《Thank you, Mr. Robot》Chapter 10: First quest and first village


Quest Log Active quests: Completed quests:

1. Find the adventurer named Nova in the city of Felidae.

Quest giver: Goddess of Constructs Artisia

Time limit: None

Possible rewards: The Friends you made along the way,

Fire magic instructor.


´So the capital is called Felidae, interesting. Might as well check my status, since I got that new skill.´ Alfed thought to himself.




Health points:

Mana capacity:



Alfred Robot

124 years

Mr. Robotnik Mark 1

200/200 [Regeneration 10HP/hour]

150/150 [Regeneration 10MP/hour]

3 [0/30 EXP]




Attribute Scores;

Cooking Lv5 [2/500 EXP)

Cleaning Lv5 [0/500 EXP)

Gardening Lv5 [0/500 EXP)

Massage techniques Lv3 [0/300 EXP)

Mana absorption Lv1 [0/100 EXP]

Self-Repair Lv1 [2/100 EXP]

Basic fishing Lv1 [0/100 EXP]

Basic Spearmanship Lv1 [2/100 EXP]

Dimensional traveler,

Champion of Constructs,

The Progenitor

Strength: 15

Constitution: 20

Dexterity: 15

Inteligence: 15

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

´It seems that I gained a few points of experience in some skills. Maybe I should examine some of the skills and titles.´ Alfred thought examining his skills and titles.

Mana absorption: Mana absorption allows the passive absorption of mana from the enviornment. It increases the MP regeneration by 5/level after the first level.

Self-repair: Self-repair allows the passive regeneration of inorganic body parts and organs. Increases regeneration by 5/level after the first level.

Basic fishing: Increases chances of catching fish, as well as increases Dexterity every 3 levels by 1 point excluding the first level.

Basic Spearmanship: Increases proficiency of spear weaponry, allowing for more complex attacks. Damage with spears is not determined by this skill, but by the Strength and Dexterity values.

Dimensional traveler: Someone lucky enough to survive the transportation between dimensions. Title holder gains automatic foreign language translation and the potential to unlock space attribute spells.

Champion of Constructs: Someone chosen by the Goddess of Constructs Artisia. Gains 50% more experience from slain monsters and faster growth in the golemancy skill.

The Progenitor: As the first of your kind, you gain an increase in propagation chance.

´So that is how skills work, very, very interesting. It does make sense that if my strength and dexterity increases that I will inflict more damage since the force is bigger. And those titles seem very useful, it was indeed strange that I was able to understand their language from the start.´ Alfred thought while thinking of the benefits from the skills and titles.


´That last title confuses me a bit though. By propagation chance do they mean the chance of creating another sentient construct. Hm, I wonder.´ He didn't fully understand this title and further examination didn't have any effect on the description.

He then stood up took his spear and headed to the river to catch a fish. The reason for that was to prepare breakfast for Liz, since it was already dawn, he thought it was the perfect time to do it. ´Time seemed to have gone by really fast.´ He thought to himself while looking at the sun.

˝Yawn.˝ ˝Good morning Alfred. Hm, where even is he?˝ Liz said as she came ouf of the tent. She looked around and saw Alfred coming back with a couple fish.

˝Oh, good morning Liz. Did you sleep well?˝ Alfred said as he got to campsite.

˝Well kinda. Had a bit of a nightmare about a certain wolf. But alright otherwise. And didn't I tell you that you don't have to make me food?˝ Liz said with her hands crossed.

˝I do enjoy cooking so this is no way troublesome.˝ Alfred said while piling up more wood onto the fire.

˝Fine fine, let me go get some water and wash my face. Then I'll eat breakfast. I look forward to the meal.˝ Liz said smiling and going towards the river.

˝I'll get right to it then.˝ Alfred said as he started preparing the two fish. He then put them next to the fire and waite for Liz to return.

˝I'm back, now that does look delicious.˝ Liz said as she sat down next to Alfred with a waterskin in hand. She then took a bite and said: ˝Wow, that is amazing. You really are a good cook Alfred. How did you make it so good even without any seasoning?˝

˝It didn't really need any seasoning. I just roasted it over the fire. I'm glad you like it.˝ Alfred said while looking at Liz eating happily.

˝Yeah, thanks for the meal. Man that was great. Compared to this the jerky and bread can't really be called food.˝ Liz said while taking a sip from the waterskin.


˝Long lasting food does not usually have a good taste, at least according to my information.˝ Alfred said while thinking of the different preserved things from his previous world.

˝So did anything happen at night while I was sleeping. Or was in uneventful?˝ Liz said.

˝Nothing really, just prayed to Artisia and talked with her about our current quest and some other things.˝ Alfred said still wondering why Artisia got so flustered during the talk.

˝So what did she say about the quest. And what other things?˝ Liz said interested to see what Artisia was planning.

˝It seems that our quest right now is to find an adventurer named Nova in the capital. Thankfully the nearest village seems to be only a few days away and then we should be able to get a carriage to the capital. Though we will need to find a way to pay for the ride.˝ Alfred said while remembering what Artisia told him.

˝Alright that sounds good. What about the other things?˝ Liz said again.

˝Oh just how I was doing and that I shouldn't do anything more than hug you for now. Since I'm not capable of understaning love just yet. She said it was too early and I should experience more things before learning about that.˝ Alfred said while looking at a smiling Liz.

˝Yeah, that makes sense. You barely learned about pain and fear, so love is still far in the distance to be honest. Don't worry about it too much. When you feel something just ask me and I'll try to explain it.˝ Liz said, knowing well that Artisia was watching and jealous of her position.

˝Thank you, I will inquire about those things when I'll feel something different. I guess we should skin the carcass and pack up the camp now.˝ Alfred said as he started pulling out the wooden supports for the tent.

˝Yeah, I guess so. I'll go skin it after I help you pack things up.˝ Liz said as she started extinguishing the fire with her water.

˝It would indeed be faster if both of us do it.˝ Alfred said while nodding.

After the packed up the tent and sleeping bags they headed over to the wolf carcass. Liz pulled out the dagger still stuck in the carcass and started skinning.

˝It won't be done well, since I only saw other people do it on those crystal screens. Oh, the smell, this is so disgusting.˝ Liz said grimacing.

˝Want me to do it?˝ Alfred asked offering a helping hand.

˝No, I said I'll do it. I'll have to get used to it eventually.˝ Liz said as she continued skinning. When she was done she looked at Alfred and said.

˝I think you should carry this, it's quite heavy. And I don't think we should take the meat, it doesn't look that good. And we don't even have the space to carry it.˝

˝Agreed. I suggest you clean yourself a bit and then we headout.˝ Alfred said picking up the hide.

˝Yeah, I don't like being bloody.˝ Liz said as she went clean herself a bit.

And so they continued their journey to the nearest village. They thankfully didn't encounter any other dangerous creatures and got to the village in three days. When they got out of the forrest they saw a pallisade and an opening with two guards.

They were both wearing leather armor with short spears and a small shield. One of them was a burly lion-kin and the other was a skinny cat-kin, the cat-kin had similar ears to the lion-kin but had a fluffier tail. When they heard Alfred and Liz heading out of the forrest they prepared their weapons and yelled.

˝Who goes there?!˝

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