《In a new world, so lets go it alone!》chapter- 4 am i finally finished doing nothing?


I wake up more sore than that day I was forced to run a marathon against my will. I don’t think I can look at trees the same anymore. Anyway, I stretch the pain away. I grab one of my two last cokes and chug it. There warm so i don’t feel so refreshed from them. I have to say. I’m glad i brought some toilet paper, and soap. Thinking about all the people back at the spawn point, having no toilet paper, having to use leaves, no soap so dirty dirty hands, yuck! After buried it under a tree, and wash my hands in the stream, i’m ready to face the day, in this new crazy world. First i need to make that hachet. I grab the rock I found yesterday. How do i go about sharpening it? Probably another rock would do the trick. I grab one of the many stones on the nearby streambed, walk over to the edge of the stream, sit down and get to work. After five minutes of scraping i can only think to myself, this is going to take all day isn’t it? The work was boring, i check my watch, 2:10 PM. that's odd. Oh wait. My watch is about three hours off because the rotation of gia is different, i take a moment to turn my watch to about… well i’ve been here for three days, and the world has about two or three hours more per day, so… 8:00 AM. after doing that i think of anything i can do that's not just scraping a rock against another rock.

Magic? How would i though? I tried reading a book about an element, but that didn’t work. What do mages do in books? Meditate? Might as well try. I wiggle around until I’m in a semi-comfortable position. Now i look into myself trying to look for something, anything. After a while of nothing i look at my watch. 8:30. Might as well give up and try again later. I get back to grinding the flint. I stop again, so bored, seriously i can only do so much boring tasks, so i whip out my phone and headphones, pop on one of my favorite songs, and relax.

I’ll spare you the rest of the next few hours of my alternating in scraping a rock and trying to meditate. In the end, I had decided to sharpen the opposite side of the hatchet head into an arrowhead shape, as to use it to wedge it into the handle. After I was finished though

Skill gained! Stone carving C beginner 1 (0.00%)

Skills stone carving C, and wood carving C can fuse into a new skill, will you accept?


The obvious answer was yes.

Skills stone carving, and wood carving have fused into skill carving C beginner 1 (0.00%)

The skill description was the same as stone/wood carving was, but on a much wider scale. And to get everything else out of the way, after I put the handle and head together, by wedging the arrowhead shape near the end of one side of the handle.

Skill gained! Crude item crafting C Beginner 1 (0.00%)

The description was just as it sounded

Crude item crafting C beginner 1 (0.00%)

You can craft items, such as tools, weapons, and miscellaneous items, from wild items, and few to no tools. Gives joint-skill identify crude item


I am getting so many identifiers, again not complaining about that. Though I still haven’t gotten the meditation skill, I know it existed, because if it didn't it would be crazy. I probably just have a bad affinity with staying still and doing nothing. I bet I will get it in a day or two.

I get to work with my new hatchet… wait I forgot to identify it!

Crude flint hatchet

Made with flint, and oak wood, this hatchet barley will serve its purpose.

4-6 damage

-Low quality

So the trees are oak trees? Good to know. Know to get to chopping! But before that i need to plan this out. Just a hollowed out tree won’t stop animals from killing me in my sleep, which is the whole reason i’m doing this. The best solution would be a door, but i don’t think i can make one. Maybe i should plant a bush in front of the entrance. But it would be too short to cover the whole thing. It would still stop animals from seeing me from the outside, which is all i need it for. So I plant the bush, Am in agreement with myself? Yes.

After that i start chopping and chopping. Before i get tired and stop. After looking at the dent i made in the tree. I sigh. I’m very out of shape. I got tired cutting about an inch deep into the tree. How late is it? 6:00 PM. getting kinda late here, so just gotta keep working!

---- the next day -----

I finally finished! The tree is hollowed out, a bush is in front of it for camouflage. Bit of a bitch to get in and out of, but meh. I have all the water I need, but for food… I can survive about three days with the junkie I have left and foraging plants in the woods. But before I start hunting for meat, I want to get this magic stuff down if possible. So I keep meditating. And at the end of the day

Skill gained! meditation C beginner 1 (0.00%)

Meditation C beginner 1 (0.00%)

By Focusing on calming your mind and stilling your thoughts, you are able to see that which eyes are normally unable to see

Increases mana regen by x2

Sense energies more easily

Takes full attention

Energies, not mana? Interesting. But not what I'm focusing on! Go meditation! After a while, I felt something from inside my head, but before I could do anything with it I was snapped out of meditation by a notification.

