《When Death walked the world》Chapter 27


Yesterday Ainz had devoured the skills, abilities, and raw power of tens of thousands of his summons. Still his Hp kept dropping ever so slowly, Ainz concluded that Hastur had used an unbreakable curse on him. His first thought was poison, but since he had absolute immunity to it, only curses remained. He had enough of the bullshit of the elder gods! Cursing him left and right, without cause or compelling reason. He would show those hypocrite assholes not to mess with people like that!

First, however he had to regain his strength, and then further improve so that he could stand against them effectively, and he wouldn't become their laughingstock.

He just finished absorbing the Cherubim Gatekeepers and the Seraph Empyrean which he called forth with the use of {Wish upon a star}, when a shadow blocked out the sun. The Dragon Emperor arrived with his lackies, of course, they couldn't leave him alone, why would they? Ainz was frustrated as it is, he didn't need another trouble to deal with.

The giant lizard with his army of dragon lords landed all around him, ready to pounce him. Ainz couldn't hide the sinister smile forming on his skull. "No matter, this should make things easier." He thought.

The dragons flinched under his gaze when his crimson orbs flared alive with intense hatred. The fire itself changed color, no longer blazing a bright red, but a black flame. A flame that blackened the very soul.

Ainz called out making a mockery of the foolishness of the Dragon Emperor, while he lifted his hand and dark chains fazed into existence biding the pitiful creature. The ruler of the most powerful species was on his knees, slowly wasting away, as the chains gradually sank into his flesh, burning it to a crisp in the process.

The Dragon Emperor cried viciously as he failed around trying desperately to loosen his bindings, all futile. Soon there was nothing left of the Dragon Emperor, – Ainz had absorbed his essence.

The other Dragon Lords were so lost that they couldn't move. They shuddered when the searing gaze of Death fell on them. The last thing they'd see is a skeletal hand grasping for them, before everything became dark.

Ainz kept using {Energy drain}, and soon there was nothing left on the plane but dust and empty husks. First, he was angry that the Dragon Emperor still got on his nerves, however he more than made up for it with his sacrifice.

He was satisfied with the results. He also felt several changes in himself after absorbing so much essence, so much power. Additionally, he had complete understanding of Wild magic, he thought that somehow, he had absorbed it from the Dragon Emperor, maybe he had a skill or a class that allowed such. He would check it later.

He viewed his status using a unique spell he himself had created, when he did so only three words escaped his mouth.

"What the fuck?!"


Every single one of his stats have suppressed the limits, and he couldn't read the amount that was displayed. The lines measuring each of his attributes were off the charts. Where his level was displayed a strange sign was shown, and the classes and jobs which he obtained were blurred between the lines, as if his status were overflowing.

It was forced inside, threatening to break the sensitive spell measuring his power. He needed a stronger version of his spell to view his status window, – he concluded. He cast {Gate} and turned to his destination, to the capital of his kingdom.

Ellee saw her husband returning from the battle, though no scar was visible on his form, it was a terrific battle, and it must have taken its toll on Ainz. She welcomed him with open arms.

She wasn't surprised in the least when Ainz wasn't in the mood to talk. She accompanied him, to his room, before he asked to be left alone. She saw that he had much to reflect on, she left him for the night.

Next day Ainz came to talk with her in private. She was delighted. Finally, she could bluntly reveal her ambitions. She gathered the courage to speak. She had waited long for this chance. She was ready.

Her delicate lips parted, moving to form words. However, before sound could escape her lips, a solider burst through the doors to her royal chambers. The elf was sweating profusely, as if chased by wild beasts. He hurriedly fell to one knee to give his report. Next to her, Ainz watched incredulously.

Ainz held his chin with one of his skeletal hands as he pondered. "Really, what now? Hmm, I don't think that's the right reaction." Afterall, the citizens should be aware of his power already. Knowing this, and still having that kind of reaction, isn't it a bit overkill?

He noticed that both the Queen and the guard were staring at him. "Hmm, with great power comes great responsibility." He mused. "Ah, fucking hell, more like 'he who wields great power, shall solve all troubles'". He didn't mind; however, he had hoped that he didn't have to personally intervene in every single battle. He let out a deep tired sigh, before speaking up.

"So, how many? What's the situation?"

"My lord, there is only a single intruder, but his power is no joke. He is an elf, who bears the sign of royalty. If I'd have to make a comparison, he would be on pair with the greed kings. For now, the children that you had brought here are keeping him contained, but I fear they will tire out."

"Another royal elf? This makes the second I find outside of Yggdrasil in this strange new world. Hmm, still it opens up new possibilities." Ainz mused, before declaring his intent.

