbit pelt and set it with my backpack, then i grab a random stick that is a little bit longer than my forearm, getting my knife i then sharpen it to a point, if you're wondering how, i did it with one arm, i put the stick in between my legs. I look into my backpack for a snack. And i see the burners, gas and electric. I forgot about those, i dump them little ways into the forest, why? Well i bought them thinking i would be able to learn electric magic and use them, i was wrong. Anyway, i need fire, but how? Friction? No i have only one arm… flint? Maybe but i don’t have any. Wait… flint is a rock, so i can probably find it out here too, but where is flint found usually? Well probably around streams and rivers. Well if i find one, i’ve also got a source of water. Well i should go find water, and i have no reason to stay here specifically, so i pack up my things, including the wolf pelt. And go. I rest about every half hour. I also ate some food. Sadly i left the wolf meat behind, so as not to inconvenience myself. After a while i noticed the trees are quite big. How long have they been here? How long has life been on this planet? Are there other races? There must be. The announcement said ‘humanity’ implying that the creators are not human. Though that’s kinda obvious, i don’t think humans have ever had the power to do something like this. Though going back to what i said before, was there sentient life on ‘gia’ before humans, and any other race were transported here? It said that all monsters over twenty were put into stasis, so what’s the highest level monster? Hundred? Thousand? Milion!? Thinking about it, is there a level cap? If so what is it?


That also brings up another important question. Whats hp? I mean, if someone cut my neck off, I would die. So would my hp go to zero instantly? Then why rais vit? I should stop, if I keep asking questions I can’t answer then I'll get nowhere.




Water? I walk over and see a small stream, about as wide as my body, completely clear, I can see the river stones under the water, the fish swimming in the water too! But the stream had some other visitors too, four mice who noticed me too.

“Identify monster”

Forest mouse

Level 1

Later I would think back and say, I was stupid, why would mice go to a stream if they couldn’t protect themselves?

I pull out my knife, this should be some good free xp! I charge at the nearest mouse, but they did something that surprised me, they split up and flanked me, one mouse (the one i was charging at) glared at me, while the other three ran around me. I ignored them as i charged forward. The three mice slam themselves at the back of my knee, making me land on the ground, but after that wolf bite i haven’t been as weak to pain, i use the momentum and angle of my fall to roll on the ground. This attack was a bit of a wake up call on my part. I get to a kneeling position right as they get to me again. I slash at them but they dodged, and bite me. But these mice apparently don’t know the most important rule in fighting. Don’t get greedy. They keep biting, trying to gouge out my flesh. And i roll. In the process i crush them. Well two of them the other two jumped off when they saw me rolling. I don’t just wait for them to recover after i finish rolling. I swing out my knife while still on my stomach. The knife cleaves the mouse's head in twine. One down three to go. I get ready to respond to the other mice but… they are gone. I guess they got scared after i killed there buddy. Anyway i won.

I check my status

Race human (100%)

Level 1 (22/50)


HP 69/120 (6/h)

MP 120/120 (13/h)

Str 7

Int 12

Dex 11

Wis 13

Agi 9

will 11

Vit 12

Def 1

Two xp? Well, they were level one. Still disappointing though. But hey I'm a water source. There are river stones, so maybe flint. There are some fishes, so I might have a sustainable food source for a while. First thing first I examine my surroundings. I’m in a small clearing, the trees are a bit darker than when I first entered the forest. The ground is filled with grass, everywhere except about four feet from the stream. Speaking of which the ground surrounding the stream is rocks and pebbles. If you want to be more detailed, it can almost be called gravel, though it seems to be a bit less grounded, being made up of pebbles more than actual gravel. Then the stream itself, I already talked about how clear it is, but I can’t help but talk about how clear it is, it’s almost as if it was gathered from nature itself. Wait we are in nature.


I walk up and taste it. Now i know that in TV when people taste fresh water in nature they always exclaim something like. Oh! It’s so fresh tasting! But i don’t taste fresh. Actually what would ‘fresh’ taste like? Frest just means it has just been gathered right? Anyway it seems ok to drink. I set my things out, and put the wolf pelt to dry in the sun, i also grab the mouse and through it downstream. It was too small for a beginner like me to skin. I grab the bloody clothes from my pack and put in the stream, pinning them with a slightly big rock to keep from slipping. Then i unsling my makeshift sling and do the same to it. Actually my arm is a lot better, like good enough to use for none strenuous things. I walk around the stream, picking up some of the darker rocks around before heading back i sit down at the edge of the water and grab my knife. First i wash it in the stream, moving it around some to make it clean from the mice blood. Then i dry it with a shirt. Now i can start. I grab one of the rocks and slide it fast and hard against the flat side of the blade a couple of times… nothing. I do this for some of the other rocks. If you can’t already tell I’m testing to see if they are flint rocks. I vaguely remember that flint can be found near streams, and are darker than the other rocks there. I also remember that they make sparks against steel. After i go through most of the rocks one of them makes a spark or two. I found it! I put it in my pocket for later and kick the other rocks back into the stream.

I need shelter, food, water, fire for water i have the stream, i can make a fire pit later, i have food for a while, and have an idea for how to cook some more. And lastly… shelter. While camping under the stars is nice, not being in the open is nicer. I tied myself to a tree last night, but that hurt, and my back is still in pain. Well the trees are pretty big, so i can probably carve one out to sleep in, but how? My knife would dull, and then i would need a new weapon. Wasn't flint used to make tools? I would need a hatchet, or an axe. So i look around for some bigger dark stones, when i say big, i mean the size of my fist. I find one, but only after i look around for what was about twelve minutes. I also need a stick. So i go to a nearby tree, and use my knife to hack a long big stick. After shaving it down, and cutting some off i have a handle. Now i only have to sharpen the flint and attach it to the handle. But that's for tomorrow. It has already gotten dark, and i don’t want to be caught drowsy. So i have to sleep in a tree tonight, again. But before i do that i grab a late night snack. I also get my clothes, and hang them to dry. Then there's the wolf pelt. Ok now what do i need to do before i sleep? Nothing? Am i sure? Just go to sleep. No! It’s so uncomfortable! Do it! Fine no need to yell me. I hang my sleeping bag to a tree branch and slip in. this is really uncomfortable...

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