Skill gained! Mana sense C beginner 1 (0.00%)

Mana sense C beginner 1 (0.00%)

Can sense the energy mana

Can only be used in conjunction to meditation skill

While still being a bit peeved at being interrupted, I start meditating again, while focusing on that feeling I got from my head. And eventually, i got it. In the back of my brain, right above the base, i felt an orb, with blue mist rolling around in it. I tried to move it, or rather pull it out of its orb, but to no avail. But i keep this up, eventually i get the mist to move out of the orb, but it felt like dragging a hoe through dirt. I was again interrupted

Skill gained! Mana manipulation C beginner 1 (0.00%)


I stood up and struggled through my ‘door’ bush walked over to the stream, and started punching the water. Why am i doing this? Because i keep! Being! Interrupted! I raise both hands over my head and clasping them together, swing it down into the water, causing a large splash of water to get over me. Maybe it was the was from the water punching, or the water all over me, but i started to calm down. I get up laughing. I am really stressed. All the pent-up stress of doing a boring repetitive task, all came piling out in that laugh. What? The stress from being in a new world, or almost died multiple times? Sorry to tell you but I’m not the most sane person in the world. Or am i? I mean on earth, being almost killed and not freaking out about it would be considered unhealthy, but this isn’t earth. This is Gia, and in this new world of danger, my mindset will definitely be helpful. So am i crazy? I don’t know, but i should get back to my training.

After getting back to my ‘room’ i sit and meditate again. And to my disappointment i see all my mana is still in the orb, not that i was expecting anything else. I try pulling it again, and to my surprise, it was easier than before, not that easy though. If before it was pulling a hoe through dirt, now it’s pulling a hoe through thick mud. Though the elation i got from this didn’t last long, as i tried pulling it out my mind and into my spine. Hoe through mud? More like hoe through stone, is more like it! What i’m trying to say is my mana wants to stay in my brain. In fact, i slip in concentration for not even a second before it’s back in the orb. After a few repeated attempts at this i get a prompt i haven’t seen yet.

Congratulations! skills meditation C and mana manipulation C have leveled to beginner 2, and beginner 2 respectively

Now that I think about it, this is the first time, I've leveled a skill isn’t it? Wow! Wait, why hasn’t, mana sense leveled? I check the skill

Mana sense C beginner 1 (98.73%)

Can sense the energy mana

Can only be used in conjunction to meditation skill

So I just got unlucky, and stopped before it leveled? I meditate and look all around my mana for a minute, then

Congratulations! skills mana sense C has leveled to beginner 2

Now that I've done that I see it fit to go to bed, this might not be physically tired, but it is mental.

I wake up the next morning refreshed and ready to start sitting again. I first wash my face, and drink from the stream, before taking care of my daily routine, peeing, brushing my teeth, washing my body and hair.

After that i get back to the dark desolate hovel in a tree that is now my bedroom. And get to meditating. Let me tell you pulling mana down my spine, is not as boring as you’d think. It was hard for me to meditate, because it just involves not thinking, but this takes all my concentration, before i even eat breakfast, i’m in a slight sweat, having only been able to get my mana, to about the base of my neck. It feels wrong to be so tired, and yet still have so much energy in my body. To shake this feeling of wrongness i did a few jumping jacks, and by few i mean four. I am not in shape. But at least now both my body and mind feel like crap. I decided to relax. Play some games on my phone. I checked the power 23% shit, i was banking on having learnt some lightning magic by now. Luckily with all the things i’ve had to do, i was able to not have the constant need for my phone. Still nice to have though.

After a bit of rest i get back to the grindstone. And i was able to get it to my chest before i got too hungry, and ate some jerky. I spent the next few hours moving it around in my body until it wouldn’t take an hour to get it from my mind to where ever i wanted it. I gained a few skill ups in meditation, mana sense, and mana manipulation. Getting my skills to meditation beginner 5, mana sense beginner 4, and mana manipulation beginner 6. I probably should mention that skills rank up from beginner at level 50. I also no longer need to meditate to move my mana.

All that tedious work was worth it because now i get to try using a spell, to start with i decided to use the most basic one i could think of. Mana bolt. Moving the mana from my brain orb to my right hand took around three minutes, not fast enough to be useful in combat but it’s a start. I raise my arm, pointing my palm towards a nearby tree. I slowly forced my mana out of my body and the mana flew out of my palm, the force was so strong, and considering i wasn’t expecting it, i was flung to the ground, and rolled a few times before stopping, my body was still aching from the impact when a message popped up, but before looking at it i sat up and groaned for a moment, waiting for the pain to pass a little, and after a minute i looked at the announcement.

Spell learnt! Mana bolt C beginner 1 (0.00%)

Seems right, but just in case I check the description

Mana bolt grade 1, neutral, destruction beginner 1 (0.00%)

The spell most following the path of mana learn mana bolt flings a bolt of mana out of there body

2/mp damage

2/mp? Probably per mana. Thinking about damage made me remember the tree, so I looked up at it, and the bark was flung away smashing a bit into the tree. I next take a look at my stats to see my mana

Race human (100%)

Level 1 (22/50)


HP 118/120 (1+6/h)

MP 110/120 (13/h)

Str 7

Int 12

Dex 11

Wis 13

Agi 9

will 11

Vit 12

Def 1

Ten mp? So that's about twenty damage? It really doesn't make sense. I have over a hundred hp yet, that would kill me I assure you. This makes me think one thing. Hp is bull shit!

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