《Thank you, Mr. Robot》Chapter 9: Midnight prayer


As they continued to talk, they noticed the sun has gone down.

˝I should probably go sleep. It's been a long day, so I'm really tired. What about you Alfred?˝ Liz asked.

˝Since I don't sleep, I'll watch out for enemies. My arm has completely recovered and I'm able to walk even if my leg is still a bit damaged.˝ Alfred said gazing at his previously damaged arm.

It was stinging during the process, but now it's as good as new. Where the metal was previously rusted, it was now shiny. ´It seemingly regenerated it back to it's original state, not the rusted state.´ Alfred thought to himself

˝Alright, just don't do anything rash. If anything happens just yell, I'll come and help.˝ Liz said as she entered the tent.

˝I will be careful. And Liz have a good night.˝ Alfred said while throwing another stick on the fire.

¨You too Alfred, goodnight.˝ She said while yawning.

´That wolf was stronger than I thought, I did not expect it to bite through my plating that easily. If I was organic I would have probably lost an arm.´ Alfred thought while looking in the direction of the wolf.

˝I should probably pray to Artisia to inform her or today's events. How do I pray though? Something like this?˝ Alfred said quietly while puting his hands together and saying.

˝Oh goddess of constructs Artisia, hear my call.˝ Just as he finished saying that, he heard a voice in his head.

˝Finally Alfred. I thought you would forget to pray to me.˝ Artisia said with a happy tone.

˝I would never forget to do that, I did promise you do pray from time to time. But I was unable to do it before due to the encounter with a monster.˝ Alfred said with an apologetic voice.

˝Ah yes, you did a good job for your first battle. Though why did you have to get yourself hurt so much? You should take better care of yourself. I was really nervous watching it all˝ Artisia said trying to reprimand Alfred.

˝I'm sorry, but that was the best thing I could do. Because of my lack of experience I was even momentarily frozen by fear. I will endeavour to show better results. And how come you were watching Artisia?˝ Alfred said confused as to why she was watching their battle.


˝Well as long as you're fine, that's what matters. Also, it's not like I have nothing to do so I just watch you all the time alright. I totally didn't get jealous of Liz for getting a hug or anything.˝ Artisia said while pouting in her divine realm.

´I didn't think they would get along so fast. Liz I'll show you who will be his number one.´ She thought to herself while clenching her fists.

˝I'm indeed fine now. I did not insinuate that you don't have anything to do or that you were jealous of Liz. So if you are busy, I will stop the prayer then.˝ Alfred said while trying to stop his prayer, but was stopped by a yell from Artisia.

˝No don't stop the prayer! I'm sorry, I really don't have anything else to do. And I really want to talk to you some more. So please talk to me some more!˝ Artisia yelled.

˝I don't mind talking some more. I just thought that I would bother you if we talked too much. I'm sorry for not understanding your wish.˝ Alfred said apologetically.

˝It's my fault for not saying so earlier. And please don't think I'm some useless goddess that has nothing to do. It's just that I don't have that many worshipers. So my actions are severly limited.˝ Artisia said hoping that Alfred would not loose faith in her.

˝That's very understandable. I think you are doing your best as a goddess given your situation, at least that is my opinion. So is there anything specific you want to talk about?˝ Alfred said as he walked towards the wolf carcass to recover his spear and asking: ˝Will the prayer end if I separate my hands?˝

˝It won't, I think. If you keep talking to me you should still be connected. And I wish to first talk about the worshiper you are supposed to find in the capital.˝ Artisia said while looking at the description of the worshiper on her crystal screen.

˝Alright.˝ Alfred said while pulling out the spear. ˝So what kind of person is this worshiper˝ He started cleaning the spear with a cloth from the backpack.


˝She's a Lion-kin, so she has lion like characteristics. Oh, since you probably don't know about them. Lions are animals that are fairly muscular and have rounded ears, as well as a tail with a tuft at the end.˝ Artisia said while looked at more information and taking a cookie from a nearby plate.

˝But you said this country is ful of those lion-kin, how am I supposed to find her in the capital?¨ Alfred said ignoring the munching sounds in his head.

˝Hm, well just go to the main adventuring guild and ask for her there. She's a quite famous adventurer, her name is Nova. She also has an amazing nickname, The Blazing Fist. Quite badass, if I may say so myself.˝ Artisia said while thinking ´She also makes killer pies, but that's not really important for the quest.´

˝It does indeed sound impressive, though it will still take a while to get there. We have not even made it to the nearest settlement.˝ Alfred said while moving back into position next to the campfire looking out for any dangerous things.

˝Don't worry at this rate you'll get to the village in around 3 days. But from the village it will take probably around a month if you don't get on a horse carriage or something.˝ Aritisa said while looking at the world map, showing two red dots where Alfred and Liz are currently located.

˝That sounds like a good plan, though we don't have any currency so we will have to find a different way to pay for the ride.˝ Alfred said pondering the ways of getting a ride.

˝Yeah, you could always tell them you will protect the cart for free or something similar. Also make sure to look at the quest screen after we stop coversing.˝ Artisia said while writing the quest description.

˝Thank you for the suggestion. I will indeed look at it after we are done. So is there anything else about this quest I should know about?˝ Alfred asked.

˝Nope, nothing about the quest. We can still talk about other things. Like how you're doing and how you shouldn't deepen your relationship with Liz that fast. You know normal stuff.˝ Artisia said not going to let Liz get the upperhand.

˝I'm doing well right now. I was in pain before, and disgusted at myself for killing the wolf, but that has been slightly resolved after the talk with Liz. And what does deepening the relationship mean? Is the act of hugging morally wrong.˝ Alfred asked thinking he did something horrible.

˝Well, um, you know, it's alright to hug. But don't do it too much, because, um, you shouldn't do other stuff since you probably don't understand those kinds of feelings yet!˝ Artisia said severly flustered.

˝If that is the case I'll do it in moderation then. So can you explain those feelings to me then, it could help to not cause misunderstandings?˝ Alfred asked intrigued.

˝Um, it's called love. And, um, it's when you like someone a lot. No! It's to early for you, you should experience more things before I explain love to you.˝ Artisia said while thinking to herself

´Ah if I explain this to him, he probably won't fully understand it. He might not understand it correctly and think he is in love with someone even though it's untrue. No! I don't need more rivals.´

˝Well if you say so then it is indeed to early. Thank you for your guidance.˝ Alfred said with gratitude.

˝Yeah, eh, no problem. I think we should stop talking now. Please pray to me tomorrow as well.˝ Artisia said while being extremely embarrassed.

˝Alright, goodbye.˝ Alfred said confused at the sudden end to the conversation.

˝Goodbye Alfred.˝ Artisia said and the prayed ended. Then she yelled at herself: ˝What do I do? If he figures what love is and that I like him, he might think I'm some sort of stalker for always watching him. Wait, am I a stalker?˝ She started contemplating.

Meanwhile Alfred oblivious to the feelings of the goddess decided to follow her instructions and said:

˝System: Quest log.˝

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