《Thank you, Mr. Robot》Chapter 8: Campfire conversation


As Liz finished cleaning herself she turned around to Alfred and said: ˝I'm done, what about you Alfred? Need some help getting back to the campfire?¨

˝Kya!˝ Said Alfred with his good arm covering his body. ˝Is this to correct way of showing embarrassment? And I do indeed require your assistance.˝

˝Hahaha, what is this? Some kind of joke? Why would you suddenly get embarrassed, you were perfectly fine with being seen before.˝ Liz said while laughing like crazy. ˝But yeah, if you ever get embarrassed just do that it will be fine, pffft. Here take my hand, let's go back to the fire. I don't want to get sick.˝

˝I thought since you were embarrassed before when washing yourself, that maybe the correct thing was for me to do the same. Though I don't really know what the feeling of embbarrasment feels like.˝ Alfred said while taking Liz's hand.

They then slowly walked to the campfire. While Liz continued the conversation.

˝I think you are overthing that whole embarrassed thing. Not everyone gets embarrassed by the same things. Embarrassment is basically some sort of discomfort you feel when something happens.

Like for example you try do cook something and accidentally put in sguar instead of salt and someone saw you do that. Did you feel that kind of discomfort when I saw your body?˝ Liz said hoping this would help Alfred learn about embarrassment.

˝Not really, I didn't feel any kind of discomfort like that. I see so that is what embarrassment is, thank you Liz.˝ Alfred said as they sat down next to the fire.

˝Hey, not problem. Even though it would be very funny seeing you faking embarrassment all the time, but it would be better for you to understand these things. It could cause us problems otherwise.˝ Liz said while getting closer to the fire, so her clothes dried faster.


˝Indeed, it could cause some major misunderstandings.˝ Alfred noded and saw the fish still next to the fire. ˝If, you're still hungry the fish still seems fine.˝

Liz looked at the fish and said: ˝Nah, I think it's better I don't eat anything. It would probably just come out again.˝ She looked at the wolf carcass in disgust.

˝Alright, I'll try get another one once I recover.˝ Alfred said while looking at his damaged leg.

˝You don't have to. It's just been one day and all I've caused you is trouble.˝ Liz said with a sad face.

Alfred looked confused at her and said: ˝What do you mean? I don't mind fishing, if that is what you're worried about.˝

˝No! It's not just the fishing! I was complaining about walking too much and then we were attacked by the wolf. And you got hurt. All because of me! I wasn't even tired. I was just being lazy again. I'm so sorry Alfred.˝ Liz said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

˝You couldn't have know that we would be attacked. And I already knew you weren't tired when you said you wanted to stop. After all you ran to fetch firewood when I said I will catch a fish for you.˝ Alfred said puting his good hand on her shoulder.

˝Still! I'm not good at fighting, I just complain all the time. I don't deserve to be your companion. I'm just a lazy bastard, who can't be of any use to you.˝ Liz said as her tears continued to flow.

˝You undervalue yourself Liz. You've been helpful the whole time we've been here. You teach me about new things about this world and about my new feelings. And don't say you were useles in combat, even I was only able to attack after sustaining damage.


But you overcame your fears not due to pain, but sheer willpower and managed to help me defeat the wolf. To me you are a perfect companion, I did not lie when I said I look forward to working with you Liz.˝ Alfred said hoping to console the weeping gnome.

˝What are you even talking about? How can you be such a weird person, why would you say that I'm a perfect companion even though I caused all those problems?˝ Liz said as the tears finally stopped

˝I am indeed different from other people so I'm certanly weird. But like I said when we met, we will grow together as companions. Even if you cause me problems, the good things you did for me far outweigh them.˝ Alfred said looking directly in her eyes.

˝Hah, now I see why Aritisia likes you so much˝ Liz muttered to herself. Then said loudly ˝Alfred, thank you for this. Can you please turn this way a bit more.˝ She said with a slight blush.

˝Alright, why though?˝ He said while turning his torso.

˝Clang˝ ˝Ow, Ow, Ow! My head, ahh it hurts. I guess I shouldn't have tried to suddenly hug you, this is what I get for forgetting you're made of metal.˝ Liz held her head which hit alfred directly in the chest. Her hug attempt was unsuccessful, though not in wain.

˝Oh, why didn't you just say you wanted a hug.˝ Alfred said as he gave her a big hug.

˝Wh,what are you doing Alfred?˝ Liz said not expecting him do to did.

˝Is it unpleasant, then I will stop.˝ He said, almost pulling his hands away, before being interupted by a blushing Liz.

˝No, you're cold but not umpleasant. Just let me stay like this for a few minutes to calm down.˝ She said looking up at Alfred's face.

˝No problem, if it helps you calm down you can do it anytime you want.˝ Alfred said patting her back.

˝Thanks. I will.˝ She said smilling, only to notice a system message.

New title acquired: [Artisia's Rival (Hidden title)]

´Oh fuck, but still worth it.´ Liz thought to herself, while grinning.

˝What are we gonna do with the carcass?˝ Alfred said as they stopped huging.

˝Well I was thinking of skinning it, so we can get the hide and meat.˝ Liz said not really looking forward to it.

˝That sounds like a good idea to me. But I can do it if you don't want to.˝ Alfred said looking at the now smiling Liz.

˝I'll do it, I have a dagger after all. And can't keep giving you more work, I'll prove my worth through my actions.˝ She said proudly.

˝But like I said, you have already proven your worth before.˝ Alfred said a bit confused.

˝Oh, come on. I was trying to sound cool, and now you ruined it. I'll do it so I feel more useful, I know you think I'm useful enough. But I have to do this.˝ She said with a slight pout.

˝Alright, I'll leave it to you then. But I think we should wait until tomorrow. It's gonna get dark soon.˝

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