"Let the children fight him–"

"But they are just children!" Cried out Ellee and glared at her husband. She felt betrayed, she didn't get to know this side of Ainz. She figured that he couldn't be a good, and merciful ruler at all times, but this was straight up cruel.


Ainz stepped closer to Ellee and without any indication he hugged her, although clumsily. Embracing her had its desired effect. She didn't raise her voice any further, instead she waited for an explanation.

Ainz whispered to her, "You didn't let me finish."

Then, Ainz called out to the guard. "Where is this bout?"

"Just outside the palace grounds, your majesty!"

"Hmm… good. You are excused. If it ever endangers the children, I will intervene. The army is not to get involved; we don't need needless sacrifices… Now go."

Ellee's eyes gleamed in understanding, she shouldn't have interrupted him. Her husband couldn't be bad. He was a gentle and good soul, who only fought if he had to, if the commitment to his people so compelled him.

The guard obeyed and left the room, the flash of relief displayed on the guard's elven features didn't go unnoticed by the Queen.

Ainz turned back towards her. "So… what did you want to talk about?"

Rachel breathed heavily – the intruder was no joke. She would normally never fight with others, as it would only impede her. However, now she met an opponent she couldn't face alone.

She had ganged up on him with 7 of her comrades, the most powerful ones of their group. All of them were powerful in their own rights, and more so when they fought together. However, somehow this elf kept his ground all the while having a predatory smile plastered on his repulsive face.

She would hear the occasional shouting of the elf, about "Strong woman, you are mine" and such along the lines.

It didn't make any sense to her, but then again it didn't have to. All she had to do was defeat her opponent, then present him to the master, he would know what to do.

She blanked out for a moment when a steel fist of the elf connected right with her face. She was sent flying across the garden, and only stopped when she crashed into the sturdy castle walls.

Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth. When she gazed up to the elf king a sinister smile revealed itself. One stretching from ear to ear. Her eyes ignited with newfound power and excitement. "So be it." She thought while her vertically split pupils shrank to a slit and focused on her prey.

It had been so long. So long since she had to use 'that'. The master had ordered her to only use it as a last resort, and never release it any other time. However, now the situation called for it.

She shuddered in excitement. "Finally!" – She cried out in sheer joy.

Those who fought alongside her felt the shift in her presence, their faces paled as they realized what was to come. They retreated hastily, not sparing a second glance to the haughty elf who nominated himself as king. The elf king's smile also etched itself to his face, as he made his way over to Rachel.

He didn't know what was coming, then again how would he? Rachel's body started to glow, and the blood evaporated from her skin, as did the bruises which she suffered in their earlier struggle.

The elf king, still not realizing his folly kept mocking her. With each step getting closer to annihilation.

"HAHA. Is that it? I had high hopes for you. You seemed worthy to bear my child, but you just couldn't cut it. I am in a good mood however, so I'll give you this honor just because. Then we'll see if the child is worthy enough to stay alive. HAHAH-AH-HA!"

The elf was blow away when an abrupt gust of wind rapidly ascended from Scarlet. By the time he got back to his feet, the girl was gone, and in her place a majestic dragon stood. Her body was covered in platinum scales with a crimson hue. The beast was over 5 meters in height, and had black horns protruding from its forehead. Its tail was adorned with spikes that could easily crush skulls and impale the sturdiest of armors.

The elf still didn't understand the weight of the situation.

"Hey! What did you do to my prey?!" He shouted, eyes bulging out of skull.

The elf king rushed the dragon, clearly, he didn't know how to fight such a foe. He found himself face to face with the famous {Fire breath} of a true dragon, the dragons' primary and strongest attack.

Ainz hand in hand with Ellee watched the battle unfold. The {mirror of remote viewing} was such a useful and versatile item.

Ainz was also glad that he didn't have to intervene. He glanced to his makeshift HUD, to see that his Hp was a little under 10%, soon he would have to leave this place. One day, when the curses no longer impeded him, he would return.

Until then, he could do only so much for them. He would leave the children to Ellee. He was positive she could handle and train them. Under her supervision they were certain to became spectacular warriors.

While in the mind of Ellee, Ainz was elevated to a new height due to his foresight. Of course, he wouldn't let those children handle anything they couldn't. Of course, he knew this would be the outcome. Such foresight! As admiration filled her eyes, she forgot that she was staring intently at Ainz.

"Huh? Is something the matter, Ellee?"

"No, no-nothing." She stuttered, and she felt her face heat up.

"Okay, then… I believe we are finished here. Let's congratulate the children."


Ainz embraced her delicate body, and they both disappeared in a flash of light.

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