《Reincarnation of The Butcher Alchemist》Chapter 7: Butcher store


When they arrived at the Butcher store Zhu Tufu thought [Ahh that brings back memories.] Thinking about the past.

The Butcher store was as big as a convenience store, but it had two floors. When they came in, they saw people choosing, buying or talking with the staff members. When one of them staff members saw the symbol on the guards and the six year old boy, a middle aged man came to them and politely asked: "Welcome to the Butcher store, may I ask what businesses does one of the Zhu clan's Young master have with us?"

Zhu Tufu asked with an innocent voice: "Does senior have any Demon beast blood?"

The staff member thought for a moment before saying: "Yes we indeed have Demon beast blood, but everything Demon beast related is managed by the owner and the managers."

Zhu Tufu happily thought [With Demon beast blood, I just need two or three liters. If I used normal animal blood it would have taken five to eight gallons of blood.]

Demon beast is an animal that has somehow found a way to cultivate Qi in his body and can choose what it wants to become, but has a low chance to evolve. They can also be a distant descendent of a Saint beast. And if they are a distant descendant of a Saint beast then that means they have a Saint beast bloodline and have a higher chance to evolve, but they will have their path set in stone. Normally if you are the direct descendent of a Saint beast you will be a Saint beast too, but your bloodline will get diluted.

Saint beasts can be half human, half Demon beast, like Mermaids, Werewolves, Centaurs, etc. They are evolved from the Demon beast they can transform into or the body part they have, but they can also be a descendant of a Divine beast. For example Saint beast Pegasus and Saint beast Unicorn are descendants of the Divine beast Pegacorn(1).

(1): Pegacorn is the name for a winged unicorn

Divine beast is a creature like a Dragon, Pheonix, World Serpent, World Turtle, etc. They can be evolved from a Saint beast, but their descendants will always Saint beasts.

"Senior can you please take us to the owner? I want to buy three liters of the most high quality Demon beast blood that you have."

The staff member replied: "Yes, Young master. Please follow me."

Following the staff member upstairs, Zhu Tufu saw a narrow hall with many doors on the sides. After following the staff member at end of the hall. There was a double door made of wood, the design on the double door beat the former doors by a large margin.

The staff member knocked on the door and after some seconds a bossy, female voice yelled: "What is it? I have a guest in here right now."

The staff member respectfully replied: "One of Zhu clan's Young master wants to buy our best quality Demon beast blood."

"One of Zhu clan's Young master? Let him in and you are dismissed."

After that the door opened and the staff member left. Zhu Tufu entered with his guards right behind him.

After entering what looked like a office they saw a young man and a 6 foot tall lady. Even though, she had clothes on. You could see that her muscles were just ready to explode with strength, but oddly enough. The places were too much muscle would be grouse, weren't their.

"Hmm, she would definitely be high quality meat if butchered." Zhu Tufu thinking such thoughts heard the young man say: "Oh so it's junior brother Zhu Tufu, how is Grand Elder Zhu Li doing?"


Zhu Tufu turned to look him in the eyes to find out that there was malice and a little bit of suprise before hurriedly hiding it.

"Ah yes, Senior brother. Grandma is doing fine." While saying this Zhu Tufu thought [Why would he be surprised that I am here? And that malicious intent in his eyes, maybe he was the one who poisoned me, but what reason would he have to poison me and where did he get that poison?]

The young man turned to the owner and said: "Miss Sun Bai, I see that you have business and shall not disturb you further." After saying that, he left.

Zhu Tufu asks one of the guards "Who was that?"

The guard replied: "He is the Patriarch's adopted son, Duan Fa. Madam and him aren't exactly on good terms, because when the Patriarch decided that Duan Fa would be the next Patriarch. Many Elders and Madam disagreed with it, but his master Grand Elder Zhu Sha and other Elders agreed with it. Some Elders and the last Grand Elder are staying neutral, for now."

Zhu Tufu thought: [Now i know it was him that poisoned me. If I died, grandma would be grief stricken and would probably agree to let Duan Fa be the Patriarch if he could frame someone to be the murderer. But a bigger question comes to mind. Was someone working with him to poison me?]


After Duan Fa left. He walked towards the Lin clan to find someone. But unexpectedly met him on the way there. It was also a young man, but he looked older than Duan Fa

When Duan Fa saw him. He ran towards him and whispered: "Hey, can we talk in private?"

After going to a private place Duan Fa couldn't hold it anymore and said: "Didn't you say if I put the poison on him he will die tomorrow? Well guess what he doesn't even look sick much less dead!"

The young man thought and said: "It definitely wasn't the poisons problem. You said you wanted a poison that was without smell and almost invisible to the naked eye. Well I got you one and it was a pretty rare one too. I needed to pay a hundred contribution points at the Academy to pay for it."

"Then what should we do now?!" Duan Fa said, helpless and angry.

The young man replied: "Why are you so impatient, he is just a kid right now with no cultivation, while you are at the Body Stage. You could kill him any day."

After hearing these words, Duan Fa calmed down and said "Well that's true, but don't forget our deal. You help me become the Patriarch and I will help you destroy the Ma clan."

"Don't worry I didn't forget, but after two days I need to go back to the Academy. So tell me what you need in these two days and I will help you get it."



The owner turned towards them and rudely said: "How much top quality Demon beast blood do you want?"

Zhu Tufu said straight: "Three liters. How many silver coins?"

She pointed one finger up and said: "One gold coin."

The two guards were astonished. That three liters of Demon beast blood could cost so much, but you need to understand that their pay was two hundred silver coins each year. And they were guards of one of the three most powerful clans where money isn't a problem.

Sun Bai as thought she knew what they were thinking said: "Don't be so astonished. You guys are buying one of our top quality Demon beast blood that means their is a very, very diluted drop of Saint beast bloodline. I am actually quite gener-"


But before she can finish, she was thrown a coin bag. When checking it and seeing that they were exactly thousand silver coins she heard "Bring me three liters of your top quality Demon beast blood."

After that Sun Bai shut up and went somewhere.

After ten minutes, she came back with three buckets of blood, saying: "Here, these are the three liters of top quality Demon beast blood."

Zhu Tufu smiled and said: "Thanks, and I am going to probably come again, so be ready. It was nice doing business with you." After saying that, he ordered the two guards to take the buckets and were about to leave when he heard Sun Bai say: "Aren't you worried that I cheated you and put normal blood inside?"

Zhu Tufu sweetly answered: "There are three reasons, why I am not worried. First it wouldn't be worth tarnishing your reputation or getting the wrath of the Zhu clan just for a gold coin. Second we have no animosity against each other and third if you did, you wouldn't be among the living for long."

After saying that Zhu Tufu left.

Sun Bai mumbled to herself: "Is he really a child?"


When Zhu Tufu arrived home. The sun was already slowly going down.

[Hmm what do I do now? There will definitely be rumors that a Young master of Zhu clan broke a man's arms and legs and stripped him to his underwear and that I bought Demon beast blood won't be a secret anymore too. Well that depends on that Duan Fa, if he deliberately spreads rumors about me buying blood.]

[Well rumors are rumors, I just say I was playing outside and let the guards confirm it.]

After thinking that he put the three buckets of blood in his closet next to his bed and sprayed perfume, which he stole from his grandma, near the closet. But while he was spraying perfume near the closet his stomach grumbled.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that I didn't eat lunch, well let's just eat some dried meat as snack, before eating dinner with grandma."

Zhu Tufu went to the kitchen and saw the dried mead in a bag on the table. He pushed a chair out climed on it and then took the bag.

"How inconvenient to be so small. But there are some good points about being small."

Mumbling to himself. He arrived back in his room and ate some dried meat before sensing that the blood Qi was almost enough.

"First let's try to gather the Blood Qi."

Zhu Tufu started gathering Blood Qi, only find out that the Blood Qi was a lot heavier to control than World Qi. Imaging using a baseball bat as a sword.

So he tried different approaches, different ways to gather it and it paid off.

"Ahh it took me so long to do this. But at least i can say that i mastered the Qi Gathering Stage and and I am at the beginning of Qi Manipulation Stage. My experience from my previous life helped me a lot here. Oh yeah, what time is it right now?" When he said that, he heard the house's entrance opening and his grandma's voice saying "Tufu come here."

He went after his grandma only to see her taking off her shoes with a bag on the ground.

Zhu Li looked somewhat tired and said: "Will you help your grandma prepare a hot bath, won't you? And also can you take this bag into the kitchen? it's your favorite rice with steak and onions."

Without knowing, his heart spread that warm feeling that he felt this morning.

[How weird, this is the second time i feel this warm feeling, but I should have already forgotten this feeling. Maybe it's this body, which is spreading this feeling by instinct or maybe, because of blood are the same? Whatever, if it it's only her then It doesn't matter. Truth to be told. I sometimes miss the time where I was with Master and junior sister.]

While taking the bag and making a hot bath, Zhu Li sat down on a chair in the kitchen, looking at him tenderly before remembering about something.

[Oh yeah, on the way back, i heard some rumors about Tufu buying blood? Hmmm i just ask him, he would never lie to me.]

After seeing that Zhu Tufu was done she said: "Tufu can you come here. I need to ask you a question."

Zhu Tufu walked over, prepared to deny any rumor that she heard.

"Did you, by any chance buy blood?"

When Zhu Tufu was ready to say no, but his mouth, like it was moving on it's own said: "Yes."

Both Zhu Li and mainly Zhu Tufu were astonished.

Zhu Tufu thought [WHAT THE FU*K!? How can this body speak on it's own?!] While Zhu Tufu was still cursing his body.

Zhu Li came back to her senses. She smiled and said: "Oh really, at least you didn't lie to me, but what do you need the blood for?"

Without a way out Zhu Tufu spoke honestly: "I need it for my cultivation."

Zhu Li astonished again and saying: "Yo-You are cultivating? What stage are you in and what rank is your Qi Cultivation Method? If it's worse then a low grade Sky rank than give it up. I give you a new one."

Zhu Tufu replied: "I am at the beginning of Qi Manipulation Stage. And my Qi Cultivation Method definitely isn't worse than a low grade Sky rank one."

There are a total of 5 ranks from top to bottom. The Divine rank, Heaven rank, Sky rank, Earth rank and Mortal rank. And each rank has 4 grades. The peak grade, high grade, mid grade and low grade.

Zhu Li shocked and then excitedly said: "My Tufu is a Genius! A Genius! Six years old and already at the beginning of Qi Manipulation Stage! And a Qi Cultivation Method that isn't worse than a low grade Sky rank one! Tell me, you got a master, right? And didn't tell me about it.

This was when Zhu Tufu was shocked and then thought [She would definitely think like that, I mean who would believe that a child would know how to gather Qi without guidance and get a Qi Cultivation Method that isn't lower than a low grade Sky rank by himself?]

Zhu Tufu sincerely and innocently said: "Yeah grandma. How did you know? Master said I shouldn't tell anyone that I have a master or that I am cultivating."

Zhu Li proudly said: "Of course, you can't hide anything from your own grandma even if you wanted to. Hehehe..."

[Oh really?] Zhu Tufu rolled his eyes and thought.

"Now i go take a bath and you eat your dinner and go to sleep ok? I already ate so you don't worry."

After that Zhu Li went to take her bath and Zhu Tufu ate his dinner. After that both of them went to sleep, but not before Zhu Li kissed Zhu Tufu's forehead and said: "Goodnight."


In bed Zhu Tufu thought [Should I kill her? Well I don't think, this will work. If this body can move through instinct as i think then I probably will just freeze in mid stance and if somehow she wakes up then I am done for. I also don't want to help that Duan Fa become the Patriarch so I can't kill her. But I can catch that Duan Fa, but I need him alive. Torture him and then find out if someone is working with him. But how am I gonna do that? Let's think about this tomorrow.]

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